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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Jesus Camp : Kids Worshipping to a George Bush Picture

    JAXXE --- ---
    Ludicrous Diversion - 7/7 London Bombings Documentary

    Click here to watch: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-4943675105275097719&q=Ludicrous+Diversion
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Plymouth police searched the truck and found a video. The Israelis were taken into custody and the video tape was played at the police station. The video revealed footage of Chicago with zoomed in shots of the Sears Tower. The police quickly alerted the FBI and it was also discovered that the Israelis had falsified travel logs and phony paperwork on them. (1) They were also unable to provide a name and telephone number for the customer that they claimed to have been working for. These Israelis were up to some sort of dirty business, and you can be sure it had nothing to do with moving furniture. These Israeli spies may have had a dark sense of humor. The name of their “moving company” actually contained the word MOSSAD embedded inside. Moving Systems Incorporated… MOving SyStems IncorporAteD

    vice: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/hundreds.html

    The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11

    JAXXE --- ---
    911 Mysteries - Demolitions

    90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials. Moving from "the myth" through "the ... all » analysis" and into "the players," careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. How do you get a 10-second 110-story pancake collapse?

    Part One: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7143212690219513043&q=911+mysteries+demolition

    Part Two: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-999558027849894376&q=911+mysteries+demolition

    Part Three: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1162851149755261569&q=911+mysteries+demolition

    This is an outstanding piece of work
    JAXXE --- ---
    Palestinians suspect Israeli agents behind fire-bombing of Churches

    Khalid Amayreh 17 September, 2006

    Palestinian nationalist and Islamic leaders on Sunday strongly condemned fire-bombing attacks against a few churches in the West Bank, calling the incidents "suspicious" and "incompatible with Palestinian and Islamic culture."

    Three churches in Nablus, Tulkarm and Tubas in the northern West Bank have been attacked with fire-bombs by unknown perpetrators resulting in minor damage.

    The mayor of Tubas, where a small Greek Orthodox Church was attacked, accused "suspicious elements," a reference to Israeli Shin Bet (Israel’s chief domestic intelligence agency) agents of "having embarked on this ugly act and criminal act."

    "It is either Israeli collaborators or some overzealous fools upset by the remarks of the Pope," said Iqab Darghmeh (Abu Ahmed), in a telephone interview.

    Darghmeh and Muslim notables, including representatives of Fatah, Hamas and civic leaders visited the church Sunday morning to show solidarity with the small Christian community in the town.

    "Christians here are not a separate sect. They are our flesh and blood. They are our brothers. An attack on their churches is an attack on Islam and the Palestinian people."

    The fire-bombings have been widely condemned by religious and political leaders throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

    Sheikh Muhammed Hussein, the highest-ranking Muslim clergyman in East Jerusalem described the bombing as "immoral, unethical and injurious to Palestinian unity."

    "Those who perpetrated these acts don’t represent the Palestinian people. They are a gang of ignoramuses and fanatics, or suspicious elements." In the Palestinian political lexicon, "suspicious elements" is an allusion to Israeli collaborators and informers.


    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iran says U.S., Israel ordered September 11 attacks

    Wed. 06 Sep 2006 Iran Focus

    Tehran, Iran, Sep. 06 – The Supreme Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps accused the Bush Administration and the Israeli security service Mossad of ordering the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington, DC.

    “The events of September 11 were ordered by U.S. [officials] and Mossad so that they could carry out their strategy of pre-emption and warmongering and unipolarisation in order to dominate the Middle East”, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi told military commanders on Tuesday. His comments were reported by the state-run news agency ISNA.

    General Safavi said that Iran was the leading force of the “Islamic world”. “The geographic heart of the Islamic world is in Mecca and Medina. But, the political heart of the Islamic world is in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Supreme Leader [Ayatollah Ali Khamenei] is the flag-bearer of the front of Islamic awakening and the fronts of the awakening of third world nations”, he said.

    He said that Washington had been defeated in its strategy of “attacking Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon” and creating a new order in the Middle East.

    “The U.S.’s neo-conservative strategy was to dominate the vast energy resources of the Persian Gulf in order to be able to control Europe, China, and India and drive the world to a unipolar state. Therefore, it planned to change undesirable regimes such as those of Iraq, Sudan, Syria, and Afghanistan”.


    GORG --- ---
    Russia to contribute in creation of safer world order

    18.09.2006, 02.58

    LISBON, September 18 (Itar-Tass) - Russia is ready to make a contribution in the creation of a new world order that will be safer and democratic based on the principles of law and multilateral cooperation, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an article published in the Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias over his two-day visit to Lisbon that will begin on Monday.

    GORG --- ---
    Russia sees no alternative to new collective leader in world, Sergei Lavrov said

    18.09.2006, 03.28

    LISBON, September 18 (Itar-Tass) - Russia does not see a reasonable alternative to the creation of a new collective leader comprising key, highly industrialized countries in the world, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an article published in the Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias over his two-day visit in Lisbon that will begin on Monday.

    According to the minister, these key countries should be “representative in terms of geography and civilisation.” “The Group of Eight (G8) may become an important aspect of an informal mechanism of a new collective leader,” Lavrov pointed out.

    Russia is ready to make a contribution in the creation of a new universal system that will be safer and democratic based on the principles of law and multilateral cooperation, Sergei Lavrov said.

    “Abandoning the ideology of the past in favour of common sense,” now Russia has “a broad and unbiased view on all issues,” the minister emphasized.

    PETVAL --- ---
    BYU places '9/11 truth' professor on paid leave
    Copyright 2006 Deseret Morning News

    By Tad Walch
    Deseret Morning News
    PROVO — Brigham Young University placed physics professor Steven Jones on paid leave Thursday while it reviews his involvement in the so-called "9/11 truth movement" that accuses unnamed government agencies of orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center.

    Steven Jones
    BYU will conduct an official review of Jones' actions before determining a course of action, university spokeswoman Carri Jenkins said. Such a review is rare for a professor with "continuing status" at BYU, where Jones has taught since 1985.
    Jones was teaching two classes this semester, which began Tuesday. Other professors will cover those classes, and Jones will be allowed to continue to do research in his area of academic study, Jenkins said.
    GORG --- ---
    Kissinger warns of possible "war of civilizations"

    He concluded by noting that observers wondered whether, after the Cold War, trans-Atlantic ties could survive the loss of a common enemy.

    "We now know that we face the imperative of building a new world order or potential global catastrophe. It cannot be done alone by either side of the Atlantic. Is that realization sufficient to regenerate a common purpose?"

    GORG --- ---
    VIDEO: High Quality Footage of FEMA Detention Camp
    GORG --- ---
    Largest Swiss Paper Asks If Bush Was Behind 911
    By Elie Peter

    ZURICH -- 2,973 humans died with the attacks of 9/11. "Bin Laden" and

    "Al Qaeda", the Bush clan cried. The world believed him. In the meantime even scientists doubt the Bush version.

    Now, Swiss university professors Albert A. Stahel (63) and Daniele Ganser (34) raise hot new questions.

    "Something is not correct", says strategy expert Stahel in "World Week", and refers to the "incomplete" official US Government 9/11 Report of 2004.


    Ganser: "3,000 humans were sacrificed for strategic interests. The more we research, the more we doubt the Bush version. It is conceivable that the Bush government was responsible. Bush has lied so much already! And we already know that the US government planned an operation in 1962 (Operation Northwoods) that was approved by the Pentagon that would have sacrificed innocent US citizens for the government's own interests."

    As far as Ganser and Stahel go: "We only ask questions."

    Swiss version: http://www.blick.ch/news/ausland/9-11/artikel45057

    English Translation:

    http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.blick.ch%2Fnews%2Fausla\ nd%2F9-11%2Fartikel45057&langpair=de%7Cen&hl=en&ie=
    UTF-8&oe=UTF-\ 8&prev=%2Flanguage_tools
    GORG --- ---
    Princ Charles chce koupit zemědělskou usedlost v Transylvánii
    18.09.2006 - 13:29, autor: ČTK.

    Princ Charles s Camillou Londýn - Britský následník trůnu princ Charles plánuje koupit zpustlý statek v rumunské Transylvánii, rodišti legendárního hraběte Drákuly. Jednopatrová usedlost se nachází ve vsi Viscri, v níž žije 400 obyvatel.

    Jak píše agentura DPA, princ Charles chce statek nechat opravit a pronajímat ho turistům. Zahraniční návštěvníci mají do historické vesnice, která je zapsána na seznamu světového kulturního dědictví UNESCO, vnést nový život.

    Princ Charles procestoval Transylvánii již v roce 2002. Je členem organizace Mihai Eminescu Trust, jejímž cílem je obnovit historické dědictví a hospodářský život ve vesnicích této části Rumunska.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    PETVAL: někde ta mrcha má hlavu :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    MARSHUS: tajna sluzba, ktera by nebyla zneuzivana k politickym hram, takova snad ani nemuze existovat ne? :)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    PETVAL: já vim, netanjahu říkal jak moc jim to prospělo. jedinej důvod by mohl být, že je to jedna a ta samá klika a i ISI bylo zneužitý v něčem ještě trochu jiným. ten press for truth si dejte, je tam pár věcí, který jsem jinde nepotkal plus odkaz na kompletní 911 timeline (začíná sovětskou válkou v afghánistánu).
    PETVAL --- ---
    MARSHUS: nevidel. ale mozna jeste vetsi, nez z toho maji pakistanci, nekde tu byl o tom nedavno link, kde byly mimojine citaty izraelskych predstavitelu tesne nebo nekolik dni po 9/11, ale nechce se mi to ted hledat.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    viděli jste Press for truth? bylo tam docela výrazně zdokumentováno, že za 911 stála pákistánská ISI a al-kajdu použili pouze jako loutku. jakou roli by v tom měl hrát mossad a proč? jakej benefit z toho mají?
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