S: Please comment on “hooker-gate” that was reported on a CNN news program.
MATTHEW: The term “hooker-gate” is much more frivolous than the reality, which is nothing less than a vast web of darkness that for years has been pervasive within the US government and extends to visiting foreign dignitaries, multinational corporate lobbyists and other Illuminati figures. With the intention of creating blackmail situations much more than offering entertainment, a “harem” to satisfy heterosexual, homosexual and pedophilia interests is available “24/7,” and satanic rituals are part of it. Films of the unimaginable depravity along with proof of widespread bribery have resulted in congressional votes that fly in the face of obvious national needs and deny the constitutional rights of citizens. Even though the people of the United States are clearly showing their growing disapproval of Bush, his cabinet and the Congress, and Internet reports abound with sound information that justifies the people’s shaken faith, still the country will be reeling in shock when the revelations about these politicians come forth.
S: Why did Porter Goss abruptly resign as CIA chief for no apparent reason?
MATTHEW: However valuable Goss’s involvement in Illuminati’s terrorist activities, which furthered that aspect of their insidious agenda, his abrupt departure was ordered by the topmost members of that dark group. Investigations into the various criminal dealings of the government tied Goss to a number of areas that would expose the Illuminati-controlled CIA faction, and they couldn’t allow that to happen to a “sitting” chief. Although their efforts to keep this from surfacing will be futile, there can be the official statement that when Goss’s betrayal of national interests was discovered, he was immediately asked to resign and once again “faulty intelligence,” this time linked to him, can be blamed. Since all official statements are only assertions with nothing substantive to back them, that would be no different.
I need to digress a moment for some clarification. First, many within the CIA are loyal public servants dedicated to their mission of protecting the United States from potential aggressor nations. With highly specialized jobs and information divulged on a need-to-know basis, those in lower ranking positions don’t know what happens in the higher levels of authority, much less that some of their colleagues are rogue agents carrying out “black ops” missions for the Illuminati and are not the covert patriots as contended.
An example of both CIA factions in action and their opposing purposes is the collusion between the White House and select members of the media that “leaked” Valerie Plame as a CIA agent. The consensus that it was “payback” for her husband’s intelligence-gathering trip and his findings that disagreed with the official line about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction is not correct. But it was “payback.” It was the Illuminati’s retaliation for the actions of Ms. Plame and her staff of operatives that prevented the “black ops” from hiding WMD in Iraq, where inspectors would easily find them and prove that Bush’s repetitious assertion was right. Although that prevention effort did not deter the ones determined to invade and control Iraq, it does not lessen one iota the true patriotism of Plame and her operatives who acted to uphold the Constitution and defend their country.
Another point of clarification is this: The most powerful of the Illuminati are not public figures such as presidents, premiers, ambassadors, members of Congress or Parliaments, or corporate CEOs, board chairs or head of the Federal Reserve. On the contrary, the peak Illuminati work in secrecy and silence out of public sight as they control those prominent figures.
S: What about Queen Elizabeth?
MATTHEW: She is a rare exception insofar as being in the public eye. However, she is portrayed as a ceremonial figurehead who serves England’s enjoyment of the pomp and romance of royal traditions, whereas she actually is among the most powerful of the Illuminati due to the Crown’s vast holdings. Still greater influence, though, is centered in the Vatican, with its pernicious outreach of virtual mind control over its religious adherents and ruthlessness in preserving its internal secret societies and untold wealth.