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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    FAEKAL --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
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    President of Italy’s Supreme Court To Refer 9/11 Crimes To International Criminal Court

    By Washington's Blog Global Research, September 10, 2012

    Says that 9/11 was “False Flag” Terror, Just Like the Strategy of Tension in Italy

    Ferdinando Imposimato is the honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy, and former Senior Investigative Judge, Italy.

    Imposimato presided over several terrorism-related cases, including the kidnapping and ultimate assassination of President Aldo Moro, the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II, other political assassinations and kidnapping cases and several cases against the Mafia. He is a former Senator who served on the Anti-Mafia Commission in three administrations.

    Imposimato is also a former legal consultant to the United Nations regarding institution of laws to control drug trafficking.

    This week, Judge Imposimato stated publicly in writing that 9/11 was just like the “strategy of tension” carried out in Italy.

    Specifically, the former Italian Prime Minister, Italian judges, and the former head of Italian counterintelligence admit that NATO, with the help of the Pentagon and CIA, carried out terror bombings in Italy and other European countries in the 1950s and blamed the communists, in order to rally people’s support for their governments in Europe in their fight against communism.

    As one participant in this formerly-secret program stated: “You had to attack civilians, people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security” (and see this)(Italy and other European countries subject to the terror campaign had joined NATO before the bombings occurred).

    And watch this BBC special: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fB6nViwJcM

    Judge Imposimato writes that 9/11 was the exact same type of attack: an act of false flag terror.

    Judge Imposimato announced that he is going to recommend that the International Criminal Court hold a criminal trial into 9/11.

    Imposimato noted that the International Criminal Court was set up to protect the world from criminal acts of war, and that it is the perfect judicial body to hear such a case.

    Numerous High-Level Legal Scholars Agree That Additional Action Is Necessary

    Imposimato is not the only legal scholar to call for prosecutions and/or further investigations into 9/11. Many other high-level legal jurists, professors and trial lawyers have said the same thing. See this and this.

    Note: Judge Imposimato is a member of Lawyers for 9/11 Truth and a panelist on the Toronto Hearings.

    President of Italy’s Supreme Court To Refer 9/11 Crimes To International Criminal Court | Global Research
    JAXXE --- ---
    Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9 -11 - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    Koukolík Mocenská Posedlost - YouTube

    Slyšel někdo něco o tomhle? http://znampravdu.cz/
    JAXXE --- ---
    The filmmaker Laura Poitras profiles William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans' personal data.

    Related Article: http://nyti.ms/STdGJz

    NSA Whistle-Blower Tells All - Op-Docs: The Program - YouTube
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Assassin (Full) - YouTube

    slušný důkaz o tom, že lze "vyrobit" vraha, který nebude mít tuchy o tom, že něco provedl..
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mike Rivero from whatreallyhappened.com explains the so called "Iran nuclear threat"

    IRAN LIE same as IRAQ LIE - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Greeks stage mock hangings in protest at austerity measures as European Central Bank riles Germans with euro debt plan

    Nearly 2,000 members of the Greek security forces attended rally in protest at austerity measures and proposed pay cuts

    Took place on same day as ECB launched new plan to save the euro by buying the debt of troubled eurozone countries

    Bold plan triggered a row with Germany which views it as central bank funding of 'profligate' governments

    By Hugo Duncan PUBLISHED: 23:51 GMT, 6 September 2012 | UPDATED: 06:54 GMT, 7 September 2012

    Members of the Greek security forces staged a symbolic hanging in front of the nation's parliament in Athens in protest at austerity measures in place in the debt-stricken country.

    Uniformed members of the police force, fire brigade and coast guard staged the emotive demonstration during a rally yesterday to protest against cuts to security forces' pay and benefits.

    On the same day the European Central Bank launched a bold plan to save the crumbling euro from collapse, but this led to a damaging rift with Germany.

    Greeks stage mock hangings in protest at austerity measures as European Central Bank riles Germans with euro debt plan | Mail Online
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    GRAY STATE Official Concept Trailer #1 - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Greek police block riot police in anti-austerity protest

    A Greek police officer shouts slogans outside a riot police facility in Athens September 6, 2012. REUTERS-John Kolesidis

    Greek policemen, and members of police unions (R) push riot police during scuffles outside a riot police facility in Athens September 6, 2012. REUTERS-Yannis Behrakis

    ATHENS | Thu Sep 6, 2012 7:23am EDT

    (Reuters) - Greek police protesting against austerity cuts blocked the entrance to the riot police headquarters on Thursday, preventing buses carrying riot police from leaving for the site of major demonstrations this weekend.

    Scuffles broke out as riot police tried to clear the entrance of several dozen police union members - many in uniform - chanting anti-austerity slogans and holding banners.

    "They would not let riot police buses depart for Thessaloniki," a police official said, referring to the northern city hosting a weekend trade fair where anti-austerity demonstrations are planned.

    Some riot police appeared reluctant to tackle uniformed officers. "They make us fight against our own brothers," said one riot policeman who declined to be named.

    The government plans to slash police pay in a new round of spending cuts worth nearly 12 billion euros over the next two years. The savings plan is expected to provoke new street protests in the coming weeks by austerity-weary Greeks fed up with repeated wage and pension cuts.

    Police, firefighters and coast guard officers plan to hold a separate protest later on Thursday in central Athens.


    Greek police block riot police in anti-austerity protest| Reuters
    JAXXE --- ---
    War Crime: Syria Terrorists Blow Up Hospital And Brag About It

    Posted by Alexander Higgins - September 7, 2012 at 1:02 am - Permalink - Source

    US backed terrorists operating in Syria have posted a video online showing the bombing of a hospital in violation of international law.

    The UK’s Telegraph has posted a video showing Saudi Arabia’s Salafit Terrorists blowing up a hospital in Syria.

    Such attacks on hospitals, ambulances, doctors and first responders are all war crimes under international law as is the murder of the innocent civilians who were in the hospital at the time.

    Ever wonder why these international war crimes laws are constantly violated by the US, its NATO allies and the proxy terrorists cells they run through Saudi Arabia?

    They are only in place to put severely hinder the self-defense capabilities of the targets of their imperialistic agenda.

    For example Syria terrorists are smuggling weapons and driving around under the cover of UK ambulances.

    Here’s the video from the Telegraph:

    War Crime: Syria Terrorists Blow Up Hospital And Brag About It
    PETVAL --- ---
    Ending the Financial Arms Race
    People often ask if regulators and legislators have fixed the flaws in the financial system that took the world to the brink of a second Great Depression. The short answer is no.
    Legislation and regulation produced in the wake of the crisis have mostly served as a patch to preserve the status quo. Politicians and regulators have neither the political courage nor the intellectual conviction needed to return to a much clearer and more straightforward system.
    Banking regulation has evolved from a small number of very specific guidelines to mind-numbingly complicated statistical algorithms for measuring risk and capital adequacy.

    Legislative complexity is growing exponentially in parallel. In the United States, the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was just 37 pages and helped to produce financial stability for the greater part of seven decades. The recent Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is 848 pages, and requires regulatory agencies to produce several hundred additional documents giving even more detailed rules. Combined, the legislation appears on track to run 30,000 pages.
    The problem, at least, is simple: As finance has become more complicated, regulators have tried to keep up by adopting ever more complicated rules. It is an arms race that underfunded government agencies have no chance to win.

    Even back in the 1990’s, regulators would privately complain of the difficulty of retaining any staff capable of understanding the rapidly evolving derivatives market. Research assistants with one year of experience working on derivatives issues would get bid away by the private sector at salaries five times what the government could pay.
    Admati and her colleagues recommend requirements that force financial firms to generate equity funding either through retained earnings or, in the case of publicly traded firms, through stock issuance. The status quo allows banks instead to leverage taxpayer assistance by holding razor-thin equity margins, relying on debt to a far greater extent than typical large non-financial firms do. Some large firms, such as Apple, hold virtually no debt at all. Greater reliance on equity would give banks a much larger cushion to absorb losses.

    The financial industry complains that efforts to force greater equity funding would curtail lending, but this is just nonsense in a general equilibrium setting. Nevertheless, governments have been very timid in advancing on this front, with the new Basel III rules taking only a baby step toward real change.

    Of course, it is not easy to legislate financial reform in a stagnant global economy, for fear of impeding credit and turning a sluggish recovery into a full-blown recession. And, surely, academics are also to blame for the inertia, with many of them still defending elegant but deeply flawed models of perfect markets that create an illusion of safety for a system that is in fact highly risk-prone.
    "Ending the Financial Arms Race" by Kenneth Rogoff | Project Syndicate
    PETVAL --- ---
    RAP NEWS 15: Big Brother is WWWatching You - YouTube
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Softwarový program FinFisher, který vyrábí britská firma Gamma Group, dokáže ovládnout celou řadu mobilních telefonů, včetně IPhonů firmy Apple či mobilů Blackberry. Program umí tajně zapnout mikrofon v mobilu, sledovat, kde přesně se mobil nachází a monitorovat esemesky, emaily i hlasové telefonáty. Zjistili to vědci z univerzity v Torontu.

    Spyware Matching FinFisher Can Take Over IPhones - Bloomberg
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Bilderberg a Goldman sachs hoši připravují "z pověření států EU" další omezení suverenity

    V rámci připravované radikální reformy eurozóny by státy měnové unie měly odevzdat značnou část své rozpočtové suverenity Bruselu a eurozóna má mít vlastní parlament. S odvoláním na nejmenované unijní diplomaty to napsal německý deník Handelsblatt, podle něhož se o novou podobu eurozóny dají očekávat prudké spory.

    Reformu připravují z pověření šéfů států a vlád eurozóny prezident Evropské unie Herman Van Rompuy, předseda Evropské komise José Barroso, šéf takzvané Euroskupiny Jean-Claude Juncker a prezident Evropské centrální banky Mario Draghi.

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    V dokumentu, který má 154 stran, se tvrdí, že USA vydaly proti minimálním diplomatickým zárukám Libyi Kaddáfího oponenty zatčené v cizině. Mnozí z nich pak byli ve vězení mučeni, přičemž předtím prošli mučením i v amerických věznicích nebo při výsleších s americkými vyšetřovateli.

    "Nejenom, že USA Kaddáfímu předložily jeho nepřátele na stříbrném podnose, ale CIA (Ústřední zpravodajská služba) tyto lidi předtím sama mučila," sdělila autorka zprávy a odbornice na boj proti terorismu Laura Pitter.

    CIA používala waterboarding častěji a mučila i disidenty | Zprávy ze světa | www.lidovky.cz
    PETVAL --- ---
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