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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    Prosím dodržujte formát klubu - posílejte pouze reference (ideálně s copy paste relevantním obsahu) na věci related k topicu.
    Diskuze tu bude mazána. Na to tu není prostor.

    We cannot trust solutions that are offered by the people who created the problem in the first place.

    Principles for evaluating websites * How to Identify Misinformation

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer. Whatever must be done, we can do it ourselves. We do not need them; we need each other. All else is distraction and delusion.

  • Demokracie se nejlépe prosazuje v ignorantské společnosti, kterou je možno burcovat, jinými slovy ovládat, nacionalismem a náboženstvím.
  • Taková míra nacionalismu předpokládá existenci permanentní vnější hrozby. Když taková hrozba není, je nutno ji vytvořit.
  • Pravda musí být přísně střežena a tedy známa jen elitě několika vyvolených, kteří společnost řídí.
  • Tato elita musí být připravena říkat nechápavé mase "vznešené lži".

  • General: The Scientific Principles of Spiritual Enslavement (2002), Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
    The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile
    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (EN) :: Tiché zbraně pro klidné války (CZ)
    Blátivé stíny
    Financial: Murray N. Rothbard - What has government done to our money
    Fractional Reserve Banking as Economic Parasitism - Scientific, Mathematical & Historical Expose, Critique and Manifesto - Vladimir Z. Nuri, 62 pg.
    Chcem celú Zem + 5% navyše!
    Michael Rowbotham: Smrteľné zovretie
    Media: Who owns the media
    How To Deal With The Media, The Internet And The New World Order
    new world order in the news...
    Realita - paranoia - dystopie - (fnorDU4ever) * od 1984 do 2012?
    U nas v Kocourkove (und Eine Kleine Mafia) - jak hluboko lze jeste klesnout? - Klub pratel pro znovuoziveni defenstrace
    documents @ conspiracy central :: mvgroup.org :: p2p docs forum :: :: chomskytorrents.org :: indypeer.org

    Jsme zvyklí spojovat slovo teorie se slovem konspirace, protože konec konců žádná konspirace nemůže být reálná, všechno jsou to jen „teorie“, že ano? Nicméně ve spojení „konspirační teorie“ jsou dvě slova, prvním je slovo „konspirace“, druhým slovem je „teorie“. Dle definice je teorie předpoklad, myšlenka, koncept, hypotéza. Dám vám příklad. Teoreticky, pokud si koupím lístek do loterie, mohu vyhrát cenu. Dokud si lístek nekoupím, je má výhra pouze teoretická. Ale jakmile si jej koupím, výhra už není teorií, stává se možností. A čím více lístků si koupíte, tím je zde větší možnost, a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se výhra dostaví. Stejně je tomu v případě konspirační teorie. Dokud neexistují důkazy, neexistuje konspirační teorie. Jakmile však máte část důkazního materiálu, a nezáleží na tom, jak je chatrný či podružný, stává se z teorie možnost. A čím více důkazního materiálu je shromážděno, tím zde existuje větší možnost a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se jedná o konspiraci.
    V tomto klubu budete sledovat důkazy. A bude na Vás, abyste rozhodli, zda se jedná o konspirační teorii, nebo skutečně o konspiraci.
    Clifford Hugh Douglas, jeden z hlavných reformátorov monetárneho systému tridsiatych rokov 20. storočia:
    Jadrom tohto podvodu je tvrdenie, že peniaze, ktoré tvoria, sú ich vlastné, pričom sa od falšovania peňazí nelíši kvalitou, ale iba svojím obrovským rozsahom... Môžem to dokázať mimo akúkoľvek pochybnosť? Podstatou celej záložitosti je nárokovanie si vlastníctva peňazí. Akákoľvek osoba alebo organizácia, ktorá môže podľa ľubovôle tvoriť peniaze ekvivalentné cenám tovarov produkovaných komunitou, je skutočným vlastníkom týchto tovarov a preto nárokovanie si týchto peňazí bankovým systémom je nárokovaním si vlastníctva krajiny.

    Meyer Amstel Rothschild:
    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws."

    Lord Josiah Stamp, bývalý riaditeľ Bank of England:
    Moderný bankový systém vyrába peniaze z ničoho. Tento proces je azda tým najchytrejším kúzelníckym trikom, aký bol kedy vymyslený. Bankovníctvo bolo počaté v nečistote a zrodené v hriechu. Bankári vlastnia zem. Vezmite im ju, ale keď im ponecháte moc poskytovať úvery, ťahom pera dokážu vytvoriť dosť peňazí na to, aby si ju kúpili naspäť... Ak chcete byť otrokmi bankárov a platiť náklady vášho otroctva, potom nechajte, nech si banky tvoria peniaze.
    Thomas Jefferson:
    Keď americký ľud dovolí bankám, aby mali pod kontrolou vydávanie ich vlastnej meny, najprv formou inflácie a potom defláciou, banky a korporácie, ktoré okolo nich vyrastú, zbavia ľudí všetkého vlastníctva až sa ich deti zobudia a zistia, že na kontinente, ktorý ich otcovia obývali, sú bez domov. Moc vydávať peniaze by mala byť odňatá bankám a navrátená kongresu a ľuďom, ktorým patrí. Som úprimne presvedčený, že bankové inštitúcie vydávajúce peniaze predstavujú pre slobodu väčšie nebezpečenstvo než armády.

    "It (Central Bank) gives the National Bank almost complete control of national finance. The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class... The great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (contrary) to their best interests."
    A Rothschild family communique to associates in New York, 1863

    There are only three types of people in the world:
    1. People who make things happen. 4%
    2. People who watch things happen. 6 %
    3. Sheeple who say, What happened? 90% ->

    >> part 2 >>   *   >> part 3 >> (zde v zahlavi puvodni 'elite search engine')   *   >> part 4 >>

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer.
    We shall be slaves as long as we
    rozbalit záhlaví
    PETVAL --- ---
    LOOKASH_II: hledal jsem vic k JAXXE a krome obvykleho oznaceni za scam, coz samozrejme muze byt, tim nekdo vysvetloval i to uspesne ziskani neposkozeneho US dronu Iranem, ze pusobenim tohohle uplne odstrihli ridici signaly. pokud by to tak skutecne bylo, tak to mohla byt takova mala demonstrace rikajici - podivejte, vase rakety k nam ani nedoleti, protoze je vypneme jeste daleko od nasich hranic.
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    GEN_IO: zajimave video, dobra mesidz... myslim ze je dulezity zduraznnit, ze se nejedna o free energy, v kontextu dalsich utrzku to dava smysl a proto tomu docela prikladam kredibilitu.
    Dalsi vec je teda, ze se to hodne toci kolem Iranu a to je horke uzemi... mozna precejen uz nejde o ropu ale o neco dulezitejsiho... mno nechame se prekvapit, jestli valka s Iranem zacne do 6.9. tak to bude vazne.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mainstream Economist: We Might Need to Hang Some Bankers to Stop Criminal Looting

    Posted on July 8, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog

    Even Nouriel Roubini Says We Need to Jail or Hang Some Bankers

    Nobel prize winning economist Joe Stiglitz – and many other experts – have said nothing will change unless dishonest bankers are jailed.

    Former trader Max Keiser has been calling for years for crooked bankers to be hanged, to send a message that crime won’t be tolerated.

    But Nouriel Roubini is a lot more mainstream than Keiser – or even Stiglitz – being very close to Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

    linky v clanku:

    Mainstream Economist: We Might Need to Hang Some Bankers to Stop Criminal Looting - Washington's Blog
    JAXXE --- ---
    sign the petition


    The European Commission, European Parliament and Member States:

    As citizens concerned about the wave of banking crises that are affecting our economies and our livelihoods, we call on you to take action to ensure that bankers are held responsible. This can only be done by introducing strong legislation against market abuse, including criminal sanctions for bankers who ride roughshod over regulations or break our laws.

    428,412 have signed. Help us get to 1,000,000

    Posted: 10 July 2012

    Big banks have been caught in a massive scam to rig global interest rates, ripping off millions of people on their mortgages, student loans and more! We'd go to jail for this, but Barclays bank has only been fined, and just a fraction of their profits! Outrage is mounting -- this is our chance to finally turn the tide of the banks' reign over our democracies.

    The EU finance regulator, Michel Barnier is standing up to the powerful bank lobby and championing reform that would put bankers behind bars for fraud like this. If the EU goes first, accountability could quickly spread across the globe. But the banks are lobbying hard against it, and we need a massive surge of people power to drive these reforms through.

    If we can get 1 million people to stand with Barnier in the next 3 days, it will give him momentum to face down the banking lobby and push governments to bring reform. Sign the petition, and our growing numbers will be represented by adding mock bankers to a jail right in front of the EU Parliament.
    LUKK --- ---
    bilderberg.jpg (2105790 B)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Brusel vyšetří manipulace bank se sazbami. Obává se kartelu

    13. července 2012 12:46

    Evropská komise vyšetří, zda se banky domlouvaly na stanovování úrokových sazeb. Prozkoumat manipulace s klíčovou londýnskou sazbou Libor je pro Brusel prioritním úkolem, řekl komisař Evropské unie pro hospodářskou soutěž Joaquín Almunia.

    Komise se po odhalení aféry kolem banky Barclays obává, že na bankovním trhu existuje kartel, který rozhoduje i o dalších sazbách. Týkat by se prý mohl i klíčové sazby v Tokiu.

    Libor: Klíčová londýnská úroková sazba je průměrnou úrokovou sazbou, kterou si na základě svých odhadů stanovují vybrané banky v Londýně. Ty dohodnutou sazbou vyjadřují názor na to, za jakou sazbu si budou půjčovat od jiných bank. Odhady tak odrážejí celkovou situaci na trhu. Od sazeb Libor se odvozují úrokové sazby úvěrů v řádu mnoha bilionů dolarů, které se uzavírají v celém světě

    "My se zaměřujeme na podezření z kartelu, včetně protizákonné dohody o stanovování sazeb. Pokud se tyto obavy potvrdí, učiníme nezbytná opatření k tomu, abychom kulturu v bankovním sektoru co nejdříve změnili," podotkl Almunia.

    Komisař uvedl, že vyšetřování se nezaměřuje pouze na manipulaci se sazbou Libor, ale i na další případy. Ty podle něj zahrnují i sazby Euribor a Tibor. První z nich je rozhodující pro stanovování úroků v eurech, druhá pak v japonských jenech.

    Skandál kolem manipulace s mezibankovní sazbou Libor se objevil už dřív a znovu na povrch vyplaval koncem června. Vyšlo totiž najevo, že britská banka Barclays v této souvislosti zaplatila úřadům ve Velké Británii a v USA pokutu skoro 450 milionů dolarů (asi 9,1 miliardy Kč). Rezignaci kvůli tomu oznámil předseda správní rady banky Marcus Agius, stejně jako výkonný ředitel Bob Diamond, který se po odstoupení vzdal odměn za více než půl miliardy Kč.


    Brusel vyšetří manipulace bank se sazbami. Obává se kartelu - iDNES.cz
    JAXXE --- ---
    Libor Scandal Could Turn 'Ugly' As U.S. Cities Begin To Sue

    The Huffington Post | By Mark Gongloff Posted: 07/11/2012 4:07 pm Updated: 07/11/2012 4:07 pm

    The news on Wednesday that cities and states are suing some of the world's largest banks over Libor manipulation shows how this scandal could blow up into one of history's biggest bank frauds.

    That's because interest-rate manipulation might well have kept your town or state from hiring firefighters or teachers, from paving roads or paying for indigent care or after-school programs for your kids -- adding to the human suffering of the economic collapse these same banks caused in the first place.

    If it's any consolation, the lawsuits and fines over this manipulation could potentially cost the banks -- which include not only Barclays but Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and many more -- billions of dollars.

    "This could get very ugly in a hurry for some banks," Peter Tchir of TF Market Advisors wrote in a note.

    And this could finally be enough to make Americans stop reacting to the Libor scandal with "a shrug," as Joe Nocera recently put it, and push them closer to believing what Robert Shapiro, founder of economic advisory firm Sonecon, calls possibly "the biggest financial fraud in history."

    Would it be enough, maybe, to finally cause banks to lose the argument that regulating them too much will hurt the economy?

    The New York Times wrote Wednesday that several states, towns and other municipalities are rounding up posses of lawyers to sue big banks over their manipulation of Libor, a short-term interest rate that affects borrowing costs throughout the global economy. Barclays has admitted to manipulating the rate for years, paying $450 million in penalties. Other banks are under investigation for doing the same thing. The scandal has already engulfed Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke who have been asked to testify before a Senate subcommittee about rate manipulation.

    The states and cities suing the banks often bought -- from some of the same banks they're suing -- credit derivatives called interest-rate swaps. The swaps protected them when Libor rose, but hurt them when Libor fell. If these states and cities can prove the banks manipulated Libor lower, then they could have a case that the banks owe them some money.

    Other potential litigants -- hedge funds, maybe -- bought derivatives that cost them money when Libor rose. Again, if they can prove that banks manipulated Libor higher, then they, too, could have a case that banks owe them money.

    How much money are we talking?

    Some of Wall Street's best thinkers have scoffed that such lawsuits will likely result in small potatoes, or maybe tater tots at best. It could be hard to suss out how much financial damage somebody really suffered from this, or how much any one bank -- or even more than one bank -- is responsible.

    And a lot of borrowers, maybe including the same states and cities suing the banks, arguably benefited when the banks manipulated Libor lower, because it lowered their borrowing costs.

    But the sheer vastness of the derivatives market makes this a potentially huge headache for the banks. There's a general estimate floating around that Libor affects about $800 trillion in notional derivatives -- that's "trillion," not "billion" or "million." Banks are not going to be on the hook for anything near that much, as the bulk of this amount is "notional" -- meaning, roughly, "not real."


    Libor Scandal Could Turn 'Ugly' As U.S. Cities Begin To Sue
    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. moving submersibles to Persian Gulf to oppose Iran

    July 11, 2012 | 12:47 pm

    WASHINGTON — The Navy is rushing dozens of unmanned underwater craft to the Persian Gulf to help detect and destroy mines in a major military buildup aimed at preventing Iran from closing the strategic Strait of Hormuz in the event of a crisis, U.S. officials said.

    The tiny SeaFox submersibles each carry an underwater television camera, homing sonar and an explosive charge. The Navy bought them in May after an urgent request by Marine Gen. James Mattis, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East.

    Each submersible is about 4 feet long and weighs less than 100 pounds. The craft are intended to boost U.S. military capabilities as negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program appear to have stalled. Three rounds of talks since April between Iran and the five countries in the United Nations Security Council plus Germany have made little progress.

    Some U.S. officials are wary that Iran may respond to tightening sanctions on its banking and energy sectors, including a European Union oil embargo, by launching or sponsoring attacks on oil tankers or platforms in the Persian Gulf. Some officials in Tehran have threatened to close the narrow waterway, a choke point for a fifth of the oil traded worldwide.




    NATO, Russian naval-air buildup in E. Mediterranean, French units to Gulf

    DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 11, 2012, 11:44 AM (GMT+02:00)

    NATO, which proclaims non-involvement in the Syrian conflict, and Russia, which vows to block foreign military action against the Assad regime, are both moving large naval forces into the eastern Mediterranean opposite Syrian shores.
    A flotilla of at least 11 Russian warships has been detached from Black Sea, North Sea and Baltic fleet bases and is on its way to the Syrian coast for a maneuver; NATO has consigned its rapid response Maritime Group 2 to the same stretch of sea - where also five Israeli warships are deployed. The Western alliance has also increased surveillance flights over the Mediterranean from the Geilenkirchen air base in Germany.

    This rush of military movements is explained officially by the big air-and-sea exercise launched by Syria Sunday, July 8, to simulate outside aggression. It follows Iran’s practice of continuous military drills for repelling mock Western or Israel attacks.

    The exercise began with a barrage of dozens of surface-to-sea missiles simulating naval and shore defense against approaching enemy craft and landing forces.
    At about the same time, Iran embarked on a big air-cum-missile defense exercise in the south to fight off potential aggression from the direction of the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Aden, where US air force units are clustered.

    debkafile’s military sources report that this is the first simultaneous, coordinated Syrian-Iranian military maneuver for drilling action against an advancing enemy. It is synchronized from a joint headquarters established for the purpose in Damascus.




    The US Navy has unexpectedly dispatched a fourth aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, along with a fleet of underwater drones in what is being considered just the latest move in a series of escalations leading towards a potential war with Iran.

    The deployment of dozens of small, unmanned submarine-like watercraft was confirmed by the Los Angeles Times this week, which cites military officials speaking on condition of anonymity.

    This particular type of craft, unmanned SeaFox submersible, are reported to be sent to the Gulf so that the US military can detect and destroy any mines that may be planted in the waterway by Iranian officials if they escalate efforts to block the Strait of Hormuz, a strategically important narrow stretch of water that exists as an immensely important conduit for any resources being moved in or out of the Middle East.

    The Times says that the subs, at only 4 feet long and fewer than 100 pounds apiece, can move at speeds up to six knots at depths of 300 feet. The price-tag is reported to be $100,000 each, which includes an intricate waterproof television camera and a homing sonar system. The US rush-ordered a shipment in May in a deal with Germany under the direct of Marine Gen. James Mattis, the top US commander in the Middle East. It is reported that a fleet of SeaFox subs were deployed overseas several weeks back, but has only been confirmed now.

    The United States has already sent three massive aircraft carriers to the waterways outside of Iran, including the USS Enterprise, the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USS Abraham Lincoln, and will now add the USS John C Stennis to that fleet in August. Unlike these behemoth ships equipped with billions worth of weaponry and service personnel, America’s other new addition to the battlefront is invisible to those on land and can be controlled from anywhere in the world.


    GEN_IO --- ---
    JAXXE: jen doplním video z otevření Kf institutu.. má to hodinu a stojí to za to
    Keshe Foundation - Video of the opening of the Kf Center, Ninove, March 2012 | Video presentations
    JAXXE --- ---
    The sole purpose of this story is to explain the simple maths of reality and the current Banking System – that is – 100 plus NOTHING does NOT equal 105 – and that charging interest on something that is created out of nothing, makes it impossible to repay, giving great power to those who do create money out of nothing – ie the Banks. This story was written by Larry Hannigan in 1971 and uses a fictional character (Fabian) in the narrative.

    Money is NOT a commodity, it is a system of debit-credit bookkeeping – nothing more. Banks create credit. It is a mistake to suppose that bank credit is created to any extent by the payment of money into the banks. A loan made by a bank is a clear addition to the amount of money in the community.

    The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the People v. The Banks.

    I Want The Earth: Plus Five Percent - YouTube
    GEN_IO --- ---
    JAXXE: Tak to je dobrá messidž! ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    The world peace invitation and release of technology

    The text below is the copy of the official invitation to the leaders of your governments through their embassies in Belgium.

    These emails will start leaving the Foundation and will be forwarded to every ambassador in Belgium in the next two weeks.

    We will publish the name of the country and the email address used so that you can follow the progress of your government’s response.

    From now on it is up to you to see that the implications of this technology are understood in your country of origin.

    The world peace invitation and release of technology

    Following the meeting of the Keshe Foundation with the world ambassadors invited to Brussels on 21 April 2012, now our invitation goes to the nations of the world through their ambassadors and their leaders to attend a gathering on 6 September 2012 at the Keshe Foundation Center in Ninove, Belgium (or in any other place the nations may choose).

    As your Excellencies have been aware, we invited representatives of every country to the first presentation of our technology on 21 April 2012. The ambassadors of some nations attended this meeting and others chose to ignore the call, due to pressure from other nations, and decided not to attend or withdrew at the last moment.

    With this second invitation we directly and unequivocally invite the leaders of your nation to appoint qualified individuals who can take part in the upcoming meeting at the Foundation on 6 September on behalf of their governments.

    The reasons for this invitation and the meeting are as follows:

    On 21 September 2012 the Keshe Foundation will release the first phase of its space technology and the gravitational and magnetic (Magravs) systems it has developed, to all scientists around the world simultaneously, for production and duplication.

    From that point on, international borders will cease to have any real significance. This is because, once the first flight system has been built and put into operation for the public, the time of travel for example from Tehran to New York will be about 10 minutes maximum.

    The new airborne systems will enable every individual to make the same length of journey in the same time and at hardly any cost from any point on this planet. The craft will not be detectable with present radar technology.

    The energy crisis will be resolved at a stroke, and once the technology is put into practice the powers that control energy supplies and through them the present financial structures will find their hands empty.

    The world water shortage will be addressed and resolved by presenting this technology to the public soon after the release of our energy and space technology.

    How we have done this?
    For the past six years we have used the international patent system to make sure that every nation and major scientists around the world have a copy of our patents in their possession. (Please check the European patent and international servers downloads for number of downloads.)

    Thus we have prevented any possible blocking of this technology by any individual or group and now most nations are in possession of our patents for energy generation, medical systems and space travel.

    In this way the methods used in the past to prevent international development have been circumvented and now all nations have the same opportunity to work together to see that this technology is developed safely.

    The principal point is that our technology is intended to be freely available to every government for the benefit of all its citizens. Through the systems we have developed every nation can have access to as much energy, water and food as they need, as well as to new methods of health care and of transport, all at very little cost.

    According to its charter the Keshe Foundation and all its technologies are owned by the peoples of the world. The patents are the assets of every individual on this planet and cannot be claimed by any one person or organization or nation. This means that all income generated by the technology belongs to the nation that makes use of it.

    We will release the list of countries invited to the meeting on 6 September 2012 and the full e-mail addresses of those who receive invitations, so it will be up to you as a government to make it known who from your nation will be attending this meeting.

    By the time this email arrives at your embassies a copy will be posted on the Foundation forum and website so your citizens will be aware of the offer that has been made to you. Then it will be for you to make your response known to them, as well as to the Foundation, and we will gather the names of the delegates appointed and let your officials know where and how to meet.

    Following this meeting, the presentation on 21 September 2012 will be the first step in the Keshe Foundation’s teaching program to share its knowledge and put it into the hands of the people worldwide. Once these new technologies and their benefits are known to the general public, the leaders of every nation will need to decide how they are going to implement them for the betterment of everyone.

    At that point there will be two choices: either we all work together to change the life of everybody on earth for the better through the correct patterns of conduct, or the advanced nations of the world will see in the near future a flood of immigrants in tens of thousands flocking to the major cities.

    We are prepared to present the technology to your representatives in any setting so that they can understand its implications and the changes it will bring about.

    From now on, we can make sure that no child or adult will die of thirst or hunger and that no nation will be attacked by another, because the potential military applications of the new technology are so horrendously destructive that we will have no choice but to accept that fighting over the resources of the planet is a thing of the past.

    There has been nothing wrong with protecting national assets, but now as the leaders of small regions of the Earth it is your responsibility to see that its resources are available to be shared, and that with the help of our technology everyone’s basic needs for energy, water, food and health care are met.

    The Keshe Foundation takes no account of color, nationality, religion or political affiliation, thus our call is going out to every government to appoint a team of scientists to come and see our technologies at first hand. Then they can decide whether or not to make use of them. If you ignore this invitation your nation will soon have no choice but to follow the lead of the nations who have decided to develop them.

    We call on your nation to start the process of world cooperation as soon as possible because once these systems are in operation, the frontiers that separate one country from another will have no meaning.

    We have set the scene for a change of course for humanity and in the coming months we will see it through. In the near future people will come to realize that we are here to serve each other and not to be served, as all resources will be available to everyone at the same time and in the same measure.

    M T Keshe

    The founder and caretaker director of Stichting the Keshe Foundation

    Keshe Foundation - The world peace invitation and release of technology | News
    JAXXE --- ---
    Americans' right to access fresh, healthy foods of their choice is under attack. Farmageddon tells the story of small, family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent ac-tion, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies, and seeks to figure out why.

    Filmmaker Kristin Canty's quest to find healthy food for her four children turned into an educational journey to discover why access to these foods was being threatened. What she found were policies that favor agribusiness and factory farms over small family-operated farms selling fresh foods to their communities. Instead of focusing on the source of food safety problems — most often the industrial food chain — policymakers and regulators implement and enforce solutions that target and often drive out of business small farms that have proven themselves more than capable of producing safe, healthy food, but buckle under the crushing weight of government regulations and excessive enforcement actions.

    Farmageddon highlights the urgency of food freedom, encouraging farmers and consumers alike to take action to preserve individuals' rights to access food of their choice and farmers' rights to produce these foods safely and free from unreasona-bly burdensome regulations. The film serves to put policymakers and regulators on notice that there is a growing movement of people aware that their freedom to choose the foods they want is in danger, a movement that is taking action with its dollars and its voting power to protect and preserve the dwindling number of family farms that are struggling to survive.

    Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry - YouTube
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
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    NAFTA on Steroids

    Lori Wallach June 27, 2012

    While the Occupy movement has forced a public discussion of extreme corporate influence on every aspect of our lives, behind closed doors corporate America is implementing a stealth strategy to formalize its rule in a truly horrifying manner. The mechanism is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Negotiations have been conducted in extreme secrecy, so you are in good company if you have never heard of it. But the thirteenth round of negotiations between the United States and eight Pacific Rim nations will be held in San Diego in early July.


    The TPP has been cleverly misbranded as a trade agreement (yawn) by its corporate boosters. As a result, since George W. Bush initiated negotiations in 2008, it has cruised along under the radar. The Obama administration initially paused the talks, ostensibly to develop a new approach compatible with candidate Obama’s pledges to replace the old NAFTA-based trade model. But by late 2009, talks restarted just where Bush had left off.


    Think of the TPP as a stealthy delivery mechanism for policies that could not survive public scrutiny. Indeed, only two of the twenty-six chapters of this corporate Trojan horse cover traditional trade matters. The rest embody the most florid dreams of the 1 percent—grandiose new rights and privileges for corporations and permanent constraints on government regulation. They include new investor safeguards to ease job offshoring and assert control over natural resources, and severely limit the regulation of financial services, land use, food safety, natural resources, energy, tobacco, healthcare and more.


    Countries would be obliged to conform all their domestic laws and regulations to the TPP’s rules—in effect, a corporate coup d’état. The proposed pact would limit even how governments can spend their tax dollars. Buy America and other Buy Local procurement preferences that invest in the US economy would be banned, and “sweat-free,” human rights or environmental conditions on government contracts could be challenged. If the TPP comes to fruition, its retrograde rules could be altered only if all countries agreed, regardless of domestic election outcomes or changes in public opinion. And unlike much domestic legislation, the TPP would have no expiration date.

    Failure to conform domestic laws to the rules would subject countries to lawsuits before TPP tribunals empowered to authorize trade sanctions against member countries. The leaked investment chapter also shows that the TPP would expand the parallel legal system included in NAFTA. Called Investor-State Dispute Resolution, it empowers corporations to sue governments—outside their domestic court systems—over any action the corporations believe undermines their expected future profits or rights under the pact. Three-person international tribunals of attorneys from the private sector would hear these cases. The lawyers rotate between serving as “judges”—empowered to order governments to pay corporations unlimited amounts in fines—and representing the corporations that use this system to raid government treasuries. The NAFTA version of this scheme has forced governments to pay more than $350 million to corporations after suits against toxic bans, land-use policies, forestry rules and more.



    NAFTA on Steroids | The Nation
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