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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    uz se to pekne rozjizdi:
    30. října 2012
    Nadace Keshe nabízí Itálii okamžité dodání prototypu vesmírné lodi
    26. 10. 2012 předala Nadace Keshe italskému velvyslanci dokumentaci o nové plazmové technologii. Ovšem od předání USB klíče je k realizaci ještě daleko ...

    Pan Keshe činí dnes další krok k urychlení realizace: vyvěsil na fóru vzkaz zástupci italské ambasády, že je připraven poskytnout okamžitě Itálii prototyp vesmírného plavidla a provést společné zkoušky.

    (Zajímavé, že komunikují přes to fórum. Aby to bylo veřejné? Ambasáda už navázala kontakt ...)

    the Keshe Foundation Forum • View topic - Italy the latest nation joining the Spaceship program

    Můžete prosím předat italské vládě tento vzkaz?

    Nadace Keshe je připravena do 30 dnů dodat italské vládě první prototyp.

    Pokud vaše vláda chce s námi spolupracovat, můžete mít náš nový prototyp okamžitě.

    Pokud chcete, řekněte o tom představitelům vaší země a my přijdeme s novým systémem do vaší země a provedeme test společně s vašimi vědci, jak jsme provedli v mé milé vlasti Íránu. Věda nemá již omezení ani hranice, je pro všechny státy, které se k sobě chovají korektně.

    Nyní, když je spolupráce s Itálií zahájena, proč ji neprovést u vás doma s vašimi vědci? Jsme zde, abychom se vzájemně učili.

    Prosím zeptejte se své vlády a dejte nám vědět.

    M. T. Keshe

    Vystavil Orgonet v 13:41:00 Žádné komentáře: Odkazy na tento příspěvek
    JAXXE --- ---
    'Key witness' in Polish presidential plane crash dies, suicide suspected

    Published: 29 October, 2012, 17:46

    A Polish parliamentary investigation into President’s Lech Kaczynski plane crash in Smolensk in 2010 is considering witness protection: A flight engineer set to deliver critical testimony was found hanged in his house in Warsaw.

    ­The body of Remigiusz Muś, a 42-year-old aviation engineer, was found by his wife in the cellar of their house in the suburbs of the Polish capital at around 11:30pm local time on Saturday. She called an ambulance and attempted to resuscitate her husband, but medics pronounced him dead as soon as they arrived. An autopsy is set for Monday, October 29.

    As news of Muś’ death hit headlines, the head of the Polish parliamentary commission looking into the crash, Antoni Macierewicz, said that Muś was one of two key witnesses in the case. With Muś dead, key witness Artur Wosztyl should be put in protective custody, Macierewicz said.

    Dariusz Slepokura, a spokesperson for the Warsaw district prosecutor's office, said on Monday that Muś likely committed suicide.

    Muś’ suicide has become the second incident of its kind connected to the investigation of the April 10, 2010, plane crash in Smolensk that killed the Polish president and 95 other people aboard. In January 2012, a Polish prosecutor involved in the investigation shot himself for no apparent reason during a media briefing. Prosecutor Mikolaj Przybyl told reporters he needed a break, and ordered them to leave the briefing room. Immediately after they left, Przybyl shot himself. Doctors managed to save his life, as his brain was not damaged by the self-inflicted wound.


    'Key witness' in Polish presidential plane crash dies, suicide suspected — RT
    ZELA23 --- ---
    Na vraku letadla ve Smolensku našli polští experti výbušné látky – Novinky.cz
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mainstream media can’t handle the truth about David Icke

    28th October 2012 | Editorials | Mick Meaney, rinf.com |

    In the biggest event of its kind in history, on Saturday the 27th of October 2012, David Icke presented two decades of his research to a sell out crowd at Wembley Arena, London.

    While most of the mainstream media gave little exposure to the event, some have taken notice, and they don’t like what they see.

    With theories of reptilian overlords from another dimension who drink our blood and have enslaved us in a holographic prison, Icke made himself an easy target for ridicule, in fact when I first began to ‘connect the dots’ in the 90′s, I ridiculed him too… that is, until I started listening to what he had to say, if only in an effort to debunk him.

    However, instead of finding the ravings of a lunatic, I discovered a wealth of solid, credible information that could not be disputed, that explained how the media, the government and corporations are connected, the level of corruption at the top and how the elite control us.

    Remove reptilians from the equation and we’re left with some startling facts.

    Now, do I agree with everything David Icke has to say?

    Do I believe he has uncovered a mountain of vitally important information?

    So much so that from 2005 I agreed to be a frequent guest editor on his website at times when he couldn’t access the Internet.

    It’s easy to look at just one aspect of Icke’s research, throw the baby out with the bathwater and call him crazy. Many have, and that’s the easy way out.

    That’s the exact route a report on the Independent website took today. The journalist, who turned up to the Wembley Arena event – over two hours late and didn’t stay for the entire talk, took great delight in choosing to report on one aspect of Icke’s presentation – yes, you’ve guessed it, the lizards.

    For those who’ve seen one of David Icke’s shows or watched his DVDs, you’ll know the reptilian agenda is a fraction if what he presents and does not give a full nor true representation of his research.

    It’s the silver bullet the mainstream media use in an attempt to discredit him, because, let’s face it, that’s all they have.

    Should they do what journalists are meant to do… ah you know, investigate the facts, those investigations might lead to some very uncomfortable places. Perhaps that’s why so many in the mainstream media utterly ignore the 90% of Icke’s research that doesn’t mention extra-dimensional reptilians.

    Perhaps they worry too much about what other people will think of them. Maybe it’s laziness or perhaps it’s censorship.

    Whatever the reason, the fact remains that his research exposes current and historical corruption and even more surprisingly, many the predictions made in his books, are happening now.

    In 1990, he wrote “we can expect the power and frequency of hurricanes to increase after the millennium.”

    He also accurately predicted a severe hurricane around the Gulf of Mexico and New Orleans.

    In 1998, three years before 9/11, he wrote:

    “The plan is to engineer events real and staged that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012. This includes a plan to start a Third World War , either by stimulating the Muslim world into a holy war against the West, or by using China to cause global conflict – may be both.”

    In 1999 he wrote:

    “Between 2000 and 2002, the United States will suffer a major attack on a large city.”

    His predictions for the future are more stark, and yes, they do have a lot of supporting evidence;

    The current Big Brother State, evident from the introduction of acts like RIPA and the dramatic increase of CCTV, has turned Britain into the most surveilled nation on Earth.

    He wrote about a New World Order, outlined in a PNAC white paper in September of 2000 called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century.”

    He also predicted the engineered economic crash of 2008.

    And more recently, he was proven right about pedophile Jimmy Savile.

    Support him or not, the facts remain and for the last two decades David Icke has revealed how our world is enslaved by private bankers, corrupt politicians and a subservient media.

    So, what the hell are we gonna do about it?

    Mainstream media can't handle the truth about David Icke
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    NATEP: OK, tak když se tím Icke netají, tak proč to sem nenapíšeš? Jde o channeling? Nebo je to nějak složitý to dát do pár vět? Já na 3hodiny jeho přednášky nemám čas :(
    šlo mě jen to, jak se dověděl, že sem reptiliáni ze saturnu posílají signál, kterým manipulují naší realitu. Předem díky za ochotu!

    KUIKDE: ne, tohodle pána neznám a viděl jsem ho v tom videu poprvé.

    JAXXE: díky, večer to prolétnu.
    NATEP --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Icke se tím, jak se k tomu dostal a jak se k němu dostávaj informace vůbec netají. Mluví o tom skoro na každé přednášce, ve svejch knihách i rozhovorech. Nebo snad po mě chceš, abych ti tu přetlumočil tříhodinovej segment jeho přednášky? Rád ti půjčím ten přístup a můžeš se na to mrknout, jestli máš zájem... Ale víc po mě nechtěj. :)
    JAXXE --- ---

    David Icke | Excerpt from the book:

    Human Race Get off Your Knees – The Lion Sleeps No More

    Discount canadian cialis ® - #1 Online US Pharmacy. Worldwide delivery.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: :) ty ho fakt neznáš a ani jsi ho nikdy neposlouchal?

    2) nepomáhá té situaci v ekonomice tímhle výkřikem... "vyberte prachýýý" spíš naopak tím přitápí do kolapsu ekonomiky, stejně tak jako nákupem pozemků a podobných věcí stylem "to je investice" atd...
    Kdyby někdo chtěl tak tě v Čechách za takovýhle výrok zavřou za šíření poplašné zprávy :)
    Ale osobně sním celkem souhlasím...
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    NATEP: Reptiliáni (nebo kdo?) vysílají ze Saturnu signál, kterým "hackujou" naši realitu (ve spojitosti s měsícem)? A jak na to ten pán přišel? Jak k tomu došel? O co se opírá prosím?

    KUKIDE: Nerozumím ti. Čemu nepomáhá? Zkus psát trochu smysluplněji, než jen výkřiky.
    NATEP --- ---
    KUKIDE: Ano, i jak byl tady v praze, tak to byla přednáška na celej den. Já mám ten stream zaplacenej a bude dostupnej až do 26. 11. Teď jsem přístupový jméno a heslo půjčil kámošovi, ale rád ho poskytnu posléze i tobě. Případně i jinejm zájemcům. Když se to domluví tak, aby se nepřipojili dva naráz... Kdo by měl zájem, tak mi kdyžtak napište do pošty.
    Ale věřím, že se to stejně zakrátko objeví někde na netu...
    KUKIDE --- ---
    NATEP: dík snad se někde objeví to video o tom Saturnu... .)
    on mluvil deset hodin???
    NATEP --- ---
    KUKIDE: První část byla o realitě a našem vnímáni reality, to má na všech přednáškách, takže nic novýho, až na pár detailů. I když já si tohle vždycky rád zvopáknu. Pak probíral tu konspiraci, jak to funguje... Nová byla ta část, kde řešil Saturn, jak do toho zapadá, že pomocí něho vysílají ten signál, kterým "hackujou" naši realitu (ve spojistosti s měsícem) a historii kolem toho a symbolismus. A nakonci probíral jak to vyřešit. Což bylo v podstatě to jak říká, že jediná pravda je láska :)
    Ale měl to takový pěkně ucelený a ten závěr člověku celkem zdvihnul vibraci.. :)
    Nicméně 10 hodin se dá těžko popsat pár větama.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    NATEP: on je prostě borec. :D
    Má se na to cenu koukat? Říkal něco jiného než obvykle?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Market Watch still runs story of $43 trillion lawsuit against US banks after CNBC erases their version following murder of CNBC executive's children.

    Now following the original CNBC link takes you to a blank page, even though some of the comments on that original article remain (UPDATE: comments have been erased as well).
    Here the story takes a dark turn! It turns out that Kevin Krim, the father of the two children stabbed to death, allegedly by the Nanny, is SVP and General Manager, CNBC Digital! And shortly after the murder of the children, CNBC pulled down the story regarding the lawsuit against the banks!
    How long will the story remain at Marketwatch before it is "Orwellized?"
    Are the children of the executives at Marketwatch even now in danger?
    As a side note, the official story regarding the murders is that the nanny stabbed the children, then tried to slash her own throat. Suicide by cutting ones own throat is extremely rare, less than one percent of all suicides, and is primarily committed by men with military experience. Women committing suicide by slashing their own throat is almost unheard of!
    While the corporate-owned media is proclaiming the "rush to judgement" guilt of the nanny (who has survived but cannot yet speak) she has not actually been charged yet, nor is there any apparent motive for the nanny to have done such a thing.

    Major Banks, Governmental Officials and Their Comrade Capitalists Targets of Spire Law Group, LLP's Racketeering and Money Laundering Lawsuit Seeking Return of $43 Trillion to the United States Treasury - MarketWatch

    MTO --- ---
    HAARP Status and Real-Time Network Detection

    NATEP --- ---
    Nevím, jestli jste někdo sledovali Ickea ve Wembley, ale jeho irskej taneček na závěr bylo opravdu pozdvižení.. :)

    David Icke's No-Comply dance at Wembley Arena - YouTube
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Adrian Salbuchi o krizi CZ (2. část) Titulky aktivuj v pravém dolním rohu (trojúhelník,CC) - YouTube
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Adrian Salbuchi o krizi CZ (1. část) Titulky aktivuj v pravém dolním rohu (trojúhelník,CC) - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    A hacker who claims to be a member of the hacking collective Anonymous has revealed that the hacktivist group is working on a Wikileaks-like service dubbed Tyler and that it will be launched on December 21. The Anonymous member revealed that the service will be decentralized and will be based on peer-to-peer service, unlike Wikileaks, thus making Tyler rather immune to closure and raids. The site will serve as a haven for whistleblowers, where they can publish classified documents and information. The hacker said in an emailed interview that 'Tyler will be P2P encrypted software, in which every function of a disclosure platform will be handled and shared by everyone who downloads and deploys the software.'

    Anonymous' WikiLeaks-Like Project Tyler To Launch In December - Slashdot
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    kam jdou peníze z euro-bailoutu?

    Nigel Farage - Barroso je idiot - YouTube
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam