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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---
    Culture in Decline | Episode #1 "What Democracy?" by Peter Joseph - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lebanonize & Conquer: 'CIA, Mossad on Syria front line' - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Third Russian-Chinese Veto Blocks the Road to World War III

    by Carla Stea, Global Research, August 2, 2012

    “They have shown only arrogance, not sincerity.” Chinese Ambassador Li Baodong, July 19, 2012, United Nations Security Council

    Following the first Persian Gulf War, in 1990-1991, authorized by the United Nations Security Council with the adoption of Resolution 678, permitting “all necessary means” to be used against Iraq , the United Nations was often pejoratively referred to as “an annex of the United States Pentagon.” Following the series of terrorist attacks against United Nations facilities in subsequent years, Lakhdar Brahimi, United Nations Special Envoy and former Foreign Minister of Algeria explained this violent hostility against the United Nations in a press conference, stating that the United Nations was no longer regarded as impartial, but was now perceived, in many areas of global conflict, as a party to the conflict.

    On July 19, 2012, for the first time in United Nations history, a third double veto was cast, by Russia and China, preventing the United Nations from becoming a party to the conflict in Syria, and restoring legitimacy to the United Nations as an independent and impartial international organization, no longer an instrument beholden to and dominated by one member state. Even more significantly, the third Russian-Chinese veto deprived the US-NATO forces of the possibility of claiming that their actions were supported by the international community, and denied any moral authority to subsequent US-NATO military action in Syria, and beyond, unmasking such military action as naked aggression.


    Third Russian-Chinese Veto Blocks the Road to World War III
    MTO --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    War Crime! Syrian Rebels Mass Execute Civilians – GRAPHIC VIDEO

    Posted by Alexander Higgins - August 2, 2012 at 7:26 pm

    A horrifying amateur video from Syria emerged online, showing an apparent mass execution of Assad supporters in Aleppo at the hands of rebels from the Free Syria Army.


    The footage shows several bloodied men stripped down to their underwear being forced to kneel by a wall amidst a throng of excited, machine gun-touting men.

    Once their captors open fire, the camera jerks away as the crowd momentarily disperses, seemingly unprepared for the nearly 40 seconds of uninterrupted shooting that follows. As the gunfire dies down, shouts of “Allahu Akbar!” resound as the once skittish onlookers victoriously raise their guns in the air, approaching what appears to be a pile of stripped-down corpses.




    Nad Aleppem krouží oceloví ptáci z Česka. Albatrosy útočí i na děti



    podle komentaru se zda, ze hodne lidi tu propagandu uz nezere... ;)

    a urcite ty albatrosy take rozstrilely inkubatory s miminky. navic se v nich vyrabi zhn


    Téměř žádní povstalci v Sýrii nejsou, většinu povstalecké armády tvoří islámští harcovníci ze Saudské Arábie, Kataru, Pákistánu, Afghanistánu, ale i Čečenska a Dagestánu. A samozřejmě tam je poměrně dost Turků a Iráčanů. Počet syrských teroristů se pohybuje kolem 4000. Nevěřte Idnes, potažmo sionistům.


    Povstalci jsou v civilu tak po nich logicky vojáci střílí. Jak by to bylo při povstání v USA ?8-o


    fotka č. 6 další lež jako věž. Oběti vládního odstřelování mají spoutané ruce. To spíš vypadá na popravu. A kdo popravuje spíš ti noví demokraté a bojovníci za svobodu :-)


    Útoky CIA bezpilotními letadly vraždí i děti

    Tak se vyjádřil Wajid Shamsul Hasan, vysoký komisař Pákistánu v Londýně, jeden z nejvýznamnějších pákistánských diplomatů. Varoval, že americké útoky bezpilotními letadly v Pákistánu vážně oslabují demokratické instituce v této zemi. "Tyto útoky destabilizují nebo ochromují demokratickou vládu. Protože lidi si z ní dělají legraci: Vy schválíte v parlamentu rezoluci proti útokům americkými bezpilotními letadly a ono se nic neděje. Američané vás neposlouchají a dál narušují vaše území."

    Diplomat však přiznal, že Pákistán nemá možnost zastavit letecké údery, jedině může apelovat na veřejné mínění: "Nemůžeme bojovat proti jediné světové supervelmoci, která v této chvíli je na světě všemocná. Jsme malá země, jsme špatně vybaveni." .... USA praktkují jedinej zákon, zákon džungle


    U každého snímku s teroristou je nápis "osvobozenecká armáda". Koho od koho osvobozují ty nesourodé tlupy?


    Jezismarja, to je agitka. Proste se tam tlucou suniti na jedne strane a alavity a mensinama na strane druhe. Jeden za 18, druhy bez 2 za 20. Kdybych si uz musel vybrat, tak radej ten soucasny rezim, i kdyz to urcite taky nejsou zadni lidumilove. Akorat ze jedny podporujou USA a ty druhe Rusko, tak jsou ti prvni "hodni" a druzi "zli". Ach jo.


    Je paradoxní, že křesťanský Západ teď podporuje rebely, bojující s podporou Al Kajdy za islám a "demokracii" libyjského a egyptského typu, zatímco křesťané, uprchlí před islamisty pod Asádovu ochranu se teď oprávněně bojí o život. Divný svět.;-(
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    GEN_IO --- ---
    Jak kdyby to napsal David Icke :)
    GEN_IO --- ---
    JAMILLOS: přesně tak! povinně každý ;)
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    MTO: Naprosto dokonalej film, klasika, doporučuju.
    MTO --- ---
    jeste sem nevidel ale asi to bude zajimavy :-)

    "They Live", the Weird Movie With a Powerful Message -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net

    "„Oni Žijí“ je sci-fi film z osmdesátých let o vetřelcích, vrestlerovi a kupě slunečních brýlí. Něco se vám nezdá? Zatímco na první pohled film vypadá jako snůška nesmyslů, „Oni žijí“ ve skutečnosti sděluje silnou zprávu o elitách a jejich používání masmédií ke kontrole mas. Zobrazuje film ty, které nazýváme Illumináty? Článek byl sepsán k hlubšímu nahlédnutí zvláštního, ale fascinujícího filmu Johna Carpentera „Oni žijí.“ – v Anglickém originále „They Live.“
    JAXXE --- ---
    Major Media Admit Presence of Foreign Militants in Syria

    by Stephen Lendman

    Syria’s conflict isn’t an uprising, revolution or civil war. It’s lawless Western aggression. It targets an independent government and its people. Doing so violates fundamental international law.

    Washington planned it years ago. It wants puppet leaders installed. It’s Afghanistan/Iraq/Libya 2.0. America destroys nations to control and plunder them.

    War on humanity is waged for unchallenged global dominance. Syria is ground zero. Other targeted states come later.

    Proxy death squads are used. They’re heavily armed, trained and directed. They reign terror on Syrian civilians. They’ve murdered thousands of noncombatant men, women and children.

    At issue is ravaging and intimidating Syria to submission. Foreign militants show no mercy. Their presence has been well known all along. Media scoundrels now admit it. At the same time, their framing deceives more than explains.

    On July 29, The New York Times headlined “As Syrian War Drags On, Jihadists Take Bigger Role,” saying:

    “….Syrians involved in the armed struggle say it is becoming more radicalized: homegrown Muslim jihadists, as well as small groups of fighters from Al Qaeda, are taking a more prominent role and demanding a say in running the resistance.”

    Fact check

    Militants are largely imported, not homegrown. Many are Al Qaeda affiliated. They’re brought in from regional countries. Most Syrian regime opponents deplore violence. They want reforms, not war.


    On July 26, Time magazine headlined “TIME Exclusive: Meet the Islamist Militants Fighting Alongside Syria’s Rebels,” saying:

    Al Qaeda’s flag is prominently displayed. “At this stage, they remain a minor player in the conflict. (T)heir role may grow exponentially.”


    Other major media also admitted the presence of foreign militants in Syria. They include AFP, Der Spiegel, London Telegraph, UK Sunday Times, South Africa’s News 24, and various lesser known publications.

    BBC says they’re involved but play a minor role. BBC runs cover for imperial Britain. It has to. It’s state operated, funded and controlled. It produces propaganda. Real news, information and analysis are verboten.

    Qatar’s Al Jazeera operates the same way. They and other media scoundrels mock legitimate journalism.

    On July 30, Voice of Russia (VOR) headlined “Jihadists with ‘British accents’ fighting Syria’s Assad,” saying:

    “Dutch journalist Jeroen Oerlemans and UK photographer John Cantlie were attacked by anti-Assad troops when crossing the Syrian border from Turkey last week.”

    Their captors weren’t Syrians. They came from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chechnya, and elsewhere. Many of them spoke English. Some did “with recognizable” British accents.

    Russia Today reported the same story. It said what happened shows that “Syria has become a magnet for radical Islamists, who are there either as mercenaries or because of ideology.”



    Major Media Admit Presence of Foreign Militants in Syria | Veterans Today
    RICKOUS --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Otazky na telo - Lubomir Hudo 1.cast - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    Pššššt… Někdo poslouchá! — Skok stranou — Letní olympijské hry — Česká televize
    JAXXE --- ---
    False Flags In Syria: An Operation 50 Years In the Making

    Posted by Alexander Higgins - July 30, 2012 at 6:50 pm -

    Examining historical evidence which suggests the false flag operations going on in Syria is a U.S. government operation that is over 50 years in the making.

    odkazy v clanku:

    False Flags In Syria: An Operation 50 Years In the Making?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bankers found to have rigged Libor rate could face jail

    Bankers found to have rigged Libor could face jail after the Serious Fraud Office said it will look to bring criminal charges against those who attempted to manipulate Libor, a key global borrowing rate.

    Bankers found to have rigged Libor rate could face jail - Telegraph
    JAXXE --- ---

    Newspaper Uses Photoshop To Make Syria Look Even Worse Somehow

    Brian Barrett

    The Kronen Zeitung is Austria's largest newspaper, with a daily readership of around three million people. Yesterday, those readers were treated to the image on the left of war-torn Aleppo, bombed out and desperate. Except, as one sharp-eyed Redditor points out, that wasn't the scene at all. It was just another Photoshop job.

    Just to be clear, the family in the photograph is, in fact, in Syria; the original photo (on the right) came from the European Pressphoto Agency. But merely fleeing a city ravaged by guns and mortars apparently isn't quite dramatic enough on its own. The editors of the Krone—as it's commonly called—needed this baby to sing.

    Using Photoshop to make actresses and models look unrealistically attractive is bad enough. Using it to make a part of the world that has enough problems as it is look even more apocalyptic? That's just disgraceful.

    Newspaper Uses Photoshop To Make Syria Look Even Worse Somehow
    GEN_IO --- ---
    JAXXE: Nemůžu si odpustit jeden koment pod tím článkem.. mně to připadá docela obvious..

    July 29, 2012
    The Plan of the elites in pursuing their NWO agenda is to concentrate the economic power/ the control of the global economy in just few financial entities/banks. My reasoning leads me to think of another possibility.

    First, all this arrests are those of minor minions which my provide the excuse for centralizing the banking system even more and will justify mayor control to protect us from all these corrupt banksters as in PROBLEM -REACTION-SOLUTION. The public is very outrage at what has happened with the LIBOR and no doubt they might welcome tougher measures. This will fit perfectly with the NWO agenda. The fact is that the Likes of SOROS, GEITHNER , WINDSORS. ROCKEFELLERS, ROTHCHILDS, VATICAN, OPENHINERS and many others that control the banking system and give the orders to manipulate the LIbor are still operating and have not been arrested, makes me think that these arrests must be part of the design and no doubt they are being used to keep people happy in the false belief that things are changing for the better.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bankers and Brokers and Inside Traders Arrested, Oh My!

    Out of curiosity I Googled bankers, brokers and inside traders with arrested and July.

    Here’s the results:

    Bankers and Brokers and Inside Traders Arrested, Oh My! | Consciously Connecting
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