Few days are left to the party. The party place is confirmed and fully legal. It is a bit smaller that the one from last year, as we had to resign from the bigger territory that we had found. It will be important to wisely place the sound systems and stuff. Now, we would like to give you the maps; do not place them anywhere in the net. We also give you the infoline number. It will be working from Wednesday morning till Friday early evening.
+48 604 096 078, languages - Polish, English, German.
Do not place your tents in the area signed as Sound System Area. Place them around the lake or on the meadow behind the forest. At the party place, there will be a toilette and a bar that belongs to the owner of the place. Beers, wine, cigarettes and food will be available there. We would like to ask you to buy the stuff there as it's an important element of our agreement with the owner.
Due to the fact that the costs of the teknival's organization are to high for us to cope with, we will collect money from the party people, the same as last year. Therefore, we'd like to collect symbolic 10 zlotys per one car entering the teknival. We will give stickers to the cars that gave us money. This is a freetekno party but please bear in mind that we expect your help and support. Drink 2 or 3 beers less and help us.