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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. invasion responsible deaths of over 250,000 civilians in Iraq


    JAXXE --- ---

    The CIA and DIA have war-gamed the likely consequences of a U.S. pre-emptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. No one liked the outcome. As an Air Force source tells it, ‘The war games were unsuccessful at preventing the conflict from escalating.‘”

    Posted Apr 18, 2006 09:30 AM PST
    Category: IRAN

    Do you GET THAT? If Bush attacks Iran, it will trigger WW3.


    And this time, the World War STARTS with the nuclear weapons.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---

    Douglas Westerman / April 17, 2006

    Weapons of mass destruction are all over Iraq. Iraqi children are playing among them every day. According to Iraqi doctors, many are developing cancer as a result. The WMD in question is depleted uranium (DU). Left over after natural uranium has been processed, DU is 1.7 times denser than lead - effective in penetrating armored vehicles such as tanks. After a DU shell strikes, it penetrates before exploding into a burning vapor that turns to dust.

    "Depleted uranium has a half life of 4.7 billion years - that means thousands upon thousands of Iraqi children will suffer for tens of thousands of years to come. This is what I call terrorism," says Dr Ahmad Hardan.

    As a special scientific adviser to the World Health Organization, the United Nations and the Iraqi Ministry of Health, Dr Hardan is the man who documented the effects of depleted uranium in Iraq between 1991 and 2002. U.S. forces admit to using at least 300 tons of D.U. ordinance in Gulf War I, with up to six times that amount in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

    When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, it can dramatically alter the entire fabric of family life. The emotional impact can be huge. Imagine having nine members of your family with malignancies at the same time. Welcome to Basra, Iraq.


    JAXXE --- ---

    Despite the lies told about Iraq and Iran, the UNited States remains the only nation to use nuclear weapons against the civilian population of another nation.

    These photographs are worth studying, because history may be abut to repeat itself one more time, with this difference: Iran has not attacked the US. This time, the US is the unprovoked aggressor nation.

    GORG --- ---

    Sees U.S.-Britain Union For Peace

    CHICAGO, Dec. 7 - ( U. P. ) A noted student of international law forsees a post-war world confederation in which Anglo-American sea power will insure peace and freedom of commerce. Dr. Quincy Wright of the University of Chicago predicts that if Hitler is defeated, the Nazi Chief's projected "new order" will be replaced by a world organization patterened in many respects after the League of Nations - but immeasurably strengthened by American participation and the use of the British and United States navies to enforce its edicts. He said:

    "the main tasks of the world system will be to maintain freedom of the seas, moderate freedom of commerce and to prevent aggression."

    Wright is the author of numerous works on international law, including an essay, "The Future of Neutrality," in which he predicted in 1928 that the traditional policy of neutrality for non-belligerent nations in event of war would be abandoned in favor of common action against aggression.


    Wright believes the new world league will formulate a "basic declaration of the rights of man," including President Roosevelt's "four freedoms." To protect those rights, he predicted, the system will have the power to deal with and punish individuals in some cases. At present international law technically is concerned only with states leaving regulation of individuals to national authorities.

    Like the old League of Nations, Wright thinks, the new confederation will have three branches: a council or legislative body, an administrative authority and a world court which will arbitrate disputes between nations and questions of international law. It will promote world prosperity, chiefly through limitation of national tariffs and it will act promptly against aggressors. Its chief weapon will be naval power provided largely by Britain and the United States.

    Wright said American participation in the new world order is highly probable. He said:

    "The American people have seen that their aloofness contributed to the death of the League of Nations. The strength of the isolationists has declined sharply since the first world war."


    Wright also expects the rise of several continental systems, subject to the world league, but with more extensive powers over their numbers and more closely-knit organization. Among these, he believes will be a "United States of Europe," an Asiatic system and a Pan-American union. Russia probably will remain outside of all the continental systems, he said.

    Each of the continental systems probably will have a common airforce, with national air forces outlawed or greatly reduced, according to Wright. Members of these air forces will owe sole allegiance to their respective system and to no nation. By means of its exclusive command of air power, each continental organization will be able to preserve the independence of small nations adjoining large and powerful neighbors.

    Sovereignty and independence of individual nations will be retained, subject to limitations necessary to operation of the continental and world systems, Wright predicted.

    The universal confederation will enforce peace among the continental systems.


    BILLY_STYX --- ---
    Cuba-EU relations sputter over Czech expulsion


    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. strike on Iran could make Iraq look like a warm-up bout

    Fallout around the world would be grim
    But will cost of inaction be too high?

    Apr. 15, 2006. 01:00 AM / TIM HARPER / WASHINGTON BUREAU

    WASHINGTON—On the ground, more terror.

    Poison-laced missiles raining down on U.S. troops in Iraq or Afghanistan, the downing of a U.S. passenger airliner, suicide bombers in major cities, perhaps unleashing their deadly payload in a shopping mall food court. It could be 9/11 all over again. Or worse.

    On the political front, more anti-Americanism.

    Renewed venom aimed at Washington from European capitals, greater distrust from China and Russia, outright hatred in the Arab and Muslim world. Oil prices spiralling out of control, a global recession at hand.

    In Iran, a galvanizing of a splintered nation. An end to hopes for political reform, a rally-around-the-leader phenomenon common among the victimized, an ability to rebuild a nuclear program in two to four years.

    These are the potential costs of a U.S. military strike in Iran.

    "It would be Iran's Pearl Harbor and it will be the beginning of a war, not the end of a war. It will set back American strategic interests for a generation," says Joseph Cirincione, the director for non-proliferation at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

    "The war will take place at a time and location of Iran's choosing. It will make Iraq look like a preliminary bout."

    But the cost of inaction could be even higher: a defiant nation with an apparently unstable leadership steeped in hatred for Americans in the heart of the Middle East with nuclear capabilities.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Sherlock Holmes And 911

    The Greatest Detective Examines The Greatest Unsolved Crime Mystery

    By Douglas Herman

    "When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." -Sherlock Holmes

    Watson stared at Holmes, certain he hadn't heard the inspector clearly. "Why do you look so shocked, Dr. Watson? Do you really believe an objective criminal investigation excludes any other interpretations? Evidence can be arranged or tampered with but the case remains open as long as conscientious men entertain reasonable doubt about the competency of that investigation and those doubts outweigh the certainties."

    "But my God, Holmes, the possibility that Israeli Mossad agents would hijack our airplanes and crash them into New York skyscrapers may be your greatest flight of fanciful conjecture so far, but I'm willing to hear your theory."

    Sherlock Holmes removed his pipe. The smoldering embers reminded him of the crime before them and he pointed the stem at the skeptical doctor. "You know my method, Watson. It is founded upon the observation of trifles. Consider the Mossad motto: 'By way of deception thou shalt do war.' A trifle, you say. Yet geopolitically they gained everything from 9-11 with the possible loss of a few zealous men---in the tradition of historical zealot, Judas Maccabee. They gained active military involvement of the US in the Middle East for years to come; they gained more monetary aid; they gained considerable more American antipathy toward Islamic people-and gained sympathy for Israel. The successful operation--if it happened--was diabolical yet brilliant."

    "But conjecture doesn't prove any involvement," Watson flatly challenged. "Is there any precedent for such an outrageous black deed?"

    Sherlock Holmes nodded, "Think for a moment how Special Forces soldiers are always indoctrinated, almost like they are on a holy mission, my dear Watson, trained to undertake dangerous missions deep into enemy territory. 'Suicide missions' they are always called in scores of Hollywood movies. Now if a small country like Israel---smaller than Wales-could gain all that the things I have mentioned, gaining American involvement in the destruction of her enemies, with the loss of a few unknown but hallowed heroes, would it be implausible in a Hollywood movie?"

    "No-it would be utterly plausible," Watson admitted. "But plausibility hardly proves guilt."

    Watson stood and wandered to a window. From the tenth floor of the Hoboken high rise he could look across the Hudson River and see the skyline of lower Manhattan. The night before he and Holmes had watched a movie called "Pushing Tin", about air traffic controllers. The opening scenes showed jetliners swooping dangerously close to the World Trade Towers and Watson wondered how anyone in New York could ever watch that movie again.

    Then Watson spoke with more than a little annoyance. "I refuse to believe our ally, Israel, would do such a thing. Conspiracy theorists prefer to blame everyone but the actual Saudi terrorists who were caught on videotape at the airport."

    Holmes spoke quietly. "But none of the so-called Saudi hijackers were caught on tape at the airport, nor do they appear on the Passenger Lists of the hijacked planes. You and I must present a photo ID at the airport before boarding. Were all the so-called terrorists traveling to Los Angeles as Mr. Smith and Mr. Jones? Also, the security at the airports was run by an Israeli corporation. How convenient was that?"

    "But Mossad couldn't be involved," Watson insisted. "They informed us prior to 911 that terrorists planned a spectacular act, warning us to be wary."

    Holmes studied his stout friend as he stood framed by the window. Just below them, in Liberty State Park of all places, a trio of Israelis celebrated while the World Trade Center burned. "Were you aware, my dear Watson, that Mossad also notified the US about a possible terrorist act many years ago? Mossad had prior information about a huge Mercedes truck bomb being prepared for some select target in Lebanon. They passed on a general warning-nothing specific about that truck-like 'sending a weather report,' a Mossad operative admitted later. Well, some time later that truck approached the Marine barracks, sped past a guardhouse--that was twenty years ago now that I recall--and demolished the building, killing 241 sleeping marines who were there in Beirut ostensibly for peace-keeping purposes. So you see a warning can sometimes serve as a useful alibi."

    Watson looked sober. "I'm sorry to hear that but it still doesn't prove Israel was involved in 911. I'm still waiting for tangible proof."

    "The threads of the fabric weave closer, Doctor Watson. Listen. In the summer of 2001, alleged Islamic terrorists lived only blocks from alleged art students--young Israelis intent on entry into high security US federal buildings. Normally artists seek to get into art galleries, wouldn't you say? Even more peculiar, the terrorists and the 'art students' lived on the exact same street in Hollywood, Florida. This is truly a terror enigma, wouldn't you also admit?"

    "Yes that is highly coincidental," Watson stammered.

    "Indeed it is. How could they not have known each other-two groups of Semitic foreigners conspiring in a strange land? And when does foreknowledge become complicity? Suppose for a minute Mossad not only knew of the group but had infiltrated it and knew of its diabolical purposes, even encouraged it? Consider this analogy, my dear Watson. Your neighbor has a fine mansion and extensive property but is somewhat vain, stupid and self-satisfied; call this mansion, America. You represent Israel and you spread a rumor that a distant Islamic neighbor intends to hurt the lord of the manor but you are purposely vague about any details. Next weekend that mansion burns down. Bags of evidence left at the scene, Islamic religious books, bomb-making plans, personal items and passports, indicates all too obviously who was involved. Which neighbor will the police investigate most vigorously-the friendly helpful Israeli or the distant, unfriendly Islamic neighbor?"

    "The unfriendly Islamic neighbor," replied Watson.

    "Elementary," uttered Holmes. "But only a very clumsy or stupid or corrupt detective would jump to such slipshod conclusions, especially when a superficial inquest would reveal bad blood between the Israeli and Islamic neighbor. Circumstantial evidence is a very tricky thing, Watson. It may seem to point very straight to one thing, but if you shift your own point of view a little, you may find it pointing in an equally uncompromising manner to something entirely different."

    "Quite right," Watson said.

    "Or consider that passport that allegedly survived a fiery plane crash at the WTC, and fell to the street a thousand feet below, only to be miraculously found intact. Miraculous, wouldn't you say? Suppose I left your stethoscope at a strip bar and had someone 'discover' it later; does that indicate your guilt?"

    "I certainly hope not."

    "Thus shouldn't a Koran left behind in a strip bar also set off loud alarms and raise doubts about the probability of planted evidence? Remember the motto---'By way of deception thou shalt do war'?
    That is not just a motto but a tried and true method, used by the very best spy agency in the world."

    Holmes shook his head sadly. "Americans are a good-hearted, soft-headed people who love justice in the abstract sense, persisting in a childlike, fantasy concept that good always triumphs over evil, within the framework of a television show."

    Watson brightened. "So you are saying that sinister forces of evil, the shadowy state-within-a-state of a clever intelligence agency may have pulled this off?"

    "Yes I do. Former Mossad officer, Victor Ostrovsky said: 'The resultant breakdown of moral order and humanity are a direct result of the kind of megalomania that characterizes the operation of the Mossad.' That's where it all begins, my dear Watson. This megalomaniac feeling that you can do anything you want, to whomever you want, for as long as you want, simply because you imagine you have the power."

    "I cannot even fathom that," replied Watson.

    "My dear Watson," Holmes began. "You better get used to it because, according to a one scientific detective agency, '9/11 has become the defining event of the new century, used to justify an unprecedented surge in militaristic and repressive policies within the USA and elsewhere.' Thus we need to ask ourselves about 911: who was involved and who benefits and continues to benefit?"

    Watson looked thoughtful before his summation: "I dare say, Mossad may not have been entirely to blame but the Israeli connection to security at the airports from which the hijackers mysteriously departed cannot be denied. Also the forewarning of Israeli employees of Odigo and ZIM at the WTC just weeks before the attack, and the cheering Israelis at Liberty State Park, and the Israeli art students living nearly next door to hijackers in Hollywood Florida, and the Israeli moving vans that were stopped that contained a residue of explosives, all indicate an abundance of incriminating evidence---unfortunately abandoned by US government agencies beyond our control."

    "Always remember, Watson: Crime is common. Logic is rare. And justice even rarer. Therefore it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime that you should dwell. Detection is, or ought to be, an exact science and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner. The real culprits of 9-11 still lurk in the shadows and may even be disguised as friends."

    "Evildoers, I would call them," Watson grunted.

    JAXXE --- ---
    US plots ‘new liberation of Baghdad’

    Sarah Baxter , Washington

    THE American military is planning a “second liberation of Baghdad” to be carried out with the Iraqi army when a new government is installed.

    Pacifying the lawless capital is regarded as essential to establishing the authority of the incoming government and preparing for a significant withdrawal of American troops.




    Going Nuclear - The Pentagon Preps for Iran

    By William M. Arkin / Sunday, April 16, 2006; Page B01

    Does the United States have a war plan for stopping Iran in its pursuit of nuclear weapons?

    Last week, President Bush dismissed news reports that his administration has been working on contingency plans for war -- particularly talk of the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons against Tehran -- as "wild speculation." Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld chimed in, calling it "fantasyland." He declared to reporters that "it just isn't useful" to talk about contingency planning.

    But the secretary is wrong.

    It's important to talk about war planning that's real. And it is for Iran. In early 2003, even as U.S. forces were on the brink of war with Iraq, the Army had already begun conducting an analysis for a full-scale war with Iran. The analysis, called TIRANNT, for "theater Iran near term," was coupled with a mock scenario for a Marine Corps invasion and a simulation of the Iranian missile force. U.S. and British planners conducted a Caspian Sea war game around the same time. And Bush directed the U.S. Strategic Command to draw up a global strike war plan for an attack against Iranian weapons of mass de struction. All of this will ultimately feed into a new war plan for "major combat operations" against Iran that military sources confirm now exists in draft form.



    JAXXE --- ---
    America’s Secret Police?

    Intelligence experts warn that a proposal to merge two Pentagon intelligence units could create an ominous new agency.

    KERRAY --- ---
    tohle vypada na hustou knihu, chcete to nekdo jako audiobook? :)
    Tony Blankley - THE WEST'S LAST CHANCE


    The Nazis failed to take over Europe, but Militant Islam might. The West, says author Tony Blankley in this shocking new book, is down to its last chance. Within our lifetimes, Europe could become Eurabia: a continent overwhelmed by militant Islam that poses a greater threat to the United States than even Nazi Germany did. In The West’s Last Chance, Blankley shows how that could happen—and what we must do to prevent it. In The West’s Last Chance, you’ll learn: · What really happens if Islamist terrorists acquire weapons of mass destruction—it’s worse, and more likely, than you think · How Europe is already well on its way to being a launching pad for Islamist terrorism · Why Europe’s plummeting birthrates could wreak huge upheavals on the Continent—and how the United States could face a similar fate · What’s holding our government back from fighting the Islamist threat to the best of its ability · Why the U.S. has ignored the lessons of World War II—lessons that could hold the secret to winning the War on Terror · How liberalism degenerated from the war-winning policies of FDR to an ideology of Western suicide Tony Blankley asks the hard questions—and gives the straight answers—that our country needs to hear. Frightening, provocative, and instructive, The West’s Last Chance is the most important political book of the year. It will change the way we think about—and fight—the War on Terror.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Fear: The Foundation of Every Government's Power

    JAXXE --- ---
    US man made hoax execution video

    A man from San Francisco has admitted staging a hoax video that appeared to show him being beheaded in Iraq.

    Benjamin Vanderford from San Francisco said he made the tape months ago as part of his campaign for local office, Associated Press news agency reports.

    The video was reported to have been made by militants linked to top al-Qaeda suspect Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

    Mr Zarqawi's group has released footage of hostage beheadings, but doubts were quickly expressed about this footage.

    The dark images of the fake video showed a man dressed in a plain T-shirt, sitting on a chair with his hands behind his back.

    Clip from the video

    The man on the video urges a quick withdrawal from Iraq
    "I have been offered for exchange for prisoners here in Iraq," he says.

    "We need to leave this country right now. If we don't, everyone is gonna be killed in this way."

    After that, a body is shown on the floor with a knife apparently cutting at the neck.

    Mr Vanderford, 22, said he had taped the video at a friend's house using fake blood.

    He told AP news agency he began distributing the video on the internet months ago to draw attention to his campaign to get elected as city supervisor. He failed to get elected, but said he wanted make a statement about how easily such videos can be faked.

    The video was posted on a militant website and broadcast on Arab television on Saturday.


    BULHI --- ---
    PETVAL: ano, uznavam, ze v ceste stale stoji nekolik prekazek :-)
    PETVAL --- ---
    ultraliberalni trh bude fungovat, az budou vsichni ucastnici lepe informovani, vice vzdelani, chovat se racionalne a soucasne eticky a brat druhe jako sebe sama. posud sam, v jakem casovem horizontu soucasne "populitiky"je to realne.
    BULHI --- ---
    PETVAL: no jasne, je pravda ze je lepsi o tom aspon mluvit, nez mlcet, me akorat prijde ze vsichni porad omilaji to stejny dokola.. a navic jsou to dost casto nesmysly... zatim me nikdo nepresvedcil, ze je nejakej lepsi model nez ultraliberalni trh, treti svet ma problemy prave proto, ze globalni trh stale moc liberalni neni, bohaty staty se zaviraji za nejruznejsi kvoty a cla, ktery vedou jen k tomu, ze mame prebytek drahejch potravin a pritom jinde lidi umiraj hlady
    PETVAL --- ---
    BULHI: kdyz zustaneme u Nike, tak treba nekomu ta informace pomuze si uvedomit podminky, v jakych jsou ty boty vyrabene a zacit preferovat fair-trade producenty a obchodniky. nedelam si iluze, ze to procento uvedomelych spotrebitelu je buhvijak velke, ale porad lepsi neco nez nic, zlepseni chce cas a informovanost.

    ironii je, ze pro 'elity' jsme i my stejna pruda, akorat drazsi, kterou je treba oklamat a zpacifikovat a na kterou je treba externalizovat vetsinu nakladu.
    BULHI --- ---
    PETVAL: ne ze by to byly uplny hovadiny, ale tyhle protisystemovy clanky maji jednu velkou chybu - akorat kydaj hnuj, ale nenabizi zadny alternativni reseni, takze je pak tezky autora brat jinak, nez jako nejakyho aktivistu, kterej akorat placa do vetru, ale vi o tom kulovy....

    jeden priklad za vsechny: "Michael Jordan v roku 1992 dostal 20 miliónov dolárov za propagáciu firmy Nike. Je to suma, ktorá prevyšuje ročný objem miezd vo všetkých indonézskych továrňach vyrábajúce tenisky Nike. Priemerná mzda v týchto továrňach je 15 centov za hodinu. - asi nejak nepochopil, ze kdyz ty prachy na reklamu nevydaj, tak si ty boty americka mladez kupovat nebude a ty delnici budou na dlazbe uplne..

    chapu ze je zbytecny se tady rozcilovat, ale v pripade tohodle clanku jsem se neudrzel, pac mi fakt prijde ze to napsal nejakej komous :-)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam