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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error

    We cannot trust solutions that are offered by the people who created the problem in the first place.

    Principles for evaluating websites * How to Identify Misinformation

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer. Whatever must be done, we can do it ourselves. We do not need them; we need each other. All else is distraction and delusion.

    General: The Scientific Principles of Spiritual Enslavement (2002), Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
    The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile
    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
    Financial: Murray N. Rothbard - What has government done to our money
    Fractional Reserve Banking as Economic Parasitism - Scientific, Mathematical & Historical Expose, Critique and Manifesto - Vladimir Z. Nuri, 62 pg.
    Chcem celú Zem + 5% navyše!
    Michael Rowbotham: Smrteľné zovretie
    Media: Who owns the media
    How To Deal With The Media, The Internet And The New World Order
    new world order in the news...
    Realita - paranoia - dystopie - (fnorDU4ever) * od 1984 do 2012?
    documents @ conspiracy central :: mvgroup.org :: p2p docs forum :: :: chomskytorrents.org :: indypeer.org

    Jsme zvyklí spojovat slovo teorie se slovem konspirace, protože konec konců žádná konspirace nemůže být reálná, všechno jsou to jen „teorie“, že ano? Nicméně ve spojení „konspirační teorie“ jsou dvě slova, prvním je slovo „konspirace“, druhým slovem je „teorie“. Dle definice je teorie předpoklad, myšlenka, koncept, hypotéza. Dám vám příklad. Teoreticky, pokud si koupím lístek do loterie, mohu vyhrát cenu. Dokud si lístek nekoupím, je má výhra pouze teoretická. Ale jakmile si jej koupím, výhra už není teorií, stává se možností. A čím více lístků si koupíte, tím je zde větší možnost, a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se výhra dostaví. Stejně je tomu v případě konspirační teorie. Dokud neexistují důkazy, neexistuje konspirační teorie. Jakmile však máte část důkazního materiálu, a nezáleží na tom, jak je chatrný či podružný, stává se z teorie možnost. A čím více důkazního materiálu je shromážděno, tím zde existuje větší možnost a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se jedná o konspiraci.
    V tomto klubu budete sledovat důkazy. A bude na Vás, abyste rozhodli, zda se jedná o konspirační teorii, nebo skutečně o konspiraci.
    Clifford Hugh Douglas, jeden z hlavných reformátorov monetárneho systému tridsiatych rokov 20. storočia:
    Jadrom tohto podvodu je tvrdenie, že peniaze, ktoré tvoria, sú ich vlastné, pričom sa od falšovania peňazí nelíši kvalitou, ale iba svojím obrovským rozsahom... Môžem to dokázať mimo akúkoľvek pochybnosť? Podstatou celej záložitosti je nárokovanie si vlastníctva peňazí. Akákoľvek osoba alebo organizácia, ktorá môže podľa ľubovôle tvoriť peniaze ekvivalentné cenám tovarov produkovaných komunitou, je skutočným vlastníkom týchto tovarov a preto nárokovanie si týchto peňazí bankovým systémom je nárokovaním si vlastníctva krajiny.

    Meyer Amstel Rothschild:
    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws."

    Lord Josiah Stamp, bývalý riaditeľ Bank of England:
    Moderný bankový systém vyrába peniaze z ničoho. Tento proces je azda tým najchytrejším kúzelníckym trikom, aký bol kedy vymyslený. Bankovníctvo bolo počaté v nečistote a zrodené v hriechu. Bankári vlastnia zem. Vezmite im ju, ale keď im ponecháte moc poskytovať úvery, ťahom pera dokážu vytvoriť dosť peňazí na to, aby si ju kúpili naspäť... Ak chcete byť otrokmi bankárov a platiť náklady vášho otroctva, potom nechajte, nech si banky tvoria peniaze.
    Thomas Jefferson:
    Keď americký ľud dovolí bankám, aby mali pod kontrolou vydávanie ich vlastnej meny, najprv formou inflácie a potom defláciou, banky a korporácie, ktoré okolo nich vyrastú, zbavia ľudí všetkého vlastníctva až sa ich deti zobudia a zistia, že na kontinente, ktorý ich otcovia obývali, sú bez domov. Moc vydávať peniaze by mala byť odňatá bankám a navrátená kongresu a ľuďom, ktorým patrí. Som úprimne presvedčený, že bankové inštitúcie vydávajúce peniaze predstavujú pre slobodu väčšie nebezpečenstvo než armády.

    "It (Central Bank) gives the National Bank almost complete control of national finance. The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class... The great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (contrary) to their best interests."
    A Rothschild family communique to associates in New York, 1863

    << part 5 <<   *   >> part 2 >>   *   >> part 3 >> (zde v zahlavi puvodni 'elite search engine')

    rozbalit záhlaví
    MARSHUS --- ---
    FAEKAL: škoda že lidi kteří píšou tyhle věci si neuvědomují co dělají a kde zastavit..
    FAEKAL --- ---
    Globální oteplování jako zjevení

    Katolíci, gnostici, globální oteplování a počátek temného věku vědy v roce 2012

    JAXXE --- ---
    „Spiknutí“ proti letišti JFK – další hrubě nafouknutá hrozba

    12.06.2007 Bill Van Auken, Global Research.ca

    Minulý víkend zprávy v USA ovládaly křiklavé titulky a senzacechtivé reportáže o údajném plánu vyhodit do vzduchu mezinárodní letiště Johna F. Kennedyho v New Yorku. Měly být odpáleny nádrže na letecký benzín a také přívodní potrubí. Podle mnohých zpráv měl být útok „více zničující, než 11.září 2001“.

    Žaloba obviňuje čtyři muže http://www.usdoj.gov/usao/nye/pr/2007/Defreitas.complaint.pdf a byla odhalena minulou neděli. Obsahuje rysy, které se staly téměř neměnné v každé takové „teroristické“ kauze, kterou vláda v uplynulých letech přinesla. Zaprvé, nejenom že podezřelí neuskutečnili žádný teroristický čin, ale i očividně postrádali jakékoliv prostředky k uskutečnění takového útoku. Za druhé, ústřední postavou údajného spiknutí byl placený informátor FBI.

    Zpravodajské kanály hovořily o nejhorší hrozbě od útoků na New York a Washington v roce 2001, zatímco byli novináři vysláni dělat náhodné rozhovory s cestujícími na letišti JFK a obyvateli žijícími poblíž potrubí. Těchto lidí se ptali, jak se cítili tak blízko smrti.

    New Yorské tabloidy v této senzacechtivosti jako obvykle vynikaly. New York Post ve vlastnictví Ruperta Murdocha v neděli referovaly o údajném spiknutí jako o „pekelném plánu“ a přinesly úvodník, kde se psalo, že plán „katastroficky poškodit mezinárodní letiště JFK a okolního obytné sousedství znovu zdůraznil přetrvávající hrozbu islámského terorismu vůči Americe.“

    New Yorské Daily News v pondělí věnovaly „spiknutí“ pět stran, spolu s legračním titulkem na přední straně: „Zlo jedlo u stolu osm“, který propagoval uvnitř zveřejněný rozhovor se servírkou, která podávala jídlo Russelovi Defreitasovi, popisovaného tiskem jako „duchovní otec“ údajného plánu, právě před jeho zadržením federálními agenty a policií.

    Jenomže Defreitasův profil 63 let starého amerického občana, který před 25 lety emigroval z Guayany, stěží naznačuje teroristického „duchovního otce.“ Bývalý přítel ho popisuje jako někoho, kdo předtím, než se stal muslimem, byl rastafariánem (hnutí Rasta, nebo Rastafari) a nosil „ranta-dredy“. V minulosti byl prý zaměstnán v souvislosti s lodním dovozem klimatizací a ledniček do Guayany, ale nikdy na tom nic nevydělal.

    „Neuměl ani opravit brzdy“ říká bývalý přítel. „Nikdy nestavěl bomby“.

    Jiné zprávy ho popisovaly jako vysloužilého pracovníka, či dělníka v důchodu („retired worker“), žijícího ve zchudlém sousedství Brooklynu, kde se z různých důvodů zdržovali bezdomovci. New Yorský Newsday například informoval: „protože byl před několika roky vyhozen z práce nákladového pracovníka , žil skromný život – občas přespával ve vlacích a pokoušel se živit čtvrťákovými podvody, prodejem vonných tyčinek na rozích ulic a pobíráním různých sociálních podpor, řekli jeho známí“.

    Dalšími obviněnými jsou Abdul Kadir, občan Guayany a bývalý člen guayanského parlamentu, Kareem Ibrahim, občan Trinidadu, kteří byli zatčeni v Trinidadu, kde čekají na projednání o vydání do USA na základě americké žádosti. Jejich právníci říkají, že chtějí bojovat proti vydání, kvůli možnému mučení. Čtvrtý obžalovaný má být ještě zatčen. Je to Abdel Nur, který je taktéž občanem Guayany.

    Klíčová postava údajného spiknutí je nicméně v obvinění jmenována pouze jako „zdroj“. Byla identifikována jako odsouzený obchodník s drogami, který výměnou za příznivou protislužbu při nedořešeném rozsudku k odnětí svobody, jakož i finanční platby souhlasil, že infiltruje údajnou teroristickou buňku.

    Velká část důkazu obsaženého v obvinění sestává z nahrávek rozhovorů mezi „zdrojem“ a obžalovanými. Co vychází jasně najevo je skutečnost, že tento „informátor“ hrál ve spiknutí hlavní roli. Defreitas je citován, jak říká, že na něj pohlíželi jako na někoho „poslaného Alláhem“, aby je vedl.

    Obvinění se také odvolává na setkání a nahrané rozhovory mezi Defreitasem, zdrojem a jednotlivci v Guayaně, kteří byli identifikování jen jako „jednotlivci A až F.“

    Těchto šest nejmenovaných mužů je citováno jak chystají teroristické aktivity v širokém rozsahu, včetně pašování „mudžahedínů z Asie do Guayany a pak do Spojených států“ odpálení amerických vrtulníků na letišti v Guayaně a plánu odpálení palivové soustavy na letišti JFK. V posledním plánu navrhují tito nejmenovaní jednotlivci použít dynamit a chemické výbušniny a radí, jak tyto materiály získat. Jeden z těchto jednotlivců také mluví o tom, že spiklenci hledají pomoc islámské skupiny na Trinidadu – Jamaat al Muslimeen. V popisu těchto rozhovorů není nikde zmiňováno, že by něco řekl Defreitas.

    Zjevná otázka zní, proč nebylo těchto šest nejmenovaných „jednotlivců“ obviněno. Jedno možné vysvětlení je, že byli nějakým způsobem účastníky v propracovaném úsilí polapit nešťastného a občas bezdomoveckého důchodce a další lidi do plánu, který byl zásadně inscenovaný vládou USA pro její vlastní účely.

    Hrůzostrašné popisy v médiích do značné míry odrážely vysoce přehnaný slovník amerických žalobců a policejních úředníků při předložení obvinění. Americký právník z Brooklynu v New Yorku při oznamování obvinění řekl, že „v případě uskutečnění plánu by mohl vyústit v nezměrné škody, úmrtí a destrukci“ a dodal, že „způsobená devastace by byla prostě nemyslitelná.“

    Slova „nezměrný“ a „nemyslitelný“ byla bezpochyby zvolena s pečlivým záměrem, jelikož způsob řetězové reakce explozí jak je popisován v obvinění je jednoduše nemožný.

    Představitelé letištní bezpečnostní služby i potrubní experti odmítli údajný katastrofický scénář, který měl údajně nastat odpálením palivového potrubí, nebo nádrží na letecký benzin. Zatímco federální žaloba tvrdí, že taková exploze mohla putovat po potrubí spojeného s nádržemi v Lindenu, New Jersey až do Brooklynu, New Yorku a přes čtvrť Queens, něco takového prostě není možné, protože obě potrubí jsou vybavena bezpečnostními ventily, které vypínají proud paliva v případě trhliny a v potrubí navíc ani není dostatečné množství kyslíku k udržení ohně.

    New York Times jasně naznačily svůj skepticismus ohledně spiknutí, když v článku citovaly obhájce a bývalého federálního žalobce Nela Sonnetta jak říká, „v takovýchto případech je bohužel tendence křičet příliš hlasitě.“

    Sonett, který je také bývalým prezidentem Národní asociace soudních obhájců podle listu dále „poznamenal, že existuje širší riziko přehánění znalosti o teroristickém plánu. V době, kdy mnoho Američanů žije v oprávněném strachu z útoku, je riziko, že takovéto bušení do bubnu vytváří klima strachu a ovládá veřejnou politiku.“

    Je pádný důvod věřit, že série „teroristických“ kauz, každá slabší než ta předešlá a doslova všechny řízené „informátory“, kteří vypadají že hrají více roli agentů provokatérů, je zaměřena přesně na tento účinek. Slouží jako prostředek k zastrašení veřejného mínění, ospravedlnění útoků na lidská práva a odchýlení pozornosti od pokračujícího debaklu v Iráku.

    Problém, kterému vláda nyní čelí je skutečnost, že se veřejnost stává ohledně těchto případů čím dál tím více skeptičtější. Značná část populace začíná usuzovat, že je klamána za politickým účelem.

    Za těchto okolností hrozí nebezpečí, že ti, kdo nyní třímají otěže vedení ve Washingtonu možná usoudí, že je potřeba něco reálnějšího, či hmatatelnějšího.

    Ve stejný den, kdy do médií vpadnul údajný „teroristický plán“ ohledně letiště JFK, publikoval arkansaský Demokrat-Gazzette odhalující rozhovor s novým republikánským předsedou tohoto amerického státu, který se nechal slyšet, že je „na 150 procent pro Bushe.“

    Státní stranický předseda Denis Milligan, majitel firmy na úpravu vody, řekl v „At the end of the day“: „Jsem naprosto přesvědčen, že prezident dělá správnou věc a myslím si, že potřebujeme nějaké útoky na americké půdě, jako jsme měli (11.září 2001) a odmítači („naysayers“) se velmi rychle probudí...“

    Je otázkou, zda základní elementy v Bushově administrativě došly k podobným závěrům a nepřipravují se k naplánování nebo umožnění dalšího kola teroristických útoků „na americké půdě“ jako zámince k potlačení vzrůstajícího všeobecného odporu vůči jejich politice.

    Překlad Messin, 12.6.2007 Zdroj: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=5904

    WALKIE --- ---
    na odlehceni: "If George Bush is president of the free world, who can take anything seriously?"
    JAXXE --- ---
    Výbuch v irácké Zlaté mešitě rozmetal minarety

    Šíitská Zlatá mešita v iráckém městě Sámarra se stala ve středu ráno místního času terčem bombového útoku. Ten se udál i přes přítomnost policejních hlídek kolem objektu. Podle agentury France Presse byly zničeny dva minarety. Je to druhý útok na mešitu, ten první z února 2006 rozpoutal vlnu sektářského násilí v celé zemi, které pokračuje prakticky do dneška.

    13.6. 2007 09:11 - 15:48 Aktualizováno

    BAGDÁD - "Útok byl zaměřen na dva zlaté minarety. Je to kriminální čin, který se snaží o sektářský svár," řekl šéf jedné z největších šíitských organizací Šíitská nadace. Podle reportéra AFP, který byl na místě krátce po útoku, se oba minarety zřítily. Nejsou hlášeni žádní mrtví nebo zranění.

    Americká stanice CNN informovala, že irácké úřady viní ze středečního výbuchu zaměstnance, kteří budovu chránili. Podle zpráv amerických představitelů bylo 15 členů ochranky zatčeno.

    Objekt byl vážně poškozen už při pumovém útoku v únoru 2006, který vyostřil násilí mezi iráckými sunnity a šíity, jež si už vyžádalo desetitisíce obětí.

    Pumový útok v únoru 2006 směřoval na mauzoleum Askárí v komplexu mešity. V mauzoleu explodovaly dvě nálože, které způsobily zřícení horní části proslulé šestimetrové pozlacené kopule a poškodily jeden z minaretů.


    http://www.novinky.cz/zahranicni/vychod/vybuch-v-iracke-zlate-mesite-rozmetal-minarety_116896_av54a. html


    Iraqis Accuse U.S. Of Bombing Shrine
    Both Sunnis and Shia say bombing a plot to incite sectarian violence

    Steve Watson Prison Planet Wednesday, June 13, 2007

    Both Sunni and Shias Iraqis have accused the U.S. of being behind the bombing the al-Askari shrine in Samarra, one of the holiest Shia religious sites, in order to further incite sectarian violence between the two rival Islamic groups and provide a justification for the American surge.

    Sunni Muslim leaders belonging to the Association of Muslim Scholars of Iraq have questioned how terrorists could get access to the site which has been heavily guarded by about 60 Federal Protection Service forces and 25 local Iraqi police and closed to the public since it was attacked last year in a bombing which many also believed to be the work of US forces.

    In a statement on their website the group comments:

    After the government forces surrounded the area, the explosion of al-Hadi Mosque performed in Samarra as using the method done last year.

    One of the highlights of this terrorist act, many government snipers positioned on the surrounding roofs of buildings in the place from all directions.

    The doors of the shrine also closed and nobody was allowed to enter.

    The explosion took place this morning under two minarets in a very similar way like what happened to the golden dome more than a year ago, which implies the involvement of apparatus and forces of the Iraqi Government in this new crime.

    The group points out that last years bombing took place as groups in the Parliament were joining forces to end the US occupation of Iraq.

    The latest bombing of the shrine comes one week after Iraq's House of Representatives passed a resolution giving parliament the final say on the extension the UN mandate for foreign troops in Iraq when it expires at the end of 2007.

    Furthermore, as reported by the AP, a 30-member bloc loyal to Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr suspended its membership in parliament in the wake of the bombing, saying they will stay away from the 275-seat house until the government takes "realistic" steps to rebuild the Askariya shrine.

    The suspension is likely to weaken al-Maliki's Shiite-dominated government and delay the adoption of a series of laws needed to build national reconciliation to reduce violence in Iraq, the report suggests.

    The Sunni sentiments that the puppet Iraqi government were behind the bombing were were echoed by Shia religious leader Ayatollah Sheikh Mohammed Ishaq of Najaf who accused US forces of being involved, stating that it was a crime of the "great Satan" engaged in the "criminal occupation of Iraq."

    In addition, a senior al-Maliki adviser said policemen at the shrine were detained Wednesday and would be questioned as part of an investigation ordered by the prime minister.

    The western media and US authorities have of course blamed the attack on "al-Qaida insurgents"

    The 2006 bombing that shattered its famous Golden Dome and unleashed a wave of retaliatory sectarian violence that still bloodies Iraq. An indefinite curfew has been announced and violence is once again expected to be sparked.

    Last year former CIA analyst and presidential advisor Ray McGovern went on record to state that he believed Western intelligence could have been behind the bombing of the shrine.

    It makes absolutely no sense for Sunnis to bomb Shia mosques. It would be akin to Baptists bombing Catholic churches. Sectarian violence, dividing Iraqi society, does not serve Iraqis, either Sunni or Shia. It does, however, serve the occupation forces.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The picture that proves 'torture flights' are STILL landing in the UK

    By GLEN OWEN - More by this author » Last updated at 09:07am on 10th June 2007

    The row over CIA 'torture flights' using British airports has deepened following fresh evidence that a plane repeatedly linked to the controversial programme landed in the UK just days ago.

    The plane was logged arriving at RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk last weekend, and watching aviation experts said the aircraft, piloted by crew clad in desert fatigues, was immediately surrounded on the runway by armed American security forces.

    * Torture is NEVER justified...and our spineless leaders must find the courage to tell that to Bush

    Its registration number, clearly visible on the fuselage, identifies it as a plane which the European Parliament says has been involved in 'ghost flights' to smuggle terrorist suspects to shadowy interrogation centres abroad.

    Records show the plane is owned by Blackwater USA, a CIA contractor described as "the most secretive and powerful mercenary army on the planet". ( http://www.blackwaterusa.com/ ) An eyewitness, who previously worked as an RAF electronic warfare expert, said that as the plane - a CASA-212 Aviocar - taxied to a stop on the runway it was met by a US military Humvee.

    The vehicle contained four US security policemen armed with M16 assault rifles, who accompanied the camouflaged crew to the airport terminal.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Univerzální karta Pražana představuje riziko pro soukromí

    tisková zpráva Iuridicum Remedium

    Od 12. dubna tohoto roku začaly být vydávány čipové karty nazvané "opencard" nebo také Univerzální karta Pražana. Podle tvrzení zástupců Magistrátu, který do projektu investoval více než 100 miliónů korun, budou lidé moci kartu používat při platbě na parkovacích automatech, karta má také nahradit čtenářské průkazy v Městské knihovně, legitimaci MHD a umožnit přihlášení k internetovému portálu magistrátu, kde si zájemci budou moci vyhledat informace o své osobě. V první fázi má být vydáno Pražanům 50 tisíc karet zdarma, poté si již zájemci mají za kartu sami zaplatit.

    "Projekt nebere ohledy na ochranu osobních údajů Pražanů," varuje Filip Pospíšil z nevládní organizace Iuridicum Remedium. "Jméno, datum narození a pohlaví držitele si může bez jeho vědomí a na dálku přečíst v podstatě kdokoliv," uvádí zástupce organizace.

    "Navíc služby, které byly občanům dříve poskytovány anonymně, jako například placení za parkovné, budou nyní spojené se jménem. Firmy tak mohou sledovat chování jednotlivých zákazníků," dodává Pospíšil.

    Čtení osobních údajů uložených v bezkontaktní části čipové karty Opencard demonstroval na tiskové konferenci přední český kryptolog Tomáš Rosa. "Údaje o jméně, pohlaví a datu narození držitele karty jsou dostupné prakticky každému, kdo zná komunikační rozhraní karet typu MIFARE. Pro útok ze vzdálenosti několika centimetrů lze použít zařízení běžně dostupná na internetu.

    Použité rádiové vlny bez problémů procházejí oděvem, koženými předměty, atp., takže čtení je možné provádět nepozorovaně v davu tvořícím se běžně v prostředcích MHD, restauracích, klubech, atp." uvádí Tomáš Rosa.

    Nedostatečně chráněné údaje na Univerzální kartě Pražana představují ještě větší riziko, pokud občan zároveň s touto kartou nosí i další karty vybavené bezkontaktními čipy. "Z dat uložených na opencard mohu zjistit například datum narození držitele, které je zároveň součástí přístupového hesla k dnes vydávanému elektronickému pasu," uvádí Tomáš Rosa. V budoucnosti tak útočníci na identitu občanů budou moci získávat a kombinovat údaje uložené v různých dokumentech v naší peněžence.

    Organizátoři tiskové konference proto vyzvali primátora Pavla Béma, aby projekt okamžitě zastavil a vyhodnotil jeho bezpečnostní rizika. Pokud by i nadále chtěli zástupci hlavního města zavádět podobné čipové karty, zástupci organizace Iuridicum Remedium požadují, aby na nich nebyly uváděny osobní údaje obyvatel.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Outcry as border guards seize British 'dirty bomb' lorry heading for Iran

    By JASON LEWIS, The Mail on Sunday - More by this author » Last updated at 22:00pm on 22nd July 2006

    Border guards seized a British lorry on its way to make a delivery to the Iranian military - after discovering it was packed with radioactive material that could be used to build a dirty bomb.

    The lorry set off from Kent on its way to Tehran but was stopped by officials at a checkpoint on Bulgaria's northernborder with Romania after a scanner indicated radiation levels 200 times above normal.

    The lorry was impounded and the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NPA) was called out.

    On board they found ten lead-lined boxes addressed to the Iranian Ministry of Defence. Inside each box was a soil-testing device, containing highly dangerous quantities of radioactive caesium 137 and americium-beryllium.

    The soil testers had been sent to Iran by a British firm with the apparent export approval of the Department of Trade and Industry.

    Last night, the head of the Bulgarian NRA, Nikolai Todorov, said he was shocked that devices containing so much nuclear material could be sold so easily.

    He said: "The devices are highly radioactive - if you had another 90 of them you would be able to make an effective dirty bomb."

    And a spokesman for the Bulgarian customs office, said: "The documentation listed the shipment as destined for the Ministry of Transport in Tehran, although the final delivery address was the Iranian Ministry of Defence.

    "According to the documentation they are hand-held soil-testing devices which were sent from a firm in the United Kingdom."

    A leading British expert last night said the radioactive material could easily be removed and used to construct a dirty bomb.

    Dr Frank Barnaby from the Oxford Research Group, said: "You would need a few of these devices to harvest sufficient material for a dirty bomb. Americium-beryllium is an extremely effective element for the construction of a dirty bomb as it has a very long half-life, but I would be amazed to find it out on the street.

    "I don't know how you would come by it as it is mainly found in spent reactor-fuel elements and is not at all easy to get hold of. I find it very hard to believe it is so easily available in this device."

    Senior Labour MP Andrew MacKinlay called for the Government to tighten up export controls to prevent the Iranian military getting its hands on nuclear material.

    He said: "The Prime Minister has accused the Iranian Government of sponsoring international terrorism, yet his officials are doing nothing to prevent radioactive material which has an obvious dual use being sold to their military."

    vice: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=397124&in_page_id=1770


    George Bush insists that Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. So why, six years ago, did the CIA give the Iranians blueprints to build a bomb?


    Deep in the bowels of the CIA, someone must be nervously, but very privately, wondering: "Whatever happened to those nuclear blueprints we gave to the Iranians?"

    JAXXE --- ---
    Russia calls for new economic world order

    ST PETERSBURG, Russia (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin called on Sunday for the creation of a new world economic order that gives greater clout to fast-growing emerging nations.

    Days after attending a Group of Eight summit in Germany, Putin suggested that club was outdated and failed to reflect a shift in economic power away from the industrialised West to countries like his own.
    Advert for scotsman.com's football briefing

    "If 50 years ago, 60 pct of the world's gross domestic product came from the G7, now it's the other way round, and 60 percent of the world's GDP is produced outside," Putin said in a speech to a major economic conference.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Masonry, Atheism, and Catholicism

    By Victor | June 4, 2007 - 7:33 am Posted in Category: Quotes & Excerpts

    Interview With Author of “The Masonic Plot”

    BURGOS, Spain, JUNE 3, 2007 (Zenit.org).- What’s true and what’s not about the Masons is the topic of a recent book by an expert in the history of religions.

    Father Manuel Guerra Gómez, who is an author of 25 books on sects and other topics, recently released “La trama masónica” (The Masonic Plot), published in Spanish by Styria.

    Father Guerra is a diocesan priest of Burgos, and a retired professor of the Burgos headquarters of the Faculty of Theology of Northern Spain.

    In this interview with ZENIT he says that “the Masonic method, atheistic in nature, reflects historical relativism and leads to the socio-cultural relativism that it promotes.”

    Q: Is the famous Masonic conspiracy a myth?

    Father Guerra: It is necessary to distinguish between Masonry and the Masons. Masonry, as such, does not aspire to power or at least to having it serve its own principles and interests.

    Nevertheless, Masons are in fact present in every international organization in which decisions are made and in the multinational corporations that have an influence on economic and political power.

    It is logical to think that they try to pass on their ideological principles — relativism, atheism, gnosticism — wherever they are and to irradiate them beyond their own context. On the other hand, in the English-speaking world and in the northern countries, in Turkey, etc., it is not that they seek to gain power, they are the power.

    Thus, for example, the sovereign of the United Kingdom is also the grand master of the United Grand Lodge of England, and of the more than 150 grand lodges — one for every country, and in the United States one for every state. In 1995, in the United Grand Lodge of England there were 750,000 members belonging to 8,000 lodges throughout the world. Besides this, because of the rule of secrecy, there is no way of knowing for certain where they are active and how far their direct influence extends, and much less do we know the extent of their indirect influence. Tony Blair’s government sought to institute the obligation that Masons declare their membership in the group, especially if they were functionaries of the state, and above all if they worked in the area of justice or in the police. The response of 1,400 English judges who voluntarily declared their membership in the Masons is commendable. Evidently there are many more.

    Following the scandals of the secret Propaganda Due Lodge of Licio Gelli in Italy, functionaries in certain areas of Italian public administration must declare whether that they are Masons at the risk of losing their post.

    Q: Is it true that 60% of the members of the European Parliament are Masons?

    Father Guerra: This and a similar claim were made by Josep Corominas, grand master of the Grand Lodge of Spain up until March 2006. On Feb. 9, 2007, he left the Grand Lodge of Spain, but affirmed that he would continue to be a Mason and wanted to be considered such.

    Is this a new division which has given place to a new Masonic obedience, or is it an incorporation into one already existing?

    Indeed, all the proposals pertaining to family and bioethics issues, dissenting from the teaching of the Church and even the natural law, have been approved by the European Parliament. There is also the case of the Italian Rocco Buttiglione who was rejected as a European commissioner by an atheist majority of the Parliament.



    JAXXE --- ---
    G8 False Flag Terror Attack Averted?

    US "security men" attempted to smuggle C4 plastic explosive past checkpoint

    Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Sunday, June 10, 2007

    It looks highly likely that a false flag terror attack to be blamed on protesters of the G8 summit in Germany was averted after German surveillance stopped a team of "US security men" attempting to smuggle C4 plastic explosives past a checkpoint at Heiligendamm.

    The alarming revelation was buried at the end of a Deutsche Press-Agentur news article about the ongoing battles between police and protesters at the global forum.

    ( http://www.eux.tv/article.aspx?articleId=9424 )

    Sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that US security men tested German security by trying to smuggle C4 plastic explosive past a checkpoint at Heiligendamm.

    German surveillance machinery detected the tiny stash in a suitcase in a car and the Americans in plainclothes then identified themselves. German police declined comment.

    Was this simply a "test" as is claimed or more likely, an aborted false flag terror attack that was set to be blamed on protesters to legitimize the powerhouse G8 nations and the global elite while demonizing anti-globalization activists and justifying the use of lethal force against demonstrators?

    If so, it wouldn't be without precedent.

    During the Genoa G8 summit in 2001, police planted petrol bombs in schools and other residences of protest groups in order to justify brutal raids on the properties during which activists were severely beaten and jailed Police claimed the raids were justified because the protesters were planning violence.

    ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2636647.stm )

    After the trial against the police got underway, the bomb evidence conveniently "disappeared".

    ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/6278311.stm )


    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    jeho blog:

    Least for now...

    i am currently safe. and for those of you that are friends of ed and elaine's myspace have noticed, there are some problems here.

    they had cut the phone and internet but then restored it. betting mostly because the amount of support that came in for you all and more... good job everyone! now if we can get just a bit more...

    if you want to come you are welcome, just know that the risk is real. no grabassing. the weapons are loaded and the concern is of your freedom and true safety; safety for your self and family and friends from the federal government that is out of control... not from that fake terrorist crap being crammed down your throats... which by the way are likey either blow back and false flags done to us by our government! they are the murders and the true killers... the news talks about the mindless killers that stalk our streets.

    what about the mindless state and federal agents that carry out orders that are unlawful; "just doing my job" that shit is not going to cut it anymore.

    help us fight them here on Ed and Elaine's door step or fight them on your own at your's.

    currently there are no road blocks set up. and a few more supporters have join us here over the night.

    daniel from what we gather made it back home safe. his whole trip would have been safe if it were not for the police trespassing on grounds that are not theirs. sneaking around like thieves.

    you could not tell from the video but he was bruised up pretty good.

    look feds, you made people like danny. and you created people like me, that have the same training and have taught others like your selves to do what we all thought was good for the common man. to enforce the laws. the law of the land... key point... you are not doing that. and the laws you enforce are of the maritime law... i know this makes no sense to you cas you were told and taught one way of thinking.

    open you mind. and look at thinking with questions...

    if not, then you are going to be the whipping boy for those that only use you. your life is not worth their money, and i am not talking about YOUR pay check.

    i have to cut this short in case we lose connection again.

    we are a republic. the federal reserve is running this country into the ground. WE are the government! they are not our rulers, they are elected by us to carry out our will.

    remember this if you have doubts...

    "if not me, then who? if not now, then when?"

    GORG --- ---
    PLAINFIELD, N.H. -- Heavily armed officers with an armored vehicle moved in Thursday on a fortified hilltop compound owned by a couple convicted of tax evasion, then insisted the show of force was just a precaution.

    Officers detained a man walking a dog at the 110-acre spread belonging to Ed and Elaine Brown, but the man _ described as a supporter of the fugitive couple _ was not arrested, and authorities had no contact Thursday with the Browns, U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said.

    Deputy U.S. marshals served a property seizure warrant at the office where Elaine Brown is a dentist in neighboring Lebanon. A judge had ordered the property forfeited as part of the couple's sentence for scheming to hide $1.9 million of income between 1996 and 2003.

    The Browns insist federal income tax laws are invalid and stopped attending their trial partway through. They were convicted in January and have been fugitives since they were sentenced to 5 1/2 years in prison each at an April hearing they did not attend.

    Deputy marshals have negotiated daily with the Browns since January and will continue doing so, Monier said.

    "As we have said from the beginning, we will continue to communicate with Ed and Elaine Brown to convince them to surrender peacefully," he said.


    PUEBLO --- ---

    Na podezřelé platby na saúdská konta jako první loni upozornil britský úřad pro vyšetřování podvodů SFO. Hlavní prokurátor lord Glodsmith ale nařídil na pokyn vlády vyšetřování zastavit. Mohlo by prý totiž poškodit vztahy s ropným královstvím a ohrozit tak "národní bezpečnost" Velké Británie.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Italian police probing Masonic lodges

    Rome, Jun. 5, 2007 (CWNews.com) - Italian law-enforcement officials are conducting 20 separate investigations of Masonic lodges in that country, media reports reveal.

    In recent weeks, Italian police have collected the membership lists from Masonic lodges scattered around the country. The reasons for the investigation have not been disclosed.

    An investigation into the notorious Propaganda Due Masonic lodge in the early 1980s led to a sensational scandal that caused the collapse of the Italian government coalition and generations scores of theories about international Masonic conspiracies.


    MARSHUS --- ---
    MARSHUS: Larouche http://www.larouchepac.com/ je ten samej člověk, co upozorňoval na to, že Bushe sponzoruje krajní pravice z Izraele viz. MARSHUS.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Podle nepotvrzených zpráv chtěli německou policii vyzkoušet také američtí bezpečnostní agenti. Agentura DPA uvádí, že se dvě osoby v civilu pokusily propašovat autem přes silniční kontroly do dějiště summitu malé množství plastické trhaviny typu C4. Policisté však ve vozidle výbušninu odhalili. Američané se pak údajně legitimovali jako příslušníci bezpečnosti.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    doporučuju, spousta souvislostí

    Moscow Interview: LaRouche on Four-Power Strategy for War Avoidance
    Posted: 2007/05/25
    From: Mathaba

    Lyndon LaRouche gave an interview to the economist Mikhail Khazin in Moscow on May 16, speaking about the world financial-monetary crisis


    Lyndon LaRouche gave the following interview in Moscow May 16 to the economist Mikhail Khazin, host of the "A+ In Economics" weekly program on the Spas Channel, a satellite TV station linked with the Russian Orthodox Church. The interview aired on Friday, May 18 at 9:00 p.m., and was repeated several times during the following week. Khazin's program on the recently founded Spas Channel has a following among policy-making circles in Moscow, since it is the only weekly show dedicated to economic analysis, appearing on Russian television.

    Khazin: The first question has to do with the following situation. Over the past approximately 35 years, let's say in particular since 1971, there has been developing a crisis of the financial system based on the dollar. You were the first person in the U.S. establishment who began to discuss this topic. We won't mention what was said in the Soviet Union, which was a lot on that theme, but it was not very convincing. For this reason, it is extremely interesting for us to hear your opinion about how this crisis, specifically the world financial-monetary crisis, will develop further.

    LaRouche: The crisis is an existential crisis of the entire world system. It is not a financial crisis; it's worse. You have a crisis of ungovernability in Western and Central Europe. You have to look at the U.S. dollar, not as a U.S. problem, but as a systemic world problem. For example, a collapse of the dollar by 20 or 30% is possible any time now. You can not exactly predict in human behavior, but you can say this: that the present system, as it exists, is doomed.

    To illustrate that, what happens to the Chinese assets, and economy, if the U.S. dollar collapses? Or take the Russian security investment [Stabilization Fund]. A sudden collapse of the dollar would mean a collapse in China. It would mean a crisis for the present government in Russia.

    Because, the dollar is still the standard valuation worldwide, as a currency.

    Khazin: It's the measure of value.

    LaRouche: Yeah, right. Because it's a reserve currency. And the world depends upon the maintenance of the value of the dollar, as a reserve currency, not as an internal currency, but a reserve currency for the world.

    Now the amount of dollar assets in the world, as financial assets, could never be repaid. So therefore, the world as a whole is in a hyperinflationary crisis. Every part of the world is tied up in that crisis. You're in a situation where only a replacement for the present monetary system, worldwide, would define a way to avoid a general breakdown crisis of the world system.

    Khazin: I'd like to interject something here. Precisely because of what you're saying, I wanted to emphasize the role of the financial system, and the need to replace the system based on the dollar, with something else.

    LaRouche: You can't. You can't. What you have to do is you have to reorganize the dollar system.

    For example, what I propose is this. We can do it, technically we can do it.

    Politically is the problem. I can illustrate that simply: If the United States... Or, let me step back. We have heard from President Putin, and from other circles in Russia, particularly in the recent celebration of the end of the War, we've heard much about Roosevelt and the American System under Roosevelt. President Putin and his circles on this question are right.

    Khazin: You mean his system of reforms in the 1930s?

    LaRouche: Yes, exactly. It was more than internal reforms. It was a world reform, which, by the end of the war, Roosevelt had achieved a world reform.

    Khazin: With the Bretton Woods agreements of 1944?

    LaRouche: Yes. President Putin is correct. You must look at the change from Roosevelt to Truman. Truman and Churchill were the enemy of the United States. What you had is a process in which the U.S. system, which was the dominant system in the world at that time, financial and so forth, went through a succession of changes, in the world system.

    Now immediately, the policy of building a postwar world, in cooperation with the Soviet Union, and Roosevelt, collapsed at that point. Now you had then, something similar to now. You had an Anglo-American turn for conflict with the Soviet Union. Here's where the thing becomes tricky for the case of modern Russia.

    The control of this was from the British Empire. What happened was that the enemies of Roosevelt, in alliance with Churchill's crowd in England, changed their policy, and the faction within the United States, the financier faction in the United States, which had supported Hitler earlier, took predominant control of U.S. policy. So, what happened then: We went through a series of changes in the world monetary system, beginning with the assassination of President Kennedy.

    Khazin: I'd like to add a little something. Actually, since you raised it, concerning the question of those who financed and supported Hitler, it would be quite useful to have a few words about the role of the Bush family. This information is not well known in Russia.

    LaRouche: Bush's career was dependent upon Averell Harriman. It was Averell Harriman, whose subordinate was Prescott Bush. This was the same Averell Harriman who had supported Hitler's rise to power in Germany, particularly in 1933. Roosevelt had succeeded in getting the British to break from Hitler. With Roosevelt's death, they flipped back. So the New York-centered financial crowd took over the United States, together with the British. And they used the conflict that was created with the Soviet Union, with Stalin personally, in particular, to take over the world, first, by the self-destruction of the United States. By the Vietnam War, they destroyed the United States - by having a long war.

    Khazin: So, would it be a fair summary to say that the grouping, which was an American national elite that had coalesced around Roosevelt, was replaced by control on the part of a grouping of supranational financiers centered in London?

    LaRouche: British Empire is the right word. The British Empire is not simply a monarchical empire. It's an empire of finance-capital. And it's a world empire. And its whole game since 1945, has been to return the British finance-capital interests back to a world power.

    Khazin: The Rothschilds?

    LaRouche: No, no. That's too simple. It's a financial bloc. It's the financial bloc which created Hitler, and created Mussolini earlier. See, most people don't know the details of this change from the inside, and therefore it's difficult sometimes to understand these things. It's trying to navigate without a map.

    Khazin: My view is that the history of the 1920s and '30s has been subject to the greatest degree of falsification of any period in world history.

    LaRouche: It's probable--that's fair. You could say exceptions, but this crowd is trying to destroy the United States, now.

    Look what happened in ancient Greece, for example. How was ancient Greece destroyed by itself? They defeated the Persian Empire, but they were destroyed by corruption, called sophistry. And by a famous long war, the Peloponnesian War.

    How was the United States destroyed from the inside? By a so-called Cold War, by the war in Indo-China, a long war--a Peloponnesian war. Eh? And by successive wars, and by near wars.

    Look at the Iraq war: the Iraq war's a perfect example. It's a war started by lies, like the Vietnam War. Hence, the United States is being destroyed, the military of the United States is being destroyed by the Iraq War. And our so-called formal political class in the Senate and the House of Representatives, many of whom are my friends, are behaving like asses. The only people that see the situation clearly in the United States, are people like me, and the old boys from the institutions of the military, the CIA, the diplomatic services, and similar people.

    It's like the politicians and government all over Western Europe -- they're insane. They have no comprehension of reality. And the only way we can get them, from inside the United States, to wake up, is with the work of the old boys.

    Khazin: Maybe you could put it this way: That these politicians have been dealing always with virtual reality, rather with what's actually happening. But, in the last few decades, the virtual reality has diverged very far from what is actually going on.

    LaRouche: It's generational. The generation, the white-collar generation that was born in 1945 to 1958, this group is dominated in the political party institutions, by a financial group which is based on London and in the Cayman Islands. Then you can understand the problem. Now you say, what happened in 1971-72?

    Since 1945, the financial world has depended upon the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency. And since 1971-1972, the dollar reserve system has been controlled from London. It doesn't show in the British government as such. It shows in the control of the world system by a financier oligarchy, whose political headquarters is London.

    The only significant opposition to this, strategically, is from Russia, China, and, to some degree, India. From the standpoint of existing world nation-states, this situation can not be solved, unless the United States approaches Russia, China, and India to make a new world reserve system, based on a reorganized dollar.

    Khazin: On this reorganization, I have a question. How, theoretically, could this happen today, given the current political correlation of forces?

    LaRouche: The political correlation of forces can be smashed very easily, if the will exists in certain quarters.

    Khazin: I agree with that, but here's an example. Today, the United States is clearly pushing to recreate Atlantic unity with Europe. And the U.S. is forging this alliance not around any forces that would be interested in such reforms, but rather relying on those same financial circles that are sitting in London.

    LaRouche: But, Europe does not function right now. All of Europe, west of Russia/Belarus, is in a state of ungovernability. As an American, I can say this. I wouldn't put my opinion on Russians, but as an American, I can tell the truth about this. I don’t ask you to adopt this policy publicly. I take advantage of my freedom to tell the truth.

    The British Empire, as I have described it, is determined to have a war with Russia, China, and India. Since the agreements, the Maastricht agreements, and now with the French elections, all of continental Europe west of Russia/Belarus, is nonfunctional. What has been going on in Southwest Asia is the lever for a conflict with Russia, China, and India.

    Because if you take Russia, China, and India, combined with certain forces in South America, it's the only part of the world that's not kissing the feet of globalization. To establish the new kind of empire intended, they must therefore destroy the sense of sovereignty in Russia, China, and India, together with my friends, who are an important part of the United States system.

    Therefore if Russia, under President Putin, can succeed in finding a response in connection with key institutions within the United States, it will become possible to turn the objective reality of the situation into an understanding of common policy.

    You need a response from the United States for what President Putin, and other people in Russia today, have said about the Roosevelt tradition. We have to go back to the global philosophy, which existed before the death of Franklin Roosevelt. Conditions are different, but the policy should be the same. It should be traveled on the same road, or to the same destination by a slightly different road.

    This comes back to my answer to your original question: If you have an understanding of this, between U.S. circles and Russian circles, drawing China and India into the discussion, and other nations... But to take the territory of the former Soviet Union, the territory of Russia today, China and India, what percentage of the world territory and population is that? What are the vast mineral resources existing in Siberia, of which Russian scientists have in their archives, knowledge of how to approach this? You would have a fundamental change in the world system, based on a science-driven policy.

    The British KNOW this. They are determined to prevent this from ever happening. They're prepared to destroy the world.

    Khazin: In order to prevent this. Let me ask a rather immediate question: Who of the current candidates for the U.S. Presidency, let's not say, would be prepared to implement all of this, but would be prepared at least to understand that it's right, and necessary?

    LaRouche: The candidate system, the party system, in the United States, is in a crisis of self-destruction. I, in a very strange way, am a friend of Bill Clinton, who is, fortunately, distant from Al Gore, and whose wife [Hillary] is very ambitious. As of now, there's not a single candidate for the Presidency I know of, who's competent to become President. The only competence in the United States comes from certain institutions, chiefly associated with the Presidency. Now this group understands that Cheney, who's a British asset, not an American asset; Cheney is a thug--he's not an important person intellectually. Cheney's wife is the evil one, who controls him. They are controlled by London, by the Fabian Society faction behind Blair, the Blair government. The same crowd. They are controlled in the United States, in cooperation with London, by George Shultz.

    George Shultz--he's the one who did the job in breaking up the Bretton Woods system. He used the old Nazis to put Pinochet into power in Chile. Nazis. Bush Jr., the President, is an idiot, Bush is an idiot. He's actually a mental case, technically. This is a problem of statecraft. In certain parts of history, including Russian history, you've had idiots in charge as head of state.

    Khazin: We also have such a term as a dry drunk.

    LaRouche: Yes, with vodka. The dry vodka.

    The problem here is that we have the institutions, the older people who are officially active, or formerly active, like general officers, flag officers; former, but they're actually still active, diplomats, professional diplomats; certain tendencies in the intelligence services; in other institutions of government, the professional institutions, who work very closely with their friends who've gone out of government. This is our political elite. In general, we refer to these as the institutions. You have a comparable phenomenon in Russia today, still.

    Khazin: Do you think that this grouping, these forces, are capable of overcoming the desperate opposition of the pro-British, or pro-financier forces, who, in the recent period have been calling the tune?

    LaRouche: That's my job. My job is to create an intellectual conception of what the solutions are, and what must be done. The problem is, you can not act, to fight a war or something similar, without a clear understanding of what you're doing. Once you have that understanding, now you must find a figure you put into a key position, controlling position, as the official leader.

    Now I, as an American, can take responsibility for saying the following point: The present President of Russia was put in that position because he was perceived to be a person in the position to become President, who might carry the job. From 1994 onward, since I was visiting Russia, in that period, my concern, which I shared with many of my Russian friends in high positions, was to try to get an understanding with President Clinton, and people in Russia. So, some of the key people here in Russia organized a meeting which I addressed in Moscow. They were prepared, through me, because they knew my connection to Clinton, to open a new channel of economic understanding and cooperation with the United States. [Academician Gennadi] Osipov was one of the leaders of that group, to organize it. The former Prime Minister Pavlov was part of it. But the vice-president of the United States, Al Gore, was a close friend of Yeltsin, and they put pressure on Clinton not to do it.

    Finally, in 1998, in August and September, Clinton recognized I had been right. So they pulled a scandal to try to pull down the Clinton Presidency. Today, I think Bill Clinton himself, understands I was completely right about Gore. Unfortunately, Clinton's wife, who's a very bright woman, is not very strong on principle.

    We face a situation now like a Great War situation. Obviously, there are circles in Russia who appreciate this, in one degree or another. Very important senior circles, from institutions in the United States, understand this. How do we put the two together? Do we have available a complete solution to this problem? But the human factor of having the right leaders in position, together at the right time, is crucial. That's what I'm focused on.

    The policy that we must agree upon, among people in the United States, Russia, and so forth, is clear. We could probably win over enough people to do that. But in both Russia and the United States, we have to function through a Presidential system. We don't have a President in the United States, or a Vice-President, who's worth anything. So, we have to go through a preliminary stage, we're now in a preliminary phase of the task, which is my function and concern. We must have a dialogue between Russia and the United States, involving other countries, like China, India, and so on, who understand that we believe the same thing about the present world crisis, and can understand what me must do for the next 50 years.

    Khazin: If I may. Would you say there are a number of very concrete problems on this pathway? This became very clear at the end of last year, when President Putin attempted to give Germany a way to be separate, to get away from this, how should we say it, financial group that's directing things in the world. At the moment, the EU, and a good deal of the Russian elite, and the American elite, are financially addicted. It's just not clear how either people in the European Union, Russia, or America could really get free of being captive of these supranational financial interests.

    LaRouche: Forget Europe. What Putin was trying to do with Germany, when we still had the former government in Germany, was a very good idea. But that failed because the German government failed. Now you have, from the border of Russia and Belarus, west, ...

    Khazin: It's no accident that the government was changed in Germany.

    LaRouche: That's true. So, therefore, now Germany still has the objective potential of playing that kind of role with Russia. That has been the case since the Liberation Wars against Napoleon. That was Bismarck's policy. So, objectively, if we create the right world conditions, this potential within Germany becomes crucial, the kind of agreement Putin was probably trying to get with the Chancellor.

    Khazin: Thank you, we've run out of time here. It was very interesting. And really, we've gotten a picture of the world that is not possible to obtain from merely reading newspapers. And I hope that this will have a certain influence on the opinions of those people who understand that something needs to be done. But they don't have the information of what it is that has to be done.

    LaRouche: That's why I'm happy to be here. It's my mission to do something for this.

    Khazin: Thank you.

    LaRouche: Thank you.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Biden Admits Post-9/11 Meeting With Hijacker's Financier

    We Are Change group questions Senator on details of confab with Pakistani general

    Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Tuesday, June 5, 2007

    Presidential candidate Senator Joe Biden admitted meeting with the chief financier of the 9/11 hijackers in the days after September 11 after being confronted by We Are Change founder Luke Rudkowski in the press room following Sunday's Democratic debate in New Hampshire.

    According to the FBI and as confirmed by various news reports at the time, Pakistani ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad instructed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the alleged assassin of Daniel Pearl, to wire $100,000 to alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001.

    Arriving exactly one week before 9/11, the general met with Pentagon, White House National Security Council and CIA officials, including George Tenet and Marc Grossman, then U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

    On the very morning of 9/11, Ahmad was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.

    Two days after the attack on the twin towers and the Pentagon, on September 13th, Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, met with the ISI chief.

    No adequate explanation has been forthcoming as to why top government and intelligence officials were meeting with the money man behind the alleged hijackers before and after 9/11.

    Shortly after the Democratic debate had finished on Sunday, Prison Planet reporter Rudkowski was able to get access to the CNN spin room and confront presidential candidate Biden about his 9/11 meeting with the Pakistani General.

    "We asked him the question - what was he doing with the head of the Pakistani ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad," said Rudkowski.

    "He told me - he admitted that he met with him - he met with the head of the Pakistani ISI - he said I told them not to do it, I told them not to wire the money - I told them to stop supporting the Taliban, which shows he had foreknowledge of them supporting him."

    "I told him - sir, he funded the hijackers, you did business with him, you let him go - he's free," said Rudkowski, to which Biden responded, "Get a life kid," after which Rudkowski was pushed away by Biden's security staff.



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