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    ztracené heslo?
    ANT_39 --- ---
    Kdyz tak koukam na frezuv nadseny vylev o vektorovem zpracovani dat, netrvam na slove "cizokrajnych" ktere jsem uvedl.
    ANT_39 --- ---
    Mno, kdyz je rec o tech cizokrajnych asembleerech, mam ted ve skole zadani na projekt pro mikrokontroler HC08. Nasel by se nejaky emulator (mozno-li pro linux), abych si mohl zkouset doma, nez nabehnu natvrdo do labiny?
    JCD --- ---
    _FREZA_: jj v tom musim rici netradicnim, lec genialnim texaskym asmu jsem psal nejake filtry a generatory signalu pro nejake automaticke testery. Je tomu uz par let nazpet, byla to fixed point rada C5000. Tyhle deespecka mi prirostly k srdci.
    SKIM --- ---
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    Jo este sem dneska videl asm k nejakymu DSP od Texase. Brutalita, vektorovy zpracovani dat, paralelne spoustene instrukce, ... a k tomu to jeste bezi na gigahertzu.
    ANT_39 --- ---
    LITTLELI: jen houst
    LITTLELI --- ---
    jinak na vysvetleni ankety pouzijeme AMD Optimization Guide:

    All instructions (x86, x87, 3DNow!", and MMX" instructions) are classified into two types of decodes DirectPath and VectorPath (see DirectPath Decoder and VectorPath Decoder under Early Decoding on page 207 for more information). DirectPath instructions are common instructions that are decoded directly in hardware. VectorPath instructions are more complex instructions that require the use of a sequence of multiple operations issued from an on-chip ROM.

    Up to three DirectPath instructions can be selected for decode per cycle. Only one VectorPath instruction can be selected for decode per cycle. DirectPath instructions and VectorPath instructions cannot be simultaneously decoded.

    z cehoz plyne, vyhejbat se VectorPath instrukcim.

    a jeste poznamka v manualech Intelu jsou zazite jine terminy, ktere ale maji naprosto stejny vyznam - simple instruction, complex instruction.

    preji pekny den
    LITTLELI --- ---
    tak to verim .-)
    _FREZA_ --- ---
    btw, trochu zacinam PowerPC asm, legrace.
    LITTLELI --- ---
    anketa dopada docela prekvapive
    GHIVERAN --- ---
    LITTLELI: bych i prijel, nakej matros by tez byl, otazka kde ses.......
    LITTLELI --- ---
    GHIVERAN: to beru, prijed .-) ale az skonci ta bourka co tu je :-/
    GHIVERAN --- ---
    LITTLELI: get stoned, don't worry, be happy :)
    LITTLELI --- ---
    to je tak, vylil sem si kybliczek a ted jsem na vsecko nasranej a nejradsi bych vsecko splachnul do hajzlu, uplne vsecko,proste zatahnout za spagatek a vsecky swine zkurveny a vsichni swinaci posrany by byli v pici.
    FERENCZY --- ---
    littleli> nejako nechapu, jak to myslis...
    LITTLELI --- ---
    ja bych k tomu neco rekl, ale mam tak blbou naladu, ze to radeji neudelam.
    FERENCZY --- ---
    uf, uplne me ta anketa vylekala :/
    LITTLELI --- ---
    nova anketa
    THEMENT --- ---
    ... interpretr lispu, takova pre verze, ten alokator jsem nakonec vyresil za pouziti phk mallocu (z fbsd)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam