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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Despite Israel in the recent conflict pushing it right up to the edge militarily against Lebanon in order to provoke Syria into taking a more direct part in supporting its client Hizbollah which, in turn, would give Israel an excuse to attack Syria, the Syrians stood their ground and resisted the temptation to be drawn into the fighting. And, because Syria resisted getting into a fight with Israel, this meant that Iran would not be drawn in to support its ally Syria, which, yet again in turn, meant that the US would not have a legitimate excuse to come in to the fray to support their client, Israel, the end result being that Plan ‘A’, to start an all-defining war against Syria and Iran, just didn’t work. One now has to ask; so what’s Plan ‘B’?

    The most important aspect of Plan ‘A’ – an aspect which led ultimately to its failure – was that it relied on Syria casting the first stone which would lead to the all-defining Middle East war that both Israel and the US are looking for. There was absolutely no way that Israel could be seen to actually cast the first stone directly against Syria. Such a scenario would have been far too obvious and there would have been a World-wide public opinion back-lash against it.

    The Israelis and the US clearly believed that a massive pummelling of south Lebanon, Hezbollah heartland, involving the destruction of roads, villages, community resources, etc., would be enough to lure the Syrians in. When the Syrians didn’t bite the Israelis soon ramped it up. They started to deliberately target civilians including vehicles flying white sheets which civilians were using to flee the areas being bombed. The Israelis thought that maybe this would infuriate the Syrians enough to react. It infuriated them all right – and, indeed, the rest of the world – but still the Syrians resisted getting involved. At the same time as the Israelis were ramping up the destruction of Lebanon, and by now not just south Lebanon, so the US administration kept up with the rhetoric about the whole crisis being the fault of Syria and Iran.

    Soon the entire world could see that this whole mess was just becoming a turkey shoot of the Lebanese people but the US, with the help of its ally the UK, allowed the carnage to continue by simply refusing to demand that the Israelis stop the onslaught. By the end of the fourth week it was becoming clear to the US and the UK that the Syrians were not going play ball. Still they dithered however, in the hope that if the Israelis invade and push hard enough up to the Litani River and the Syrian border they might just still get the Syrians to react and then have their war. But, no; it wasn’t to be. The UN eventually came up with a peace plan and the Israelis lost the war, not only by virtue of not even having realised any of their stated war aims of getting back their soldiers, something that still hasn’t happened at the time of writing, but also they did not get anywhere near destroying Hizbollah. And that was just their stated war aims – never mind the un-stated ones of trying to provoke war with Syria and Iran and drawing in the US for an all out battle to redefine the Middle East.

    So what is Plan ‘B’?

    The details of Plan ‘B’ are probably still being worked out but will more than likely consist of pushing for direct conflict with Iran rather than trying to get a war off the ground via proxy wars, i.e., as has already been tried with Israel fighting Hizbollah. It could however, be instigated by something in between like Israel attacking Iran direct because of Iran’s perceived nuclear threat which many Israeli right-wingers and pro-Israeli neoconservatives see as being quite intolerable. The American people would most certainly not support the US directly launching a surprise offensive against Iran. It would need first to go down the lengthy road of pushing for sanctions via the UN. President Bush simply hasn’t got time to do that especially if he was thinking of getting this thing out of the way by the November Mid Terms. Another alternative is some kind of ‘false flag’ terrorist operation whereby the US could point the finger at Iran and then make a retaliatory strike against Iran though, after the fiasco of 9/11 and the at first creeping but now snowballing doubts that are now sweeping America about that particular event, any future ‘attack’ on the US would have to be pretty convincing to get the American people on side again.

    Of all of the possible scenarios it seems that the only alternative now is for the Israelis to attack Iran direct. As soon as it does, of course, the US will be there to help out.

    There could also be a Plan ‘C’, but the world doesn’t really want to go there.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Unquestioned Answers

    Nonconspiracy theorist David Ray Griffin takes aim at the official 9-11 story

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Americký soud: Tajný odposlech je neústavní
    detroit/washington, 18. 8. 2006

    Tajné odposlouchávání Američanů, které po teroristických útocích z 11. září 2001 schválil prezident George Bush, odporuje ústavě a musí být okamžitě zastaveno. Rozhodla o tom včera federální soudkyně v Detroitu.
    Jde o vůbec první rozhodnutí, které připouští, že program, nad nímž drží ochrannou ruku Národní agentura pro bezpečnost (NSA), je neústavní.
    Ministerstvo spravedlnosti se proti verdiktu odvolalo.

    "Americe nevládne král"
    "Odposlechy bez souhlasu soudu porušují práva na svobodu projevu, ochranu před neodůvodněnými domovními prohlídkami a ústavní kontrolu nad prezidentovými pravomocemi," uvedla soudkyně Anna Diggs Taylorová ve verdiktu, který zaplnil přes čtyřicet stran.
    "V Americe nepanují dědiční králové a nikdo nemá mít moc, kterou by mu neudělovala ústava," stojí dále v rozsudku.
    Žalobu na stát podal Americký svaz na ochranu osobních práv občanů (ACLU).
    Chtěl tak mimo jiné podpořit zájmy novinářů, právníků, nevládních organizací nebo vědců, kteří často komunikují s partnery na Blízkém východě a obávají se, že jejich telefonáty a e-maily zachycují vládní úřady.
    Mezi právníky, podle nichž mohl George Bush programem NSA překročit své pravomoci, jsou i členové jeho Republikánské strany.

    "Nesaháme do soukromí"
    Bushova administrativa tvrdí, že odposlechy jsou legální. Ministerstvo spravedlnosti bezprostředně po detroitském verdiktu oznámilo, že se proti nálezu soudkyně Taylorové odvolává.
    "Program sledování teroristů je základním nástrojem zpravodajských služeb ve válce proti teroru," uvedlo ministerstvo v oficiálním prohlášení, podle něhož původně tajný projekt respektuje a chrání občanské svobody.
    Program NSA umožňuje odposlechy telefonických rozhovorů mezi USA a zahraničím a internetových vzkazů bez souhlasu soudu, pokud se odehrávají v rámci sledování osob podezřelých ze spojení s teroristickou sítí Al-Káida.
    Tajné informace o programu zveřejnil loni v prosinci deník The New York Times.
    Prezident ujišťuje, že NSA nijak nezasahuje do soukromého života Američanů.
    List USA Today to následně zpochybnil, když přinesl informace, jež dokazovaly, že odposlechy zavedené po 11. září 2001 se týkají miliónů obyvatel.

    SUPAFLY --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Binary liquid explosives are a sexy staple of Hollywood thrillers. It would be tedious to enumerate the movie terrorists who've employed relatively harmless liquids that, when mixed, immediately rain destruction upon an innocent populace, like the seven angels of God's wrath pouring out their bowls full of pestilence and pain.

    The funny thing about these movies is, we never learn just which two chemicals can be handled safely when separate, yet instantly blow us all to kingdom come when combined. Nevertheless, we maintain a great eagerness to believe in these substances, chiefly because action movies wouldn't be as much fun if we didn't.

    Now we have news of the recent, supposedly real-world, terrorist plot to destroy commercial airplanes by smuggling onboard the benign precursors to a deadly explosive, and mixing up a batch of liquid death in the lavatories. So, The Register has got to ask, were these guys for real, or have they, and the counterterrorist officials supposedly protecting us, been watching too many action movies?

    KERRAY --- ---
    a vrcholek se ztraci v mlhach :)))
    PETVAL --- ---
    pokud to samozrejme soucasne neni i kurva, ktera se snazi vysplhat co nejvys ;)
    PETVAL --- ---
    WALKIE: jak rika marshus. to je dane tou pyramidalni strukturou, kdy ti dole rozumi jen tomu pod sebou a nemaji schopnost ci vuli domyslet dopady a souvislosti, ceho je jejich jednani soucasti (takoveto alibisticke "vzdyt ja jen delam svou praci a staram se o sve blizke"). Casto opravdu i veri tomu, co dela, odtud termin "uzitecny idiot", ktery si neuvedomuje, ze pro sve nadrizene je jen dalsi zbytecny nahraditelny kanonenfutr. A tak porad rekurzivne az na vrcholek.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    WALKIE: co se týče těch důsledků tak tam bych takovej optimista nebyl, to jablko je zkažené až do jádra.
    WALKIE --- ---
    MARSHUSki: jj :)
    PETVAL: myslim, ze ani oni sami si nepreji ty dusledky, o nez si nutne rikaji... nerad bych se pletl! :D
    JAXXE --- ---
    My friend: the football fan who dreamed of being a doctor

    Waheed Zaman, 22, is a student arrested last week under the Terrorism Act. His best friend tells his story


    I'm not surprised some sections of the media have claimed he was a biochemist - it fits with the picture they want to portray. Why should anyone be shocked that the Muslim community does not have faith in the media when they report like that? Despite the British judicial system stating that a person is "innocent until proven guilty", the press seems to have a different stance. Is the innocence of a person not compromised by them being named and shamed? The reputation of a man is tarnished when he is named, even if he only stands accused - not convicted - of a crime.


    After 9/11 and 7/7 Waheed was sceptical about whether Muslims could have been responsible. He watched conspiracy videos on the internet. He believed them and thought they made sense. Like most people in the world, he was anti-war. But his solution was: fight the enemies of Islam by showing them the real Islam, a religion of peace.

    Muslims condemn attacks on civilians wherever they are and work hard with the authorities to fight terrorism. But in return they see that their mosques and scholars are still criticised. The thought crosses the mind that the Qur'an itself may one day be called a terrorist book. But evil has no religion.

    Do I think there is any possibility in the world Waheed would be involved? Could he have kept a secret? Could there have been a side to him that someone who spent most of the day, every day, with him, could not see? My answer is no. I bet my life on it.


    PETVAL --- ---
    WALKIE: my ji vazne nebereme, ale spousta lidi jeste stale ano. oni to samozrejme neprozivaji naplno, jinak by nemohli jednat tak, jak jednaji - tedy zneuzivat a zatajovat.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    WALKIE: asi jako fnord.
    WALKIE --- ---
    PETVAL: :) no, zamyslim-li se nad tim, je pro me jejich jednani z pohledu skutecne (jaxe rika "nejvyssi") jednoty nepochopitelne. jinymi slovy: proc by mela prava ruka mlatit levou, kdyz jsme vsichni jedno telo (Jeden)?! proto, myslim si, ti "nahore" ty spiritualni pravdy chapou spise napolo teoreticky, ale pochybuju o tom, ze by je hluboce prozivali... jejich agenda je totiz dost hroziva a k smichu. no, chceme ji brat vazne???
    PETVAL --- ---
    WALKIE: poslednich 6 odstavcu tesat :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    WALKIE: a jsme u korenu utrpeni, nevedomosti o sve, vsem a vsemu spolecne podstate. Kdo tohle bytostne chape a proziva, vi ze vsichni mame stejnou podstatu, netouzi po majetku a kontrole "jinych", protoze nikdo "jiny" tady neni, jsme jen odlisne projevy stejne podstaty ;)

    Proto ke znamym prostredkum Iluminatu k nastoleni NWO patri zejmena rust zadluzeni, podkopavani rodiny, snizovani kvality vzdelani, propagace strachu, cileni medii na smyslove pudy, potlacovani psychedelik a vseho, co vede k proziti Jednoty, jenom aby udrzely stado v ohrade ("Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.") , pricemz oni sami si jsou techto spiritualnich pravd samozrejme vedomi a zneuzivaji je ve svuj prospech, protoze se z egoistickych duvodu (a urcite i vlastniho strachu) nechteji menit.

    Ale je jasne videt, jak se konstrukce NWO zacina bortit, povedomi o jejich cilech a planech se stale zvysuje. Staci ty mrdky defenestrovat ze sve mysli a sirit poznani dal a jsou bezmocni, aplikovat metodu Gandhiho pokojne nespoluprace a nebat se projevit svuj pohled a toho, ze ve stadu je stale dost lidi neschopnych to unest. Oni proti nam pouzivaji nasi moc, maji ji jen tolik, kolik jsme jim ji my sami dali, staci si ji vzit zpet a spadne jim to jak domecek z karet.
    GYD --- ---
    trosku odlehcene

    Starý Arab zije jiz pres 40 let v Chicagu. Moc rád by na své zahradě pěstoval brambory a zeleninu, ale je zde sám a cítí se jiz starý a slabý. Jeho syn studuje v Paříži a otec se rozhodne napsat mu e-mail:

    Milý Ahmede,
    jsem moc smutný, že nemůžu na své zahradě pěstovat brambory. Vím, že kdybys zde byl, pomohl bys mi zahradu zrýt. Mám tě rád. Tvůj otec.

    Obratem obdrží odpověd:

    Milý otče, prosím tě, nedělej v žádném prípadě na zahradě cokoli!! Schoval jsem tam "tu věc". Taky tě mám rád. Ahmed

    Jen pár hodin nato obklíčí dům starého muže americká armáda, námořníci, FBI a CIA. Přeorávají a přerývají zahradu kousek po kousku, prohlížejí každý milimetr, ale nenajdou nic. Rozčarováni se opět stahují....

    Týž den dostal starý muž ješte jeden e-mail od syna:

    Milý otce, jistě je nyní zahrada kompletně zryta a můžes zasázet své
    brambory. Vic pro tebe z takové vzdálenosti nemůžu udělat. Mám tě rád.
    JAXXE --- ---

    RBN talk show host and AFP reporter Christopher Bollyn was arrested last night in Chicago in his front yard. See below, and be sure to read his article at the bottom of this page about the ZionistMedia/Israel/Lebanon connection. Chris lived in Israel for a while and has been in the Middle East. His wife Helje (from Estonia) has sent us an email.

    Chris wrote many articles on depleted uranium (some of the best) based on interviews with Marion Fulk, Doug Rokke, Leuren Moret, and others for the American Free Press. He also has been doing a deep investigation of the British/IsraelMossad/US ties to 911.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Behavior of liquid bomb suspects mirrors 7/7 patsies - no evidence of terror planning

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