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    ztracené heslo?
    NAVRYhledání základní otázky o životě, vesmíru a vůbec - 42
    QWWERTY --- ---
    2 vyklady oblibeny v IT

    "In the story, Arthur and Ford discover (inconclusively) that the question is "What is six times nine," which is 54. "
    (9)13 x (6)13 = (42)13 (src)
    nicmene "Douglas Adams announced in a television interview that he did not intend this joke. "I don't make jokes in base thirteen.""

    ASCII 42 = * = wildcard = anything (src)

    Adams kept his magic in the tin, never revealing (other than to his friend Stephen Fry, who claims he'll take the secret to his grave) the full story.
    Adams was ever meticulous in his choice of words and numbers, and it's safe to say it wasn't a random pick.
    TORI --- ---
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