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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    WIPER: Jestli ten cesky odeleni zna negativni efekt codex muze mit. Anebo treba co rikaji na to ze 6 pesticides cemu prez 100 zemi bojovalo proti budou znovu povoleni. Proste zjistit kolik vlastne o Codex vedeji krome te propagandy ktery mocnejsi zeme a spolecnosti blijou.
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    Democrats aren't pussies. They're republican light.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Children to 'face criminal checks'

    Tuesday, March 27, 2007

    All children could face compulsory checks to discover if they are at risk of turning into criminals, according to new plans announced by the Prime Minister.

    The controversial proposal would mean checks at important stages in a child's life, such as the move from primary to secondary school, Tony Blair said.

    He also announced plans to further expand the DNA database to include 'all suspected offenders who come into contact with the police'.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran border

    17:31 | 27/ 03/ 2007

    MOSCOW, March 27 (RIA Novosti) - Russian military intelligence services are reporting a flurry of activity by U.S. Armed Forces near Iran's borders, a high-ranking security source said Tuesday.

    "The latest military intelligence data point to heightened U.S. military preparations for both an air and ground operation against Iran," the official said, adding that the Pentagon has probably not yet made a final decision as to when an attack will be launched.

    He said the Pentagon is looking for a way to deliver a strike against Iran "that would enable the Americans to bring the country to its knees at minimal cost."

    He also said the U.S. Naval presence in the Persian Gulf has for the first time in the past four years reached the level that existed shortly before the invasion of Iraq in March 2003.

    Col.-Gen. Leonid Ivashov, vice president of the Academy of Geopolitical Sciences, said last week that the Pentagon is planning to deliver a massive air strike on Iran's military infrastructure in the near future.

    A new U.S. carrier battle group has been dispatched to the Gulf.

    The USS John C. Stennis, with a crew of 3,200 and around 80 fixed-wing aircraft, including F/A-18 Hornet and Superhornet fighter-bombers, eight support ships and four nuclear submarines are heading for the Gulf, where a similar group led by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower has been deployed since December 2006.

    The U.S. is also sending Patriot anti-missile systems to the region.

    KERRAY --- ---
    // ...are you? pussies?
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Colbert says Impeach Bush now... [VIDEO]
    WALKIE --- ---
    Une importante agence fédérale américaine accusée de soutenir le Parti républicain


    Les remises en question de l’histoire officielle du 11-Septembre sont, pense-t-on parfois, le fait exclusif d’internautes désoeuvrés et sans aucune crédibilité. En réalité, elles sont aussi largement portées par des experts. Ces prises de position éclairées ne devraient laisser personne indifférent.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Priznanie vypálilo presne naopak

    Rubrika: Terorizmus 2007

    Prvé priznanie v rámci vojenských tribunálov Bushovho režimu - priznanie Chalida Šejka Mohammeda - zdiskreditovalo celý ten proces. Profesor práva na Northwestern univerzite Anthony D´Amato v profesionálnom časopise "Jurist" prirovnáva Mohammedovo priznanie k tým, ktoré sa v 30-tych rokoch vynárali na Stalinových zinscenovaných procesoch s boľševickými predstaviteľmi.

    To som si hneď pomyslel aj ja. Spomínam si na rozhovory so sovietskym disidentom Vladimírom Bukovskýmo správaní sovietskych disidentov, keď ich mučili. Tých, na ktorých mučením vyvíjalinátlak, aby povedali mená, sa snažili spomenúť si na takých, čo zahynuli vo vojne alebo nejako inak zomreli. Tí, ktorí mučenie znášali o niečo lepšie, sa zámerne priznávali až k neuveriteľným zločinom v snahe zalarmovať verejnosť, že procesy sú vykonštruované.

    A to urobil aj Mohammed. My vieme, že ho mučili, pretože jeho odpoveď na povinnú otázku, ako s ním vo väzení zaobchádzali, skorigovali. Takistovieme, že ho mučili preto, lebo v opačnom prípade by americké ministerstvo spravodlivosti nebolo muselo povoľovať mučenie a nemusel by sa schvaľovať zákon o vojenských plných mociach, ktorý umožňuje dopúšťať sa mučenia a odsudzovať na smrť na základe priznania pri mučení.

    Mohammedovo priznanie sa k zločinom a úkladom je také rozsiahle, že Katherine Šraderová z Associated Press píše, že tomu neveria ani tí Američania, ktorí z neho priznanie dostali. Je to vyložene nafúknuté, hovoria jeho mučitelia a treba to brať s rezervou. Inými slovami, americká skupina mučiteľov, potešená svojím úspechom, nevedomky nahráva Mohammedovi. Ale ako sa hovorí, pýcha predchádza pád.
    Mohammed sa priznáva k 31 plánovaným a reálnym útokom všade vo svete, vrátane vyhodenia do povetria Panamského kanála a zavraždenia prezidentov Cartera a Clintona a pápeža. Prisvojuje si zodpovenosť za všetko, čo len chcete, celé to predstavenie sa krútilo len okolo neho. Žiadnych iných teroristov nebolo treba.
    Čítajúc reakcie poslucháčovBBC na jeho priznanie vysvitá, že svet sa buď smeje americkej vláde, že je hlúpa, ak si myslí, že niekto by mohol takému priznaniu uveriť alebo Bushov režim odsudzujú, že je ako gestapo a KGB.

    Humoristi využívajú príležitosť poriadne si na tom priznaní zgustnúť. "Ja som veľmi nebezpečný konšpirátor", hovorí Mohammed, ktorý sa priznal, že uniesol Linberghovo dieťa, tiež k Brinkovej lúpeži, k masakre na deň sv. Valentína a k zavraždeniu Lincolna a McKinley. Takisto na seba vzal zodpovednosť za šírenie sennej horúčky a herpesov všade vo svete a zodpovednosť za to, že nám cez piknik prší. Ak tu bolo čosi, čo by Bushov režim zatiaľ nezdiskreditovalo, tak Mohammedovo priznanie zničilo aj ten posledný zdrap reputácie.

    Najdôležitejšia časť Mohammedovej historky sa ešte len dostane na hlavné stránky. Napriek tomu, že v Guantanámo väznili a mučili stovky zadržaných a my nevieme, koľkí sa nachádzajú v iných tajných väzeniach vo svete, americká vláda prišla len so štrnástimi "nanajvýš hodnotnými zadržanými". Inými slovami, vláda nemá v rukách nič proti 99 %zadržaným, ktorí sú údajne takí nebezpeční a zlí, že ich musia držať vo väzniciach bez obvinenia, bez prístupu k advokátovi a možnosti stretnúť sa so svojou rodinou.

    Nuž niet sa čo čudovať, že veľká väčšina zadržaných, tých údajných "nepriateľských bojovníkov", to vôbec nie sú teroristi, zadržaní CIA a statočnými americkými vojakmi. To sú nešťastné osoby, náhodou sa práve nachádzajúce niekde mimo svojich kmeňových alebo domácich teritórií, ktorých uniesli zločinné gangy alebo vojvodcovia, čo z toho dobre finančne vyťažili na úkor naivných Američanov, ponúkajúcich odmeny za dolapenie "teroristov".

    Americká vláda sa nestará, že do siete sa dostali nevinní, pretože tá zúfalo potrebuje dokázať, že je tu skutočne veľký počet teroristov a demonštrovať svoju schopnosť chrániť pred nimi Američanov tým, že ich dolapí. Americká vláda potrebuje mať "nebezpečných podozrivých", ktorých môže používať na to, aby Američanov udržiavala v strachu a v takých podmienkach systematicky podkopávala ich ústavnú ochranu a zákon o právach. Režimu Bush/Cheney sa podarilo uskutočniť diabolský úklad, ale potom ho sami podkopali zverejnením smiešneho priznania Chalida ŠejkaMohammeda.

    Popraví teraz Bushov vojenský tribunál Mohammeda na základe jeho priznania, získaného mučením a bude v tom svet vidieť vraždu?
    Ak sa Bushovi nepodarí Mohammeda zavraždiť, vláda ho bude musieť odpratať niekam, kde nebude môcť hovoriť. Americká vláda bude musieť postupovať podľa orwellovskej teórie o diere v pamäti a bude musieť Mohammedovi vymazať myseľ liekmi a zlým zaobchádzaním.
    Do takýchto hĺbok stiahol George Bush a Dic Cheney Ameriku.


    Paul Craig Roberts (námestník ministra financií za Reaganovej administratívy, bývalý redaktor Wall Street Journal a prispievateľ do National Review; spoluautor knihy "Tyrania dobrých úmyslov")
    Information Clearing House: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article17336.htm

    JAXXE --- ---
    Britons detained in Iraqi waters, says fisherman

    An Iraqi fisherman who said he saw Iranian forces detain British sailors and marines on Friday in a waterway between Iraq and Iran said yesterday the ship British forces were searching was anchored in Iraqi waters.


    The ol' Bovine Excrement Meter(tm) is blinking on this one.

    The British warships have GPS.

    The Iranian warships have GPS.

    Everybody knows EXACTLY where they were when this happened, but we're being offered anecdotal evidence from a fisherman to "prove" the British were captured in Iraqi waters?


    Look at it this way. Iran does not want a war. Why would they capture British sailors unless those sailors really were inside Iranian waters?

    The US and UK and Israel WANT a war with Iran, so it makes perfect sense that they would repeat the same stunt Israel pulled in Lebanon last summer where they sent soldiers into Lebanon, and once they were captured, claimed they had been "kidnapped" on the Israel side of the border.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Talk about a double standard!

    They had confessed to being in Iranian waters, he said. But ex-Navy chief Admiral Sir Alan West said a confession in such circumstances meant "absolutely nothing".


    That's funny, I don't recall Britain making the same observation when the United States had Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on that waterboard.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Iran says British sailors 'confess' to illegal entry

    POSTED: 11:59 a.m. EDT, March 24, 2007

    • NEW: Iran claims British sailors and marines admit to being in Iranian waters
    • Iran claims UK sailors entered Iranian waters in "suspicious act"
    • 15 British personnel on patrol in the Persian Gulf "seized" by Iranian navy
    • Incident could exacerbate tensions with West over Iran's nuclear program

    TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Iran says the 15 British sailors and marines seized by Iran in the Persian Gulf have confessed to trespassing into Iranian territory, the semi-official FARS News Agency reported Saturday.

    But the British Ministry of Defence would not confirm the report. (Watch reports on UK troops 'confessing' to being in Iran waters Video)

    The British government said its request to communicate with the detained troops has not been granted by Iran.

    Earlier Saturday, FARS reported that the sailors and marines were brought to Tehran to explain their "aggressive behavior." (Watch how British sailors and marines were seized Video)

    Also Saturday, Britain summoned Iran's ambassador for a meeting in London -- the second in as many days -- to demand the immediate release of the naval personnel, a Foreign Office spokeswoman told Reuters.

    The British Ministry of Defence said Friday the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy surrounded and seized the marines while they were conducting a routine inspection on a merchant vessel. They were then "escorted by Iranian vessels into Iranian territorial waters." (Location of incident)

    Iran's foreign ministry spokesman on Saturday condemned the British government for attempting to cover up its "blunder" and said it should stop "putting blame on others," according to IRNA, the state-run Iranian news agency.

    Hours after reports of the arrests surfaced, a flurry of diplomatic activity ensued.

    Britain announced it had called Iran's ambassador for a meeting and demanded the immediate release of the marines while Iran announced on state-run TV that it had asked Britain's representative to Tehran to explain why the personnel had crossed into Iranian territory.

    Iran waited until late Friday to release a statement. The report was aired on state-run TV and sourced Iranian foreign ministry officials. There was no mention of where the marines were being held or what would happen next, only that they were arrested for trespassing.

    Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett said Friday her office was making clear it expected the personnel to be released immediately, along with "a full explanation of what happened." She was in England at the time.

    A U.S. military official who monitors the region told CNN the marines stopped a vessel suspected of smuggling automobiles, and boarded it for an inspection. While the marines were on board, as many as six ships from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy showed up and claimed the British had entered Iranian waters.

    A dispute ensued over whether the marines were on Iraqi or Iranian territorial waters, and the 15 were then seized and taken to Iran, along with the two small rigid hull inflatable boats they had used to get from their ship to the vessel, the U.S. military official said. The official insisted on anonymity because the incident did not involve the U.S. military.

    Nick Lambert, commodore of the ship, said his marines were inside Iraqi territorial waters when they were arrested. There was no fighting and no use of weapons, he told a BBC pool reporter on the ship. "It was entirely peaceful."

    The incident threatened to exacerbate the tension between Iran and much of the West on the eve of a U.N. Security Council vote to impose new sanctions on Iran. The world powers will meet Saturday to consider that next step in the dispute over Tehran's nuclear ambitions. (Full story)

    There have been similar incidents in the past. In 2004, Iran stopped three British boats and seized eight sailors and six marines. The Iranian Foreign Ministry said at the time the three boats had crossed into Iran's territorial waters.

    The detained servicemen appeared on Iranian television blindfolded.

    They were released after Iran said it determined they had mistakenly crossed into Iran's waters.

    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage

    Ultra-rare news footage from the crash site of United Flight 93 which has never been seen again since 9/11

    Wreckage spread out over 3-4 miles, which is consistent with Flight 93 coming apart in mid-air

    JAXXE --- ---
    The video contrasts the WTC 7 fire and other skyscraper fires, along with WTC 7 demolition comparisons.


    Here's the video that Google Video pulled down!


    BEEJBI --- ---
    JAXXE: hmhm, ze by uz zacinali nejake "pretext" akcie pred utokom na Iran? :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    UK: 15 Marines seized by Iran

    POSTED: 8:32 a.m. EDT, March 23, 2007LONDON,

    England (CNN) -- Fifteen British Marines on patrol in the Persian Gulf have been "seized" by the Iranian navy, the British Ministry of Defense said.

    The Marines were "engaged in routine boarding operations of merchant shipping in Iraqi territorial waters," the ministry said in a statement on Friday.

    A U.S. military official who monitors the region told CNN the Marines stopped an Iranian ship suspected of smuggling automobiles, and boarded it for an inspection.

    The British ministry's statement said the Marines "completed a successful inspection of a merchant ship when they and their two boats were surrounded and escorted by Iranian vessels into Iranian territorial waters."

    The statement added, "We are urgently pursuing this matter with the Iranian authorities at the highest level and on the instructions of the Foreign Secretary, the Iranian ambassador has been summoned to the Foreign Office. The British Government is demanding the immediate and safe return of our people and equipment."

    There was no immediate word from Tehran on the incident.

    The British Ministry of Defense said it was aware of an incident and investigating.

    The British Foreign Office said Iran's ambassador in London had been summoned and Britain was demanding their immediate safe release, Reuters reported.

    An Iraqi fisherman told the news agency said the incident took place early on Friday in the Shatt al-Arab waterway that marks the southern stretch of Iraq's border with Iran. His account could not be immediately confirmed.

    WALKIE --- ---
    toto ani tak nestoji za zminku kvuli obsahu clanku, jako spis pro techniku, jakou vlada USA pouzila: USA poslaly se zadosti o zakladny i navrh kladne odpovedi (titulek hovori za vse)
    PETVAL --- ---
    Triumfální vystoupení Ala Gora v americkém Kongresu

    Světová média široce informují o tom, že bývalý americký viceprezident Al Gore zaznamenal "emocionální návrat" do amerického Kongresu, kde svědčil o globálním oteplování. Gore, který získal Oskara za svůj film Nepohodlná pravda, argumentoval před velkým obecenstvem, že "náš svět čelí opravdu planetární nouzové situaci". Gore požadoval, aby Spojené státy omezily své emise CO2 a začaly prosazovat energickou smlouvu o podnebných změnách, která by nahradila protokol z Kjóta, který vyprší v roce 2012.

    Mezinárodní média (BBC, New York Times, Washington Post) vůbec nezaznamenala projev Václava Klause v americkém senátu na antiekologická témata.

    Podrobnosti v angličtině ZDE http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6477891.stm
    WIPER --- ---
    ANIMAMVNDI: dobre a zopakuj mi prosim jeste jednou na co se jich presne chceme zeptat? :-)

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