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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Sam Danner;An Eyewitness to the Crash at the Pentagon!

    FLU --- ---
    MTO: nerikam, ze ahmadinezad je neskodny mirotvorce, nicmene k jeho vyrokum jsem tu nedavno daval odkaz na docela dobry clanek

    [ FLU @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 ]
    JAXXE --- ---
    MTO: ja proti zidum vubec nic nemam, me se jen nelibi politika statu Izrael, stejne jako se nelibi mnohym zidum. zadny anti-semitismus v tom pls nehledej
    MTO --- ---
    jaxxe: jo tomu bych veril, kdyz si clovek precte vyroky jejich prezidenta, tak se neni cemu divit
    MTO --- ---
    mam v israeli nekolik pratel, sam sem tam 3x byl.
    co na to rict? valka je krava, zavist jeste vetsi...
    bal sem se o kamarada, ktery jezdil autobusem v Jerusaleme do skoly, a jednou zaspal. nejel jim a zrovno to v nem bouchlo...

    israel je zapadni zeme s demokracii, mezi staty s uplne jinou mentalitou a historii. takze bude trnem v oku stale :(
    coz zidi jsou trnem pro sposutu lidi na svete, anyway:(
    FLU --- ---
    JAXXE: tak to je mazec :/
    JAXXE --- ---
    Israeli children sign their missiles ‘with love’

    Never have I witnessed such an appalling display of utter contempt for human life. And they're not even ashamed to beam it across the globe, for all the world to see.

    THIS is who our tax dollars support - an arrogant, war-like people who indoctrinate their children in the art of murderous and cavalier warfare.

    Dear Lebanese/ Palestinian/ Canadian/ American/ Muslim/ Christian/ Australian/ or Anyone else who stands in our way,


    Israeli Kids

    Thanks, girls. Lebanese children got your message - loud and clear.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel capable of air strike on Iran

    By Rowan Scarborough / THE WASHINGTON TIMES / July 18, 2006

    Israel is in the best position militarily in its history to mount air strikes against Iran, after a decade of buying U.S.-produced long-range aircraft, penetrating bombs and aerial refueling tankers.

    Tel Aviv has ratcheted up the volume in attacking the hard-line Islamic regime as it fights the Iranian-backed Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. In the past, Israeli politicians have talked openly of attacking Iranian nuclear sites to prevent the U.S.-designated terror state from building atomic warheads.

    Israel has purchased 25 $84 million F-15I (I for Israel) Ra'am, a special version of the U.S. F-15E long-range interdiction bomber. It also is buying 102 of another long-range tactical jet, the $45 million F-16I Sufa. About 60 have been delivered.

    The Jewish state also is buying 500 U.S. BLU-109 "bunker buster" bombs that could penetrate the concrete protection around some of Iran's underground facilities, such as the uranium enrichment site at Natanz. The final piece of the enterprise is a fleet of B-707 air-to-air refuelers that could nurse strike aircraft as they made the 900-mile-plus trip inside Iran, dropped their bombs and returned to Israel.

    "They have the capability to strike Iran," said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas G. McInerney, a former fighter pilot who has trained with Israelis. "It would be limited, though. They could do 30 to 40 'aim points' in the array. I'm not worried about them hitting the targets. They will suffer losses, but they are capable of doing it."

    He said Israeli fighter pilots are "the best in the world. I've flown against them. They train better. They get more flying time."

    Perhaps just as important as weapon systems is airspace.
    The most direct route would be through Jordanian and Iraqi airspace. Two Israeli pilots showed that they could navigate both without being shot down in 1981, when they flew the 600 miles to the Osirak nuclear reactor near Baghdad, dropped their bombs and returned over Jordan to an air base in southern Israel.

    Today, the United States, not Saddam Hussein, controls Iraq's vast airspace. Military analysts suggest the United States might approve the mission passively by letting the jets fly both ways unencumbered.

    Gen. McInerney said the United States must grant airspace rights. "They really can't do this without us," he said. "I wouldn't have them do it. We can do it much more aggressively and more decisively. We shouldn't force the Israelis to do it when we should do it."

    The retired pilot called Iran's air defenses "1960s vintage" and not as good as the Iraqi defenses that Israeli pilots avoided in 1981.

    Vice President Dick Cheney last year revealed Bush administration suspicions that Israel may take pre-emptive action.
    "One of the concerns people have is that Israel might do it without being asked, that if, in fact, the Israelis became convinced the Iranians had significant nuclear capability, given the fact that Iran has a stated policy that their objective is the destruction of Israel, the Israelis might well decide to act first, and let the rest of the world worry about cleaning up the diplomatic mess afterwards," he said on the "Imus in the Morning" radio show.


    JAXXE --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    James Woolsey calls for an attack on Syria

    Crooks and Liars | July 18 2006


    Former CIA man James Woolsey, appeared with John Gibson today and joined in with the neocon chorus and wants the US to attack Syria.

    Woolsey says it’s really about Iran vs the US. No ceasefires or arrests. He wants air strikes on Syria immediately. Gibson asked him why the US shouldn’t just hit Iran.

    Woolsey: Well, ahh, one has to take things to some degree by steps.

    He’s said that we are in World War IV since ‘03 as part of a group calling itself "Americans for Victory Over Terrorism": The group was founded by former Education Secretary William Bennett, who took part in Wednesday’s event along with Paul Bremer, a U.S. ambassador during the Reagan administration and the former chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Russia May Send Navy Ships to Lebanon — Source

    Created: 17.07.2006 12:21 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 12:21 MSK

    Russia may send navy ships to the Lebanon coast, the ITAR-TASS news agency reported on Monday quoting a source in the Defense Ministry. The move is being considered as Russia prepares to evacuate its citizens from the conflict zone.

    On Sunday Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia is preparing to evacuate its citizens from Lebanon

    Lavrov warned that the fighting between Israel and Lebanese guerrillas could ignite a wider conflict, and said the international community had to use all means possible to end the violence immediately.

    “If Lebanon explodes, we all know ... how it can resonate across other countries in the region,” Lavrov told reporters at the G8 meeting in St. Petersburg.

    The United States and France have also begun preparations and Britain dispatched two ships, including an aircraft carrier, to the eastern Mediterranean in apparent preparation for evacuations.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Hezbollah website hosted by a US defense subcontractor ?

    FLU --- ---
    a jeste v cestine:

    Dva národy, rozdělené válkou, které sjednocuje strach

    Izraelské střely bylo vidět, jak prolétají mraky kouře, jak zasahují rychle jako hromobití byty v čtvrti Ghobeiri, hluk výbuchů byl tak silný, že mi ještě nyní, o několik hodin později, zvoní v uších, napsal z Bejrútu v pondělí zpravodaj deníku Independent Robert Fisk.

    Ano, snad by se to dalo nazvat "teroristický" cíl, neboť zde, v těchto drsných ulicích, plných strachu, je – nebo spíš bývalo – ústředí organizace Hizbollah. I propagandistická televize tohoto hnutí Al-Manar, byla proměněna v trosky připomínající palačinku, její vysílání však nerušeně pokračovalo z bunkru pod troskami. Ale co ty desetitisíce lidí, kteří tady bydlí?

    Libanonci nemají rádi Hizbulláh, ale nenávidí Izraelce

    Bude se tomu říkat marwahínský masakr. Všichni civilisté zabití Izraelci uposlechli několik hodin předtím nařízení samotných Izraelců, aby opustili své domovy v příhraniční vesnici. Odjeďte, zněla výzva z amplionu; což učinili, v počtu 20 lidí, v konvoji civilních aut. Pak dorazila izraelská letadla, která je bombardovala a zabila 20 Libanonců, z nich nejméně devět dětí. Místní hasiči nedokázali oheň uhasit a tak shořeli zaživa. Další „teroristický“ cíl byl eliminován.

    Těmito slovy uvádí svůj článek Odpověď Hizbulláhu prozrazuje měsíce plánování v nedělním vydání listu The Independent dlouholetý blízkovýchodní korespondent a vynikající znalec tamních poměrů Robert Fisk; a pokračuje...

    FLU --- ---
    reportaze Roberta Fiska z Libanonu. Ponekud odlisny pohled na "valku s teroristy", nez nam predkladaji mainstreamova ceska media...

    Robert Fisk: From my home, I saw what the 'war on terror' meant
    Published: 14 July 2006

    What I am watching in Lebanon each day is an outrage
    By Robert Fisk in Mdeirej, Central Lebanon
    Published: 15 July 2006

    Robert Fisk: Hizbollah's response reveals months of planning
    If Lebanese dislike Hizbollah, they hate Israelis
    Published: 16 July 2006

    Robert Fisk in Beirut: 'If our Prime Minister is crying, what are we to do?'
    Published: 17 July 2006

    Robert Fisk in Kfar Chim, Lebanon: 'Blow up my city and I'll blow up yours'
    Published: 18 July 2006
    GORG --- ---
    Internet floats Lay conspiracy theories

    By KRISTEN HAYS, AP Business Writer Sat Jul 15, 5:37 AM ET

    HOUSTON - Ken Lay has taken his place alongside Elvis Presley in the pantheon of people whose deaths have not been fully believed. In Internet sites and blogs, conspiracy theorists and jokesters have floated the idea that the Enron founder's powerful friends helped him fake his death to escape sentencing in one of the biggest corporate frauds in U.S. history.

    Lay, 64, died of a heart attack July 5 while vacationing with his wife, Linda, in Aspen, Colo., more than four months before he was to be sentenced for fraud and conspiracy. A jury convicted Lay and former Enron chief executive Jeffrey Skilling on May 25 for lying to investors and employees about the financial health of the energy company before it collapsed in 200

    One conspiracy theory finds it a little too convenient that former Secretary of State
    Colin Powell was treated for altitude sickness at the same Aspen hospital where Lay was pronounced dead the day before. Powell was in the resort town to participate in a panel discussion, but the theory purports that he was actually there to bring Lay passports, other ID and an escape plan.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel accused of using illegal weapons

    Israeli tanks and planes continue to bombard Lebanon, with no break in sight

    - Blair blames Iran and Syria

    Lebanon's cabinet says the country faces "real annihilation'' by Israel and accuses the Jewish state of using banned weapons against civilians.

    Information Minister Ghazi Aridi said after an emergency cabinet meeting that Israel was using internationally prohibited weapons against civilians.

    He did not elaborate, but Lebanese media reports, which could not be confirmed, claimed Israel had used phosphorus incendiary and vacuum bombs, which suck up the air and collapse buildings.

    More than 100 Lebanese civilians have been killed by Israel's attacks.

    In Israel, defence minister Amir Peretz said that his country would not stop its offensive in Lebanon until "the reality changes''.

    GORG --- ---
    Enron witness found dead in park

    Police said they were treating the death in Chingford of Neil Coulbeck, who worked for the Royal Bank of Scotland until 2004, as "unexplained".
    JAXXE --- ---
    V průběhu dnešní tiskové konference G8 došlo k úsměvné příhodě. Zde je záznam:

    Bush: Hovořil jsem o svém přání prosazovat v různých oblastech světa změny podobné těm v Iráku, kde je svobodný tisk a svoboda vyznání. A řekl jsem, že mnoho lidí v naši zemi doufá, že Rusko půjde stejnou cestou. Ale plně chápu, že to bude demokracie v ruském stylu.

    Putin: Určitě bychom nechtěli ten styl demokracie, jaký mají v Iráku. To říkám otevřeně.

    BUSH: Jen počkejte.

    GORG --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam