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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    PETVAL --- ---
    "From the Anchorage Daily News, During yesterday's preliminary and ballot measure election across Alaska, Diebold built voting machines failed to 'phone home' causing a hand recount. As a party spokesperson said:
    "I can say there are many systematic problems with Diebold machines that have been identified in many contexts."
    Additionally, the State itself has mandated some hand counts of all electronic results, and the Democratic Party is simply suggesting voters request paper voting."


    As a party spokesperson said: "I can say there are many systematic problems with Diebold machines that have been identified in many contexts."

    He later said: "Of course, they contribute heavily to my party, so its not like we're going to revoke their contract or anything."
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Starý arab zije jiz pres 40 let v Chicagu. Moc rád by na své zahrade
    pestoval brambory a zeleninu, ale je zde sám a cítí se jiz starý a
    Jeho syn studuje v Parízi a otec se rozhodne napsat mu e-mail: Milý
    jsem moc smutný, ze nemuzu na své zahrade pestovat brambory. Vím, ze
    zde byl, pomohl bys mi zahradu zrýt. Mám te rád. Tvuj otec
    Obratem obdrzí odpoved: Milý otce, prosím te, nedelej v zádném prípade
    zahrade cokoli!!! Schoval jsem tam "tu vec". Taky te mám rád. Ahmed
    Jen pár hodin nato obklící dum starého muze americká armáda, námorníci,
    a CIA. Preorávají a prerývají zahradu kousek po kousku, prohlízejí kazdý

    milimetr, ale nenajdou nic. Rozcarováni se opet stahují....
    Týz den dostal starý muz jeste jeden e-mail od syna: Milý otce, jiste je

    nyní zahrada kompletne zryta a muzes zasázet své brambory. Vic pro tebe
    takové vzdálenosti nemuzu udelat. Mám te rád. Ahmed.
    JAXXE --- ---
    New WTC Complex Photos Highlight Bizarre Building 7 Collapse

    Buildings 5 and 6, closer to towers burned throughout but did not collapse

    Previously unseen photos provided to us by a fireman who was at ground zero on 9/11 highlight the implausible implosion of WTC Building 7 in comparison with buildings closer to the towers that sustained significantly more fire and debris damage yet did not collapse.

    photos: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/august2006/230806wtccomplex.htm
    WALKIE --- ---
    ten Stwora a nejen on, jak patrno ze zdroju, ale nechutne kazi hru!! ,))
    PETVAL --- ---
    Jak (ne)vyrobit bombu
    Vladimír Stwora
    (více o autorovi=>>)

    Jedenáct lidí zatčených při široce medializovaném odhalení teroristické buňky minulý týden zůstává v britském vězení. Osm z nich bylo nyní obviněno z vážných zločinů: z konspirace k vraždě a z přípravy teroristického útoku s úmyslem propašovat na palubu letadel směřujících do USA výbušniny a přivést je k výbuchu. Jsou to: Tanvir Hussain (25), Ahmed Abdullah Ali (25), Umar Islam (28), Arafat Waheed Khan (25), Assad Ali Sarwar (26), Adam Khatib (19), Ibrahim Savant (25) a Waheed Zaman (22).

    Dnes měl být dále obviněn sedmnáctiletý mladík, jehož jméno nebylo zveřejněno vzhledem k tomu, že se jedná o mladistvého. Provinil se tím, že u něj našli knihu o výbušninách, jakési poznámky o sebevraždě, měl sepsanou poslední vůli a vlastnil mapu Afghánistánu. To není vtip. To jsou všechno zločiny, ze kterých bude obviněn. Bůh mu buď milostiv.

    Dále měla být obviněna čtyřiadvacetiletá Cossar Ali, která má momentálně sedmiměsíční miminko, a třiadvacetiletý Mehran Hussain. Oba čeká obvinění z neoznámení chystaného trestného činu.

    Soudce zamítl propuštění kohokoliv na kauci, takže i paní Cassar Ali čeká ve vězení nejméně do 29. srpna, kdy bude předvedena před soudce. Kde je její miminko, noviny neuvedly.

    Podle žaloby chystali teroristé propašovat na palubu dvanácti letadel chemikálie v tekutém stavu, smíchat je na záchodě a přivést k výbuchu. Výbušnina, kterou prý hodlali použít, se jmenuje TATP, neboli triacetone triperoxide (neznám český název, poradí-li mi někdo, opravím to). Je to vysoce razantní výbušnina, poměrně snadno ji lze přivést k výbuchu a je skutečně schopná zničit letadlo ve vzduchu. Pokud by jí měli dost a pokud by ji byli schopni vyrobit. A v tom je malinký problém.

    Jak (ne)vyrobit bombu

    Podle několika článků (seznam na konci) je výroba TATP poměrně komplikovaný úkon vyžadující dobře vybavenou laboratoř s digestorem a s chladícím zařízením. Mohli byste si to vyrobit v domácí laboratoři a vzít si hotovou nálož do zavazadla, riskovali byste ale, že vyletíte do vzduchu cestou na letiště. Navíc byste museli TATP udržovat pod teplotou 10°C, nejspíše v chladicím boxu, což by jistě vzbudilo pozornost při odbavování kontrole zavazadel.

    V podstatě jde o to smíchat dohromady peroxid vodíku, aceton a kyselinu sírovou. Vypadá to jednoduše, ale není. Všechny komponenty musí být koncentrované. Tříprocentní peroxid vodíku prodávaný v lékárnách stačí tak akorát na desinfekci, ale k výrobě TATP potřebujete koncentraci podstatně vyšší. Některé odbarvovače mají až 22%, nepodařilo se mi zjistit, zda by to stačilo. Předpokládejme, že ano. Pokud ne, koncentrovaný peroxid se prý dá vyrobit vařením ředěného peroxidu.

    Aceton a peroxid si můžete smíchat ještě doma. Přelijete si to do láhve s nenápadným nápisem a pamatujte, že obsah musíte udržovat studený. Do druhé láhve si nalijete koncentrovanou sírovku. Pamatujte, že musíte použít skleněnou láhev se zabroušenou zátkou. Kdybyste nalili 96% kyselinu sírovou do plástové láhve od coca coly, udělalo by to jen pšššš. A měli byste ji (tu kyselinu) na stole, na zemi a všude kolem. Předpokládám, že budete potřebovat tak litr až litr a půl kyseliny a dva až tři litry směsi acetonu s peroxidem. A není vyloučeno, že i acetono-peroxidovou směs bude nutno mít ve skleněné láhvi - nutno vyzkoušet. Nezapomeňte přibalit větší kádinku, teploměr, skleněnou tyčinku na míchání a lékařské kapátko. Dále budete asi potřebovat filtrační zařízení se sadou filtračních papíru. Ponechávám na vašem důvtipu, jak vysvětlíte, že si právě tohle nutně potřebujete vzít s sebou do letadla. Dále si nezapomeňte přibalit chladící želatinové balíčky, jaké se používají k udržování nápojů chladnými.

    Předpokládejme, že vše úspěšně proběhlo, podařilo se pronést kontrolou všechny nezbytné komponenty, včetně velkých, skleněných láhví se zabroušenou zátkou, o kterých budete tvrdit, že to je káva. A to ne jednou, ale rovnou dvanáctkrát. Podle žaloby se totiž teroristé chystali vyhodit do vzduchu rovnou dvanáct letadel – žádní žabaři.

    Sedíte v letadle v první třídě. Musí to být první třída, protože jenom tam lze objednat šampaňské. Objednejte si rovnou celou láhev a nechte si ji přinést v kbelíku s ledem. Budete ho potřebovat. Ponechávám na vašem důvtipu, jak propašujete kbelík s ledem na toaletu. A pak postupně obě láhve, v jedné směs acetonu a peroxidu, v druhé kyselinu sírovou. Dále bude nutno na toaletu propašovat kádinku, míchatko, teploměr, chladicí želatinové balíčky, filtrační zařízení. Hotovo? Sláva, začneme s přípravou TATP. Budete potřebovat mnoho hodin bez vyrušování, prameny uvádějí, že minimálně 24 hodin, spíše ale déle. Jak přesvědčíte pilota, aby celou dobu udržoval stroj ve vzduchu, rovněž ponechávám vaší fantazii. Do kbelíku s ledem od šampaňského ponořte kádinku, nalijte do ní směs acetonu a peroxidu. Ověřte si, že teplota roztoku nepřekročí 10°C a to po celou dobu přípravy. Jinak letíte. Ale pozor: bohužel jenom vy sami. To, co vybuchne v průběhu nešikovné přípravy, není razantní TATP, ale diperoxid. Látka, která vás možná zabije, budete-li mít štěstí, ale spíše jenom popálí a v žádném případě nezpůsobí pád letadla. Nyní začnete kapátkem za stálého míchání přidávat kyselinu sírovou. Udržujte teplotu pod 10°C. Reakce je dosti prudká, roztok se rychle zahřívá, přičemž se uvolňuje hromada plynu. V laboratoři by nic takového nebylo možné dělat bez výkonného digestoru, ale kabince toalety to jistě nebude problém. Budete přikapávat a míchat několik hodin, doslova po kapkách. Po celou tu dobu vás nikdo nesmí vyrušit a ani intenzivní pach, který se bude linout z kabinky toalety, nesmí nikoho upozornit. Pokud se neotrávíte intenzivními plyny, musíte si objednat ještě několik láhví šampaňského s ledem, protože těch pár kousků ledu z prvního kbelíku bude pryč v prvních minutách přípravy.

    Za nějakých 6 – 8 hodin přikapávání a chlazení máte směs hotovou. Ale ještě není vyhráno. Směs je sice reaktivní a snadno vybuchne, ale jak už bylo řečeno, není to TATP, ale diperoxid. Takže se připravte na pomalé odpařování. Máte filtrační papírky? Prima. Rozložte filtrační zařízení, obložte je chladícími želatinovými polštářky a začněte filtrovat. Mokré filtrační papírky rozkládejte na volné prostranství. Jde o to, že tekutina se musí odpařit. To, co na papírcích zbude, je konečně TATP. Vypadá jako krystalový cukr. Nevím, kolik je ho třeba ke zničení letadla, předpokládám, že pod kilogram by to asi bylo málo. Že nemáte kam tolik papírků na toaletě rozložit? To je váš problém. Být teroristou není snadné, měli jste si to rozmyslet, než jste do toho šli. Nezapomeňte i po celou dobu odpařování (10 a více hodin) udržovat teplotu v kabince kolem 10°C. Po dokonalém vysušení papírků opatrně seškrábněte bílý prášek do krabičky.

    Tak. Konečně hotovo. Vidíte. Netrvalo to ani den a noc a můžete se teď s chutí zasebevraždit. A jedenáct vašich kolegů v dalších jedenácti letadlech také. Jak prosté, milý Watsone.


    FLU --- ---
    JAXXE: ja jsem pochopitelne tez nic necekal, jenom jsem si na to vzpomnel
    JAXXE --- ---
    Chief of Staff provides details of Iran's military capabilities in the case of a US attack.

    video: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20060821&articleId=3019
    JAXXE --- ---
    FLU: no ja jsem zadny hrib necekal, protoze imho iran zadne jaderne zbrane nema a i kdyby mel, vystrelit je na jeruzalem by byla kolektivni iranska sebevrazda...

    As August 22nd Ends, Doomsday Neo-Cons Shamed Again

    War lobbyist Neo-Fascist cheerleader's 'end times' prophecy unsurprisingly turns out to be total crud

    Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | August 23 2006

    A wild-eyed crystal ball prophecy that Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would initiate world war three or the apocalypse on August 22nd, a proclamation trumpeted by Neo-Cons far and wide, has deflated - again leaving the war lobbyist cheerleaders red faced, egg-faced, and obliterating any shred of remaining credibility they had.

    It's now August 23rd in Tehran, Jerusalem and by the time you read this Europe and in a few hours most of the US will see the sun set on August 22nd. There is no fire in the sky over Baghdad and no mushroom cloud over Israel. The return of the 19th Loch Ness Monster or whatever delirious entity the Neo-Cons were peddling to herald the apocalypse has not materialized.

    After all the hype, even if Iran was planning to pull something off (not that they even could without nuclear weapons) why on earth would they play right into the hands of their so-called enemies by appeasing their self-fulfilling prophecy and launching something on August 22nd?

    We need to use today's non-event as a means of beating what little credibility the Neo-Cons had left around the head with.

    I said I would enjoy this and I am going to.

    Nothing happened you stupid idiots - stop creating bullshit proclamations of impending doom and using them to stoke militarism, warmongering and justification to slit America's throat and send thousands more American troops to their deaths. Stop lobbying for world war three. You were wrong and I am calling you on the carpet to tell you that you are a lying bunch of hypocrites and your constant empty saber-rattling only makes people turn away from your bloodthirsty deceit in increasing numbers.

    One of the primary culprits of this crackpot warmongering was Neo-Con Glenn Beck, who discussed the August 22nd date on several different broadcasts of his show, including the interview above with another Neo-Con sympathizer Robert Spencer - but Beck was not alone in parroting this belligerent propaganda.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Who’s Watching?

    By ERIC PETERS / Speedometer

    Big Brother will be watching you for sure by 2008 -- the year a proposed requirement that Event Data Recorders (EDRs) become mandatory standard equipment in all new cars and trucks will become law unless public outrage puts the kibosh on it somehow.

    EDRs are "black boxes" -- just like airplanes have. They can record a wide variety of things -- including how fast you drive and whether you "buckle-up for safety." The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) wants EDRs to be installed in every new vehicle beginning with model year 2008 -- on the theory that the information will help crash investigators more accurately determine the hows and whys of accidents.

    But EDRs could -- and likely will be -- used for other purposes as well.

    Tied into GPS navigation computers, EDRs could give interested parties the ability to take automated ticketing to the next level. Since the data recorders can continuously monitor most of the operating parameters of a vehicle as it travels -- and the GPS unit can precisely locate the vehicle in "real time," wherever it happens to be at any given moment -- any and all incidents of "speeding" could be immediately detected and a piece of paying paper issued to the offender faster than he could tap the brake. That's even if he knew he was in the crosshairs, which of course he wouldn't. Probably they'll just erect an electronic debiting system of some sort that ties directly into your checking account -- since the paperwork could not keep up with the massive uptick in fines that would be generated.

    What Do You Think?

    If you think this is just a dark-minded paranoiac vision, think again. Rental car companies have already deployed a very similar system of onboard electronic monitoring to identify customers who dare to drive faster than the posted limit -- and automatically tap them with a "surcharge" for their scofflaw ways. While this inventive form of "revenue enhancement" was challenged and subsequently batted down by the courts, the technology continues to be honed -- and quietly put into service.

    Already, 15-20 percent of all the cars and trucks in service have EDRs; most of these are General Motors vehicles. GM has been installing "black boxes" in its new cars and trucks since about 1996 as part of the Supplemental Restraint (air bag) system. Within a few years, as many as 90 percent of all new motor vehicles will be equipped with EDRs, according to government estimates -- whether the requirement NHTSA is pushing actually becomes law or not.


    WALKIE --- ---
    hm, uvidime, co se nakonec potvrdi a co se vubec stalo (ci nestalo), zatim to vypada trochu jako (pokus o) dalsi Pearl Harbor: Iran 'attacks Romanian oil rig'

    A Romanian oil company says one of its rigs stationed in the Gulf has come under fire from Iranian troops.

    A spokesman for the firm GSP said Iranian troops had seized the rig after firing from a nearby ship, and GSP lost contact with its 26 workers there.

    Radu Petrescu said the Orizont rig had been moored near Kish island since October 2005.

    GSP operates two rigs off Kish. The other rig is reported to have been involved in a legal dispute in Iran.

    It is unclear whether the incident on Tuesday was related to that dispute.

    The shooting reportedly happened as the rig was being taken outside Iranian waters for a mandatory overhaul.

    The rigs are operated under a deal signed between Petrom, GSP and Dubai-based Oriental Oil Co.

    A statement on GSP's website, signed by company president Gabriel Comanescu, said the Iranian action was a "flagrant breach of all the international rules".

    It said that since Monday, Iranian military helicopters and ships had been "trying to intimidate the Romanian crew aboard the rig".

    Then early on Tuesday "an Iranian military cutter boat opened fire against the Orizont rig, in the stern crane" and Iranian troops occupied the rig, the statement said.

    "We do not know if anyone is hurt," it added.

    FLU --- ---
    JAXXE: tak jsem vcera cekal, az se na obzoru objevi nejaky ten atomovy hrib a ono nic ;))
    PETVAL --- ---
    zajimavy web

    G. Edward Griffin is a writer and documentary film producer with many successful titles to his credit. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand. He has dealt with such diverse subjects as archaeology and ancient Earth history, the Federal Reserve System and international banking, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations. His better-known works include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, The Discovery of Noah’s Ark, Moles in High Places, The Open Gates of Troy, No Place to Hide, The Capitalist Conspiracy, More Deadly than War, The Grand Design, The Great Prison Break, and The Fearful Master.

    Mr. Griffin is a graduate of the University of Michigan where he majored in speech and communications. In preparation for writing his book on the Federal Reserve System, he enrolled in the College for Financial Planning located in Denver, Colorado. His goal was not to become a professional financial planner but to better understand the real world of investments and money markets. He obtained his CFP designation (Certified Financial Planner) in 1989.

    Mr. Griffin is a recipient of the coveted Telly Award for excellence in television production, a Contributing Editor of The New American magazine, the creator of the Reality Zone Audio Archives, and is President of American Media, a publishing and video production company in Southern California. He has served on the board of directors of The National Health Federation and The International Association of Cancer Victors and Friends and is Founder and President of The Cancer Cure Foundation. He is also the founder and president of Freedom Force International.

    The Future is Calling e-book
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Jihovýchodní Asie rozvijí projekt společného trhu
    FLU --- ---

    Terror charges in full

    Eleven people have been charged in connection with an alleged plot to blow up several transatlantic airliners.

    The full list of charges are as follows...
    FLU --- ---

    'Terror plot' suspects in court

    Eleven people have arrived at court to appear in connection with an alleged bomb plot to blow up several transatlantic airliners.
    JAXXE --- ---
    'Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, seemed to have remarkable prescience. Invited in 1962 to predict what the world would be like in 25 years' time, he told Look magazine:

    "The image of the world in 1987 as traced in my imagination:

    * The Cold War will be a thing of the past.

    * Internal pressure of the constantly growing intelligensia in Russia for more freedom and the pressure of the masses for raising their living standards may lead to a gradual democratization of the Soviet Union.

    * Western and Eastern Europe will become a federation of autonomous states having a Socialist and democratic regime.

    * With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force.

    * All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars.

    In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the scene of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah."

    And here is Ben Gurion's dream shrine, the Supreme Court building designed by the Rothschilds.':


    The Israeli NWO tips their hand.

    Masonic Order Designs Symbology in Israeli Supreme Court Building


    The first thing you will notice is the pyramid with the all Seeing Eye just like the one you will see on the American dollar bill, it sits in a circle to the left. We will elaborate on this a little later in this article.

    Next, at the top of the next picture is a Moslem Gravesite, and just out of view to the right is an Egyptian Obelisk.

    There is little proof on the building itself of the presence of the Rothschild’s but on an outside wall we find these two items.

    Pointing to the garden that displays the Egyptian obelisk. After passing through security the first thing you will notice on the left wall is a large picture.

    Giving recognition to the Rothschilds, you will notice the Rothschilds emblem at the top. It is the symbol for the founder of the Rothschild Dynasty and his five sons, who established central banks throughout Europe. The Rothschilds made several stipulations with the Israeli Government before the building began, among them were. The Rothschilds would pick the plot of land to build the Supreme Court; they would use their own architects, and no one would ever know how much the building cost. It took them four years to build this structure with many secrets built into it. From the left you will see Teddy Kollek, then Lord Rothschild, on the right standing you will see Shimon Peres, and setting at the bottom left Yhzhak Rabin. And others who brought us the Olso death process that we are now faced with.

    But this is where our journey begins as we begin to enter into the building, for this entire journey is intended to bring one from darkness into the light, and become an Illuminated one. You first enter into an area with very dim lighting, but as you look up the stairs you see the bright light that comes from a very large window that over looks parts of Jerusalem

    Just before entering under the pyramid there is a window you can look up at the pyramid, you will notice the ley-line that runs to the center of the pyramid.

    For a moment lets go back to the top of the 30 steps, as we know there are 33 degrees in Free Masonry but the last three are the ones of higher learning and preparations to enter the Illuminati. So as we move from the top of the stairs towards the Pyramid we see a great library with three tiers to those three levels of higher learner. They three final steps in Free Masonry and after that if ones choose to go higher and have been accepted they enter the highest levels of the Illuminati. It is also important in this building to note that the 33rd level ends at the base of the Pyramid.

    vice: http://www.abidemiracles.com/555701.htm
    JAXXE --- ---
    Is this is how Israel treats its anti-war activists?

    Border Police unit firing on demonstrators from close range.

    The video clearly shows the commander of the unit saying, “This is Lebanon!” as he orders his force to fire on retreating demonstrators, and “I will not allow a demonstration during wartime!”


    PETVAL --- ---
    If you have ever wondered what exactly inflation is, and how it's created, then this informative video, by Edward Griffin, done back in 1969 will explain it to you. Learn how institutions which can legally print money are artificially creating inflation every second. Those central banks are the root cause for decreasing the value our money and also the value of our work.
    watch online: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7760821786905609611&q=G.+Edward+Griffin

    Edward Griffin - The Capitalist Conspiracy: An Inside view of International Banking
    Written and narrated by G. Edward Griffin (1960's) An old film, made sometime in the 60's.

    This is an adaptation of a documentary filmstrip tracing the history of a small group of people who control the money systems of the world. It shows how this group is protected by governments and how its wealth is derived by creating money out of nothing. We see how this group wields power through government, foundations, education, and the mass media. It has aided such regimes as Russia and China, not because it is pro-Communist, but because a visible enemy and the threat of war have been useful in persuading the masses to embrace the group's ultimate goal: a world government which they expect to control from behind the scenes. They are now working to replace fear of nuclear war with fear of global pollution as the motivation for world government. It is clear that the plan revealed in this program continues to unfold.

    Monopoly is not an outgrowth of capitalism. Monopolists lobby for laws that give them advantages in the market place. Monopoloy is not based on free-enterprise competition, but the escape from it. It is not the product of capitalism but the bedfellow of socialism.
    Recommended books: - The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
    watch online: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5793499868325228643&q=G.+Edward+Griffin
    PETVAL --- ---
    CNN: The Network of Fear Mongering? Jon Stewart Reports.
    [Commedy Show]
    Jon Stewart with some scences out of CNN reporting about the terrorist thread America is facing...meant to be fun but shows yet another time how the hidden forces in the USA manipulate their people

    "If we build a mouse-trap the terrorists will build a better mouse"

    worth to watch
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