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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Syria We'll join conflict if Israeli troops approach

    Reuters | July 23 2006

    Syria will enter the Israeli-Hizbullah conflict if Israeli ground troops enter Lebanon and approach Syria, Syrian Information Minister Mohsen Bilal said in an interview published on Sunday.

    "If Israel invades Lebanon over ground and comes near to us, Syria will not sit tight. She will join the conflict," He told newspaper ABC.

    "We have cooperation forces on alert," He added. "If Israeli troops provoke us, Damascus will act to guarantee the national security of Syrian territory."

    Bilal was in Madrid for talks with Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos, a former EU envoy to the Middle East, and said he welcomed Spain's willingness to take on a mediating role in the conflict.

    US blasted

    He criticized the United States for not working towards a ceasefire.

    "Are they waiting for Israel to destroy Lebanon and for it to have to be evacuated completely?" He said.


    FLU --- ---

    Virtuální Bush
    Štěpán Kotrba

    Kam až mohou vést přípravy na informační i skutečnou válku, dokazují projekty, podporované vývojovou agenturou Pentagonu – DARPA.

    Výzkumníci z Center for Biological and Computational Learning Massachusetts Institute of Technology dostali v roce 2002 jediný úkol: vytvořit editor videorealistické animace řeči. Videomorfing a audiosyntéza řeči v reálném čase. Představili jej tentýž rok na konferenci SIGGRAPH. Maskovat se záměr dá jako aplikace e-learningu při výuce cizích jazyků, jen naivka si ale může myslet, že DARPA financuje projekty, které nemají vojenské využití.
    JDEE --- ---
    NAGASAWA: Ten uvodni obrazek v klipu ma byt "KATUSHE"? To snad ne.
    Tak hloupe, ze se zdraham uverit, ze by snad autorum slo o cilenou manipulaci.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Israeli military is using poison gas on villages in south Lebanon, says weapons expert

    'According to a former U.S. weapons expert who served in Iraq, the artillery shell in a photo taken in Lebanon (below) is a chemical weapon delivery device. It is being handled by an Israeli Defense Force soldier and Hebrew lettering can be clearly seen on the armored vehicle. Another chemical weapons shell of the same type can be seen lying on the ground to the right. It is not known what type of chemical is in the chemical canister, however, gas dropped by the Israelis in villages in southern Lebanon has resulted in severe vomiting among the civilian population.

    Media commentators have scoffed that Israel, with its relatively unique history, would ever use chemical weapons or poison gas in any war. It is precisely because of that perception that they are using such weapons. The deniability factor prevents the media from taking seriously the credible reports of banned weapons being used by the Israelis.'

    Israel using chemical delivery weapons in Lebanon. Fuse and chemical canister can be clearly seen in photo of Israel Defense Force personnel in Lebanon. Drawing of chemical weapon is from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

    Source: http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/
    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    Lebanon's 9/11 or Why Do They Hate Us? Picture Album

    What exactly do our politicians mean when the say we support Israel in its action against Lebanon? What is it that they support? Surely not this carnage?


    Graphic images depicting the reality and horror of Israel's Invasion and destruction of Lebanon.

    MTO --- ---
    MARSHUS --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    How to Create a "Terrorist"

    1. Take a happily married man with a couple of kids, a comfortable house, and a reasonable job.
    2. Drop a bomb on his house while he is at work.
    3. Tell this man his wife and kids are dead.
    4. Let him see what remains of his house and family.
    5. Bomb his workplace.
    6. Destroy the infrastructure around him.
    7. Give him some time to contemplate the circumstances of his life.

    "Terrorist" created.

    The "War on Terror", by its design, will exponentially create "terrorists".

    Think about it.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Pentagon Papers Author Daniel Ellsberg Says Government May Have Carried Out 9/11

    Predicts Bush Regime Will Stage Terrorist Attack to Provide Pretext for Iran, Syria Invasion, And Justify Internment Camps for American People

    JAXXE --- ---

    "And God said kill the innocent of that land, smite the children ... destroy them!"
    JAXXE --- ---
    IDF official: Dozens of planes participated in bunker-buster strike in Beirut

    IDF officials told Ynet that dozens of Air Force fighter jets participated in the massive air strike on a south Beirut target, acting on IDF intelligence.

    According to the officials, the building itself was completely destroyed and the IDF was checking the results of the strike – whether the senior Hizbullah officials Israel was targeting were actually at the scene. Additionally, a senior IDF officer said that Israeli intelligence had significantly infiltrated Hizbullah. (Hanan Greenberg)



    So, Israel sends some troops to the Israel/Lebaonon border (or over it, according to some reports). Mossad agents operating inside Hezbollah grab those soldiers. Instant pretext for invasion.

    Does that mean that they "kidnapped" themselves?


    A report in the Jerusalem Post today proves very revealing. It claims that, ‘Only weeks ago, an entire reserve division was drafted in order to train for an operation such as the one the IDF is planning in response to Wednesday morning's Hizbollah attacks on IDF forces along the northern border.’[1]

    The news is revealing because it was only a little over two weeks ago that Cpl. Gilad Shalit was captured by Palestinian fighters. One needs to ask how the Israelis knew at, or even before, he was captured that it would be taking action against Hizbollah in Lebanon.
    This revealing piece of news comes on top of an earlier revelation that the Israelis had planned the arrest of top Palestinian Hamas leaders some time well before Shalit was captured as Ha’aretz reported: “The detention of Hamas parliamentarians in the early hours of Thursday morning had been planned several weeks ago and received approval from Mazuz on Wednesday. The same day, Shin Bet Director Yuval Diskin presented Prime Minister Ehud Olmert with the list of Hamas officials slated for detention.” [2]

    This entire crisis has all the hallmarks and is beginning to unravel as a carefully orchestrated ploy to create a casus belli for Israel to attack and occupy the Gaza, neutralise Hamas, the democratically elected government of the Palestinians to deprive the Palestinians of any power to resist reoccupation of the Gaza, possibly on a permanent basis, and, at the same time, to neutralise Hizbollah in pursuit of regime change in Lebanon.

    Since the Israelis are now also making noises about Syrian and even Iranian involvement in the Hizbollah actions against Israel that has prompted Israel’s attacks against Lebanon, there are indications that these noises are intended to foment US involvement in attacking Syria and Iran on Israels behalf.

    If, indeed, this crisis has been orchestrated to deliberately provoke two Arab organisations to the north and south of Israel to attack Israel in an attempt to gain US involvement then the Israelis are playing an extremely dangerous game… unless, of course, the Israelis have already colluded with the US.



    TRANSLATION OF SECOND PARAGRAPH: "Here facts: Hezbollah requires since long years the release of prisoners held by Israel, such as Samir el Kantar, imprisoned since 1978, Nassim Nisr and Yahia Skaff which is imprisoned since 1982. In many occasion, it let know that the weather would not fail to be captive in its turn Israeli soldiers - if Ci-that-Ci had been suddenly introduced in Lebanon, and to use them like monnaire of exchange. In a deliberated way, Tsahal sent a commando in the Lebanese back-country to Aïta Al Chaab. It was attacked by Hezbollah, making two prisoners. Israel A then pretends to be attacked and attacked Lebanon. Hezbollah, which prepared to face an Israeli aggression that each one knew imminent since the Syrian withdrawal, drew from the intermediate-range missiles on Israel. "

    This story, in French, confirms what the Asia Times reported. Israel sent their soldiers across the border into Aïta Al Chaab. It was there, on the Lebanese side of the border, where Hezbollah took them prisoner.

    WALKIE --- ---
    valky srovnavat nelze, ale nasili v nich pachane ano. mam za to, ze podpisem petice, o ktere mluvis, se clovek priklani k tomu, ze situaci na Blizkem vychode nelze vyresit nasilim ani ze strany Palestincu, ani ze strany Izraele. mam za to, ze takovou pozici prijmout lze.
    MTO --- ---
    jaxxe: cece, uz sem to malem podepsal, ale proste nejde srovnavat 2. svetou s timto. strasne moc je mi lito tech deti, ale strasne moc mi bylo lito tech lidi, co vyletely v autobusu, kdyz jeli do skoly....:(
    BRAINWASHER --- ---
    GORG: btw. sory estli uz ste to tu resily, ale prisli ste nekdo na neco k tomu proc tam severni i jizni pol vypadaj tak jak vypadaj ? ))
    GORG --- ---
    TSU23: vypada to na nejaky umele vytvoreny model krajiny v Cine (vcetne jezer, snehovych vrcholku) zachyceny pres Google Earth
    TSU23 --- ---
    gorg:co to je na tom obrázku? (nejede mi ten odkaz)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    O krok blíž k čipové totalitě? Neviditelný Memory Spot od Hewlett Packard

    Paměťový čip s velikostí několika čtverečních milimetrů představila firma Hewlett Packard. Malý čip nazvaný Memory Spot, má být menší alternativou identifikačních čipů RFID.

    Má některé vlastnosti RFID čipů, ale liší se dost výrazně. Většina RFID čipů je určena pouze pro čtení, u Memory Spot se počítá i s přepisem. Také dosahované přenosové rychlosti jsou mnohem vyšší.

    Přenosová rychlost při stahování dat z tohoto čipu je 10 Mbit/s a může uložit až 4Mbit (512 kB) dat. Čip má integrovanou anténu, díky čemu je mnohem menší než RFID čipy. U nich zabírá nejvíce místa právě anténa. Energii získává indukcí ze speciálních čtecích a zapisovacích zařízení.

    Čip má dle svých tvůrců spojit digitální a fyzický svět. To autoři demonstrovali na albu s fotografiemi opatřenými mrňavým, téměř neviditelným čipem, ve kterém byl uložen audiozáznam, který bylo možno s pomocí čtečky přehrát. Další uplatnění může nalézt na pohlednicích, zajímavá je i myšlenka opatřit tímto čipem papírové dokumenty a elektronickou podobu dokumentu uložit do čipu. Pro skenování či kopírování dokumentů by stačilo pouze přečíst data z čipu bez složité manipulace.

    Čtečky dokumentů se stále ještě vyvíjejí. Ideální by bylo, kdyby se čtečky objevily v nových generacích přenosných počítačů PDA a mobilních telefonů, záleží však jen na výrobcích, zdali se budou chtít stát součástí celého systému.

    Pro přenos informací je zapotřebí, aby byla čtečka prakticky ve fyzickém kontaktu s čipem. Dle výrobců je tak celý čip koncipován a nehodlají zvětšovat vzdálenost, na kterou půjde data přečíst. Jde zřejmě o jednu z forem ochrany uložených údajů.

    Celá technologie je ještě v plenkách, i termín možného uvedení do praxe je velmi mlhavý, odhad je dva až pět let. Vše záleží i na tom, jak rychle se podaří vybudovat jakýsi ekosystém, ve kterém najdou tyto čipy uplatnění a zda a v jaké míře se jej zúčastní i výrobci elektronických zařízení. Ani v ceně není celkem jasno, odhad je při hromadné výrobě asi dolar na kus, ale opět jde jen o čirou spekulaci.
    DOSTA --- ---
    Francimor: huste!
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam