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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JENIIK --- ---
    PETVAL: ne, já mám jednak trošku jinej názor a druhak podepisovat petici, jež začíná hloupoučkým "Nevážení..." a v tomto duchu se nese celý její text je pod moji důstojnost.

    Navíc petice nic nezmění. Pokud by měla lůza rozhodovat o všem, tak tady máme dávno zase socialismus...
    JAXXE --- ---
    AP: Pentagon navrhuje možnost poprav na základě nepřímých důkazů


    Associated Press (Washington) – Americké ministerstvo obrany navrhlo pokyny, jak je možno naložit s lidmi zadržovanými na základně Guantánamo.

    Podle pravidel navrhovaných Pentagonem bude při plánovaných procesech možné zadržované odsoudit a případně popravit i jen na základě nepřímých důkazů, svědectví z druhé ruky, či vynucených svědectví.

    Podle navržených pravidel, jejichž kopie dostala agentura AP, nebudou mít navíc obhájci podezřelých možnost při obhajobě zveřejnit utajované informace, dokud nebude mít možnost je posoudit vláda.

    Nová pravidla by mohla zažehnout nový konflikt mezi Bushovou administrativou a Kongresem, kam byl manuál poslán k posouzení.

    Činnost Bushem plánovaných vojenských soudů přitom už v minulosti pozastavil Nejvyšší soud, protože jsou porušením amerických i mezinárodních právních norem.

    Na americké základně Guantánamo je v současnosti asi 400 vězňů, které Washington nazývá „nepřátelskými bojovníky.“ Tento termín umožňuje jejich zadržování na neomezeně dlouhou dobu bez soudu a nároku na přístup k právníkovi. Pouhých deset lidí z tohoto počtu bylo dosud obviněno, odsouzen nebyl nikdo. Dalších 380 zadržovaných bylo postupně přesunuto jinam, či propuštěno.

    Messin, 19.1.2007 Zdroj http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16691101/



    US sets terrorism trial rules


    So, if Mr. A is tortured into saying he heard Mr. B say something bad about Mr. C, Mr. C can be put to death.
    JENIIK --- ---
    PETVAL: :-))

    Tak nevím, jestli se mám smát stylu té petice, nebo raději jejímu reálnému významu... Quijot by měl radost.

    Myslím, že tudy fakt cesta nevede.
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    a backdoor zdarma :))
    KERRAY --- ---
    tak vypracujem nabidku, ne?
    PETVAL --- ---
    Zakázka číslo: 60004075 Soubory ke stažení ZIP
    Název: Posílení kapacity české policie v boji proti korupci a hospodářské kriminalitě, Systém pro monitoring internetu
    Zadavatel: Ministerstvo financí, Centrální finanční a kontraktační jednotka (MF, CFCU)
    IČO: 00006947
    Předmět zakázky: Předmětem zakázky je dodávka, instalace, uvedení do provozu, testování, školení a návrh pozáručního servisu systému pro monitoring internetu. Systém se skládá ze dvou fyzicky oddělitelných částí – části zachytávající data (sběrná jednotka) a části zpracovávající zachycená data (monitorovací centrum).
    Kraj plnění: Praha
    Obec plnění: Praha
    Soutěžní lhůta: 06.03.2007
    Zveřejněno: 12.01.2007
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Nove Od: ETERIUS (21.01.07 15:14:41) --- @, Reply

    Zakázka číslo: 60004075
    Posílení kapacity české policie v boji proti korupci a hospodářské kriminalitě, Systém pro monitoring internetu

    II.2.1) Celkové množství nebo rozsah:
    Systém pro monitoring internetu - 1 kus
    Je-li známa, uveďte předpokládanou hodnotu bez DPH: 900 000.00 Měna: EUR
    MARSHUS --- ---
    MATT: celej ten NP je vcelku fér.
    MATT --- ---
    v jedom z poslednich novejch prostoru docela dobrej clanek o mediich, ete sem ho nedocet ale pak ho mozna i nafotim..
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Tady je nejaky 765 strankovy dokument o zednarich z pohledu nejakeho krestana, jeste jsem to moc neprocital, ale vypada to zajimave.

    Fritz Springmeier - Be Wise As Serpents

    GORG --- ---
    Reporter Claims Israeli Nuke Strike On Iran Averted By U.S. Fighters
    Sources say F16 suicide mission armed with 20-kiloton bomb recalled by Israelis under threat of U.S. Sidewinder missile shootdown
    JENIIK --- ---
    MATT: Inu bude potřeba začít ve větší míře používat šifrovaná spojení.
    MATT --- ---
    CHARION: zatim jen ustni podani, ted prej jedou proverky lidi co na tom maj delat.. takze prece nemuzu potopit sveho agenta hned v pocatcich..
    KERRAY --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    As Bush's War Strategy Shifts to Iran, Christian Zionists Gear Up for the Apocalypse

    By Sarah Posner, AlterNet. Posted January 18, 2007.

    Is Bush pushing for a second war or a Second Coming?

    Christian Zionists are dancing the hora in San Antonio. Armageddon appears to be at hand.

    As George W. Bush sets his sights on Iran, even Republicans are wondering how to constitutionally contain the trigger-happy king. But for an influential group of Christian fundamentalists -- White House allies that garner not only feel-good meetings with the President's liaisons to the "faith-based" community but also serious discussions with Bush's national security staff -- an attack on Iran is just what God ordered.

    Biblical literalists, convened together through San Antonio megapastor John Hagee's Christians United for Israel (CUFI), are now seeing the fruits of their yearlong campaign to convince the Bush administration to attack Iran.


    But for his listeners gearing up for the end times -- a segment of American evangelicals increasingly united around this issue -- Bush fired up the grandiose rhetoric of a final showdown: "The challenge playing out across the broader Middle East is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of our time."


    JAXXE --- ---
    The pieces are moving. They’ll be in place by the end of February. The United States will be able to escalate military operations against Iran.

    The second carrier strike group leaves the U.S. west coast on Tuesday. It will be joined by naval mine clearing assets from both the United States and the UK. Patriot missile defense systems have also been ordered to deploy to the Gulf.

    Maybe as a guard against North Korea seeing operations focused on Iran as a chance to be aggressive, a squadron of F-117 stealth fighters has just been deployed to Korea.

    This has to be called escalation. We have to remind ourselves, just as Iran is supporting groups inside Iraq, the United States is supporting groups inside Iran. Just as Iran has special operations troops operating inside Iraq, we’ve read the United States has special operations troops operating inside Iran.

    Just as Iran is supporting Hamas, two weeks ago we found out the United States is supporting arms for Abbas. Just as Iran and Syria are supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon we’re now learning the White House has approved a finding to allow the CIA to support opposition groups inside Lebanon. Just as Iran is supporting Syria, we’ve learned recently that the United States is going to fund Syrian opposition groups.

    We learned this week the President authorized an attack on the Iranian liaison office in Irbil.

    The White House keeps saying there are no plans to attack Iran. Obviously, the facts suggest otherwise. Equally as clear, the Iranians will read what the Administrations is doing not what it is saying.

    It is possible the White House strategy is just implementing a strategy to put pressure on Iran on a number of fronts, and this will never amount to anything. On the other hand, if the White House is on a path to strike Iran, we’ll see a few more steps unfold.

    First, we know there is a National Security Council staff-led group whose mission is to create outrage in the world against Iran. Just like before Gulf II, this media group will begin to release stories to sell a strike against Iran. Watch for the outrage stuff.

    The Patriot missiles going to the GCC states are only part of the missile defense assets. I would expect to see the deployment of some of the European-based missile defense assets to Israel, just as they were before Gulf II.

    I would expect deployment of additional USAF fighters into the bases in Iraq, maybe some into Afghanistan.

    I think we will read about the deployment of some of the newly arriving Army brigades going into Iraq being deployed to the border with Iran. Their mission will be to guard against any Iranian movements into Iraq.

    As one of the last steps before a strike, we’ll see USAF tankers moved to unusual places, like Bulgaria. These will be used to refuel the US-based B-2 bombers on their strike missions into Iran. When that happens, we’ll only be days away from a strike.

    The White House could be telling the truth. Maybe there are no plans to take Iran to the next level. The fuel for a fire is in place, however. All we need is a spark. The danger is that we have created conditions that could lead to a Greater Middle East War.


    Sam Gardiner is a Retired Air Force Colonel. He is an expert in military strategy. He has taught at the National War College. He has also taught at the Air War College, the Naval War College and as visiting scholar at the Swedish Defense College. His Truth In These Podia (pdf) explains the propaganda methods used by the Pentagon to "sell the war".

    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Blair Set To Radically Enhance British Police State

    Steve Watson Infowars.net Wednesday, January 17, 2007

    A series of policy review documents have been published today by the Cabinet Office of the British Government that detail Tony Blair's desire to implement radical "crime tackling" measures that would not look out of place in the most hellish of dictatorship states on the face of the planet.

    Blair has said that measures including microchipping the mentally ill and injecting sex offenders with hormones to negate their desires, so called "chemical castration", are aimed at ensuring that a "new New Labour" agenda will take the Government into the next election after he steps down.

    Blair announced that the measures were intended to shake up a public that are "getting bored" of the government.

    One document, entitled Crime, Justice And Cohesion, says there will have to be "trade-offs" between liberty and security as technology and profiling are used to tackle crime.

    The policy paper also calls for the possible implementation of technology such as face and voice recognition, a DNA database, identity cards, and satellite surveillance.

    The papers come at a time when Blair is fiercely defending plans to centralise data on all citizens, calling it "sharing data in a sensible way so the customer gets a better service", while critics and opposition MPs are labeling it "a database from the cradle to the grave".


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