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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Depleted Uranium Situation Worsens Requiring Immediate Action By President Bush, Prime Minister Blair, and Prime Minister Olmert

    Dr. Doug Rokke, PhD., former Director, U.S. Army Depleted Uranium project

    JAXXE --- ---
    NAFTA Superhighway RFID Card For US Citizens

    Trusted traveler toll road system means government will decide if, where you travel

    JAXXE --- ---
    The following letter was sent by Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to a variety of pro-Israel organisations, so-called 'hasbara'-groups and other supporters of Israel.

    Dear friends,

    Many of us recognize the importance of the Internet as the new battleground for Israel's image. It's time to do it better, and coordinate our on-line efforts on behalf of Israel. An Israeli software company have developed a free, safe and useful tool for us - the Internet Megaphone.

    Please go to www.giyus.org, download the Megaphone, and you will receive daily updates with instant links to important internet polls, problematic articles that require a talk back, etc.

    We need 100,000 Megaphone users to make a difference. So, please distribute this mail to all Israel's supporters.

    Do it now. For Israel.

    Amir Gissin

    Director Public Affairs (Hasbara) Department
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jerusalem

    Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs understands that today's conflicts are won by public opinion. They mobilize pro-Israel activists to be active and voice "Israel's side to the world." The Megaphone desktop tool, built by Giyus, which means "mobilization", sends desktop alerts on key articles on Israel and surveys, online polls where activists could click on the button to support Israel and click alerts to easily voice pro-Israel opinions.

    The tool tracks down online articles and polls that members should act upon. After installing the tool, members receive alerts on those articles. With this tool Israel's Foreign Ministry obviously thought it would help Israel's fight in cyberspace. However, having used this tool, for others, it is quit useful as well. There is also a weblog and a forum.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Burning Babies Are Child's Play To Israel's Ethnic Cleansers

    Racial purists don't accept civilian slaughter as a necessity of war, they fiendishly embrace it as they pursue an "ethno-bomb"

    Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | July 25 2006

    The megalomaniacs that control Israel wish to live in a world largely devoid of Muslims or Persians and they have embarked on a hundred year plus mission of ethnic cleansing to wipe them from the globe. The blitzkrieg of Lebanon is part of this process.

    Race-specific bio-weapons have already been developed for this purpose.

    From Wired News,

    "Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London's Sunday Times."

    "The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus."

    "The "ethno-bomb" program is based at Israel's Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes."

    Imagine if plans were unearthed detailing a program on behalf of Kim Jong-il or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to create an ethno-bomb to wipe out Jews or caucasians. How would Israel and the United States react?

    Only Israel is allowed to be nuclear-armed, violate dozens of UN treaties, use chemical weapons on civilians, and construct horrific policies of ethnic cleansing.

    Israel have made a pact to carry out this agenda in league with the Neo-Cons, and above them the Globalists, whose desire is also world population reduction and complete full spectrum domination and control over all countries and near-Earth space itself.

    All these facets are openly discussed by the elite in their own public documents.

    The burned faces of Lebanese babies as they scream out in pain after another indiscriminate attack do not chill the souls of the Israeli doom merchants who's goal is no less than the ethnic cleansing of the majority of an entire race of people. The use of white phosphorous will seem like baby powder when Israel unleashes its arsenal of black death in the near future.

    To fully realize this dark vision, the Globalists need to eradicate any rogue state that may become a focal point of organized opposition to the creation of a one world government led by racial purists acting under the guise of humanitarians and environmentalists. There will be no room for sovereign nations in the New World Order.

    Hezbollah are no angels but compared to the relentless mesmerized brutality of the Israeli war machine, even the lapdog lamestream media has all but given up trying to portray this as a balanced affair.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Fake rocket attack

    Typical Israeli timeline:

    1. Peace summit arranged in Egypt between Sharon and Abbas.

    2. On the morning of February 7, a day before the summit is to start, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz told Israel Army Radio that he had received intelligence warnings that some militants, including Hezbollah, may try to disrupt the summit.

    3. Due to the intelligence warnings, Israel Police moved to a level III heightened alert status, one level below a state-of-emergency.

    4. Like clockwork, on the afternoon of February 7, rockets rained down on the northern Israeli town of Nahariya, and were immediately described by Israeli police as Katyusha rockets fired by Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon.

    5. Later in the same day, the attack was described as the result of 'human error' involving a failed test by an Israeli weapons manufacturer in the area. It was made clear - some might say too clear - that although the failed test took place on an IDF firing range and was by a weapons company closely associated with the IDF, the IDF had nothing to do with it.

    Obviously, the IDF attempted to disrupt the summit, or even provide a reason to call it off, by faking a rocket attack by Hezbollah. It wasn't a coincidence that the Israeli Defense Minister announced the possibility of an attack in the morning, and a faked attack occurred in the afternoon. This is the usual Israeli terrorist bullshit. On times too numerous to mention, whenever Sharon needs political cover to hide some outrage he is committing a convenient 'Palestinian' attack pops up to distract the press and make the poor, poor Israelis look like victims again. This time they were caught red handed, and had to come up with the laughable excuse of 'human error' in rocket testing (you've got to be kidding!). But here's the good part, and the aspect of this whole sordid matter that inspires some optimism. They were busted, and they were busted by IDF insiders. People in the IDF was so disgusted by the trickery that they spilled the beans, resulting in the necessity of the ridiculous cover story to explain the inconvenient fact that rockets coming from an IDF firing range were landing on an Israeli town. It wouldn't do for people to find out that crazies in the IDF were willing to murder Israelis in order to stop the peace process. The good news is that there are Israelis, including Israelis in the IDF, who wouldn't let them get away with it. If Israel is ever to have peace, we need to see more of this whistleblowing.


    JAXXE --- ---
    An Israeli spy network arrested in Lebanon
    Saturday, July 22, 2006 - 02:50 PM

    BEIRUT, July 22 (SANA)

    Lebanese intelligence services have arrested a spy network working for Israel since long years ago, Lebanese A-Safir daily newspaper reported Saturday.

    " The confession of suspects could lead to the exposure of a number of unactive spy cells working for Israel on Lebanese soil," the paper added in an article.

    The paper quoted a well-informed source as saying that activities of this spy network exceeded what Mahmoud Rafa network which already uncovered has done.

    " Members of the network, using developed technologies and communication apparatuses, facilitated selection of certain goals in Beirut's southern suburb through putting signs guiding the Israeli aircrafts to those targets," the papers indicated.

    " One of the prominent figures in the network confessed that Israel has put itself on the alert 4 days before arrest of the two Israeli soldiers and provided its inactive spy cells with directives and technologies regarding targeting centers and headquarters of Hizbullah party in all Lebanese territories particularly in the Beirut's southern suburb.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Irán: Kým sa pravda obuje, lož obehne pol sveta


    Agresia voči Libanonu

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Israeli Bombardment Of Lebanon Escalation For World War Three

    Hyped incursions, kidnappings designed to trap Syria and Iran

    JAXXE --- ---
    Evangelical Christians plead for Israel

    By Richard Allen Greene
    BBC News, Washington

    A week into one of the most severe crises the Middle East has seen in years, Israel is getting an influx of support from an unusual source.

    More than 3,400 evangelical Christians have arrived in Washington to lobby lawmakers as part of the first annual summit of Christians United for Israel.

    Delegates have come from all 50 states and have 280 meetings on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, Pastor John Hagee said.

    Pastor Hagee, the main organiser, said the event was the first of its kind.

    "For the first time in the history of Christianity in America, Christians will go to the Hill to support Israel as Christians," he said.

    The event was planned months ago, and is not a direct response to the ongoing violence in the region.


    The thousands of Christians in Washington - who came and are staying at their own expense - will be urging the US government "not to restrain Israel in any way in the pursuit of Hamas and Hezbollah", he said.

    "We want our Congress to make sure that not one dime of American money goes to support Hamas and Hezbollah or the enemies of Israel."...


    In common with many American evangelicals, he believes that God gave the land to the Jewish people and that Christians have a Biblical duty to support it and the Jews.

    His latest book, Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World, interprets the Bible to predict that Russian and Arab armies will invade Israel and be destroyed by God.

    This will set up a confrontation over Israel between China and the West, led by the anti-Christ, who will be the head of the European Union, Pastor Hagee writes.

    That final battle between East and West - at Armageddon, an actual place in Israel - will precipitate the second coming of Christ, he concludes.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel warns it will hit 10 buildings for every rocket fired

    (AFP) 24 July 2006

    JERUSALEM - The Israeli air force is under orders to blast 10 buildings in south Beirut, a Hezbollah stronghold, for every rocket the Shiite militant group fires at the Israeli port of Haifa, army radio said Monday.

    “Army chief of staff Dan Halutz has given the order to the air force to destroy 10 multi-storey buildings in the Dahaya district (of Beirut) in response to every rocket fired on Haifa,” a senior air force officer told the station.

    Hezbollah rockets fired from southern Lebanon killed two people on Sunday in the northern city of Haifa, which has been hit by dozens of missiles since the latest conflict started on July 12.

    Israel kept up its offensive on Lebanon on Monday, with its ground forces pushing deeper into the territory and warplanes carrying out a new blitz of about 40 air raids overnight.

    UN humanitarian coordinator Jan Egeland on Sunday accused Israel of violating humanitarian law as he toured bombed-out areas of south Beirut.

    “This is destruction of block after block of mainly residential areas. I would say it seems to be an excessive use of force in an area with so many citizens,” he said.

    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel has issued new censorship guidelines banning reporting of the "use of unique kinds of ammunition and weaponry" in Lebanon. This comes amid reports that Israel is using chemical weapons against civilians in Lebanon. Below is the text of the guidelines, sent to international and local news organizations by the chief Israeli military censor, Colonel Sima Vaknin-Gil, on 23 July.

    JAXXE --- ---
    GRAPHIC VIDEO - Lebanese Doctor Says 'Phosphorus Weapons' Cause Suffering

    [A note to readers: This news report, originally aired on CNN International, contains graphic images.]

    CNN video correspondent, Karl Penhaul, follows a family that had been mistakenly caught in an Israeli air strike. The doctor treating the family says that there is phosphorus in the weapons that cause extremely painful burns on it's victims.



    WALKIE --- ---
    tak to tu trochu odlehcime, co vy na to? tady neco (nejen) o toleranci ,)) aneb How to hug a child with nuclear arms!?
    MTO --- ---
    BILLY STYX: predpokladam, ze mas tricko s che gueavarou a je ti 15...
    sorry, tohle reseni neni. stejna tak muzes jit hazet vajicku na palestinskou ambasadu za ty stovky civilistu v autobusech...

    BILLY_STYX --- ---
    Zastavte Izraelske BushoSrace!!!!!!!!!

    Mate moznost dnes od 15:00 na staromestskem namesti v centru Prahy.
    13 dni Izraelskeho pekla nema konce. Hodte hovnem (nebo necim jinym stejne hnusnym) po izraelske ambasade.
    Ty si taky muzes zahrat na miroveho aktivistu.

    Vy svine Izraelsky sundejte si maslo z hlavy a zacnete delat pohodicku!
    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel 'is using chemical ammunition'

    By Duraid Al Baik, Foreign Editor

    Dubai: A doctor at a Palestinian hospital has accused Israel of using a type of chemical ammunition which causes burns and injuries in soft tissue and cannot be traced by X-ray.

    Chemical or depleted uranium could have been used in producing the new type of ammunition according to Dr Jomaa Al Saqqa, head of the Emergency Unit at Gaza's main medical facility, the Al Shifa Hospital.

    In a telephone interview, Al Saqqa told Gulf News that operation Summer Rain was not just the code name of a military operation launched by Israel against Gaza since June 26.

    "It is a live exercise on a new ammunition that, so far, has resulted in killing 50 Palestinians and injuring 200," he said.

    He said he was not yet sure about the kind of chemical being used because the Israeli Army had bombed the only criminal laboratory in Gaza on the first day of the assault.

    Dr Saqqa who has been working in the Al Shifa Hospital for almost 10 years said he had never seen such wounds before.

    At the beginning of the Summer Rain operation I noticed that people's wounds looked strange.

    I thought it was just because the attack was from a close distance or that the temperature of bullets penetrating the bodies of injured or killed people were so high they were causing burns.

    I later found out that all wounds referred to the hospital since the start of the operation were very similar.

    "I also noticed that despite the damage in internal soft tissue in the bodies of injured people, the fragments were not detected by X-ray. In other words, they had disappeared or dissolved inside the body."

    Al Saqqa urged the international health authorities to come to Gaza and check the wounds of people in Al Shifa Hospital.

    "The situation is very bad because out of the 200 injuries there are 50 children who are suffering badly because of their internal wounds caused by the new kind of ammunition," he said.

    Gulf News contacted the spokesman for the Israeli Army but he was not available for comment


    Palestinian injuries suggest Israel is using chemical weapons in Gaza

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