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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    MATT --- ---
    trochu mi to pripomelo spojence hagbarda celina.. ;)

    SAN DIEGO - Dozens of dolphins and sea lions trained to detect and apprehend waterborne attackers could be sent to patrol a military base in Washington state, the Navy said Monday.
    MARSHUS --- ---

    Next stop Iran?
    Why George Bush should resist a Wagnerian exit from the White House
    FLU --- ---
    Police free two held in Birmingham raids

    Wednesday February 7, 2007
    Guardian Unlimited

    Two of the nine men arrested under anti-terrorism laws during raids in Birmingham last week were released without charge early this morning.


    "They have left the police station without any better understanding of why they were there than when they first arrived, seven days ago," Gareth Peirce said.

    "Not a word was ever mentioned to either of them about a plot to kidnap, or the grisly suggestion of a beheading, or even of a soldier at all.

    "Both have been met with a consistent refusal over seven days for any explanation for their arrest. They are convinced that others in the police station must be as innocent as they and urge that they also be swiftly released."

    FLU --- ---
    Světem se šíří nesmyslný konspirační virus o událostech z 11. září

    Film Loose Change má tempo, má profesionální švih a autoritativně znějící komentář, celá jeho argumentace je však nesmyslná, varuje George Monbiot v deníku Guardian.

    Po světě se šíří virus. Napadá odpůrce Bushovy vlády, prostřednictvím očí jim vycůcne mozek a proměňuje je v blekotající idioty. Vznikl v jedné americké laboratoři, nyní dospěl i do Evropy a stal se skutečnou epidemií.



    anglicky tady:

    A 9/11 conspiracy virus is sweeping the world, but it has no basis in fact

    Loose Change is a sharp, slick film with an authoritative voiceover, but it drowns the truth in an ocean of nonsense

    George Monbiot
    Tuesday February 6, 2007
    The Guardian

    FLU --- ---
    vojaci budou zkratka vzdycky stejni zmetci...
    Why They Hate Us: Some Examples

    Sunday, February 4th, 2007 in News by Eric Garris|

    YouTube gives some examples of why Iraqis may have a less than positive view of US occupiers. I am not only amazed at what some of these videos show, but also the fact that the soldiers who shot the videos were apparently proud of their behavior.

    BAKA --- ---
    Paroubek: "Odmítavý postoj ČSSD k základně USA nemusí být konečný, záleží na vývoji jednání. ČSSD by mohla změnit postoj, pokud by základna byla zahrnuta do kolektivní obrany NATO."
    CAIDEL --- ---
    Demokracie pod policejním drobnohledem:
    MATT --- ---
    JAZZZ --- --- 3:19:20 3.2.2007
    nasel sem jednoduchej navod jak ze staryho fotaku s bleskem udelat likvidator RFID cipu, tak to musim hned hodit mezi bojovniky chaosu a dalsi nebezpecny anarchisticky zivly :)

    JAXXE --- ---
    Comparing Bush's statements about Iraq in 2002 with his statements about Iran in 2007

    PETVAL --- ---
    S pozoruhodným názorem na příčiny nepříznivého vývoje v Iráku přišel komentátor deníku Financial Times Gideon Rachman. Neokonzervativci byli již mnohokrát odepisováni, ale Bushovo rozhodnutí poslat více jednotek do Iráku demonstruje, že jejich vliv neslábne. V době, kdy byla zveřejněna zpráva Bakerovy-Hamiltonovy komise, se mluvilo o návratu "dospělých" a "realistů". Avšak Bush údajně označil Bakerovu zprávu za "hořící lejno".
    Neokonzervativci bývají obviňováni z lecčeho: imperialismu i trockismu, a Rachman upozorňuje, že soudě podle e-mailů, které mu chodí do redakce, začíná být znepokojivou módou upozorňovat na to, že příliš neo-conů jsou Židé. Rachman se domnívá, že problém je v tom, že jsou hlavně novináři.
    Nejlepší názorové články slynou prý jasností a čtivostí, která daleko převyšuje kvalitu akademických prací a diplomatických telegramů. Jenže názorová žurnalistika má také své charakteristické hříchy. Editor slavného týdeníku The Economist radil svým podřízeným v 50. letech: "nejprve zjednodušujte, pak přehánějte." Tato formulka je vlastně druhou přirozeností názorové žurnalistiky a umožňuje skvělé čtenářské zážitky. Poskytuje však mizerné návody pro zahraniční politiku.
    Otisky prstů zjednodušujících a přehánějících novinářů najdeme na celém iráckém debaklu. Většina neokonzervativních expertů jsou novinoví sloupkaři. Rachman uvádí příklady Irwina Stelzera, Charlese Krauthamera, Williama Kristola či Davida Fruma, vynálezce sloganu Osa zla. Irwin Stelzer napsal, že "intelektuální bitevní sílu neo-conů lze historicky pouze srovnat s dobou, kdy George Kennan formuloval americkou politiku vůči Sovětskému svazu."
    Jenže Kennan měl na rozdíl od neo-conů hlubokou znalost sovětského prostředí ještě z doby, kdy působil jako diplomat v Moskvě. Mezi neo-cony není například jediný arabista. Nejdříve formulují politiku a pak pracně hledají experta, který ji obhájí. Zdá se vám tento názor zjednodušený? To je proto, že ho napsal novinář, odpovídá si sebeironicky Rachman. K tomu doplňující otázku: Jaký vliv mají čeští sloupkaři? A jaká rozhodnutí pomohli zpackat?

    JAXXE --- ---
    The New World Order: Bilderbergs

    JAXXE --- ---

    MARSHUS --- ---
    FLU: hollywood je uvěřitelnější než nějakej proveditelnej scénář, že
    FLU --- ---
    btw nepripada vam, ze ty false flag ops vymysli nejaky hollywoodsky scenarista?

    vzdyt to by byl krasny dojak - brit muslimskeho puvodu se vzepre vuli sveho otce a jde hrdinsky bojovat za svou novou vlast do afghanistanu. po navratu se vsak stane tercem dabelskeho planu odpornych teroristu, kteri jej chteji v primem prenosu podriznout na netu. avsak chrabry dustojnik british metropolitan police (mohl by ho hrat treba Kiefer Sutherland, kdyz mu ten Jack Bauer tak fajne jde) jej na posledni chvili zachrani ze zlocinnych sparu pomocniku al-kajdy. nakonec by se samozrejme zachraneny typek usmiril se svym otcem, ktery by se slzou v oku posvetil jeho snatek s cistokrevnou angicankou (krestanskeho vyznani pochopitelne)... ;)
    FLU --- ---
    davam to v anglictine bo uroven informovani ceskym tiskem je opet uboha (viz idnes, kde se ani nenamahali, aby do titulku "Chteli popravit vojaka" vlozili sluvko "udajne". a co presumpce neviny, do prdele?)

    A British beheading on the net - police claim to foil plot

    Nine held after 4am raids in Birmingham over feared abduction of Muslim soldier

    Ian Cobain and Steven Morris
    Thursday February 1, 2007
    The Guardian


    Disbelief and shock at arrest of 'family men'

    Keen football fan and pizza shop owner among suspects taken from their beds

    Steven Morris, Paul Lewis and Alexandra Topping
    Thursday February 1, 2007
    The Guardian

    MI5 tried to recruit founder of bookshop

    Sandra Laville and Paul Lewis
    Thursday February 1, 2007
    The Guardian

    The business, in Sparkhill, has come to the attention of security services more than once. During a raid on the premises in 2000, Moazzam Begg, who at that time worked in the bookshop, was arrested under anti-terrorism laws. Mr Begg, who was detained in Pakistan in 2002 and subsequently held in Guantánamo Bay for three years, was later released without charge.

    MI5 is understood to have made several attempts to recruit the founder of Maktabah, Imran Khan, a local entrepreneur. He is now understood to live in Pakistan and no longer runs the shop.

    Intended victim and family under police guard

    Ian Cobain
    Thursday February 1, 2007
    The Guardian

    JAXXE --- ---
    All Eyes On Iran After False Flag Attack In Karbala


    Has anyone considered the possibility that these gunmen dressed as Americans, speaking English, driving American-style security vehicles and carrying American weapons were, well, Americans?


    The investigation has led some officials to conclude the attack was an "inside job" -- that people inside the compound helped the attackers enter unstopped.

    Investigators are looking particularly at how the attackers got U.S.-style military uniforms and SUVs similar to those used by U.S. troops.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Brown sets out his vision for a new world order


    A strong need is being felt for a “new world order”. Ironically, this view came from Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer and prime minister-in-waiting, Gordon Brown.

    ON TUESDAY, a news item on the BBC World News confirmed what most people already knew: the United States has lost influence in world affairs since the Iraq war, according to opinion polls in Europe.

    The United States is also losing its credibility as far as the issue of human rights is concerned in its pursuit of the war on terror. The US detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, remains a blot on America’s ideals. It is time to close it down.

    The so-called “enemy combatants”, who are still only suspects, have been languishing in the cells for about five years, without being in a position even to have access to the due process of law or hint of a trial. On a recent visit, British members of Parliament were not allowed to see them.

    No case has been established against these men, and though it is said all is fair in love and war, it seems inconsistent with the American concept of freedom that these men could be kept “incommunicado” without access to attorneys, families or friends.

    If, however, there is a silver lining on the dark cloud hovering over the last five years of controversial international politics, it is that a strong need is being felt for a “new world order”. Ironically, this view came from Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer and prime minister-in-waiting, Gordon Brown, during his much publicised tour of India. Though he is not yet his own man, he is considered the front-runner to succeed Tony Blair when the prime minister steps down in May.

    UK “Prime-Minister-in-Waiting” sets forth vision for New World Order

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