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October 2003
*Vladimir Dlouhy, Senior Advisor, ABB; International Advisor, Goldman Sachs; former Czechoslovak Minister of
Economy; former Czech Minister of Industry & Trade, Prague
Jiri Kunert, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Zivnostenska banka; President of the Czech Association of Banks,
Marek Belka, Chairman, Council for International Coordination, Coalition Provisional Authority, Baghdad; former
Professor of Economics, University of Lodz and Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
former Senior Advisor on Central and Eastern Europe, JP Morgan Chase Bank, Warsaw; former Deputy Prime
Minister & Minister of Finance, Poland
Father Maciej Zieba, Provincial of the Polish Province of the Dominican Order, Warsaw; Founder and Director, the
Tertio Millennio Institute, Cracow
Sergei Karaganov, Deputy Director, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences; Chairman of the Presidium of
the Council on Defense and Foreign Policy, Moscow, Russian Federation
Grigory A. Yavlinsky, Member of the State Duma; Leader of the “Yabloko” Parliamentary Group; Chairman of the
Center for Economic and Political Research, Moscow, Russian Federation