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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    PETVAL --- ---
    Bill would require ISPs to track users
    Published: 2007-02-19

    A Republican congressman has introduced legislation that would require Internet service providers (ISPs) to keep information about their users' identities and, possibly, their actions online.

    Earlier this month, Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas) introduced a bill (H.R. 837) with a stated purpose of combating child pornography but the legislation also includes a measure that would force ISPs to monitor their users, an item that has long been on law enforcement's wish list. The bill mandates that the U.S. Attorney General determine the exact regulations, but the rules should "at a minimum, require retention of records, such as the name and address of the subscriber or registered user to whom an Internet Protocol address, user identification or telephone number was assigned, in order to permit compliance with court orders."

    Needless to say, privacy advocates and Internet industry groups are not pleased.

    "The Smith proposal would give the attorney general carte blanche to require service providers to keep all information imaginable on every one of their users," Kate Dean, executive director of the U.S. Internet Service Provider Association, told the Washington Post last week.



    GOP revives ISP-tracking legislation
    By Declan McCullagh
    Staff Writer, CNET News.com
    Published: February 6, 2007, 6:40 PM PST
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    All Internet service providers would need to track their customers' online activities to aid police in future investigations under legislation introduced Tuesday as part of a Republican "law and order agenda."

    Employees of any Internet provider who fail to store that information face fines and prison terms of up to one year, the bill says. The U.S. Justice Department could order the companies to store those records forever.
    Details about data retention requirements would be left to Gonzales. At a minimum, the bill says, the regulations must require storing records "such as the name and address of the subscriber or registered user to whom an Internet Protocol address, user identification or telephone number was assigned, in order to permit compliance with court orders."

    Because there is no limit on how broad the rules can be, Gonzales would be permitted to force Internet providers to keep logs of Web browsing, instant message exchanges, or e-mail conversations indefinitely. (The bill does not, however, explicitly cover search engines or Web hosting companies, which officials have talked about before as targets of regulation.)

    That broad wording also would permit the records to be obtained by private litigants in noncriminal cases, such as divorces and employment disputes.
    That raises additional privacy concerns, civil libertarians say.

    The American Civil Liberties Union is skeptical of data retention and Web labeling. "It's going to be very difficult for Web sites to know whether they fit into this," said ACLU legislative counsel Marv Johnson, referring to the labeling rules. "And then when you throw in the 'sexually explicit materials' definition, does that include safe-sex Web sites?"

    ISP snooping timeline

    In events that were first reported by CNET News.com, Bush administration officials have said Internet providers must keep track of what Americans are doing online. Here's the timeline:

    June 2005: Justice Department officials quietly propose data retention rules.

    December 2005: European Parliament votes for data retention of up to two years.

    April 14, 2006: Data retention proposals surface in Colorado and the U.S. Congress.

    April 20, 2006: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales says data retention "must be addressed."

    April 28, 2006: Democrat proposes data retention amendment.

    May 16, 2006: Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner drafts data retention legislation but backs away from it two days later.

    May 26, 2006: Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller meet with Internet and telecom companies.

    October 17, 2006: FBI director calls for data retention.

    January 18, 2007: Bush administration says it will approach Congress for data retention laws.
    MATT --- ---
    Dívejte se zpříma!

    Příchod informační totality mnozí předpovídali na "orwellovský" rok 1984. Je rok 2006 a mně orwelliáda začíná. Začalo to kartou na vlak. Za Junior Pas jsem platil šest stovek několik let. Teď už na něj nemám nárok bez plastové kartičky s vlisovaným čipem RFID. Každý průvodčí v každé čugále na Sázavu má příruční terminál, který bezkontaktně načte údaje z čipu a později sdělí jakémusi centrálnímu počítači. Jan Šípek, narozen.., trvalé bydliště... (údaje vyplňte čitelně a doložte občanským průkazem), se nacházel ten a ten den na tomto místě. Souhlasím s tím, podepsal jsem to na žádosti o vydání. Skřípějíc zuby. Poslední naději vyslovil kamarád průvodčí Marcel, když říkal, že za stovku příplatku si můžu nechat vystavit kartu papírovou. Paní u okénka však tuto možnost nezná. České dráhy za kartu dostaly anticenu BigBrother Award.

    Jedu do ciziny. Na dlouho. A taky mám na výběr. Buď můžu za šest stovek dostat standardní cestovní pas na deset let s čipem RFID, který lze číst na dálku, a biometrickými údaji v něm vepsanými (zatím prý jen můj obličej). Nebo za cenu více než dvojnásobnou pas bez čipu na pouhý jeden rok. Potřebuju delší platnost kvůli vízu a tak na městském úřadě v Nymburce vstupuju do podivné šedivé kukaně. Chladné zářivkové přítmí, přede mnou okénko s foťákem, za ním úřednice, obrazovka. Nic vyplňovat nemusím, úřad o mně všechno ví. Jen podepsat, že souhlasím s uchováním a zpracováním svých dat po dobu 60 dnů od vydání pasu. A nechat se vyfotit. "Počítač hlásí, že se nedíváte přímo do objektivu," říká úřednice. Je nám to divné, protože oba víme, že se do objektivu dívám. Dalších deset pokusů. "Pořád: Chybí přímý pohled." Začínám dostávat potutelnou radost míšenou s nadějí, že můj obličej je strojově nečitelný. Na tváři je prý několik bodů, které "musí svítit zeleně" (tento pohled je mi ale odepřen, vidí ho jen úřednice za sklem) a oči mám pořád "červené". Další a další pokusy. "Co budeme dělat?" ptá se úřednice. Pomáhám jí s nastavením foťáku a počítač konečně fotku přijímá. "Hlavně že nemáte otevřenou pusu. To se nesmí." "Mám," odpovídám s pohledem na fotku, na "mém" monitoru je větší, než na tom za sklem. "Tady to není vidět. To by počítač hlásil Otevřená ústa. Hlavně že vám nejsou vidět zuby." "Jsou, tři," hlásím. "Snad to nikdo nepozná. Počítač to schválil." Uklidňuju se absurditou té situace. Ale tak to přece v totalitě bylo taky. Myslím na Havlovy hry. Za měsíc už bude ta malá knížečka vysílat informace o mé osobě. Kdybych se chtěl dozvědět jaké, a informace z čipu (bez dotyku) přečíst, hrozí mi podle webu ministerstva pokuta až milión korun. Ptám se kamaráda Shaddacka, odborníka na RFID, jestli alespoň alobal zabrání dálkovému přečtení čipu. "Spíš bych použil plech z konzervy. Budeš mít aspoň zpravodajské krytí. Můžeš tvrdit, že o stínění RFID nevíš, že to máš kvůli mechanickému poškození." God bless us.
    klokánek, 28. 12. 2006
    JAXXE --- ---
    Iran - Ready to attack

    Dan Plesch Published 19 February 2007

    American preparations for invading Iran are complete, Dan Plesch reveals. Plus Rageh Omaar's insights from Iran and Andrew Stephen on fears George Bush's administration will blunder into war

    American military operations for a major conventional war with Iran could be implemented any day. They extend far beyond targeting suspect WMD facilities and will enable President Bush to destroy Iran's military, political and economic infrastructure overnight using conventional weapons.

    British military sources told the New Statesman, on condition of anonymity, that "the US military switched its whole focus to Iran" as soon as Saddam Hussein was kicked out of Baghdad. It continued this strategy, even though it had American infantry bogged down in fighting the insurgency in Iraq.

    The US army, navy, air force and marines have all prepared battle plans and spent four years building bases and training for "Operation Iranian Freedom". Admiral Fallon, the new head of US Central Command, has inherited computerised plans under the name TIRANNT (Theatre Iran Near Term).


    JAXXE --- ---
    'Inside facts about the 7/7 London bombings'

    By James Casbolt

    The British and US government are stirring an atmosphere of animosity and hatred between white and Asian people in the UK, US and around the world. Whites verses Asians invents the excuse for the invasion of the Middle East. They are also looking for a minority to blame for the terrorism in the UK and US that the governments themselves are responsible for. This is known as ‘false flag’ terrorism. 'Al Qaeda' is an MI- 6, CIA organisation utilising Middle Eastern assets. These are big claims but this is backed up with evidence from my MI-6 contacts. My friend below was briefed in detail regarding what really happened on 7/7 and how the British Government were responsible.

    James Casbolt- ‘So you are saying the bombs were planted into the bus several days before the 7/7 London bombings.’

    X10- ‘ Yes, the British government switched the safety checking team. When they went into the bus depot a few days before hand a trade union spokesman who was asked about this said he couldn’t understand who the security was. He didn’t recognise anybody. These were people who come into check the buses. They normally check the buses for things like suspension, braking systems and the security cameras. Instead of staying what is usually an hour or so these people were there for the entire day. When workers approached them and started making small talk they were basically ignored . So they had the feeling that these people were not regular security.’

    James Casbolt- ‘So they were probably MI-5?’

    X10- ‘They were MI-5. They were there primarily to make sure the videocamera went off at a certain time. Which is of course what happened. Isn’t it is amazing that on that day, this was similar to what happened with the cameras prior to the death of Princess Diana. All the security cameras that counted on 7/7, not the ones that didn’t count, the ones that really counted weren't working. The security camera on that bus wasn't working on that particular day.

    James Casbolt- ‘So where did they plant the bombs on the bus?’

    X10- ‘Inside the seats and under the floor. I know that the eye witness accounts of what happened were all at variance with one another. The BBC relied exclusively on a testimony given by a Scottish guy. The Scottish guy contradicted himself so many times and yet no one in the media asked him about these contradictory statements. He said in one report that he got offthe front of the bus and in another report he said he left through the rear door. One report said he was the first out and another report he said wasthe last off the bus. So there appears to be a lot of confusion in terms of the report.’

    James Casbolt- ‘So the four Asian lads were they MI-5 assets?’

    X10- ‘They were stooges’

    James Casbolt- ‘Do you think they consciously knew they were working for MI-5’

    X10- ‘No, they weren’t working consciously for MI-5. They would just be a shadow team lured into London to be part of a covert programme of simulated attacks. They were paid to be in a certain place at a certain time to take part in a simulated attack. A company was running a simulated terror attackat the time. Those boys were part of that. They were told ‘Your backpacks represent explosive devices but of course they aren't explosives.’

    James Casbolt- ‘So they were told ‘this is just a dummy run.’

    X10- ‘It was a dummy run. They were part of the dummy run. They stopped their car just outside of Luton and they were briefed by somebody. When they left Luton of course, they didn’t leave Luton at the time described because there was a cock up with train times. So whether they managed to get to ondon or not is an unknown because the video camera evidence has been shownto be faulty. There is a problem with the timing on some of the video footage.’

    James Casbolt- ‘So they bought return tickets?’

    X10 - ‘Yea, they bought return tickets. Of course you wouldn't but return tickets if you knew you were on a one way journey to hell. Some of the other reports that were briefly mentioned in the quality, alternative media and not the tabloid media. Then they were completely ignored by the controlled tabloid media, was one eye witness who was talking about the fact that as she was coming off the train were the bomb exploded. The police officer said "Mind the hole!" and he pointed to a huge blast which showed the metalstructure of the under carriage facing upwards as if the bomb had blown upwards. This was the security services taking the extra insurance that incase any of the bombs that their agents had left on the train and those were ex MI-5, ex SAS people, that they would have had a back up, a contingency to make sure those explosions did take place. A number of reports reported more bombs than there were alleged terrorists.’

    James Casbolt- ‘Why is it ex MI-5 doing it? Why is it not active MI5 agents?

    X10- ‘In a way there is no such thing as ex MI-5. Once your MI-5 you’re always MI-5 [I would have to disagree with that statement as I managed to get away from my involvement with MI-6- James Casbolt]. A lot of MI-5 people get jobs with other organisation that are similar in structure when they leave the security services. These organisations are usually part of the private sector. There have been a number of these organisations over the years. A very, very famous intelligence unit that used to work under Peter Mandelson involved in the oil business, and they announced a disclosure about three years ago. Norton Taylor who works for the intelligence part of the Guardian. He pointed out then that such organisations often announce their demise and its nothing of the sort. Its just disinformation or they just change into another company with exactly the same brief. There a lot of these little private organisations that soak up people who have left these intelligence services and they have them working on a private basis but more often than not they are contracted and they get work contracted out to them from the government.’

    James Casbolt- ‘So the four Asian lads, they were probably having theirstrings pulled by MI-5 officers.’

    X10- Oh yea, absolutely without a doubt. They were runners, a dummy team. I’ve spoken to a few people about the way in which dummy teams are run. They interest lads like that, what MI-5 do is they say something like ‘We want you to be part of a film, part of a dummy run working with the government and also working with BBC producers on developing scenarios in which terrorist attacks in the UK could take place. You get to London and then you do this, meet us at a certain place and we give you a thousand quid’. That’s easy money and its easy money for what? Travelling to London, sitting on a train with a backpack for about half an hour or so and you collect your loot.’

    James Casbolt- ‘Do you think Mohammad Sidique Khan would have been a conscious MI-5 agent?’

    X10- ‘He may have been paid by MI-5 to go through that on the TV. The same way as, there is another guy who is a known MI-5 agent. He used to be the sidekick of Abdul H the Muslim preacher. He was no 2. He was a ‘Mr Fixer’ and had links to all sorts of exotic quasi terrorist organisations, which are of course almost all run by British intelligence. I wish I could remember his name.’

    James Casbolt- ‘You said one of the ex SAS men who was responsible for the bombings was called Mcgreagor and he was disguised as a homeless person.’

    X10- ‘That's what they do to blend in, well not blend in but to make them look conspicuous. If you’ve got a homeless person clutching an old Tesco’s bag or something you don’t tend to look at him and say the guy looks like security threat.’

    James Casbolt- ‘Can you explain what he did.’

    X10- ‘He was on the train and left a package with explosives in. The man who told me this, I developed a close relationship in the past and trusted him.’

    James Casbolt- ‘And this man was an MI-6 officer?’

    X10- ‘Ex MI-6. He longer worked for them. Even in the days when I knew him he had already left the service. As far as the bus operations were concerned that was not his main topic. He was talking mostly about the people in the tube bombings. When all of the eye witness statements came up later on talking about the possibility that the bombs may have been placed under the buses, what the government did was put in a fail safe to make sure that even if some thing went wrong on the day with those people who were involved in the bombings themselves, they would at least have a secondary system to ensure the bombs exploded at exactly the time they wanted.’

    James Casbolt- ‘So would they have been set on timers?’

    X10- ‘They were set on timers.’

    James Casbolt- ‘So they wouldn’t have needed to be remotely detonated?’

    X10- ‘No. This whole remote system is quite strange because on the day itself Ian Blair took down all of the mobile phone communications. Everything was switched off. You couldn’t make a mobile phone call. He knew in any event that there were no remote detonators and he was just covering his arse in case any curious journalists asked him a pertinent question later on. There were no remote detonations on the day at all. They were all personally delivered to the destinations.’

    James Casbolt- ‘What happened on the tube then?’

    X10- ‘The agents were there at the exactly the right time they were supposed to be. If it was the actual case that those guys actually did get the train from Luton. I don’t believe they got the train from Luton because apparently that train never turned up. But if they had got to London beforehand whichis probably the case, they would have had plenty of time to receive the briefing in London. They would have got on the train. They would have then been followed by these ex MI-5, SAS officers, so that they were actually in the same cart as the so-called juvenile bombers. It would have taken place as

    James Casbolt- ‘So the guys on the train who were ex MI-5, ex SAS, they left the explosives on the train and then got off. What were their names again?’

    X10- ‘The ex MI-5 man was codenamed ’J-boy’ and Mcgreagor was the ex SAS guy.’
    James Casbolt- ‘And then you say they escaped in a Vauxhall Cabriolet?’

    X10- ‘Yes and they were driven away from the scene.’

    James Casbolt- ‘So your MI-6 contact confirmed it was a Vauxhall cabriolet?’

    X10- ‘Yes.’

    James Casbolt- ‘So J-boy and Mcgreagor left explosives in bags under the seats but there were secondary explosives under the train carriage in case they didn’t go off.’

    X10- ‘Yes.’

    James Casbolt- ‘Do you know were the safe house was where Mcgreagor and J-boy went afterwards.’

    X10- ‘The safe house was in South London. This is a very unfortunate event that is going to be churning around in people’s minds for a long time to come. We need a proper public enquiry.’

    To the government factions who were involved in this act of mass killing I say this. How dare you blow up and murder British people! All those who are accountable will be held fully accountable when the time comes! That time is coming soon. In my vision I see Asian and white brothers and sisters coming together in love and harmony in this country and confronting the government peacefully for their terrorist crimes.

    James Casbolt

    PETVAL --- ---
    uzitecna analyza

    Prečo svet (Európa) potrebuje antirakety?
    Marián Mikluš

    Generálmajor Ing. Marián Mikluš bol v roku 1998 náčelníkom Generálneho štábu Armády Slovenskej republiky, v roku 1999 náčelníkom správy pre integráciu a štandardizáciu Generálneho štábu Armády Slovenskej republiky. Z armády odišiel v roku 2004 do výsluhového dôchodku.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Brzezinski Considers The Path To War With Iran


    The Rationale for War

    “…a terrorist act in the U.S. blamed on Iran…”

    Zbigniew Brzezinski 02 Feb 2007

    JAXXE --- ---
    The High-Fivers

    More proof the Israelis were shadowing the 9/11 hijackers

    JAXXE --- ---
    BBC's 9/11 Conspiracy Files: Points Which Were Ignored

    On February 18, 2007 the BBC aired the documentary 9/11: The Conspiracy Files.

    A brief summary of the programme:

    The USAF could not prevent the attacks because transponders in the hijacked jets were turned off. Explosives in the twin towers were "debunked" by Popular Mechanics (now there's a joke). The demolition of WTC 7 was also "debunked" by the ever reliable Popular Mechanics. The rest of the programme was dedicated to straw men. Was the Pentagon was hit by a plane? Did Flight 93 crash in Pennysylvania or did it land elsewhere? Did 4000 Jews skip work in the WTC on 9/11? Were the attacks predicted in the pilot of the "Lone Gunmen" TV show? Finally, the programme finished with an irrelevant piece on pre-9/11 warnings which were missed.

    The conclusion of the BBC: the evidence doesn't support conspiracy theories.

    Okay, let's take a look at a some facts which were "overlooked" by the BBC.

    Fact: FEMA was in New York on September 10.

    Fact: Odigo workers received warning of the 9/11 attacks.

    Fact: There were bombs in the WTC buildings.

    Fact: The Office of Emergency Management issued a collapse warning to a select few people.

    Fact: Giuliani was warned of the collapses.

    Fact: Five Israelis danced as the twin towers burned.

    Fact: 600ºC+ fires did not exist in either of the twin towers.

    Fact: The core of WTC 1 failed below the third floor.

    Fact: The BBC stated there were no casualties when WTC 7 collapsed. This is flat out wrong. Master Special Officer Craig Miller of the Secret Service died when the building came down.

    Fact: An explosion was reported on Flight 93.

    Fact: The Secret Service were not concerned about the safety of the President on 9/11.

    Fact: The President was in no hurry to get out of Booker Elementary School.

    Fact: Eight minutes before the Pentagon crash Flight 77 was tracked by radar as it closed to within 30 miles of Washington, therefore the whereabouts of the plane was known, therefore it could have been intercepted.

    Fact: Dick Cheney left Washington undefended on 9/11.

    The BBC briefly mentioned that Flight 77 hit a reinforced section of the Pentagon. What they failed to mention is that reinforcements on this section were completed on 9/11/2001 meaning this section of the building was nearly deserted when the plane hit.

    Fact: White House staff started taking Cipro on 9/11.

    The evidence doesn't support conspiracy theories?


    The evidence doesn't support the official version, and that is why this programme focussed on trivial issues.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    USA budou případně útočit i na vojenské cíle Íránu

    Případný americký útok na Írán by nebyl zaměřen jenom na jaderné objekty, ale také na vojenskou infrastrukturu. S odvoláním na nejmenované diplomatické zdroje to oznámila britská stanice BBC.
    Mezi potenciální cíle patří zejména jaderný provoz v Natanzu, íránské letecké a námořní základny, raketová zařízení a armádní velitelská stanoviště.

    Podle zdrojů BBC již floridské velitelství ozbrojených sil USA pro Blízký východ, Perský záliv a severní Afriku vybírá cíle případného útoku. Rozhodnutí o něm prý může padnout, jakmile se potvrdí podezření, že Írán pracuje na jaderné zbrani, nebo podaří-li se dokázat souvislost mezi Teheránem a útoky na americké vojáky v Iráku.
    WALKIE --- ---
    no, to by se /s prominutim/ dalo zhodnotit slovy Plastic People: "Do prdele, to se mame!"
    FAEKAL --- ---
    Pokud v České republice bude postaven radar amerického systému protiraketové obrany a v Polsku základna amerických antiraket, mohou být na obě místa zaměřené ruské rakety. V pondělí to uvedl velitel ruských raketových vojsk Nikolaj Solovcov.

    BILLY_STYX --- ---
    Mon Feb 19, 2007
    Polish and Czech leaders defend U.S. missile shield

    WARSAW (Reuters) - Polish and Czech leaders spoke on Monday in favor of allowing the United States to use their territory for parts of an anti-missile defense system that has raised Russian ire, saying it would also protect Europe.

    The two NATO and European Union members are not expected to make a formal response for a few weeks to the U.S. request, which most Poles and several Czech opposition parties oppose.

    In a joint article published by Polish daily Rzeczpospolita, Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek and his counterpart Jaroslaw Kaczynski rejected criticism that the shield would offer protection only to the United States.

    "Having in mind the security not only of our countries but the whole of Europe, the governments of Poland and the Czech Republic are seriously considering the offer," they said.

    "Joining the missile defense system will serve as passive protection from attacks ... for all members of the transatlantic community."

    The United States has asked the two states to host elements of the multi-billion dollar global defense system designed to counter missiles potentially fired by "rogue states".

    The plan to involve the two former Soviet-dominated countries has angered Russia, which said it would distort the post-Cold War balance of power in Europe.

    rying to prevent the move, Moscow has threatened to install medium-range ballistic missiles close to Poland
    Germany has also criticized the United States for failing to inform Russia and neighboring countries of details of the plan beforehand.

    Warsaw and Prague say helping with the shield will tie Washington's interest to the region, but that they will also present a list of demands of what they want in return.

    reuters http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUSL1918058420070219
    MARSHUS --- ---
    jo, ježiši :)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    PETVAL: to nevim kam směřuje.
    PETVAL --- ---
    MARSHUS: nema ceske predky z rodiny Pohlu?
    WIPER --- ---
    Šéf archivů: O StB zjistíme, co dnes ani netušíme

    moje otazka: Prichazi konecne cas opravdeho otevreni archivu StB, nebo jen se k moci dostlala nova klika, ktera zacne tahat spinu jen na ty ostatni?

    Zajimava je i tahle psasaz:

    Souhlasíte s názorem, že při přechodu od jednoho režimu k druhému je vlastně potřeba nějaké krátké období, kdy demokratická elita musí spolupracovat s tou totalitní?

    Je nutná aplikace na každý konkrétní systém, na každý stát. U nás máme určitou nechuť nebo nevůli dát občanům to, co je ze zákona povinností jim dát. Což podle mě vychází primárně ze způsobu předání moci, jak tomu říkám. Tady došlo k nějaké dohodě, i personální, která vytvořila řadu problémů, jež dneska řešíme.

    Copak prohileho asi bylo na zpusobu predani moci po 89? Jakze to do byla dohoda? A jake persony to byly touto dohodou presli z "totalitni sily" do "demokraticke"? :-)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Zákon chce omezit přístup na sociální sítě ze škol
    Sociální sítě nemají být přístupné ve školách a knihovnách


    Návrh zákona, který by zakázal přístup k webovým sociálním sítím ve školách a knihovnách, by znamenal povinnost škol a knihoven v USA omezovat přístup k vybraným webovým adresám. Ve zdůvodnění zákona se hovoří o nutnosti bojovat proti sexuálním predátorům a zneužívání dětí. Senátor Matt Murphy říká, podle Chicago Tribune , že chce aby děti měly lepší ochranu v okamžiku, kdy nejsou pod dohledem rodičů.

    Školy označují podobný zákon za nepotřebný, některé již nyní omezují přístup k sociálním sítím jako je například MySpace z důvodů narušování výuky. Obdobně zamířené legislativní aktivity nevolají po zákazu, ale chtějí aby weby jako je MySpace získávaly od dětí souhlas rodičů.

    Některé z amerických knihoven přístup k podobným webům omezují, jiné nikoliv. V některých je omezení založeno na věkovém omezení uživatelů příslušného webu. Podle senátora Murphyho jsou školy a knihovny narušením rodičovské ochrany dítěte přes škodlivými vlivy Internetu. Knihovníci na jeho návrh ale říkají, že je špatný, zejména proto, že nedostatečně definuje co vlastně je "sociální webové místo". A upozorňují, že existují stovky menších sociálních sítí, které se specializují v určitých oblastech. A ptají se, "Budeme je také blokovat?".

    GORG --- ---
    John Conner, Alex Jones and "The View"
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam