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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    HESPELER --- ---
    Was Hitler a Zionist NWO Illuminati Who Funded The Nazis Adolph Rothschild.flv - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    US Senator Bernard Sanders: Overthrow the Oligarchs

    2012 July 1

    US Senator Bernard Sanders gave an impassioned plea this week in which he stated clearly why the American people are angry.

    As he defended the poor teachers, firefighters, construction workers and others who now find themselves without jobs and mired in debt, he savaged “the greed, recklessness and illegal behavior of the people on Wall Street” for causing it all.

    He also demanded the removal of “the handful of billionaires who control the nation’s economic and political life”.

    The Senator’s words apply equally to all us ’99 per centers’ – on a worldwide basis – and it is heartening to know these anti-oligarch messages are being strongly relayed more and more in the halls of power right across the globe.

    The American People Are Angry - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Breaking: Lawsuit Filed Against Convicted Felon George Soros & Donald Trump ~ Colluded In Multi $Billion Money Laundering/Bankruptcy Fraud Scheme




    Filed Under European Central Bank, European sovereign debt crisis, european union, greece, IOU, political, politics, Politics of Greece, spain, united states

    For the first time in my career, I see the international establishment, sometimes called the New World Order, facing a crisis so large that its very survival is at stake. For the first time, these people are scared.



    Barclays BUSTED for rigged Interest Rates

    Looks like the Earth Allies a tightening the net. Some of the media in the UK
    are calling this fiasco a part of an International conspiracy - more banks have
    been implicated including HSBC, Lloyds and RBS - see this article



    Ed Miliband demands CRIMINAL probe into Barclays interest rate rigging scandal as £3.2bn is wiped off bank in share plunge

    Barclays given record £290million fine for its part in fixing of interest rates
    Traders promised each other bottles of Bollinger as they colluded to trick money markets to mask the true state of the Barclays balance sheet
    Interest rates on the wholesale money markets affect homeowners because they influence the interest fluctuations on variable rate mortgages
    Serious Fraud Office investigators are in talks with the City watchdog
    Shares in Lloyds, HSBC and Royal Bank of Scotland also fall as they admit they are being investigated over alleged involvement in the affair
    David Cameron: Barclays management 'have serious questions to answer'
    George Osborne: Email exchanges between traders 'read like an epitaph to an age of irresponsibility'
    Lib Dem peer Lord Oakeshott: 'If (Mr Diamond) had a scintilla of shame, he would resign'


    The conspiracy involved interest rates on the wholesale money markets, where banks lend to each other.

    It emerged traders colluded to set artificially low rates to con the markets into believing the banks were in good financial shape in the run-up to the credit crunch.

    Fixing the figures also allowed bankers to make money by taking out bets on the way the rates would move.




    Interest rate was rigged by Barclays

    Mortgage holders, credit card users and small businesses may have been charged too much for their loans after one of Britain’s biggest banks admitted systematically rigging financial markets.

    YESHEYDO --- ---
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    GULDUR --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: nečekal bych na 100 lajků...založ událost a protáhneme to celým nyxem!
    GULDUR --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    "Tak mafie dokáže v Česku odvolat ministra z hodiny na hodinu. Skoro by se chtělo říci: Poslední bitva vzplála," komentoval Václav Láska, bývalý policista a advokát, krok premiéra Nečase. Podle něj je premiér pod tlakem kmotrů z ODS, tedy pana Janouška a Rittiga.

    Ondrej Liska ‏@ondrejliska (strana zelených)
    Zítra všichni u koně, takto to vážně dál nejde!
    Čtvrtek 28. června, 19h. Pokud zde bude do hodiny aspon 100 lajků, vyhlásím to jako událost.
    GULDUR --- ---
    to je stejně humus...taková pozvracená třešnička na dortu blití...jestli tohle nevyžene lidi do ulic tak nevim...
    GULDUR --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: teď na koukám...je to tak
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Pospíšil: Snažil jsem se, aby se žalobci nemuseli ohlížet, koho stíhají - iDNES.cz
    Bradáčová se měla stát vrchní žalobkyní, Pospíšil ji už jmenovat nestihl - iDNES.cz
    GULDUR --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: pardon, tak se opravuji, skutečně vrchního státního zástupce jmenuje ministr spravedlnosti...teď to dává smysl...
    GULDUR --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: taky jsem to odvolání nepochopil...jeden z nejschopnějších ministrů v historii...jinak Bradáčovou by nejmenoval Pospíšil, ale Zeman ..Pospíšil by to jenom schválil, ale i tak podivné...
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    z domácích luhů a hájů:

    Začínali se rozplétat klíčové kauzy (mostecká uhelná, rozkrádání zakázek na obraně - pandur, iveca, gripen, casa, dále kauzy jako Promopro, dokonce i stará kauza ex-premiéra Grosse - akcie, a mnohé další)

    a někteří - JAKO NAPŘÍKLAD T.MARTINEC, ŘEDITEL PROTIKORUPČNÍ POLICIE (rozhovor Mf dnes) mluví o radosti z toho, že se ODSTRANILI BARIÉRY,KTERÉ BRÁNILI VYŠETŘOVAT VELKÉ RYBY (politiky, kmotry a velké zloděje)...tj. že vyšetřovatelé nemusí vše hlásit nahoru, kde "se poradili" a případně to zastavili, aby si na ně někdo "neposvítil"...

    A ejhle - řeší se Parkanová (bílý kůň v kauze letounů CASA) - a podle některých měl dnes Pospíšil jmenovat Bradáčovou na post vrchního státního zástupce místo zametače kauz Rampuly - a to se asi mnohým nelíbilo.

    a tak: extra-rychlé řešení a je konec:

    Pospíšil končí. Nečasova důvěra klesla pod bod mrazu - Aktuálně.cz
    TEBION --- ---
    Nebezpečná zbraň -- HAARP-Magnificat.mp4 - YouTube
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    “Contrary to what appears to be a widely-held intuition, our experimental results reveal that it is possible to train a face detector without having to label images as containing a face or not,” the team says in its paper, Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning, which it will present at the International Conference on Machine Learning in Edinburgh, 26 June-1 July.

    Google's Artificial Brain Learns to Find Cat Videos | Wired Science | Wired.com
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Rozhodnutí Evropského Parlamentu ve věci ACTA se bude ignorovat. A schvalovat se bude dokud nebude schváleno - Lupa.cz
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lord Christopher Monckton, chief policy advisor to the Science and Public Policy Institute and former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, tells The New American from Rio that the just-concluded Rio+20 conference was not about saving the planet or eradicating poverty, but about shackling the plant under global government. He also optimistically stresses that the "pointy heads here in Rio" have failed despite their declaration of success and that "the game is up."

    TNA @ Rio+20: Lord Monckton Breaks Down the Rio Conference - YouTube
    WALKIE --- ---
    A lot of speculation has been floating around about a proposal from the United Nations that could impose a global Internet tax on the world’s largest content providers. Based on leaked documents from the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) that are being made available at WCITleaks.org, the speculation is, in fact, true.

    The U.N.’s War on the Internet: Could the Web Lose? | WebProNews
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