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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    Terror Plot Mirrors Bojinka: Run By US Government Agent

    Associated Press reports that the dastardly new terror plot is a re-hash of Operation Bojinka - a 1995 plot to blow up 10 Western airliners simultaneously. What they don't report is that its ringleader - Ramzi Youssef - was protected by the US government in 1992.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Anglo-American empire’s “next 9-11” will set up final war; “foiled” UK terror plot a propaganda dry run

    Larry Chin | August 12 2006

    The August 10 report of a spectacular foiled UK-based super-terror plot, an alleged Operation Bojinka variation, has sparked an unprecedented round of 9/11-style fear and panic mongering throughout the world. This is a new attempt, at the highest levels of the Bush and Blair administrations, in concert with Pakistan’s ISI and Israel, to fabricate the justification for an escalation in the “war on terrorism” across the Middle East.

    This escalation will include an attack on Iran and Syria as early as October, and with even greater geostrategic violence to follow.

    Proof that Bush administration planning the next 9/11

    Dick Cheney recently declared: “The enemy that struck on 9/11 is fractured and weakened, yet still lethal, still determined to hit us again.” That is a concise description of Cheney’s own administration, and its intentions. And he knows it.

    It is a known fact that the Bush administration, itching for a wider war, has been planning to set up a “second 9/11” to establish the pretext to justify a multi-front war stretching from Africa across Middle East, and across the Eurasian continent that the Anglo-American empire seeks to control:

    The Pentagon's "Second 9/11"

    It is now known that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld (among others) have been overtly planning “another attack [blamed on 'terrorists' and/or Iran] that could create both a justification and an opportunity that is lacking today to retaliate against some known targets.” The Bush administration has already prepared the operation, as well as the criminal lies and propaganda to go with it.

    There is a good reason why Bush and Blair have spent so much time together lately.

    Recent rhetoric from the Bush administration’s criminal leadership (Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld) has clearly attempted to tie Hezbollah, Hamas, Iraqi resistance, Afghan fighters, and other “Islamic fascists” with “Al-Qaeda.” The mass public has willingly accepted this and other ongoing “war on terrorism” deceptions.

    These detailed plans by the Bush administration, in place for over the past year, with instructions given to its military-intelligence agencies, await the official go-ahead. Undoubtedly, the “next 9/11” will be blamed on “Islamic fascists,” and either directly carried out by manipulated intelligence assets, or deliberately provoked by atrocities now being committed in the Middle East and Iraq. But, just as it was on 9/11, the fascists at the highest levels in Washington, London and Islamabad (and Tel Aviv) will be the ones responsible for whatever happens next.

    Manufactured blowback is not blowback. Guided covert operations are manufactured terrorism, not “terrorism.”


    The tipping point is now

    Five years have gone by since the manufactured crisis of 9/11. Now, the Anglo-American empire needs a “new 9/11” or a perceived threat capable of deceiving the mass public into supporting the next planned geostrategic horror.

    Check the calendar, and think like a Bush administration criminal. The five-year anniversary of 9/11 is only a few weeks away. The Bush administration wants to attack Iran and Syria by October. Israel is going into Lebanon, but cannot expand beyond southern Lebanon, cannot attack Syria and Iran without Anglo-American help. A US election (or “selection”) in November, likely to hand some degree of political power back to neoliberals (Democrats), gives the Bush-Cheney neocons a three-month window to attempt their super-violent end run. Peak Oil and Gas, increasing shortage, is making itself felt in earnest with the disruptions of US oil supplies from Prudhoe Bay, crisis reports from remaining oil fields (Saudi Arabia), defiance from Venezuela, etc. Desperation fuels the likelihood of increasing brute force and violence, led by the Bush administration.

    This is a moment of elite criminal consensus, and unprecedented danger.

    This is a perfect storm.

    Prepare yourselves.


    JAXXE --- ---

    Revelations concerning the origins and connections of the alleged liquid bomb terror plot to Pakistan and the 7/7 bombings in London provide a strong indication that the operation, known for months yet deliberately timed for public release, was a synthetic ruse concocted by the Bush/Blair cabal to re-package the flagging war on terror.

    Media reports in the days following the alert cite Pakistan's ISI as having identified Rashid Rauf as, "the link between the plot's planners and British-based Muslims who were allegedly preparing to carry out attacks on transatlantic flights."

    According to former NSA official Wayne Madsen, the Lashkar-e-Toiba terror group, to which Rashid Rauf is affiliated, is wholly operated and funded by the Pakistani ISI.


    vice: http://www.propagandamatrix.com/articles/august2006/130806liquidbomb.htm
    LOOKASH_II --- ---

    11:14-11:17 a.m. — Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold carry bombs into the school and plant them in the cafeteria.

    11:17 a.m. — The cafeteria bomb, set to go off at this time, fails.

    11:19 a.m. — With a shout of "Go! Go!" Klebold and Harris start shooting from the top of the stairs leading into the west side of the school.

    11:21 a.m. — Report comes in to Jefferson County dispatch of an explosion in a field at Elmhurst Drive and Wadsworth Boulevard. The bomb was placed there by Harris and Klebold in the hope it would divert authorities there and away from the school.

    11:23 a.m. — The first 911 call comes into sheriff's dispatch from the school.

    11:24 a.m. — School resource officer Neal Gardner responds to a report of trouble and later trades gunshots with Harris.

    11:25 a.m. — First police car pulls up to school, driven by Jefferson County sheriff's Deputy Scott Taborsky. He is followed on foot by officer Paul Smoker.

    11:27 a.m. — A pipe bomb goes off in the cafeteria, scattering students and sending smoke billowing through the room.

    11:27 a.m. — Harris and Klebold enter the library.

    11:30 a.m. — Officers block access to Columbine campus.

    11:34 a.m. — The gunmen fire the last shot that kills a victim.

    11:36 a.m. — Harris and Klebold leave the library.

    11:44 a.m. — Harris and Klebold go to the cafeteria and shoot at their large bombs but fail to set them off.

    11:45 a.m. — Harris stops momentarily in the cafeteria to take a sip from a left-behind drink in a Styrofoam cup. They later leave the cafeteria and go to the administration area.

    11:46 a.m. — Ten police officers put together a makeshift SWAT team and, using a firetruck as cover, attempt to enter the school.

    11:47 a.m. — Another pipe bomb goes off in the cafeteria.

    11:56 a.m. — Harris and Klebold, still carrying guns, re-enter the cafeteria.

    Noon — Harris and Klebold leave the cafeteria and later return to the library, where they commit suicide.

    12:06 p.m. — A second makeshift SWAT team enters the school.

    2:38 p.m. — Patrick Ireland slides head-first through the second-story window of the library and is caught by two Lakewood SWAT officers standing on the roof of an armored truck.

    4 p.m. — Sheriff's spokesman Steve Davis announces the two gunmen have been found dead of apparent suicide.

    4:45 p.m. — Sheriff John Stone arrives at Leawood Elementary School to advise parents that no other survivors remain in school.

    GORG --- ---
    Authorities release one airline terror suspect
    23 suspects in custody, 5 remain at large

    (London-WABC, August 11, 2006) - We have learned that one of the suspects arrested by British authorities in the airline terror plot has just been released. Scotland Yard has not given any further details on which suspect or why they were let go.

    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Nevim, kam to hodit. Tak treba sem jako takovou audiovizualni vsuvku :)

    SUPAFLY --- ---
    a ja uplne cuze:
    V USA zatčeni tři muži za nákup 80 mobilů s předplaceným kreditem
    GORG --- ---
    Lou Dobbs Wakes Up to 9/11 Lies
    WALKIE --- ---
    Petice proti základnám: http://www.nezakladnam.cz/kdepodepsat.php ...
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: vyhledaval jsem zdroj, protoze se samozrejme vynori tvrzeni, ze je to podvrzena lez a ze to nikdy nerekl. Udajne to pochazi z pameti Jimmyho Cartera ;) A nasel jsem pri tom tohle:

    Gene Research Shows Jews And Palestinians Almost Identical
    By Robin McKie Science
    Editor The Observer - London (11-25-01)
    A keynote research paper showing that Middle Eastern Jews and Palestinians are genetically almost identical has been pulled from a leading journal.

    Academics who have already received copies of Human Immunology have been urged to rip out the offending pages and throw them away.

    Such a drastic act of self-censorship is unprecedented in research publishing and has created widespread disquiet, generating fears that it may involve the suppression of scientific work that questions Biblical dogma.

    'I have authored several hundred scientific papers, some for Nature and Science, and this has never happened to me before,' said the article's lead author, Spanish geneticist Professor Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, of Complutense University in Madrid. 'I am stunned.'

    British geneticist Sir Walter Bodmer added: 'If the journal didn't like the paper, they shouldn't have published it in the first place. Why wait until it has appeared before acting like this?'

    The journal's editor, Nicole Sucio-Foca, of Columbia University, New York, claims the article provoked such a welter of complaints over its extreme political writing that she was forced to repudiate it. The article has been removed from Human Immunology's website, while letters have been written to libraries and universities throughout the world asking them to ignore or 'preferably to physically remove the relevant pages'. Arnaiz-Villena has been sacked from the journal's editorial board.

    Dolly Tyan, president of the American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, which runs the journal, told subscribers that the society is 'offended and embarrassed'.

    The paper, 'The Origin of Palestinians and their Genetic Relatedness with other Mediterranean Populations', involved studying genetic variations in immune system genes among people in the Middle East.

    But the journal, having accepted the paper earlier this year, now claims the article was politically biased and was written using 'inappropriate' remarks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
    Its editor told the journal Nature last week that she was threatened by mass resignations from members if she did not retract the article.

    Arnaiz-Villena says he has not seen a single one of the accusations made against him, despite being promised the opportunity to look at the letters sent to the journal.

    He accepts he used terms in the article that laid him open to criticism. There is one reference to Jewish 'colonists' living in the Gaza strip, and another that refers to Palestinian people living in 'concentration' camps.

    'Perhaps I should have used the words settlers instead of colonists, but really, what is the difference?' he said.

    'And clearly, I should have said refugee, not concentration, camps, but given that I was referring to settlements outside of Israel - in Syria and Lebanon - that scarcely makes me anti-Jewish. References to the history of the region, the ones that are supposed to be politically offensive, were taken from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and other text books.'

    In the wake of the journal's actions, and claims of mass protests about the article, several scientists have now written to the society to support Arnaiz-Villena and to protest about their heavy-handedness.

    One of them said: 'If Arnaiz-Villena had found evidence that Jewish people were genetically very special, instead of ordinary, you can be sure no one would have objected to the phrases he used in his article. This is a very sad business.'

    Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001 http://www.guardian.co.uk/genes/article/0,2763,605806,00.html
    JAXXE --- ---

    Now, who said it?

    Was it Hitler?

    Was it Stalin?

    Menachem Begin - Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983
    JAXXE --- ---

    This is a video to awaken the sheeple who believe microchipping the human population is a good thing.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Red Alert For Staged Government Terror Attack

    Terror alert a trial balloon for invasion of Iran, World War III

    Today's red level terror alert in symbiosis with escalation of conflict in the Middle East is the trial balloon for a massive staged false flag terror attack, blamed on Hezbollah or Al-Qaeda, that will light the blue touch paper for World War Three.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Americké základny v Čechách


    České republice hrozí největší ztráta suverenity od roku 1968. Veřejnost mlčí. Není totiž informována.

    Nedávno se česká veřejnost dozvěděla, že vláda jedná o možnosti opět rozmístit armádu cizího státu na našem území. Je zvláštní, jak netečná je česká veřejnost v tak zásadní věci. Jedním z důvodů může ale být její nedostatečná a někdy zavádějící informovanost.

    Měli bychom si uvědomit následující fakta:

    * Základna nemá za úkol chránit vzdušný prostor České republiky, ale výlučně prostor Spojených států amerických. Viz http://www.blisty.cz/2006/8/3/art29593.html.
    * Nejedná se o základnu NATO, ale pouze americkou základnu. Česká republika nemá žádnou povinnost tuto základnu umístit na svém území.
    * Čechy se stanou územím, na které by byl veden první úder.
    * Česká republika ztratí kontrolu nad částí svého území, kam nebude českým civilistům ani vojákům povolen vstup. Na ČR bude rozmístěno několik set, ale možná i tisíc cizích vojáků.
    * Na základně budou zaměstnáni pouze američtí občané.
    * Umístěním základny markantně vzrostou bezpečnostní rizika našeho státu (terorismus) a bude třeba desítek až stovek milionů korun na jejich pokrytí. Zvýší se i ekologická zátěž prostorů kolem základen.
    * Jak vyplývá ze zkušeností cizích států, může dojít k závažnému zvýšení kriminality v okolí základen. Jedná se především o nedbalostní a násilnou trestnou činnost páchanou vojáky cizího státu, kteří nebudou podléhat české jurisdikci. (Viz uvedené příklady.)

    Vojáci americké armády nepodléhají jurisdikci státu, na jehož území pobývají, takže policie ČR ani vojenská policie našeho státu by neměla žádnou možnost vyšetřovat trestné činy spáchané americkými vojáky či zaměstnanci.

    20 civilistů zabito v italském Cermiz, když pilot americké stíhačky podlétával lanovku a přeťal nosné lano. Americký vojenský pilot Richard Ashby nebyl vydán italské policii a později byl osvobozen vojenským americkým soudem.

    02/11/2006 - znásilnění v Okinawě spáchané americkým majorem.
    říjen 2005 - tři američtí vojáci znásilnili v Okinawě japonskou školačku.
    03/07/2005 - Okinawa - sexuálně motivovaný útok amerického vojáka na japonskou dívku.

    Množství další trestné činnosti, hlavně sexuálních útoků, ale i ozbrojených přepadení.

    Výbuch v roce 1984 na území Badenska-Würtemberska - tři mrtví.

    Další neopomenutelnou skutečností je, že podobné základny vždy slouží jak vojenským, tak špionážním účelům. Vzpomeneme-li na nedávný skandál s ilegální přepravou unášených lidí přes státy EU, je logické, že pokud bude na našem území vojenská základna, veřejnost nemá ani nejmenší šanci vědět, co se na ní děje. Je zde například možnost ilegálního zadržování lidí, které by Američané považovali za podezřelé.

    Logická otázka je, proč má být umístěna základna právě v ČR, když bylo by snadnější umístit ji tam, kde již americké základny jsou?

    Česká republika

    - je blíže k ruským hranicím než třeba Německo;

    - má obvykle relativně slabou vládu, se kterou je možné vyjednat velmi výhodné podmínky, které by v jiných státech byly nemyslitelné, a česká veřejnost je obecně považována za laxní;

    - je jedním z mála míst, kde Američané dosud základnu nemají. Jejím umístěním by vzrostl americký vliv i na ekonomiku státu;

    - ve státech, kde již americké základny umístěny jsou (Irsko, Německo, Itálie, Japonsko, Korea), stále sílí tlak na jejich vypovězení.

    Vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o jedno z nejzávažnější politických rozhodnutí, je nutné, aby veřejnost měla možnost vyjádření svého postoje k celému problému.

    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    U.S. Signs Defense Agreements With Poland, Czech Republic

    JAXXE --- ---
    Why Do Israelis Keep Posing as Arab Terrorists?

    Myths & Assumptions about Arab Fighters Part I

    JAXXE --- ---
    I don't get it. It takes many months of investigation to uncover this plot, and only after the plot is thwarted and 18 arrested, do they radically tighten up the carry-on baggage policy. Does that mean they had no idea during those months of the plot's objective? If they did suspect that something was cooking during the investigation, would it not have been more prudent to start tightening the carry-on luggage policy during that time, and not AFTER the arrests? One has to wonder about the UK government's motives. It seems to me that public safety has nothing to do with it, and is more a publicity seeking exercise, meant to frighten the public into accepting pumping more money into the security services. In any case, I never liked transiting through Heathrow airport, as I find that it's too expensive, crowded, and connecting is somewhat tedious. Perhaps this will encourage travellers to transit through other European continental airports to facilitate their journeys. In fact, if they eliminate the passengers, they'll eliminate the threat altogether!

    JAXXE --- ---
    MOSSAD: The Israeli Connection to 9/11


    Israeli 9/11 Crook Flees with $57 Million to Israel

    PETVAL --- ---
    //nedavno byl nekde komentar, jak jsou polaci uvedomeli a ochotni akceptovat protiraketovou zakladnu. opet to byla lez.

    Poláci v zemi nechtějí americké rakety
    Varšava 10. srpna
    Podle průzkumu veřejného mínění, který zveřejnil deník Rzeczpospolita, si 63 procent Poláků nepřeje přítomnost americké vojenské základny v zemi. Naopak protiraketový deštník by si v Polsku přálo 23 procent občanů Polska. Postoj našich severních sousedů k americké raketové základně se přitom během půl roku radikálně otočil. Ještě před půl rokem byl totiž v Polsku poměr názorů zcela obrácený a protiraketová základna měla v polské společnosti více zastánců než odpůrců.

    "Poláky nepřesvědčil příslib velkých investic ani to, že americká armáda zahrne zemi do systému protiraketové obrany," míní list Rzeczpospolita.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Britská vláda nařídila Guardiánu stáhnout článek o falešné ricinové hrozbě

    Britský Guardian před časem uveřejnil článek The ricin ring that never was http://www.rense.com/general64/ricin.htm (Ricinivá buňka, která se nikdy nekonala). Tento článek už na Guardianu nenajdete. Byl stažen. Odkaz, který uvádím, vede na jeho kopii na www.rense.com.

    Interní zdroje nyní potvrdily, že Guardian článek stáhl na přímý příkaz britské vlády.

    Takže co bude příště? Co třeba vytvořit Ministerstvo pravdy? Zbudovat paměťové díry v každé domácnosti? Zaměstnat Winstony Smithe, kteří budou zpětně měnit historii?

    Lámu si hlavu, proč nesmějí lidé vědět, že žádná teroristická hrozba ricinem nikdy neexistovala. Nevíte?

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam