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    ztracené heslo?
    SPECTRECyber.Punk: The future is already here - it's just not evenly distributed
    LDS --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: stejne jako film http://www.csfd.cz/film/233126-cesta/galerie/ ale hlavne knizku jako takovou;)
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    vcera jsem si za 399,- koupil MP3 knihu Cormaca McCarthyho: Cesta.
    Neni to namluvene nijak dobre, je to vicemene monotonni.
    Ale nevadi. Cele je to zaznam naproste post-apokalipticke prazdnoty. Snih pada sedy. Popilek, kasel. Zahozena fotka mrtve manzelky. Opustena auta. Mrtvi lide, uschli. Dalsi a dalsi kroky do nikam.
    Meditace nad smrti, osamelost.
    Hodne temna vec. Ne primo cyberpunk, spis fikcni zaznam konce.
    Asi musim doporucit.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    jen takovy obrazkove pripominaci blog o CP hrach, sam jsem jej teda po pravde necet, ale zrovna jsem po ceste Praha-Zilina dohral Dreamweb, a po ceste Zilina-Praha dohral Bloodnet, tak jsem hledal neco dalsiho: http://blog.hardcoregaming101.net/2010/04/is-cyberpunk-dead.html
    LAIRELOSSE --- ---

    Mi to připomnělo jednu pasáž z Hraběte Nuly (tuším) - jak se tam psalo o soběstačném mrakodrapu kde fungoval celý řetězec na sebe navázaných ekosystémů... pamatuju si, že v tom měli třeba krevety^.^

    ICE --- ---
    DRAGON: tak to bezesporu :)
    DRAGON --- ---
    ICE: to chce ženskou, kámo ;))
    ICE --- ---
    DRAGON: vsak taky klidne jo ;)
    DRAGON --- ---
    ICE: no jo, tak to bys moch tvrdit, ze zenska v plastence je cyberpunk, visco ;]
    ICE --- ---
    DRAGON: njn. ale ta modelka z prvni serie ma imho potencial, skoda ze to tak kyycuje. shot 8/8 je pro me jasnej blade runner (klub - odkud vola Rachel a zve ji na drink;)
    DRAGON --- ---
    opravdu me pobavila predstava mistra Valentina o tom, co je to cyberpunk :)

    works & Exhibitions - Official Website
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Google Secretly Tests Autonomous Cars In Traffic
    Posted by timothy on Saturday October 09, @06:28PM

    linky: http://tech.slashdot.org/story/10/10/09/2140245/Google-Secretly-Tests-Autonomous-Cars-In-Traffic

    Hugh Pickens writes
    "Autonomous cars are years from mass production, but technologists who have long dreamed of them believe that they can transform society as profoundly as the Internet has. Now the NY Times reports that Google has been working in secret on vehicles that can drive themselves, using artificial-intelligence software that can sense anything near the car and mimic the decisions made by a human driver. With someone behind the wheel to take control if something went awry and a technician in the passenger seat to monitor the navigation system, seven test cars have driven 1,000 miles without human intervention and more than 140,000 miles with only occasional human control. One even drove itself down Lombard Street in San Francisco, one of the steepest and curviest streets in the nation. The only accident, engineers said, was when one Google car was rear-ended while stopped at a traffic light."
    Update: 10/09 22:37 GMT by T : Reader harrymcc points out that the dream of self-driving cars is nothing new: "Both Popular Science and Popular Mechanics have regularly reported on such experiments; I rounded up some examples dating as far back as 1933."
    LDS --- ---
    tohle sem jeste nevidel
    CY_TR0N: La Jetée ze sekce 10 stars movies

    Dailymotion - La Jetée (1962) - une vidéo Art et Création

    anglicka verze The classic short that inspired Terry Gilliam_s "12 Monkeys". Director Chris Marker_s preffered cut.
    la jetee
    LDS --- ---
    vcera sem zahlidl na rlslogu valet se kompletniho maxe headrooma!!!
    DRAGON --- ---
    hmmmm, ze by program na dnesni vecer? ;)))
    ICE --- ---
    DRAGON: tak na Moon44 to nema, jasne ;D
    CY_TR0N --- ---
    SMETI: urcite znas ale tak... http://cyberpunkreview.com/movies-ordered-by-star-rating/ ja sem treba ted dokoukal GITS serial a libilo a za sebe doporucim Aeon flux serial. Jako cp veci uz asi moc neobjevis...

    Strange days me zas tolik nebavily (cp je to urcite) az na scenu se zabitim,znasilnenim a nasazenim vecicky na hlavu coz je teda nevyslovna krutarna :D
    DRAGON --- ---
    VANEK: tak strange days je povinnost ;) Southland Tales mrknu, dik
    ICE: byla to blbost.
    HURDA: parada, ani jedno neznam :)
    LDS --- ---
    VANEK: to jo,sd parada.celkem me ted pobavily csfd zajimavosti http://www.csfd.cz/film/783-zvlastni-dny/zajimavosti/
    HURDA --- ---
    DRAGON: Ani ne tak top, jako dobry a zajimavy, ale scifi ne vubec cp
    A Boy and his Dog 1975 (post-apo scifi ala fallout) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072730/
    Soylent Green 1973 (scifi) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070723/

    ICE --- ---
    QWWERTY: jj Cargo bylo fajn. prijemna beee-oddechovka. :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam