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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    DUSE --- ---
    to spis bude dalsi jejich trik. neni prilis pozde? :E
    DUSE --- ---
    Britská policie fasuje nové helmy. S kamerou
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Mám pocit, že vy všechny ty vůdce berete příliš negativně, oni prostě jen hrají svou roli. A ať se třeba podílejí na sebevětších zvěrstvech, dělají to pro vás!
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    WIPER: Diky za upresneni. Vcera jsem byl na Hrade a vlajka tam nevisela (Klaus v Polsku), takze prezident nejspis predstavuje Pravdu.(ironie)
    BILLY_STYX --- ---
    Is the United States Killing 10,000 Iraqis Every Month? Or Is It More?
    by Michael Schwartz*


    MARSHUS --- ---
    Kdy je nejlepší čas pro investování? Když na ulicích teče krev

    Investoři mají v současné době velký problém. Řečeno s nadsázkou, jde o nedostatek krve. Podle výroku připisovaného baronu Phillippe Rotschildovi je totiž nejlepší čas pro investování tehdy, když na ulicích teče krev.

    Ne snad, že by na světě z čista jasna zavládl klid a mír. Krev teče na mnoha místech. Jenomže pro běžného investora není zpravidla možné investovat v Čadu, v Somálsku anebo například zde: http://www.isx-iq.net/

    A i kdyby to možné bylo, do vysoce rizikových oblastí není rozumné vložit podstatnou část portfolia. Ostatně, Rothschildův výrok byl myšlen spíše obrazně. Jde o to, že nejlepších výnosů lze dosáhnout v situacích, kdy je trh psychologicky šokován, ale fundamenty trhu a ekonomiky zůstávají zdravé. Platí to jak pro akcie, tak pro dluhopisy.

    Velký akciový boom, který začal v roce 2003 a trvá dodnes, byl předcházen celou sérií šoků: prasknutí internetové bubliny (2000), 11. září 2001, Enron, WorldCom a další (2002), argentinská finanční krize (2002), krize v Iráku (2002-03), teroristická kampaň proti Izraeli (2002-03) a možná bychom našli některé další příklady.

    Jenže během zhruba posledních tří až čtyř let je svět pozoruhodně klidný – alespoň ta vyspělejší, "investovatelná" část světa. Je to zřejmé například na volatilitě akciových trhů. Ta poklesla na úroveň ještě nižší, než jaká panovala v idylických dobách 90. let ještě před asijskou a ruskou krizí. Výnosy akciových trhů byly v posledních letech natolik vysoké, že se začíná mluvit o bublině. Pokud jde o investice do nemovitostí, tam se o bublině hovoří již několik let. Pozoruhodné je, že o nemovitostní bublině se diskutuje v nejrůznějších částech světa: v USA, Irsku, Velké Británii, Španělsku, Dánsku, České republice, Rusku, Číně, Vietnamu, na Novém Zélandu – a tím ještě není seznam vyčerpán.

    Jak je možné, že akcie a nemovitosti rostou do nebývalých výšin současně na tak odlišných trzích, jako jsou USA, Španělsko nebo Vietnam? Jeden z faktorů stojících za investičním boomem je všeobecný klid a optimismus. Boom by však nebyl možný bez "paliva" v podobě levných úvěrů. Reakce centrálních bank na výše uvedené katastrofy byla na celosvětové úrovni shodná: je zapotřebí předejít bankovní krizi a hospodářské recesi. Proto snižme úrokové sazby tak, jak to jen jde.

    Tak se i stalo. Díky katastrofám z první čtvrtiny desetiletí (a také díky protiinflační politice z 80. a 90. let) prožívá světová ekonomika expanzi úvěrů a investic. Výše uvedený graf uvádí historii vývoje výnosů desetiletých vládních dluhopisů, od nichž se odvíjejí i sazby hypotečních a investičních podnikatelských úvěrů. Úrokové sazby jsou nízké, proto bankovní vklady a fondy peněžního trhu netáhnou. Zato lákají hypotéky, které jsou dostupnější než kdykoli předtím. Platí to pro Českou republiku podobně jako pro USA, Rusko nebo Vietnam.

    WIPER --- ---
    ATOMINATOR: Proč máme motto Pravda vítězí? :) protoze napsat "Valka je mir", si zatim jeste nikdo napsat verejne netroufa ;-)
    WIPER --- ---
    ATOMINATOR: protoze Bohemian jak to pouzivaji tihle amici je od slova bohém. Ted muzeme spekulovat nad tim nakolik slovo bohem je odvozene od "bohemskeho" zivota kemene Boju, pole kterych se pry jmenujeme Bohemia. Jejich poklidny zivotni syl pry dal jmeno bohemskemu zpusobu zivota :-)
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    Proč se Bohemian Grove jmenuje takhle zvláštně? Proč je naše země zemský ráj to na pohled? Proč máme motto Pravda vítězí? :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    Priests Face Prison for Exposing Torture in Arizona

    Two Roman Catholic priests, Jesuit Fr. Steve Kelly and Franciscan Fr. Louie Vitale, are willing to go to prison to expose the fact that young soldiers at Fort Huachuca are being trained to torture. Further, one of those young soldiers has already committed suicide after going into the prisoners' cages as an interrogator in northern Iraq.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush behind 9/11, says French politician

    Article from: Reuters July 07, 2007 09:43pm

    A SENIOR French politician, now a minister in President Nicolas Sarkozy's government, suggested last year that US President George W. Bush might have been behind the September 11, 2001 attacks, according to a website.

    The http://www.ReOpen911.info website, which promotes September 11 conspiracy theories, has posted a video clip of French Housing Minister Christine Boutin appearing to question that Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda group orchestrated the attacks.

    Ms Boutin's office sought to play down the remarks.

    Asked in an interview last November, before she became minister, whether she thought Mr Bush might be behind the attacks, Ms Boutin says: “I think it is possible. I think it is possible.”

    Ms Boutin backs her assertion by pointing to the large number of people who visit websites that challenge the official line over the September 11 strikes against US cities.

    “I know that the websites that speak of this problem are websites that have the highest number of visits ... And I tell myself that this expression of the masses and of the people cannot be without any truth.”

    Ms Boutin's office sought to play down the remarks, saying that later in the same interview she says: “I'm not telling you that I adhere to that position.”

    This comment does not appear on the video clip on ReOpen911.

    Numerous other websites have also posted the clip in recent days and the story has started to seep into the mainstream media.

    “Christine Boutin snared by her controversial suggestions about September 11,” Le Monde newspaper said in a headline.

    Liberation newspaper quoted Ms Boutin's spokesman Christian Dupont as saying that she had not wanted to appear pro or anti-Bush at a time when Mr Sarkozy was being branded a “US poodle” after meeting the President in Washington.

    “And then she is not the foreign minister,” Mr Dupont added.

    France appears to be particularly fertile ground for conspiracy theories.

    In 2002, a book that claimed that no airliner hit the US Pentagon in the September 11 attacks topped the French bestseller lists.

    However, the French are not alone in their scepticism.

    According to a Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll carried out last July, more than one-third of Americans suspect US officials helped in the September 11 attacks or took no action to stop them so the US could later go to war.

    The US State Department has rejected these accusations.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Two Years Ago: London 7/7 Bombings, What Really Happened?

    JAXXE --- ---
    North American union plan headed to Congress in fall

    Powerful think tank prepares report on benefits of integration between U.S., Mexico, Canada

    Posted: May 24, 2007 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

    WASHINGTON – A powerful think tank chaired by former Sen. Sam Nunn and guided by trustees including Richard Armitage, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Harold Brown, William Cohen and Henry Kissinger, is in the final stages of preparing a report to the White House and U.S. Congress on the benefits of integrating the U.S., Mexico and Canada into one political, economic and security bloc.

    The final report, published in English, Spanish and French, is scheduled for submission to all three governments by Sept. 30, according to the Center for Strategic & International Studies.

    CSIS boasts of playing a large role in the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994 – a treaty that set in motion a political movement many believe resembles the early stages of the European Community on its way to becoming the European Union.

    "The results of the study will enable policymakers to make sound, strategic, long-range policy decisions about North America, with an emphasis on regional integration," explains Armand B. Peschard-Sverdrup, director of CSIS' Mexico Project. "Specifically, the project will focus on a detailed examination of future scenarios, which are based on current trends, and involve six areas of critical importance to the trilateral relationship: labor mobility, energy, the environment, security, competitiveness and border infrastructure and logistics."

    (Story continues below)

    The data collected for the report is based on seven secret roundtable sessions involving between 21 and 45 people and conducted by CSIS. The participants are politicians, business people, labor leaders and academics from all three countries with equal representation.

    All of this is described in a CSIS report, "North American Future 2025 Project." http://www.canadians.org/water/documents/NA_Future_2025.pdf


    JAXXE --- ---
    Top Global Warming Advocate: Jupiter & Saturn Closer To Sun Than Earth

    Live Earth kingpin dismantles his own credibility on national radio as propaganda bandwagon is massive flop

    Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Monday, July 9, 2007

    Live Earth's half empty stadiums and lackluster TV viewing figures were preceded by another embarrassment after one of the propaganda bandwagon's kingpins and a top global warming advocate responded to a question about solar-system wide climate change by claiming that Jupiter, Mars and Saturn were closer to the sun than Earth.

    David Mayer de Rothschild is the youngest child (born 1978) of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, of the British wing of the Rothschild banking family.

    Rothschild's recent book, 77 Essential Skills to Stop Climate Changes, calls for ordinary people to limit outward behavior and even work at home and was used as part of the PR blitz to accompany the Live Earth project.

    Appearing on The Alex Jones Show this past Friday, Rothschild reacted to a point about massive climate change at every point of the solar system and its relation to natural sun cycles by claiming Mars, Saturn and Jupiter were closer to the sun than Earth!

    Here's a brief transcript of the exchange.

    ALEX JONES: "The polar icecaps of Mars are receding at several miles a year, much faster than ours and that the moons of Saturn and Jupiter are melting, in fact several of their moons were ice and are now liquid seas - how are SUV's causing that David Rothschild?

    ROTHSCHILD: "Because those planets are closer to the sun, my friend."

    ALEX JONES: "No, Jupiter and Saturn are not closer to the sun and neither is Mars."

    Rothschild then quickly changes the subject and when the point is raised again later in the show, he makes no effort to correct himself.

    Click here for the clip. Listen to the full MP3 of the interview by clicking here.

    Last time we checked, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were all orbiting the sun at a greater distance than Earth.

    Rothschild's hilarious screw-up is yet another example as to why the general public remain unconvinced by the error-strewn apocalyptic admonitions of the climate cult.

    A Mori poll released last week found that a majority of the UK population were still skeptical about man-made global warming and believed the threats were being exaggerated for political purposes and to make money.

    Throughout the radio appearance, Rothschild parrots empty sound bite platitudes about there only being "one earth," while failing to address recent scientific analysis which reveals that the oldest plant DNA ever discovered showed that "the planet was far warmer hundreds of thousands of years ago than is generally believed," again underscoring the fact that climate change is a routine and natural phenomenon that has occurred throughout earth's history.

    vice: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2007/090707closertosun.htm
    KERRAY --- ---
    Santorum Suggest New Terror Attacks Will Change View Of War
    HVJ3R --- ---
    JAXXE: vyssi level imunity, no vzdyt to zname :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    NAGASAWA: smyslem dodatku je nenapadne obejit zakladni ustavni zakony... ;) navic bushova administrativa si s ustavou moc hlavu nelame, jsme preci ve valce
    SKRU --- ---
    kdo byl odvolan, ty poradkyne, nebo ti prokuratori?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam