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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Surely the "Hand Of Allah"

    (submitted by a reader)

    If one accepts the "Official Version" of the events that occurred on 9/11 or in the days leading up to it, one can only conclude that a series of Miracles occurred suggesting the hand of higher powers.

    I am struck by the similarities between a 9/11 and the events of "The Iliad" wherein a Pantheon of Gods battled one another by proxy by choosing Champions amongst the Greeks and Trojans and interceding on their behalf with various "Miracles".

    I felt it would be interesting to see which "Gods" manifested themselves at or around 9/11 , the nature of that manifestation and which of the various "Gods" won each particular battle.

    The Miracle

    19 Terrorists gain entry into the United States of America. Not only are none of them turned back at the borders but their entry is made easier with GW Bush changing the Visa requirements shortly before for Saudi citizens. Much of the paperwork they fill out is incomplete and many that gained entry are on intelligence agencies "Terror Lists". This even after the US Government received a number of warnings regarding a desire by Al Qaeda to launch attacks within America.

    Surely the "Hand Of Allah"

    The Miracle

    These 19 terrorists are under the surveillance of various agents of the United States Government. All of these are called off at the last moment with Agents in Chicago and Miami and Phoenix all ignored by higher authorities when they raise questions about the presence of the various terrorists within the United States. Investigations are actively blocked or impeded.

    Surely the "Hand of Allah"

    The Miracle

    On the day of the Hijackings none of the 19 terrorists are discovered as they bring "Box Cutters axes and Guns onto the planes" All use fake names it seems as none appear on any official passenger list. Any one of these could have been discovered getting onto the planes which might well have lead to the unraveling of the entire plot.

    Surely the "Hand Of Allah"

    The Miracle

    One the day of the hi-jackings the US Government is running drills with its Air Force where it is simulating "Multiple Hijackings of Aircraft" within the United States of America. This drill causes great confusion amongst Air Traffic Controllers as it provides "Cover" for the real Hijackings. Without these drills it is very possible that the Aircraft that were hijacked could have been intercepted far earlier. Certainly one has to consider this some sort of "Miracle"

    Surely "The hand of Allah"

    The Miracle

    Months prior to the hijackings the US Government changes the rules of engagement for hijacked Aircraft. Now in order to send up planes to intercept, the approval of the Defense Secretary, one Donald Rumsfeld is required. Unfortunately he goes missing for 30 minutes again impeding the ability of intercepts to be flown. Not only this but on the day of those Intercepts US Fighter Aircraft that are scrambled suddenly have a top speed of only some 200 MPH.

    Surely "The Hand Of Allah"

    The Miracle

    The US President is on a pre-scheduled event in Florida. The Government has no idea of how many Aircraft have been hijacked or what the targets of the hijackers are. The President himself might well be a target yet rather then bring him to safety the Secret Service is certain the President not at risk. The President insists on finishing his story about goats. A miracle of faith if anything.

    Surely "The Hand of God"

    The Miracle

    5 Israeli Citizens manage to be across the river from the WTC towers and are in place to film the planes crashing into the towers. Great is their Joy as they realize that the United States will certainly discover that Al Qaeda is the Culprit and this will lead to the destruction of Israel's many enemies. How they came to be there, certainly a miracle and that it lead to the destruction of the hated Iraqis even more so.

    Surely "the Hand Of Yahweh"

    The Miracle

    No steel framed buildings had ever suffered total structural collapse due to fires, yet on this single day, within hours of one another 3 buildings indeed collapse after fires burn through them. This even after Firefighters claim to have had the fires under control.

    Surely "the Hand of Allah"

    The Miracle

    Shortly before 9/11 the WTC center of buildings is leased by an investor who has the foresight to insure them against terrorist attacks. The buildings were never seen as being profitable yet to destroy them and rebuild them by conventional means would have been prohibitively expensive. Surely a Miracle as the Investor made billions for the Insurance Companies

    Surely "The hand of Mammom"

    The Miracle

    Millions in profits are made off put options shortly before 9/11 wherein investors made millions betting that certain stocks would fall in value over the next few days. These included stocks in various Airlines that would suffer most from 9/11.

    Surely "The Hand of Mammon"

    This is only a small sampling of the Miracles of 9/11. Any that do not believe in that higher powers did not have a hand in this are surely blinded.The number of coincidences that occurred in those few days is mind boggling. Passports surviving fires and found blocks away and belonging to terrorists, the Miracle of a bag that did not get onto the flight that included the names and details of every hijacker. Persons receiving warnings out of the ether not to fly on that day. Cell phones suddenly working where they had never worked before along with people recording their calls. People barely trained in flying aircraft performing miraculous corkscrew maneuvers in Jumbo Aircraft!

    JAXXE --- ---
    Vice Premier Shimon Peres said Monday that "the president of Iran should remember that Iran can also be wiped off the map."




    Russias Arms Orders To Go Up 20 Percent

    Moscow (AFP) May 08, 2006

    Russian arms orders will rise next year by more than 20 percent to 8.8 billion euros (11.2 billion dollars) mainly for new nuclear weapons and outfitting rapid reaction forces, a senior official said Saturday.





    Now, amid sharp geopolitical maneuvering in the Caucasus and Central Asia, the United States and Russia seem to be girding for Cold War II.

    PETVAL --- ---
    Dear Cecil:

    Just exactly what event are the Russians and Red Chinese commemorating on May 1 each year? I have yet to find any birthday or important event relating to communism/socialism that occurred on May 1. Someone once told me, though, that May 1, 1776, was the birth date of a group called the Illuminati, which was alleged to be a clandestine group devoted to one-world government. Is it so? Please enlighten. --Bob B., Dallas
    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: Jenže NOx to produkuje stejně i když tam naleješ třeba vodu.
    MATT --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: 100pro ucinost, byla prave narazka na ty zadny plyny... a jestli to hrozne smrdi, tak to asi obyc (vodni) para nebude..
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    o účinnosti nic nevím, ale bude podobná jako u nafty. jen je motor tišší a neklepe.
    žádné škodlivé plyny jako známe od nafty. pára a hrozně to smrdí :-)

    PAN_SPRCHA --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: žádné výfukové plyny.....:)
    MATT --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: ?? jakoze se ten olej premenoval na energii se 100% ucinnosti? nebo to byla cerna dira? ;)
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    MATT: http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioethanol
    já zas viděl diesel, který uměl jezdit na kuchyňský olej. žádné výfukové plyny, přestavba asi za 25k.
    MATT --- ---
    Bush: 11. září 2001 začala třetí světová válka

    06.05.2006 - 00:42, autor: ČTK.

    Útok na WTC 11. září 2001 Washington - Americký prezident George Bush v pátek v americké televizi podle agentury AFP prohlásil, že revolta pasažérů jednoho z letadel unesených teroristy při útocích 11. září 2001 byla prvním odvetným krokem "třetí světové války".

    Bush řekl, že ještě neviděl nový americký film s názvem United 93, který tragédii zachycuje. Snímek popisuje osudy pasažérů letu, kteří se poté, co letadlo bylo 11. září 2001 uneseno, pokusili únosce přemoci. Letoun, s nímž chtěli teroristé zasáhnout Washington, se nakonec zřítil v Pensylvánii.

    V dubnu David Beamer, jehož syn Todd v letadle zemřel, napsal, že jde o první úspěšný protiútok nového konfliktu - třetí světové války. "Věřím tomu. Myslím, že to byl první protiútok třetí světové války," uvedl Bush v televizní stanici CNBC.

    Při útocích proti Washingtonu a New Yorku, k nimž se přihlásila teroristická síť Al-Káida, přišlo o život na 3000 lidí.
    MATT --- ---
    krize bude, az se ti nevyplati jet do prace.. ;)
    jinak minimalne docasny a docela jednoduchy reseni se menuje bioethanol..
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    zatím žádná ropná krize není. ta začne, až benzín bude stát tolik, že radši pojedeš sockou než autem. pak příjde někdo s úžasně skvělým a globálním řešením.
    trumfy se musí umět vytáhnout v pravej čas. když to uděláš zbytečně brzo, tak to nemá ten pravej efekt.
    MATT --- ---
    KERRAY: jako South Park -87- S6E08 - Red Hot Catholic Love.avi je narez nejveci, to fakt nestihnete.. ;)

    a Naqoyqatsi - life as war - mi pride taky krute protilluminackej...

    a kdyz jsem videl Metropolis z roku 1927 tak uz jsem jenom ziral..

    Amerika by měla vrátit nakradené létající talíře
    Jiří Míka

    Toho názoru je bývalý kanadský ministr obrany, 82 letý Paul Hellyer, který byl 25. září 2005 jedním z řečníků UFO konference na universitě v Torontu. Vzbudil tím horkou polemiku v kanadském tisku. Domnívá se, že vědci v USA získali moderní technologie z analýzy vraku údajné havárie mimozemské lodě v Roswellu roku 1947. Stejně jako mnoho jemu podobných konspiračních teoretiků tvrdí, že některé technologie do komerční sféry vypuštěny nebyly. Měly by mezi ně patřit i ty, schopné vyřešit nastávající ekologickou i ropnou krizi.

    JAXXE --- ---
    V chaosu Iráku je jeden projekt bez zpoždění

    Staví se obří americké velvyslanectví

    Tu otázku řeší rozzuření obyvatelé Bagdádu, píše britský deník Times: jak to, že Američané nedokáží zajistit, aby šla elektřina déle než dvě hodiny denně, a přesto se jim daří postavit si v Bagdádu největší velvyslanectví na této planetě?

    Na břehu řeky Tigris stavějí Američané obrovský komplex, kterému místní lidí v Bagdádu přezdívají "Palác George W."

    V pouličních kavárnách v Bagdádu si lidé stěžují, že nové americké velvyslanectví je větší, než cokoliv, co kdy postavil Saddám Husajn Nedělá na ně dojem hrdé tvrzení architektů, že nové velvyslanectví je tak velké, že bude viditelné z vesmíru a že je větší než Vatikán. Spíš je zajímá, jestli americké ministerstvo zahraničí zaplatilo za rozsáhlé pozemky ve středu města, anebo si je prostě vzalo.

    Zatímco rodiny v Bagdádu se musejí potýkat s neustálým přerušováním dodávky elektřiny, stojí celý den fronty na benzín a čekají, až jim bude připojen vodovod, nové americké velvyslanectví, které bude otevřeno v červnu 2007, bude mít vlastní elektrárnu a vodárnu. Jeho zaměstnanců bude tolik, že by zalidnili malé město.

    Oficiálně je stavba tohoto velvyslanectví tajemstvím, ale nelze skrýt obří stavební jeřáby a betonové obrysy 21 budov. Stavba amerického velvyslanectví v Bagdádu je jediným velkým americkým stavebním projektem, který není zpožděn a jehož rozpočet nebyl překročen.

    Tento týden, kdy Washington zveřejnil šokující seznam nedodržených lhůt u stavebních projektů a nezadržitelně rostoucí náklady, byl informován americký Kongres, že stavba nového velvyslanectví v Bagdádu bude stát 592 milionů dolarů.

    Velvyslanectví se bude rozkládat na prostoru 42 hektarů, bude obklopeno pět metrů vysokou zdí. Stavějí ho zahraniční stavebníci pro kuvajtskou firmu.

    Na vyslanectví bude pracovat 8000 amerických diplomatů. V areálu bude největší plavecký bazén v Iráku, moderní tělocvična, kino, restaurace s jídlem z oblíbených amerických řetězců, tenisové kurty a módní americký klub pro večerní recepce.

    Iráčtí politikové, kteří se stavějí proti americké přítomností v Iráku, protestují, že obří rozměry tohoto projektu naznačují, že Amerika chce v Iráku dlouhodobě zůstat. Organizace International Crisis Group poukazuje na to, že "velikost tohoto velvyslanectví považují Iráčané za signál toho, kdo v této zemi vlastně vládne."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Free on line video: Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy

    ANGLAN --- ---
    Lives In The Balance (Exclusive Video)
    KERRAY --- ---

    Skewering comedy skit angers Bush and aides
    By Paul Bedard

    Posted 5/1/06

    More from Inside Washington
    Comedy Central star Stephen Colbert's biting routine at the White House Correspondents Association dinner won a rare silent protest from Bush aides and supporters Saturday when several independently left before he finished.

    "Colbert crossed the line," said one top Bush aide, who rushed out of the hotel as soon as Colbert finished. Another said that the president was visibly angered by the sharp lines that kept coming.

    "I've been there before, and I can see that he is [angry]," said a former top aide. "He's got that look that he's ready to blow."

    Colbert's routine was similar to what he does on his show, the Colbert Report, but much longer on the topic of Bush, suggesting that the president is out of touch with reality. Aides and reporters, however, said that it did not overshadow Bush's own funny routine, which featured an impersonator who told the audience what Bush was thinking when he spoke dull speech lines.

    In fact, some aides crowed over reports that the president easily bested Colbert in the reviews of both comedy acts.
    KERRAY --- ---
    Making Colbert go away

    The docile press corps was offended when Stephen Colbert dared to expose Bush's -- and their own -- feet of clay. But how to respond? Voilà: "He wasn't funny."

    By Joan Walsh

    Stephen Colbert performs at the White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington Saturday.

    May 3, 2006 | The only thing worse than the mainstream media's ignoring Stephen Colbert's astonishing sendup of the Bush administration and its media courtiers Saturday night is what happened when they started to pay attention to it.

    The resounding silence on Sunday and Monday was a little chilling. The video was burning up YouTube, and Salon hit overall traffic heights over the last few days surpassed only by our election coverage and Abu Ghraib blockbusters. But on Monday, Elisabeth Bumiller's New York Times piece on the White House Correspondents' Association dinner kvelled over the naughty Bush twin skit but didn't mention Colbert. Similarly, other papers either ignored the Comedy Central satirist or mentioned him briefly. Lloyd Grove in the New York Daily News pronounced that he had "bombed badly."

    Three days later, the MSM is catching on to Grove's tin-eared take on Colbert's performance. Belatedly, it's getting covered, but the dreary consensus is that Colbert just wasn't funny. On Tuesday night, Salon's Michael Scherer, whose tribute to Colbert is everywhere on the blogosphere (thank you, Thank you Stephen Colbert), got invited to chat with Joe Scarborough and Ana Marie Cox, who showed themselves to be pathetic prisoners of the Beltway by passing along the midweek conventional wisdom: The lefty blogosphere can argue all it wants that Colbert was ignored because he was shocking and politically radical, but the truth is, he wasn't funny, guys! And we know funny!

    Regular Joe told us he normally races home to watch Colbert. So the problem isn't Joe's conservatism -- Joe's a congenial conservative, a fun-loving conservative, which is why he has Salon folks on all the time (thanks, Joe!). Cox showed why she's the MSM's official blogger by splitting the difference. She pronounced Colbert's performance "fine" but giggled at the left for its paranoia that he'd been ignored for political reasons. Cox and Scarborough mostly just congratulated themselves on being smart enough to get Colbert every night at 11:30, but savvy enough to know he wasn't completely on his game last Saturday. They barely let Scherer speak.

    Similarly, the sometimes smart Jacques Steinberg must have drawn the short straw at the New York Times, where there had to be some internal conversation about the paper's utter failure to even mention Colbert on Monday. After all, his sharpest jokes involved the paper's laudable NSA spying scoop, and a funny bit where Colbert offered to bump columnist Frank Rich if Bush would appear on his show Tuesday night -- and not just bump him for the night, but bump him off. How could the Times not notice?

    In Wednesday's paper, Steinberg wrote about Colbert's performance with the angle that it's become "one of the most hotly debated topics in the politically charged blogosphere" -- and only quotes Gawker as an example. He also wanders into the land of comedy criticism to explore the assertion that Colbert wasn't funny, but quotes not a comic, but New Republic writer Noam Scheiber. Scheiber (who has contributed to Salon) takes a liberal version of the Scarborough approach. "I'm a big Stephen Colbert fan, a huge Bush detractor, and I think the White House press corps has been out to lunch for much of the last five years," he wrote on the magazine's Web site. "I laughed out loud maybe twice during Colbert's entire 20-odd minute routine. Colbert's problem, blogosphere conspiracy theories notwithstanding, is that he just wasn't very entertaining." Chris Lehman makes the same point in the New York Observer, arguing it was a comic mistake for Colbert to fail to break character.

    It's silly to debate whether Colbert was entertaining or not, since what's "funny" is so subjective. In fact, let's even give Colbert's critics that point. Clearly he didn't entertain most of the folks at the dinner Saturday night, so maybe Scheiber's right -- he wasn't "entertaining." The question is why. If Colbert came off as "shrill and airless," in Lehman's words, inside the cozy terrarium of media self-congratulation at the Washington Hilton, that tells us more about the audience than it does about Colbert.

    Colbert's deadly performance did more than reveal, with devastating clarity, how Bush's well-oiled myth machine works. It exposed the mainstream press' pathetic collusion with an administration that has treated it -- and the truth -- with contempt from the moment it took office. Intimidated, coddled, fearful of violating propriety, the press corps that for years dutifully repeated Bush talking points was stunned and horrified when someone dared to reveal that the media emperor had no clothes. Colbert refused to play his dutiful, toothless part in the White House correspondents dinner -- an incestuous, backslapping ritual that should be retired. For that, he had to be marginalized. Voilà: "He wasn't funny."

    This is a battle that can't really be won -- you either got it Saturday night (or Sunday morning, or whenever your life was made a little brighter by viewing Colbert's performance) or you didn't. Personally, I'm enjoying watching apologists for the status quo wear themselves out explaining why Colbert wasn't funny. It's extending the reach of his performance by days without either side breaking character -- the mighty Colbert or the clueless, self-important media elite he was satirizing. For those who think the media shamed itself by rolling over for this administration, especially in the run-up to the Iraq war, Colbert's skit is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you, Stephen Colbert!

    JAXXE --- ---
    It was fun while it lasted...

    It looks like Universal Pictures decided to take down their "Flight 93" forum. In all honesty, I'm shocked they didn't do it sooner. The boards were quickly overrun with visitors DESTROYING the government's account of 9/11. -From a commercial standpoint, that can't help you "sell" a movie based solely on the government's version of events.

    Poll after poll at the site showed 80% of respondents believed there is a cover up surrounding 9/11. And if you saw the posts, you'd understand why. Anyone coming in with a "blank slate" undoubtedly left with mounds of excellent information they never heard in the mainstream media. I suspect many left with a higher appreciation for those out there fighting for the truth.

    Those challenging the official account were mostly polite and articulate. -They laid out well-reasoned arguments and produced references to back their assertions. The defenders of the "Official account" on the other hand were habitually rude and inarticulate. They laid out poorly reasoned arguments, and relied on pejoratives to back their assertions.

    For instance, a post about the importance of the Northwoods Document was made. One of the boards "Official theory" defender's considered this a sufficient response:

    "It never happened; people got fired, next-"

    I replied:

    "The relevance of the Northwoods Document is: It irrefutably establishes our government WOULD openly conspire to not only provoke and allow an attack (to further an already established military agenda) ...they'd actually manufacture the entire event.

    Perhaps equally important: If the plan hadn't been made public, the same type of people who blindly accept whatever the government says would be calling the Northwoods Document an "urban legend" spun by kooks, loons, and moonbats.

    -Worse, if it had been enacted, the government groupies would have bought the official account hook, line, and sinker."

    Then, to show just how "Tinfoil Hat Crazy" the Northwoods plan was, I posted a few paragraphs of it.

    "It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner enroute from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama, or Venezuela. The destination would be chosen only to cause the flight plan route to cross Cuba. The passengers could be a group of college students off on a holiday or any grouping of persons with a common interest to support chartering a non-scheduled flight.

    a. An aircraft at Eglin Air Force Base would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to a CIA proprietary organization in the Miami area. At a designated time, the duplicate would be substituted for the actual civil aircraft and would be loaded with selected passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone.

    b. Take off times of the drone aircraft and the actual aircraft will be scheduled to allow a rendezvous south of Florida. From the rendezvous point the passenger-carrying aircraft will descend to minimum altitude and go directly into an auxiliary field at Eglin Air Force Base where arrangements will have been made to evacuate the passengers and return the aircraft to its original status. The drone aircraft meanwhile will continue to fly the filed flight plan. When over Cuba the drone will being transmitting on the international distress frequency a "May Day" message stating he is under attack by Cuban MIG aircraft. The transmission will be interrupted by destruction of the aircraft which will be triggered by radio signal. This will allow ICAO radio stations in the Western Hemisphere to tell the US what has happened to the aircraft instead of the US trying to "sell" the incident."

    Given those two responses to choose from, would you think the Northwoods Document was something you should verify the existence of, or something to be written off as irrelevant?

    Throughout the forum, equally lopsided arguments were made on every topic. WTC 7, PNAC, The Collapse of the Towers, NORAD, etc. -granted, there were a couple fair minded people trying to think of legitimate ways to defend the official account, but most avoided answering any of the hard questions, relying on insults and diversions to scare people away from thinking for themselves. -from what I can tell, it didn't work...not even close.

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