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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    JAXXE --- ---
    America ranks low in 'Peace Index'

    From Times Wire Reports May 31, 2007

    The United States is among the least peaceful nations in the world, ranking 96th between Yemen and Iran, according to an index of 121 countries.

    According to the Global Peace Index, created by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Norway is the most peaceful nation and Iraq is the least, just after Russia, Israel and Sudan.

    The index was compiled based on 24 indicators. They included the number of wars in which a country was involved, arms sales, violent crimes and relations with neighboring countries.

    Fifteen of the top 20 most peaceful nations are in Western Europe, and higher income appeared to lead to higher levels of peace.

    WALKIE --- ---
    Vse o zakladnach ,) Chronologie du Monde
    PUEBLO --- ---
    NAGASAWA: tipuju Zdenka Trosku ;D
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mossad Agent Pearlman Releases Phony "Al-Qaeda Tape"

    While President Bush authorizes the CIA to bankroll and arm the real Al-Qaeda in Iran

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Google doplácí na velikost: Má na něj spadeno FTC i EU

    Jednou z nejproblematičtějších charakteristik celého spojení ale není obava ze zisku příliš velkého tržního podílu, nýbrž věc spadající do druhé oblasti působnosti FTC. Ta se obává, že kombinací technologií obou společností může dojít ke sledování pohybu jednotlivých uživatelů po webu a tedy prohloubení toho, čemu se někdy říká Google totalita.
    JAXXE --- ---
    al-Qaida Video Threatens Attacks on U.S.

    By ANNA JOHNSON Associated Press Writer May 30, 2007, 4:41 AM EDT

    CAIRO, Egypt -- An American member of al-Qaida warned President Bush on Tuesday to end U.S. involvement in all Muslim lands or face an attack worse than the Sept. 11 suicide assault, according to a new videotape.

    Wearing a white robe and a turban, Adam Yehiye Gadahn, who also goes by the name Azzam al-Amriki, said al-Qaida would not negotiate on its demands.

    "Your failure to heed our demands ... means that you and your people will ... experience things which will make you forget all about the horrors of September 11th, Afghanistan and Iraq and Virginia Tech," he said in the seven-minute video.



    wrh comment: Adam Gadahn/Azzam al-Amrika's real name is Adam Pearlman. Yes, he is Jewish, posing as an Al Qaeda terrorist for the US media, and more thasn that he is the grandson of a member of the board of the Anti-Defamation League.

    In other words, he is a HOAX, intending to tricvk America into war onIsrael's enemies.

    More HERE: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/fakealqaeda.html
    MATT --- ---
    sem neco zaslech ve zpravach a vzpomel si na ptaci chripku a ptam se tatika "co se stalo s ptaci chripkou?" a on "ja si myslim, ze ty co se starali o ptaci chripku dneska globalne oteplujou"
    JAXXE --- ---
    NATO’s Hidden Terrorism

    Interviewed by Silvia Cattori by Daniele Ganser Global Research, January 22, 2007 Voltaire Network

    Daniele Ganser, professor of contemporary history at Bale University, and chairman of ASPO - Switzerland, published a landmark book about "NATO’s Secret Armies."According to him, during the last 50 years the United States have organized bombings in Western Europe that they have falsely attributed to the left and the extreme left with the purpose of discrediting them in the eyes of their voters. This strategy is still present today, inspiring fear for the Islam and justifying wars on oil.


    Silvia Cattori: Your book about NATO’s Secret Armies [1] explains that the strategy of tension [2] and the False Flag terrorism [3] imply great dangers. It teaches us how NATO - together with the intelligence services or the West European countries and the Pentagon - utilised secret armies during the Cold War, hired spies among the extreme right wing, and organized terrorist acts for which they blamed the left. Becoming aware of this, we can wonder about what is likely to happen today behind our back.

    Daniele Ganser: It is extremely important to understand what the strategy of tension truly represents the way it works nowadays. This can help us clarify the present and to see more clearly to what extent it is still in action. Only a few people know what the expression ’strategy of tension’ means. It is very important to talk about it, to explain it. It is a tactic that involves carrying out criminal acts and attributing them to someone else. By the term ’tension’, we mean emotional tension, all that which creates a feeling of tension. By ’strategy’ we make reference to that which increases people’s fear in regard to a determined group. These secret structures of NATO had been equipped, financed and trained by the CIA, in coordination with the M16 (the British secret service), to fight against the Army of the Soviet Union in a case of war, but also according to the information to which he have access today, to commit terrorist acts in several countries [4]. That is how, since the 70s, the Italian secret services have been using these armies to foment terrorist attacks, with the purpose of causing fear among the population, and later, to accuse the communists of being the authors. The strategy of tension was designed to serve the purpose or discrediting, weakening and stopping communism from reaching executive power.

    Silvia Cattori: To learn what it means is one thing. But it is still difficult to believe that our government could have let NATO, the West European intelligence agencies and the CIA act in such a way that could threaten their own citizens’ security!

    Daniele Ganser: NATO was at the core of this clandestine network linked to terror; the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC) and the Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) were two substructures of the Atlantic Alliance, and they are clearly identified today. But, now that this has been established, it is still hard to know who was doing what. There are not any documents proving who was at the head, who organized the strategy of tension, how NATO, the West European intelligence services, the CIA, M16, and the hired terrorists among the extreme right, distributed each other’s roles. The only certainty that we have is that there was, inside these clandestine structures, some elements that used the strategy of tension. The terrorists from the extreme right have explained in their statements that it was NATO’s secret services that had supported them in this clandestine war. But when we ask for explanations from some members of the CIA or NATO - which I have done for many years - they limit themselves to say that it could be possible that a few criminal elements might have managed to avoid control.

    vice: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=GAN20070122&articleId=4549
    JAXXE --- ---
    Horší než si kdo umí představit
    Katherine Viner( více o autorovi > )

    Irák: je to horší než si umíte představit, a horší, než jsme vůbec schopni pochopit. Tak zní poselství vynikajícího blízkovýchodního reportéra Patricka Cockburna z prezentace jeho knihy Okupace: válka, odboj a každodenní život (The Occupation: War, Resistance and Everyday Life).

    Podle Cockburna je Irák „vyprázdněnou zemí“. Opustily ji dva miliony lidí. Každý měsíc je nejméně 3 000 civilistů zavražděno. Zbytek žije v hrůze.

    Cockburn hovořil o detailech, které dohromady dávají skutečný obraz toho, co se tam děje. Už neexistují otevřená tržiště, jichž většinu zničily bomby, a lidé si proto staví krámky v bočních ulicích nebo na svých zahrádkách. Před válkou bylo v Iráku 32 000 lékařů; teď je z nich 2 000 mrtvých, 12 000 uprchlo a zbývající, kteří jsou považováni za bohaté, jsou terči únosců a musí pracovat na střežených klinikách.

    Cockburn připomněl i Zelenou zónu, ohromný opevněný areál v centru Bagdádu. Zatímco většina města nemá dostatek elektřiny ani vody či likvidaci odpadů, Zelená zóna má všeho dostatek, takže okupanti, kteří v ní žijí, nemají vůbec představu, jak se žije jinde v zemi.

    Zmínil „jednu z největších krádeží v dějinách“, „obrovskou kleptokracii“, která začala za dočasného správce Paula Bremera, za něhož se žádné účty nevedly. (Všichni věřili, že peníze zázračně poplynou jen tak.)

    Cockburn je jedním z těch několika statečných britských novinářů, kteří ještě přinášejí z Iráku zprávy. Je to ale těžké: nesmí jít kamkoli na víc než 20 minut; nesmí se nikomu zmínit, kam hodlá jít, puntičkářsky se vyhýbá dopravní zácpě. Právě taková opatření podle něho „zvyšují šance na úspěch“.

    Existuje sice spousta knih o Iráku, ale většina z nich vnímá tuto zemi jen jako „pozadí“ pro to, co je „skutečné a důležité“ – tj. washingtonskou politiku. Cockburn se však díky Bohu snaží vidět okupaci tak, jak ji vidí Iráčané.

    Vyprávěl o městech, do nichž se novináři jen zřídka dostanou, jako Mosul a Kirkúk, v nichž vládne nepředstavitelné násilí; zdůraznil, že dokonce i konzervativci odhadují, že jsou v nich každý měsíc zavražděny nejméně tři tisíce lidí. Je to „společnost pulzující nepřetržitě strachem“.

    Na prezentaci vyslovil kdosi názor, že situace není tak zlá, je to prostě „irácký způsob běhu věcí“ a podle toho by se to mělo všechno posuzovat.

    „Kecy,“ opáčil Cockburn. „Je to ta nejhorší věc, která se Iráku stala od roku 1258, kdy Bagdád dobyli Mongolové.“

    Článek Worse than the worst vyšel na stránkách Guardian http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/katharine_viner/2007/05/worse_than_the_worst.html 28.5. Překlad Eva Cironisová - děkuji.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Council on Foreign Relations Pushes for Three Regional Currencies in the World

    By James Newcomb Published: 2007-05-22 03:49


    The latest edition of Foreign Affairs, the official journal of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), proposes an end to national currencies and the nations of the world to adopt one of three currencies: the Dollar, the Euro and a "TBA" Pan-Asian currency.

    Follow this link to the source article: "The End of National Currency"

    JAXXE --- ---
    BBC's Jane Standley "Too Busy" To Discuss WTC 7 Fiasco

    You tube
    Sunday May 27, 2007

    Related: New Footage Re-Ignites BBC Building 7 Controversy

    A phone call to BBC's Jane Standley who reported the collapse of The Salomon Brothers Building (7WTC) a full 45 minutes prior to the collapse raising massive questions as to the BBC's use of clairvoyants and sooth sayers. With this power, many critics are asking why the BBC were not able to predict the entire event. Complacency or a conspiracy?!


    audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwFdoS7-9ZE&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Epropagandamatrix%2Ecom%2Farticles%2Fmay2007%2F270507Standley%2Ehtm
    WALKIE --- ---
    hm, OT, ale nekdy dost zajimave souvislosti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_rseZ75ZKE
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    myslite si ze NWO se v soucasny dobe tyka fakt celyho sveta? me trochu pride ze se jim to vymika a budou radi kdyz udelaj tu North American Union... i kdyz to muze bejt taky jen takovej tah, protoze si vsimli, ze uz jsou docela provareny...

    uuaaa.. konspirace rulezz. ;))
    RATSO_RIZZO --- ---
    GORG: Dobra ta diskuze k tomu.
    GORG --- ---
    Bush Re-Authorizes Martial Law Provisions

    New legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event", the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Pomozme iráckým občanům, aby si uchovali svoji ropu

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