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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    FLU --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: tez se mi to tak jevi. zaminka osvobozeni 1+2 vojaku je opravdu hodne chatrna
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    MARNEYY: nevíš kdo tahá za nitky a jaký je záměr. podle mě jde o to vyprovokovat nějaké další jako třeba Sýrii a hlavně Írán k nějaké akci. nebo na ně něco hodit.
    MARNEYY --- ---
    FLU: Uz je nevyssi cas, aby tomu Israeli dal nekdo ale vopravdu hodne pres drzku. Svine zasrany.
    FLU --- ---

    13. července 2006 7:42, aktualizováno 11:13
    Izrael vystupňoval tlak na Libanon. Letadla židovského státu během noci bombardovala desítky cílů, při útocích zemřelo 36 civilistů. Ráno letouny udeřily i na mezinárodní letiště v Bejrútu. Dopoledne Izrael zahájil námořní a vzdušnou blokádu země. Češi v Libanonu jsou v pořádku.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Předává ČR nezákonně Spojeným státům soukromé informace o českých občanech?
    tisková zpráva Iuridicum Remedium

    Český Úřad na ochranu osobních údajů vyzván k šetření předávání údajů o bankovních transakcích vládě USA
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    vypadá to, jako že už to začlo. jde do tuhýho.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    9:16 Izrael uvalí na Libanon vzdušnou a námořní blokádu, uvedl izraelský rozhlas s odvoláním na vojenské činitele. Jde o další část vojenské operace po únosu izraelských vojáků hnutím Hizballáh.
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    Další Izraelci zajati. Izrael mobilizuje

    Libanonské hnutí Hizballáh uneslo dva izraelské vojáky. Izrael hrozí libanonské vládě mohutnou odvetou a mobilizuje rezervy.

    uz to se to asi zacina varit...
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    neco pro zasmani: banned WV commercial http://www.thatvideosite.com/view/2551.html
    FLU --- ---

    Irán: Kým sa pravda obuje, lož obehne pol sveta.
    Jaroslav Drobný
    Asi každý čitateľ pozná slávny výrok iránskeho prezidenta Ahmandínedžáda, že „Izrael musí byť vymazaný z mapy“. No koľko čitateľov vie, že to takto vôbec nepovedal?

    Tento „kontroverzný“ výrok (vraj) predniesol iránsky prezident 26. októbra 2005 na konferencii „Svet bez sionizmu“ v Teheráne. No nič takého vtedy nepovedal. Namiesto nám známeho „Izrael musí byť vymazaný z mapy!“ totižto iránsky prezident vyhlásil, že: „Veľký Imám [Chomejní] povedal: Tento okupačný režim nad Jeruzalemom musí zmiznúť zo stránok času!“

    zajimavy clanek se spoustou odkazu...
    MARSHUS --- ---
    18:47 Spojené státy stále na různých místech světa vězní asi 1000 lidí. Počet zadržených v rámci války proti terorismu prozradil Daniel Dell''Orto z ministerstva obrany.
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    oficialne je to rok vyhlaseni nezavislosti USA... proto ma byt tak vysoky
    MATT --- ---

    Construction on the Freedom Tower began on Thursday April 27th. The Freedom Tower will soar to 1776 feet and reclaim New York's skyline – serving as a symbol of freedom and independence. Beyond the view of the Freedom Tower, construction continues on the Goldman Sachs headquarters – a project that will keep 9,000 Goldman Sachs employees in Lower Manhattan and will house at least 13,000 employees by 2019

    treba shoda okolnosti treba ne - 1776 je ten rok zalozeni illuminatu..
    JAXXE --- ---
    This video compilation with accompanying music catalogues the numerous instances where "squibs" - evidence that incendiary devices were used to bring down the twin towers were caught on film.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Vanity Fair: Click Here For Conspiracy

    Nancy Jo Sales / Vanity Fair | July 9 2006

    Comment: This is another fair piece in the mainstream media on the 9/11 truth movement. It shows the impact of the internet, highlighting how Dylan Avery's film has hit number one on google video.

    With $6,000 and a laptop computer, three kids from upstate New York made a documentary about 9/11 that spread across the Internet and threw millions for a loop.

    GORG --- ---
    ja zasnu

    This information was used by the commission to claim NORAD had never been informed that flight 77 was headed towards Washington D.C., leaving the FAA holding the bag for the penetration of the most heavily guarded airspace in the world. The commission's report states they were "unable to identify the source of this mistaken FAA information."

    It has been clearly documented that "false blips," or radar injects, were placed on FAA radar screens on the morning of 9/11 as part of the Air Force war games that morning.2 "Phantom flight 11" fits the description of a "false blip." If it was, in fact, a radar inject, that would explain why the 9/11 commission was unable to locate the source of the "mistaken FAA information." The 9/11 war games are classified and specific information regarding such details is not publicly available. We do know by the time "phantom flight 11" appeared on FAA screens - 9:24 am - the war games had reportedly been called off.3


    Jamey Hecht: You said at the 9/11 Citizens' Commission hearings, you mentioned - its on page 139 of transcript - that Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the basement of the FAA for 2 years prior to 9/11 and their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an emergency.


    GORG --- ---
    Another FBI Agent Blows the Whistle
    New evidence that the Bureau quashed another terror probe before 9/11

    ...Now there's another whistle blower telling a similar pre-9/11 tale. And so far, the FBI has gone to great lengths to silence him.

    The Weekly has learned that Chicago-based special agent Robert Wright has accused the agency of shutting down his 1998 criminal probe into alleged terrorist-training camps in Chicago and Kansas City. The apparent goal of the training camps, according to confidential documents obtained by the Weekly, was to recruit and train Palestinian-American youths, who would then slip into Israel. Recruits at these camps reportedly received weapons training and instruction in bomb-making techniques in the early 1990s. The bomb-making curriculum included the sort of explosives later used in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. And government documents state that two trainees came from the Oklahoma City area.

    One alleged trainer at the terror camps is now fending off a government lawsuit to seize his bank accounts, car and property for alleged money laundering on behalf of the militant group Hamas. So far, no one has been prosecuted for these alleged terrorism-related activities.

    GORG --- ---

    Al-Qadi, a wealthy Saudi businessman who, like many others in his country, had investments in various high-tech companies in the U.S., had been one of Ptech's start-up "angel" investors in 1994. At no time, however, was he a Ptech investor of record.
    Ziade told Computerworld in an interview that he was happy to assist the FBI. In return, the Bureau and the U.S. Customs Service pledged to be careful not to let word of their visit leak to the media. They parked their cars away from Ptech's building so as not to raise suspicions, and Ziade escorted them in one by one through a back door.

    Ziade explained his relationship with al-Qadi. "I don't know him well," Ziade said. "I met him a few times and talked to him a few times on the telephone. He never talked to me about violence. Instead, he talked very highly of his relationship with [former President] Jimmy Carter and [Vice President] Dick Cheney."
    GORG --- ---


    Ptech is used primarily to develop enterprise blueprints at the highest level of US government and corporate infrastructure. These blueprints hold every important functional, operational, and technical detail of the enterprise. A secondary use of this powerful tool is to build other smart tools in a short period of time. Ptech’s clients in 2001 included the Department of Justice, the Department of Energy, Customs, Air Force, the White House, the FAA, IBM, Sysco, Aetna, and Motorola, to name just a few.

    Examples of information gathered utilizing Ptech’s capabilities would include the following:

    A complete blueprint of a nuclear waste disposal site would detail the security procedures required to access military bases during transfer of nuclear waste materials. It would also include security rules, revealing where tight security searches vs. random searches exist for conducting detailed identity screening and security checks. These are typically noted in the architecture process, and surely, would be of interest to terrorists.

    A second example is a complete blueprint of food distribution patterns, which would include food suppliers, warehouse locations, distributors, vehicles and schedules. With this knowledge, fraudulent deliveries of contaminated food would not be difficult to accomplish.

    Another example is Product specifications in the blueprint for Smartcards as implemented in various defense facilities. It would include enough information to provide templates for duplication, and for unauthorized production of fake Smart IDs, which are a basic tool in the arsenal of criminals and terrorists alike.

    Ptech’s Middle East branch called Horizons, received projects directly from Ptech, and is used to outsource projects for Ptech’s US clients. Other clients come from the Middle East and include clients such as the Egyptian military, the Saudi Bin Laden Company, and the Afghan based BTC Bin Laden Telecom, which provided pre-paid telephone calls.

    Among Ptech’s top investors and management in 2001 was Yassin Al-Qadi, who was listed as a specially designated global terrorist on October 12, 2001. His investment of $14 million in Ptech in 1998 made him Ptech’s major investor. Al-Qadi was the Director of the Saudi-based Muwafaq Foundation ("Blessed Relief") that fronted for, and funded, Makhtab Al-Khidamat (MK), Al-Qaeda, Hamas, and the Abu-Sayyaf organization, to name just a few. According to a Treasury Department letter to Switzerland’s Attorney General in November 2001, there was "a reasonable basis to believe that Mr. Kadi has a long history of financing and facilitating the activities of terrorists and terrorist-related organizations, often, acting through seemingly-legitimate charitable enterprises and businesses."

    Al-Qadi’s businesses extended throughout the world, and included banking, diamonds, chemicals, construction, transportation, and real estate. It would be hard to find a more strategically placed individual to advance the agenda of Al-Qaeda, or any other terrorist organization. Last August, the Swiss government indicted Al-Qadi for financing terrorism.

    GORG --- ---
    FBI reportedly didn't act on Ptech tips


    WBZ reported that a former Ptech consultant named Indira Singh came forward this past June.

    Singh said last night in an interview on WBZ that she told the FBI ''in no uncertain terms'' about the connection between Ptech and Qadi. She said that weeks after talking to the Boston FBI, she was ''shocked'' and ''frustrated'' to learn that the FBI still had not alerted any of the government agencies using Ptech software that there were questions about the company's ties to suspected terrorist fund-raisers.


    Documents provided to the Globe by The Investigative Project, a Washington, D.C.-based terrorism research organization, show that two of Ptech's founding directors were former employees of BMI, a now-defunct collection of Islamic finance companies that was targeted in an investigation by the FBI's Chicago office.

    ''BMI was an Islamic financial institution that would loan money in an Islamically permissible manner,'' said Matthew Epstein, director of research for The Investigative Project.

    ''According to the FBI, they were involved in Hamas financing activities and potentially involved in the 1998 US Embassy bombings in Africa,'' he said.

    BMI was targeted by the FBI's Chicago office in a probe of alleged money laundering and funnelling of funds to terrorist groups like Hamas.

    BMI also shared office space in Secaucus, N.J. with Qadi International, an organization controlled by Qadi.

    According to state records, two of Ptech's founding directors were former officials with BMI. One of the directors, Soliman Biheiri, was quoted in Management Review magazine as the ''president of BMI Leasing'' in an article about financial institutions that adhered to Islamic law.

    Another director, Hussein Ibrahim, is currently listed as Ptech's vice president and chief scientist.

    Ibrahim's resume, filed with the US General Services Administration as part of the company's application to do business with the US government, lists his prior employment from 1989 to 1995 as a vice president of BMI.
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