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    ztracené heslo?
    SPECTRECyber.Punk: The future is already here - it's just not evenly distributed
    VLASTIS --- ---
    pothead: kolik ti je? vyslo v cestine v 92..
    POTHEAD23 --- ---
    teda neuromancera bych ve 14 asi nedal... ale kdo ví, akorát jsem v tý době neuměl natolik anglicky, abych tomu rozuměl... a v češtině to nebylo
    IMZMETECH --- ---
    sem sarkastickej skeptik, ale jo. taky sem bejval romantik, uz je to davno. hodne stesti.
    SPECTRE --- ---
    IMZMETECH: jj ;) zlatej shr... ted hraju uz jenom vampire a ruzny gurpsy ;)
    SPECTRE --- ---
    me to prijde spis usmevny, nechava za sebou cestu po hackovani, cituje hacker's manifesto... vubec odpovida na otazku "And you are a hacker, right?" vazne a dulezite. Kdyz mi bylo tech 15-16 tak jsem si vzdycky pral byt jako nekdo takovej, ted mam uz trosku nadhled. Porad me asi berou ty clanky o czertu, kolem kterejch je ta paradni atmosfera kvuli ktery by si ten clanek clovek nejradeji precetl z textovyho rezimu v linksu :) vidim jak ten clovek ma na sobe osopanou jeansku tricko s napisem "hack the planet" a pije zasadne jenom studeny presso z bistra pres ulici :) takova analogie hrdinky s divcich romanu promitnuta do sveta baudu... je to strasne romanticky.
    IMZMETECH --- ---
    to byla lichotka, sem na tom podobne. korat ze to zacalo shadowrunem. bohuzel se ale nemuzu smat, odumrela mi pulka obliceje
    SPECTRE --- ---
    IMZMETECH: asi kazdej kdo ve 14 cetl mentoruv hakeruv manifets, neuromancera pripadne amber si myslim, ze bude obvlivnenej podobne ne?
    IMZMETECH --- ---
    to ses teda dobrej.
    SPECTRE --- ---
    LASIDA: podobny nazory jsem mel tak v 16 ;)))
    WENCA --- ---
    IMZMETECH: Pjekny.
    LASIDA --- ---
    IMZMETECH: mno, na 20tiletyho typa klobouk dolu!!!!
    Ma nadherne vyrovnanej zivotni postoj a nazory!!! Naprostej souhlas, zadnej prehnanej extremismus...
    Tak s timhle se 100% ztotoznuju!!!!
    (Doufam, ze mu to vydrzi i po 30tce :)))
    IMZMETECH --- ---
    vrcholový houslista snupe vino, kouri koks a pije doutniky.


    Interview With a Hacker

    Twenty Year Old "Nuclear Dreamer" from East Texas has spent much of his time since his earlier days in high school breaking into computer systems and sharing his triumphs with friends at a local coffee house over a cappuccino and a Marlboro Red. Nuclear Dreamer is the pseudonym of a real individual. (Hackers alter their real names to protect their identity.)

    I spoke with Nuclear Dreamer about all kinds of things -- like what it was like to be a hacker, what he read, and what he thought about his "clique" of peers. I was not surprised to find he read cyberpunk fiction and was interested to hear what he thought it said about his generation. Here are some of the exerpts from the interview:

    Sheri: You read Cyberpunk novels, how would you define cyberpunk as a genre and what attracts you to that literature?
    Nuclear Dreamer: It's a mingling of possibilities of future reality and fantasy. Cyberpunk Literature is the dark side of humanity where it meets technology combined with a hope of better things. The technology intrigues me. I like the possibilities.

    Sheri: And you are a hacker, right?
    Nuclear Dreamer: I've hacked into school, of course. I would spend two to three weeks on a hack, I'd get in, look around, and get out. I'm what security individuals would call a helper. I never hide my tracks so they could see their weaknesses. I don't believe in damaging someone else's property -- it's as precious as someone else's Bible, but they shouldn't have been so stupid by obvious breaches in security, back doors, etc.

    Sheri: How would you describe your relationship with technology?
    Nuclear Dreamer: If I could have cybernetic implants, if there were such a thing, I would get them. I would have a data jack, a connection to my brain for data entry, and I would have cellular modems, too. Having glasses now, I would definitely get my eyes fixed.

    Sheri: What do you think the attraction for your peers is for this mass communications craze.
    Nuclear Dreamer: The [anonymity] of it all...the ethnicity is removed. On the web, there is no age, color, etc. One can easily mask color and intelligence because many people, like in chat rooms, misspell on purpose using abbreviations and slang to make communication faster.

    Sheri: Going back to the literature, do you think it reflects a positive or negative outlook of you and your group of peers?
    Nuclear Dreamer: In the era of Cyberpunk Literature, it centers around lack of government and corporate control. It never focuses on the brighter side of life. They are trying to change the times. The punks are trying to go against the higher power.

    Sheri: Is that why you hack?
    Nuclear Dreamer: As far as ethics go, we are what people would call "old school." We're like the hackers of the eighties. The other kids now days are hateful and mean. They are out for money or just to fuck something up. I'm in it for the game of knowledge. I'd like to be able to pass it on if someone else can use it. Others, they are like cyber-terrorists, out just to hurt others. Not all of the other hackers are that way, but the new group has a lot of these in the group.

    Sheri: We've talked some about government, where do you stand in respect to the Cyberpunk idea that government is evil?
    Nuclear Dreamer: I don't like it (government), but it's necessary. Anarchy would never work because of the evil element; however, there is so much information out there we don't have, so many secrets in government. That's what hackers are about -- getting the information.

    Nuclear Dreamer's interview gives us a varied insight into the products of the Information Age and Generation X. If you are interested in further exploring the Cyberpunk movement, please refer to our reading list or visit some of the following web sites:

    GINO --- ---
    VANEK: samozrejme ze ma...
    INFERNO_ON_LINE --- ---
    Mam pocit, ze si to ode me nekdo bral, ze je prelozi... jinak ti muzu dodat ty spanelsky z dvd :]
    LUKASHIVA --- ---
    Nemate nekdo cz subs k New rose hotel?
    POTHEAD23 --- ---
    JANCHOR: Je i dost rozdíl mezi vážnou a ostatní hudbou. Pochybuju, že by vrcholový houslista třeba i jen hulil... ale zase na druhou stranu, co mám známý co hrajou v nejrůznějších projektech a kapelkách, tak alespoň hulej snad úplně všichni :-)))

    Prostě drogy v historii ovlivnily leccos, ale to neznamená, že bez drog není možné udělat nic invenčního :-))
    JANCHOR --- ---
    INF: So what? Totez se da tvrdit o drogach a hudbe a taky bych se neodvazil prohlasovat, ze cisti muzikanti do hudby nevidi.
    INF1466 --- ---
    POTHEAD23: pastnul kam?

    JANCHOR: k tematu bych doporucil treba knizku kyberie ktera vysla pod zivlem.. napsal ji myslim douglass rushkoff..zjistis ze drogy a pc sou provazany asi jako matka a dite ;)
    POTHEAD23 --- ---
    INF1466: Něco takovýho, _LEPIK_ pastnul z erowidu pojednání o obecným výrazu "drug geek" :-)) tak si přijdu
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