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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    KERRAY --- ---

    Acceptance (doesn’t equal) Acquiescence
    by Douglas Rushkoff
    from Arthur No. 24 / Oct 02006:

    I’ve been debating for a while about whether to do this. Whether to come right out and say it. On a certain level, it’s like shouting “fire” in a crowded theater. What good is it to announce a problem if I don’t have a ready solution at hand? Furthermore, what if sharing this information – this perspective on our predicament - simply exacerbates our paralysis to do anything about it. I mean, fascism breeds best in populations that have been stunned into complacency, cynicism, or despair.

    (That’s called a “buried lede” – a publishing term for hiding the main idea of a story deep within a paragraph. Editors don’t like it because it makes it hard for the reader to figure out what an article is about. But I felt it necessary because, well, I’m not quite comfortable talking about it too directly, just yet. This fascism stuff.)

    It all became blindingly clear to me the morning I found out Ken Lay was dead. I was listening to the radio – to a friend of mine, actually, reading the news report on NPR. He was explaining how the dishonored corporate elite criminal, the former CEO of Enron, had a fatal heart attack before he had the chance to spend the rest of his life in jail. Because of certain technicalities in the law, this also meant Lay’s family would in all likelihood be able to keep the millions of dollars that would have otherwise been paid back to Enron employees and shareholders in court fines.

    The newsreader opined that Lay’s death might have been suicide, and not just for the money. Lay was in on those early secret energy industry meetings with Dick Cheney – the ones where they figured out oil prices and the Iraq War and other matters of state – and, facing prison, the fallen corporate superstar could have posed a security risk if he had leaked information about what had transpired to other prisoners or, worse, the FBI in trade for better living quarters.

    But, given all that, I couldn’t bring myself to believe Lay was dead at all. If you’re that rich and powerful, why die? Why not just get a hold of some corpse, pay-off a coroner, move to an island and call it a day? This is no grassy knoll feat. It’s not even CSI, but early 90’s Law & Order. No big deal for a guy intimately connected with one of the most actively clandestine administrations in US history.

    That same July morning, when news of North Korea’s failed nuclear test launches were broadcast, I didn’t feel sure I was being told what was happening, either. Not that news agencies can really know, either. Did they launch? Were they thwarted by a US counterstrike, or by their own ineptitude? Do they even know? Do we?

    I’m not saying one thing or the other happened - just that I stare at the news and don’t believe anything they’re saying. I’ve got no idea. And it feels really weird.

    I find I can trace this sense of uncertainty to the 2004 election. The 2000 election was crooked, but the fraud was rather out in the open. We watched hired thugs stop the Florida recount by trying to break into the room where the counting was happening - and thus delay the process long enough for the Supreme Court to choose Bush as the President. But the 2004 voter fraud in Ohio, fully documented by Robert Kennedy Jr., among others, was an entirely more hidden affair. Diebold voting machines, teams of fraud squads, and election officials too afraid that disclosure of what happened will turn people off voting forever.

    Those of us who try to stay even remotely connected to what is going on in the world around us have enough hard evidence to conclude with certainty that voting in America has been systematically and effectively undermined by the party currently in power. In an increasing number of precincts, how people vote – if they are even allowed in - no longer has a direct influence on how their votes are tallied.

    It’s sad and confusing not to live in a democracy, anymore. And while it’s quite plainly true, it’s a bit too unthinkable for most sane people to accept. It goes in the same mental basket as more outlandish (if not unthinkable) thoughts — such as dynamite on the WTC or no airplane crashing into the Pentagon — even though, in this case, it’s not conjecture, it’s just plain real.

    So what I’m coming to grips with is accepting that I don’t live in a democratic nation, and that the propaganda state attempted in 1930’s Europe did finally reach fruition here in the U.S., just as Henry Ford and those of his ilk predicted.

    Maybe I’m just old, and have a very idealistic view of democracy. When I was a kid, we were all told that this is a government of the people, and that our votes provided a check on the power of our leaders. That’s why we called them “elected.” Or maybe it’s just naïve to think that representative democracy could have worked the way it was presented to us.

    The other side – the fascist side – does have an argument to make, and they’ve been making it since Woodrow Wilson was president. Having run on a “peace” campaign, Wilson later decided that America needed to get involved in World War I. So, with the help of one of the great Public Relations masters of all time, Edward Bernays, he created the Creel Commission, whose job was to change America’s mind.

    Bernays, like the many political propagandists who followed, honestly believed that the masses are just too stupid to make decisions for themselves – particularly when it involved global affairs or economics. Instead, an enlightened and informed elite (corporate America) needs to make the decisions, and then “sell” them to the public in the form of faux populist media campaigns. This way, the masses feel they are coming up with these opinions, themselves.

    Truly populist positions, on the other hand - such as workers’ rights or minority representation – must be recontextualized as the corruption of the public by elite “special interests” or decadent social deviants. Throughout most of history, these scapegoats were the Jews, but now it’s mostly gays and liberals. By distracting the masses with highly emotionally charged issues like flag-burning or gay marriage, those in power consolidate their base of support while developing a new mythology of state as religion.

    As long as they do all this, they don’t have to worry about how people vote, or what might be happening on the ground. “Unregulating” the mediaspace turns the fourth estate (the news agencies) into just another arm of the corporate conglomerates that fascism was invented to serve. (Mussolini called it “corporatism,” don’t forget.)

    The last and most crucial step in creating a truly seamless fascist order, though, is to frighten the intellectuals, students, and artists from seeing the world as it is and sharing their sensibilities with one another. Hell, calling America’s leaders “a fascist regime” can’t be good for business. The only place I’m allowed to write this way is on my blog or here in Arthur – and neither pays the bills.

    Besides: why rock the boat? I may not have the right to vote, anymore, but I’m being kept comfortable enough. Like others of my class, I have a roof over my head. I’m crafty enough to get paid now and again for a book or talk or comic series. And the state is functioning well enough that I can afford a tuna sandwich and walk around my neighborhood eating it without getting whacked with a rock or a grenade. As far as history goes, that’s pretty good.

    So was democracy a failed experiment? Should we just let these guys run the country as long as they let us eat? Clearly, they’re not scared of us or what we might be saying about them. In fact, their best argument that we haven’t descended into fascism is the fact that we’re allowed to distribute columns like this one. How could we be living in a totalitarian propaganda state if there are articles pronouncing the same? Because fascism looks different every time around. 1930’s fascism failed because it was too obviously repressive. Today’s fascism works because it has turned the mediaspace into a house of mirrors where nothing is true and everything is permissible. The fact that there are plenty of blogs and even major books saying what’s happening and still it doesn’t matter is proof that it has worked.

    But there is hope. It’s not just the radicals and militias who are alarmed, but mainstream congresspeople and government wonks. I, myself, have been approached by two separate government intelligence agencies and three members of congress (of both parties) for help understanding what they already deem to be actionable offenses against the American people by some of our leaders. They are disturbed by the disinformation campaign leading up to the Gulf War, voter fraud, and the way Americans have been frightened into supporting the curtailment of civil rights.

    Surprisingly, most of my conversations with these patriotic people involve two main concerns. First, they have been ostracized by their peers for their views. This has created some urgency, for they fear they will not get enough party support for re-election if they don’t succeed in their efforts in the next few months. Second, and more troublingly, they are afraid to disillusion America’s youth. Isn’t there a way to fix this problem, they wonder, without raising an entire generation of Americans in environment of acknowledged voter nullification? And what of our reputation in the world? Which is more damaging to democracy: voter fraud, or the public awareness of voter fraud?

    To this, we simply must conclude that the reality of voter fraud is more dangerous than any associated disillusionment. To worry about the impact on public consciousness is to get mired in the logic of public relations – and that’s what got us into this mess to begin with.

    It’s time to get real, and either fight (through the courts, if possible) to reinstate the rule of law as established by the Constitution, or accept that Enlightenment-era democracy simply doesn’t work and move into a new phase of government by decree or market forces or whatever it is that comes next.

    In any case, it serves no one to have a “pretend democracy” that’s actually something else. I’m going to stop denying what’s going on here, and use what influence I have with lawmakers, government workers, and activists to get them to do the same. Instead of trying to feel better about all this, I’m going to allow myself and everyone around me to feel worse.

    Indeed, the bad news is the good news. Total disillusionment, though momentarily painful, is utterly liberating and probably required. Acceptance isn’t acquiescence at all; it’s the first step towards reconnecting with a reality that can and must be changed. If we’re going to get back on the horse, we’ve got to acknowledge that we’ve fallen off.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Politické strany? Pouzí obchodníci s vlivem

    26. září 2006 13:17
    Zástupci české pobočky Transparency International se velmi ostře pustili do chování politických stran v zemi. Podle nich jsou strany uzavřenými spolky zaměřenými na získávání vlivu. Strany jsou prý také odpovědné za vysokou korupci v zemi.

    Vedení Transparency International (TI) sleduje korupční prostředí v Česku už několik let, ovšem ještě nikdy nevystoupilo s tak ostrou kritikou politických stran jako v úterý.

    Politici to "schytali" hned za několik věcí. Stav české politiky je prý příčinou nelichotivého postavení Česka v žebříčku světové korupce. Politika je za tuto korupci přímo zodpovědná. Strany si žijí svůj vlastní život, kdy se několik málo členů neustále drží u moci, rozděluje si důležité posty ve státě a dává si pozor, aby o tuto moc nepřišli. A k tomu všemu je prý ještě celé financování stran zcela nepřehledné.

    "Politické strany v Česku postupně zmutovaly do firem obchodujících s vlivem," tvrdí Michal Štička z Transparency International.

    On a jeho kolegové v úterý zveřejnili hned několik studií, které nesou poněkud složitý název - Transparentní procesy v politickém rozhodování. Všechny přitom "svázali" do knihy o 232 stranách, na nichž se lze dočíst mnohé o chování i financování politických stran, stejně jako o tom, jak vypadá život uvnitř těchto stran či jaké problémy se točí kolem vyšetřování politiků.

    A z čeho "odborníci na korupci" vycházejí, když srovnávají strany s firmami, jejichž byznysem je vliv? Jednoduše řečeno, z jejich pohledu tvoří politické strany jen několik málo členů, kteří si žijí svým vlastním životem, aniž by měli zájem pouštět mezi sebe nové zájemce.

    Štička to ukazuje na příkladu vnitrostranické demokracie, tedy na výběru kandidátů do vysokých funkcí. "Taková demokracie je v České republice chimérou. Strany nemají dostatečná pravidla pro obsazování kandidátních listin, a pokud je mají, tak je zhusta nedodržují," říká.

    Zástupci TI v úterý poukazovali také na to, jak každá strana, která se dostane k moci, téměř okamžitě mění státní aparát a dosazuje své lidi. "Tyto změny udělají pro to, že v Česku nemáme nastavená pravidla, kam až by měla sahat moc politiků v personálních otázkách ve veřejné správě," podotýká Štička s tím, že pak jsou ve velkém vyměňováni lidé od nejvyšších míst až po nejnižší.

    BILLY_STYX --- ---
    klece na Václaváku pøipomnìly Guantánamo
    na pra¾ském Václavském námìstí se v pondìlí ráno objevily dvì malé klece.
    zavøeli se do nich protagonisté akce Dva metry krychlové lidských práv. Klece z
    drátìného pletiva mají rozmìr právì dva metry krychlové. Mu¾i spoutaní na rukou
    i na nohou kovovými øetìzy mají pøipomínat vìznì z americké vìznice Guantánamo,
    kde je bez soudu dr¾eno nìkolik set lidí podezøelých z terorismu.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Russia Selling Iran Missiles to Protect Bushehr Nuclear Reactor

    Created: 25.09.2006 13:18 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 13:18 MSK

    Russia, pledging to complete the Bushehr reactor, has offered to sell a range of surface-to-air missile systems to protect Iran’s nuclear facilities, the Middle East Newsline reports.

    Russian diplomatic and industry sources said Moscow has been negotiating to sell Iran a range of anti-aircraft systems to protect Bushehr from Israeli or U.S. air strikes. The sources said contracts could be signed when Bushehr was ready to begin operations in a move expected to take place in late 2007.

    “Russia has already installed and manned SAM systems around Bushehr,” a diplomatic source said. “The current talks regard an air defense umbrella that would protect all strategic sites in Iran.”

    In November 2005, Russia reached agreement for the sale of 29 TOR-M1 short-range anti-aircraft systems to Iran in a deal valued at more than $700 million. The sources said Iran has also sought the strategic S-300PMU SAM system, capable of detecting and intercepting enemy aircraft at a distance of 300 and 150 kilometers, respectively.

    FLU --- ---
    i ten clanek je zajimavy...

    The Rise Of Jihadistan

    MARSHUS --- ---
    JAXXE: :))))))
    WIPER --- ---
    Prispevek pro vsechny kreri si mysli, ze je nesmysl, ze by tajne sluzby USA, UK a dalsich zapadnich statu se mohly podilet na pachani falesnych terroristickych utoku na vlastnim uzemi pro podporu sve politicke agendy

    proudly present:


    Operation Gladio was a clandestine "stay-behind" operation sponsored by the CIA and NATO to counter communist influence after World War II in Italy, as well as in other European countries,which has been involved in various terrorist acts.
    atd... kdo si chce prestavat nalhavat do kapsi, necht cte dal. Zvlaste doporucuji kapitolu:)


    Resoluce evropskeho parlamentu. Chtel jsem vam ji nalinkovat primo ze stranek EP, ale bohuzel jejich prohledavac hlasi "DATABASE UPDATING, PLEASE TRY LATER". Takze cituji jen z wikipedie a doufam ze to neni fake :)
    Doporuciji precist pozorne tuto resoluci, protoze jeji zneni je velmi potvrzujici.

    European Parliament resolution on Gladio

    On November 22, 1990, the European Parliament passed a resolution on Operation Gladio.

    Joint resolution replacing B3-2021, 2058, 2068, 2078 and 2087/90

    A. having regard to the revelation by several European governments of the existence for 40 years of a clandestine parallel intelligence and armed operations organization in several Member States of the Community,

    B. whereas for over 40 years this organization has escaped all democratic controls and has been run by the secret services of the states concerned in collaboration with NATO,

    C. fearing the danger that such clandestine network may have interfered illegally in the internal political affairs of Member States or may still do so,

    D. whereas in certain Member States military secret services (or uncontrolled branches thereof) were involved in serious cases of terrorism and crime as evidenced by, various judicial inquiries,

    E. whereas these organizations operated and continue to operate completely outside the law since they are not subject to any parliamentary control and frequently those holding the highest government and constitutional posts are kept in the dark as to these matters,

    F. whereas the various 'Gladio' organizations have at their disposal independent arsenals and military ressources which give them an unknown strike potential, thereby jeopardizing the democratic structures of the countries in which they are operating or have been operating,

    G. greatly concerned at the existence of decision-making and operational bodies which are not subject to any form of democratic control and are of a completely clandestine nature at a time when greater Community cooperation in the field of security is a constant subject of discussion,

    1. Condemns the clandestine creation of manipulative and operational networks and Calls for a full investigation into the nature, structure, aims and all other aspects of these clandestine organizations or any splinter groups, their use for illegal interference in the internal political affairs of the countries concerned, the problem of terrorism in Europe and the possible collusion of the secret services of Member States or third countries;

    2. Protests vigorously at the assumption by certain US military personnel at SHAPE and in NATO of the right to encourage the establishment in Europe of a clandestine intelligence and operation network;

    3. Calls on the governments of the Member States to dismantle all clandestine military and paramilitary networks;

    4. Calls on the judiciaries of the countries in which the presence of such military organizations has been ascertained to elucidate fully their composition and modus operandi and to clarify any action they may have taken to destabilize the democratic structure of the Member States;

    5. Requests all the Member States to take the necessary measures, if necessary by establishing parliamentary committees of inquiry, to draw up a complete list of organizations active in this field, and at the same time to monitor their links with the respective state intelligence services and their links, if any, with terrorist action groups and/or other illegal practices;

    6. Calls on the Council of Ministers to provide full information on the activities of these secret intelligence and operational services;

    7. Calls on its competent committee to consider holding a hearing in order to clarify the role and impact of the 'Gladio' organization and any similar bodies;

    8. Instructs its President fo forward this resolution to the Commission, the Council, the Secretary-General of NATO, the governments of the Member States and the United States Government."

    tak a ted si pojdme dal povidat o 9/11, bombach v Londynskem metru a soucasne "teroristicke hrozbe v CR" :-)))
    GORG --- ---
    ad Chavez a blogosphere debata viz tahle stranka, na ktere tam taky pak zjevne pozdeji reagoval primo ten clovek : http://www.911blogger.com/node/3116

    I agree that what Sgt. Lauro Chavez says is very damning to Dick Cheney and the rest of the criminals in the Bush administration, but when you consider the risk that he is taking by speaking out you CANNOT simply think that this man is a fake. What would he have to gain but a few days of notoriety in the 9/11 Truth Movement which is mainly limited to the Internet? For this do you really think he would claim to be a part of USCENTCOM and have access to such information that he claims in his letter to the editor of The Cincinnati Post? I seriously doubt that.

    At a recent 9/11 Truth meeting Lauro struck me as being very sincere and knowledgeable in his efforts to expose the truth about 9/11. We will find out more in time.

    Let his story be fully vetted. We have all been waiting for more government/military personnel to come forward with inside information. You certainly do not have any qualifications to discredit him solely based on a letter you have read no matter how many 9/11 documentaries you may have watched over the Internet.

    "A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves" – Edward R. Murrow

    Submitted by Cincy911Truth on Sat, 09/23/2006 - 5:47pm.


    I'd like to start by saying that I dont appreciate my letter being stripped down. Also, let me clairfy on the Cheney order. I in no way ever heard Cheney give the order to stand down. I was at USCENTCOM and I don t know where he was. But I was told that there was an order to stand down. So, who gave the order I dont know, BUT NORAD should have scrambled planes to intercept. Thats what the instructions are ...very simple thing to do.

    Also, I didnt choose to come out and blow the wistle - it chose its own time. Out of pure and utter disbelief toward the Cincy post - I wrote that letter. And i just wanted to get this stuff off my chest. Do you know what its like knowing something that not many people know and not being able to say anything because you'll either be passed off as some idiot fake or shot and killed.

    I fear not death, but I do fear for my children growing up in this world. Thats why I did this. Thats why I joined the military.

    I do work at Domin-8 as their Information security manager. Call me sometime, since you have my signiture block - also, i put that there so that Mr White didnt think I was some weirdo.



    formerly SGT Chavez US ARMY active duty


    I beleive that it was Cheney that gave the order to stand down - thats my opinion. I know for a fact that there was an order given, because we were told when we asked about why defense measures were not taken. After all I have read and studdied, that was my opinion - what people dont understand is that my letter to the editor, was a rant. It included both facts and my opinions. In my radio interviews, i'll clarify them. Me saying that Cheney gave the order to stand down is what I beleive to be true. That order WAS given, and only him or someone higher than him has that power over NORAD.

    I'm am in now way trying to hinder what the truth movement is doing, but what i can do is provide with certainty, that there was prior knowledge. I know about as much of the full story as any of you - and we will probably never know the true story. I felt it my duty to speak out and say that i bore witness to many thilngs that were not public. Like the exercises taken place and the senarios proposed in those excercises. Speaking with my friend, the former commander of ACOE was true. And those who dont believe a mere sgt could speak to such a high ranking official, need to do your homework on central command. I only worked with Colonel's O6 or Above.

    Also, I understand many of you will be skeptical of me - good thats your job - but it does not change the fact that I know what I know and saw the things I saw. Now, if you want to bash me for that - for your interpertation of my letter instead of asking my intent of the letter - then thats fine.

    We have too large of a battle ahead of us to be fussing back and fourth with each other. I hope that my intentions to speak out will cause more military personnel that knew to speak out as well.

    I will clarify my facts and submit them.



    He goes by the name LJ and he is for real because I work with him at Domin-8. He will be going live on Alex Jones today at 12:30 eastern I am told. Everyone needs to know that this letter he wrote was only a letter to the editor for the Cincinnati Post and was never published to LJ or my knowledge. I also wrote a letter to the editor and this is what sparked LJ to contact Mr. White at the Cincinnati Post with his letter. Going public was never intended with this letter as it is an opinion mixed with fact piece.

    LJ does have insider information which I assume will be clarified today on Alex Jones. Some how his letter was leaked and got all over the internet without his knowledge so please try and give the guy a break here.
    GORG --- ---
    Google Caught In Terror Storm Censorship
    Viewing totals reset despite runaway popularity of Alex Jones video


    As you can see from the screenshot a reader e mailed us below, Terror Storm was being highlighted as one of Google Video's most popular selections and was heading for the top ten, until late Saturday/early Sunday when viewership totals for the video were inexplicably reset.
    GORG --- ---
    Claim: USCENTCOM Sergeant Blows Whistle On 9/11 Inside Job
    Blogosphere debate rages as to whether "Chavez" is real or disinfo


    UPDATE: Sergeant Chavez has now provided us with evidence of his credentials - the pdf can be viewed here.

    An individual describing himself as a Sergeant stationed at MacDill AFB claims he witnessed unusual preparations for a potential airplane hitting the base on the morning of 9/11 and publicly questions the NORAD stand down and the demolition of the twin towers. Many have reacted to the claims by warning of a hoax designed to poison the well of the 9/11 truth movement.

    n a letter that first appeared on the 9/11 Veterans For Truth Website, Sergeant Lauro "LJ" Chavez responds to a Cincinnati Post hit piece article by outlining his own doubts about the official version of 9/11 and his personal experiences of the strange prelude to the events of that morning.
    JAXXE --- ---
    V Argentíne zadržali izraelského diplomata s výbušninami

    V stredu 9. augusta t.r. zadržali na medzinárodnom argentínskom letisku Ezeiza v Buenos Aires významného izraelského diplomata, ktorý ilegálne prenášal značné množstvo výbušnín. Zatkli ho tesne pred nastúpením do lietadla, ktoré mierilo do Chile. O situácii ihneď informovali argentínskeho ministra vnútra, ale médiá verejnosť o prípade neiformovali.

    ...V súvislosti s týmto incidentom je zaujímavé pripomenúť si útok v júli 1997, kedy podľa oficiálnej správy, bomba v nákladnom aute poškodila budovu AMIA (Argentínsko-izraelská vzájomná asociácia) a z útoku následne obvinili hnutie Hizbolláh.

    Po vyšetrovaní online magazínu "Libertad de opinion" a po nezávislej správe, ktorú predložila najvyššiemu súdu skupina odborníkov sa však zistilo, že do prípadu žiadne auto zapletené nebolo a že výbuch budovu poškodil znútra. V máji 1999 došlo k ďalšiemu útoku, ale po uverejnení správy v "Libertad de opinion", že podobne ako aj v predchádzajúcom prípade, išlo o výbuch krabice s výbušninami vo vnútri budovy (v prvom prípade ju asociácii AMIA zaslala poštou izraelská komunita v tamojšej Cordobe), vyšetrovatelia napokon vylúčili možnosť, že by išlo o útok "islamských teroristov".

    Údajných "teroristov" musela polícia napokon prepustiť a namiesto toho obvinili bývalého sudcu židovského pôvodu Galeana a bývalého prezidenta DAIA (Delegácia izraelských asociácií v Argentíne) Rubena Baraja (o ktorom sa ukázalo, že ide o podvodníka a bankového lupiča) a takisto prešetrujú podiel na zavádzaní verejnosti zo strany zamestnanca denníka Pagina/12 Raula Kollmana.

    Pár týždňov po tom, čo Izrael začal s novou agresiou voči Palestíne a Libanonu, DAIA a Wiesenthalovo centrum začalo prehlasovať, že v Argentíne sa chystá "tretí útok". V tom istom čase Biely dom a Pentagon začal oznamovať, že v mieste, kde sa stretajú hranice Argentíny, Brazílie a Paraguaja sa nachádza početná arabská islamská komunita, preto sa tam môžu nachádzať aj bojovníci al-Kajdá.

    Zatknutie izraelského diplomata s výbušninami spustilo v Casa Rosada (argenstínsky ´Biely dom´) poplach. Ale namiesto, aby o zatknutí informovali verejnosť a dožadovalo sa od Tel Avivu vysvetlenia, Kirchnerova vláda o incidente mlčí. Zrejme úspešne zaintervenoval izraelský veľvyslanec Rafael Eldad, ktorý je fanatickým stúpencom Izraela a ktorého synovia bojujú v izraelskej armáde. ...


    Red Kalki, Signs of the Times




    Mossad False Flags In Argentina

    JAXXE --- ---
    "Operace Pravda" - Americkou armádou se nechala zkorumpovat i CNN

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Doomsday Code

    Tony Robinson travels to America, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Africa to gather evidence that might uncover the realities behind ... all » the prophecies contained within the Book of Revelation. He interviews people who believe millions will be spirited up to Heaven, Israel will fight a nuclear war, that the Secretary General of the UN will be unmasked as the Anti-Christ and the world will end after the Battle of Armageddon.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Billions for the Bankers, Debts for the People

    The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America

    Editor's note: This piece is an internet classic, outlining the terrible flaws in our current banking system, and how it enriches bankers and powers-that-be at the expense of common people like us. If you have never seen it, you are in for an eye opener! If you have read it before, read it again - it is well worth it. Although originally written in 1980, the article is especially timely today in light of the new bankruptcy law that has been passed by the Senate and will surely be passed by the Congress soon. Read it and think about the world that we live in! Opening yourself to new information is the first step in awakening to the truth about the road we are traveling.


    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 Truth: Scott Forbes describes power-downs in WTC


    9/11 Truth: Everybody Knows (except the mainstream media!)

    BLUE4 --- ---
    PETVAL: no je to na desetimegabitu, a jelikoz je tam uz par ftpek pro nych tak tam tolik mista na disku taky neni ;]]]
    GORG --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    WIPER: zrovna jsem to sem chtel dat. a protoze to casem zmizi v archivu pro predplatitele, tak copy&paste

    Šaškárna v Praze
    Vladimír Stwora( více o autorovi > )

    Občané, pozor! Zákeřní arabští teroristé... nemůžeme sdělit, kdo … kolik ... kde ... situace je vážná... cílem může být americká a izraelská ambasáda... ale i měkké cíle... ...odposlechy odhalily... přijali jsme opatření … snad jen několik dnů... vláda zasedala v noci... posílené hlídky .. obrněné transportéry v ulicích … všechny složky spolupracují … Bojte se, bojte se bojte se...

    Tak nějak by se dala charakterizovat poslední šaráda v Praze. Oni si prostě nedají pokoj. Teroristé. Nemyslím ty papundeklové s turbany na hlavě a kalašnikovem na kolenou, jak nám je předkládají média. Myslím skutečné teroristy. Ty v oblecích a v kravatách, které jsme ze zoufalství zvolili, protože nebyla jiná volba. A oni dnes jako citlivé loutky v rukou loutkaře hrají svůj part podělaní strachem, že kdyby odmítli, hrábl by loutkař do krabice a nahradil je jinou loutkou. Což je pravda.

    Z Tel Avivu se nesmírně úspěšně daří exportovat jejich hlavní exportní artikl – terorismus Made in Izrael. Je o něj úžasný zájem. Západní vlády se mohou přetrhnout, aby ho importovaly do svých zemí co nejvíce. A Mossad nestačí školit další agendy. Vlády totiž vědí, že kdo se bojí, nezlobí. Říkávalo se, kdo si hraje, nezlobí. Totéž platí o strachu.

    Jakou šanci má průměrný Franta Novák z ulice, že prohlédne hru? Jen polovina populace dokáže pracovat s počítačem, jen asi třetina má přístup na internet, z toho jen třetina ovládá angličtinu a ti, kteří v té poslední skupině jsou, nemívají čas, aby si vyhledali na internetu alternativní zdroje, přečetli si, co a jak, zamysleli se a vyhodnotili situaci vlastním rozumem. Drtivá většina je odkázána na masová média, která jsou zcela a bez výjimky pod kontrolou teroristů.

    Definice terorismu ze stránek ministerstva vnitra:

    Terorismus je metodou zastrašování politických odpůrců hrozbou a užitím násilí. Smyslem nastolení teroru je vytvořit extrémní psychický nátlak na jednotlivce i skupiny obyvatelstva.

    A ještě (pdf soubor):

    ... samo latinské slovo “terror” znamená “hrůza”, “děs”, “strach”. Teroristou je ten, kdo realizací či hrozbou určitých nelegálních skutků vzbuzuje strach. Prostřednictvím tohoto strachu jsou dosahovány určité cíle, motivované a zdůvodňované určitou ideologickou nadstavbou.


    Zjednodušeně řečeno: Cílem “klasického” teroristy není destrukce jako taková. Kýženým efektem je širší společenská odezva, než může přinést bezprostřední konkrétní fyzický účinek (oběti v troskách, přímé hmotné škody) – ten je zcela druhořadý a často pro teroristu i vysloveně nežádoucí (terorista doufá, že “zabije jednoho a vystraší deset tisíc dalších”).

    Nechci zlehčovat poslední vyhlášené nebezpečí, to v žádném případě. Oni – teroristé – klidně nechají zavraždit větší počet vlastních občanů, jakmile budou vidět, že bič strachu se ošoupává. Vychází to přibližně tak, že na tři plané poplachy připadne jeden skutečný útok.

    Takže ano, bojme se. Protože ta sebranka se skutečně nezastaví před ničím. Jediné, na co chci upozornit, je to, abychom v sevření hrůzy dokázali rozlišit a najít skutečné teroristy od těch lepenkových. Jména i tváře těch skutečných jsou známá.
    WIPER --- ---
    Atta je opět v Praze?
    aneb divadelní představení nového muže na vnitru

    Šaškárna v Praze

    nevim jestli mam plakat nebo jit zvracet :-(
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam