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    ztracené heslo?
    KAJJAKVyvracení konspiračních teorií
    GORG --- ---
    VYHULENY_UFO: ramuj si to , jak chces.. je jasny, ze kde chybi fakta, je dobry se radeji venovat ramovani a jinym taktikam z prirucky pro extremisty
    co je fskutecne smesny si posoudi kazdy sam
    VYHULENY_UFO --- ---
    myslim, ze je nejvyssi cas prejmenovat auditko na "smejeme se konspiracnim teoretikum"
    GORG --- ---
    mimochodem typek je z Ukrajiny... a mysli si, ze Rusaci i Ukrajinci jsou uplne stejny kokoti ,]
    GORG --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: no prave naopak

    tohle mi ted posilal kamarad, co do me mimochodem sveho casu hustil, at se jdu vakcinovat, at nejsem srab
    ja uz se o covid nezajimam.. videl jsem tech ruznych studii dost.. a mam uz skepsi, ze je to investice k necemu, kdyz racionalni a nejaka dustojna konverzace neni stejne mozna
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    GORG: takže to shrneme, čteš jen nadpisy a pak se vykrucuješ
    GORG --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: hele on spravne uvadi limity studie... ty z toho delas nejaky div ne vyvraceni

    no aspon nejaky link a argumentace ale bez ad hominem by to asi neslo.. nnejaky podsouvani , ze ty narozdil odemne ctes samotne studie, coz si tu naferku tvrdil. pritom ani nemuzes vedet, jak ja co delam. a kdybys byl muj "onlyfans" follower evdel bys, ze konkretni obsahy studii resim celkem casto... kazdopadne tohle nijak nesouvisi s tematem. proste ad hominem
    GORG --- ---
    tady je hlavne predstava, ze si clovek najde studii, ktera mu vyhovuje (nebo nazor odbornika), a podle ni neco prikazuje jinym. neboli technokracie.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    GORG: to co píše novinář a autor studie je značnej rozdíl a protože si to neuvědomuješ, tak tě označuju za idiota, prostě nemáš kapacitu vyhodnotit, že je ten článek jenom clickbait. hraje si s takovýma konspiratikama jako jsi ty. žádná úhledná kostka se nekoná
    GORG --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: ja uz ty studie cetl. mi tu neco podsouvas. ted jsem nalinkoval komentar nejakeho novinare, ktery to shrnuje do uhledne kostky
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    GORG: ten rozdíl mezi námi je, že ty cituješ článek a já si čtu studii, z které to vychází. rozhodně tam tak úderný závěry nejsou a sníženou funkci ochrany dýchacích cest ovlivňuje spousta dalších věcí (authors conclusion) a ohledně účinnosti vakcinace se nezmiňujou vůbec. naletěls na clickbait a narazil sis nos, tím bych to uzavřel.
    nemáš ani dost soudnosti, aby ses nevymlouval na to, že se ti ochránci osobních svobod neváhali s agresí, nulová sebereflexe, nulový zájem o primární zdroje informací. a je naprosto vedlejší, jestli zkoušíš uvažovat o klimatu, covidu nebo čemkoliv dalším. tvůj způsob uvažování a způsob sběru informací je naprosto špatně.


    The evidence summarised in this review on the use of masks is largely based on studies conducted during traditional peak respiratory virus infection seasons up until 2016. Two relevant randomised trials conducted during the COVID‐19 pandemic have been published, but their addition had minimal impact on the overall pooled estimate of effect. The observed lack of effect of mask wearing in interrupting the spread of influenza‐like illness (ILI) or influenza/COVID‐19 in our review has many potential reasons, including: poor study design; insufficiently powered studies arising from low viral circulation in some studies; lower adherence with mask wearing, especially amongst children; quality of the masks used; self‐contamination of the mask by hands; lack of protection from eye exposure from respiratory droplets (allowing a route of entry of respiratory viruses into the nose via the lacrimal duct); saturation of masks with saliva from extended use (promoting virus survival in proteinaceous material); and possible risk compensation behaviour leading to an exaggerated sense of security (Ammann 2022; Brosseau 2020; Byambasuren 2021; Canini 2010; Cassell 2006; Coroiu 2021; MacIntyre 2015; Rengasamy 2010; Zamora 2006).
    GORG --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: kdyz nekdo prokazuje, ze opatreni byla uplne na hovno.. neucinna, vytahovat slagr, ze fugovala, je trochu zvlastni

    jestli sis tam nasel nejakou peknou korelaci, prokazuje to hned kauzalitu?
    Also this week, researchers examined the efficacy of local COVID-19 vaccine mandates implemented across the United States in 2021 and found they didn’t work.

    “These mandates imposed severe restrictions on the lives of many citizens and business owners,” the researchers said in a study conducted by George Mason University’s Mercatus Center. “Yet, we find no evidence that the mandates were effective in their intended goals of reducing COVID-19 cases and deaths.”

    The researchers evaluated the District of Columbia, New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Seattle.

    “We find no evidence that the announcement or implementation of indoor vaccine mandates in the cities listed had any significant effect on vaccine uptake, COVID-19 cases, or COVID-19 deaths, and this is largely consistent for all US cities that implemented the mandate,” the researchers wrote.

    rozhodne jsou na to jiny pohledy. mne by byly vakciny u prdele, kdybyste to neudelali v podstate povinny. to samy ty nahubky
    ADAMIRA --- ---
    Pokud by někho zajímal jiný náhled na GORGem postuntý článek, teda jiný názor než "opinion" která vpadá jak text z rodokapsu.

    The Cochrane review on masks and Covid shows the limits of science - Vox

    antivax a podobný kašpaři si toho svýho epidemiologa vždycky najdou :)
    GORG --- ---
    postupne se vic a vic aj v samotnym mainstreamu prokazuje, co jsme tvrdili nebo pochybovali uz relativne na zacatku... ze to vlastne vvsechno bylo zbytecny a postaveny na lzich ci nepravdach a nekvalitni vede

    vcetne tech pitomejch nahubku

    minimalne je potreba se poucit z krizoveho vyvoje.. takhle pakarna se nesmi uz nikdy opakovat. je tedy potreba vecne zhodnotit, co se stalo, a co vime
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    GORG: hm a spoustě lidem rozjetá pandemie vzala příbuzný, některým "jen" zdraví, těch mrtvých lidí bylo tuším 35k celkem a výrazně to opadlo díky očkování. mě ale nezajímá, co se ti zrovna honí hlavou, cos nenapsal, ale chtěls. prostě si vymýšlíš a dodatečně kličkuješ. seš klaun.
    GORG --- ---
    OMNIHASH: zase lzes.. proc lzes.. drzis se desatera? z prirucky pro extremisty :)

    to nebylo ve skutecnosti jen o rouskach a dobre to vis
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: to knučení, co poslední pětiletku předvádíš, kvůli tomu, že tě zlej stát v době světový pandemie nutil rok nosit roušku, je naprosto fascinující
    GORG --- ---
    PALEONTOLOG: hele typek z myho okoli spachal kkvuli oopatrenim sebevrazdu, frajere

    ok vypada byly oboustranny ale to ani tak neresim . ja mluvim o lidech na nyxu, co delali hlavne
    GORG --- ---
    tady je bez paywallu

    Vaccines don't work, masks don't work: Everything government told us about COVID-19 was wrong - Washington Times

    Remember when the government told you vaccines will keep you from getting the virus?

    Yeah, they don’t.

    And remember when the federal government told you COVID didn’t come from a lab in Wuhan, China? Well, it did. Who says? The federal government.

    The narrative laid out by the administrations of both former President Donald Trump and President Biden has rapidly fallen apart in the past couple of weeks.

    The New York Times published a piece last week headlined “The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?” It was penned by Bret Stephens, an opinion columnist with the Times who won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 2013.

    “The most rigorous and comprehensive analysis of scientific studies conducted on the efficacy of masks for reducing the spread of respiratory illnesses — including Covid-19 — was published late last month. Its conclusions, said Tom Jefferson, the Oxford epidemiologist who is its lead author, were unambiguous.”

    “‘There is just no evidence that they’ — masks — ‘make any difference,’ he told the journalist Maryanne Demasi. ‘Full stop.’”

    “But, wait, hold on. What about N-95 masks, as opposed to lower-quality surgical or cloth masks? ‘Makes no difference — none of it,’ said Jefferson.”

    Hang on. Study after study in the early days of the pandemic asserted that masks worked, which prompted lawmakers at every level of government to enact mask mandates. But Mr. Jefferson says those studies were “non-randomized” and “flawed.”

    So that raises the question: What about Mr. Jefferson’s study? Yeah, no. He and 11 colleagues conducted 78 randomized controlled trials with a total of 610,872 participants in numerous countries.

    “Mask mandates were a fool’s errand from the start,” Mr. Stephens wrote. “They may have created a false sense of safety — and thus permission to resume semi-normal life. They did almost nothing to advance safety itself. The Cochrane report ought to be the final nail in this particular coffin.”

    Also this week, researchers examined the efficacy of local COVID-19 vaccine mandates implemented across the United States in 2021 and found they didn’t work.

    “These mandates imposed severe restrictions on the lives of many citizens and business owners,” the researchers said in a study conducted by George Mason University’s Mercatus Center. “Yet, we find no evidence that the mandates were effective in their intended goals of reducing COVID-19 cases and deaths.”

    The researchers evaluated the District of Columbia, New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Seattle.

    “We find no evidence that the announcement or implementation of indoor vaccine mandates in the cities listed had any significant effect on vaccine uptake, COVID-19 cases, or COVID-19 deaths, and this is largely consistent for all US cities that implemented the mandate,” the researchers wrote.

    When COVID-19 arrived on our shores in early 2020, leaders of big cities — almost invariably Democrats — enacted major lockdowns, forcing businesses to close and shutting down entertainment and sports venues. They also ordered everyone to wear masks. When vaccines were created, those leaders issued mandates requiring millions to take them.

    For instance, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, a Democrat, said in August 2021 that science shows mask and vaccine mandates would slow the spread.

    But researchers found no evidence to back that up.

    “Our findings put into question the efficacy of city-level vaccine mandates,” the researchers found. “Indoor vaccine mandates caused large disruptions for many individuals and businesses. New York City, for example, fired 1,430 city workers for failing to comply with its vaccine mandate. A survey found that over 90% of NYC restaurants reported having customer-related challenges, such as losing customers who objected to the mandate, and 75% having staff-related challenges. Those are just a small fraction of the disruptions caused by the mandates.”

    “Most supporters of the mandates claim that the associated increase in vaccination rates, and its implied reduction in the spread of COVID-19, outweigh the cost of the disruptions. However, we find that the effects of the mandates on their intended outcomes are not statistically noticeable in any of the cities they were implemented in all empirical strategies used,” the report said.

    Then last week we found out the global COVID-19 pandemic originated from a virology lab in run by the communist regime in China, according to a new U.S. Department of Energy document that was recently provided to key members of Congress and the White House.

    Remember when social media squelched any mention of that? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

    So now we know that the government didn’t know a thing about COVID-19. They told us things to make us do what they wanted us to do, but none of it was based in science.

    And that should scare the hell out of you.
    PALEONTOLOG --- ---
    GORG: no tak pokud nemáš vyfetovanou makovici, jakože asi máš, tak ti došlo, že to tvoje plakání o ubližování lidem bez roušek kulhá na obě nohy. a ty mi jak idiot odpovíš naprosto nesouvisející vraždou. chápu to tak, že nejseš schopnej jakýkoliv reflexe a budeš si tvrdit, co tě zrovna napadne, aby se ti to hodilo do krámu. asi je to nějaká esenciální výbava konspiratika.
    GORG --- ---
    Vaccines don't work, masks don't work: Everything government told us about COVID-19 was wrong - Washington Times

    Remember when the federal government told you masks were effective against COVID-19?

    Yeah, they’re not.
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