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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    JAXXE --- ---
    Child Sex Rings Reveal Unspeakable Acts of Power Elite

    One of the most difficult things to convey to people who are relatively new to information that appears in the so-called alternative media is just how diabolical the controlling elite really are.

    People can seem to accept that the world is run by a bunch of ruthless bankers, or perhaps they realize that presidents and national leaders are puppets to corporate interests, or perhaps they even have come to grips with the fact that "The Elite" are willing to destroy nations and people to consolidate power and form a one-world government. Poison the planet with depleted uranium? Yes. Poison the food supply with GMO's? Definitely.

    But one topic that has been routinely shrugged off as manifestly impossible is that those at the very top of the pyramid, including well-known politicians and public figures, have engaged consistently -- and on a widespread basis -- in the organized sale, rape, torture and murder of children. Frankly, we had a hard time fully believing it ourselves until recently. But the evidence has become so overwhelming that we must have the courage to look into the very worst cesspit; one which better belongs in paintings of Hell's torments, not on the evening news.

    According to Missingkids.com, 800,000 children under the age of 18 go missing each year globally -- 2,185 per day. Their hotline received an average of 580 calls per day to this point in the last quarter of 2012 -- 3.5 million calls since the organization's inception in 1984. It is clearly an epidemic of staggering proportions.

    When Fritz Springmeier and David Icke began talking 20 years ago about organized pedophile rings and mind-controlled sex slaves (often with overtly Satanic themes) within the highest levels of society, most readers met them with serious doubt or outright dismissal. We would be very unwise to dismiss their research now.


    Activist Post: Child Sex Rings Reveal Unspeakable Acts of Power Elite
    KUKIDE --- ---
    bilderbeg v Itálii:

    Various newspapers from all across Italy are reporting that around 80 members of the Bilderberg Group, particularly the Bilderberg Steering Committee, have been called to Rome for a semi-secret meeting to discuss the unfolding events of the engineered crisis.

    In contradiction to the traditional methods of secrecy used by the Bilderberg Group such as renting entire hotels for days on end and dispensing with the guests and even some of the workers during the conference, this Italian Bilderberg meeting is taking place at the same time as another popular event, the Rome Film Festival.

    Thus, instead of meeting in total secret, it appears the Bilderberg Group is attempting to hide its treachery in plain sight while blending in with the rest of the crowd of actors, actresses, directors, and general celebrities.

    In this instance, one might suspect that the strategy of the group was to use the Film Festival as a cover for the attendees. If any were sighted at the Hotel de Russie, the sight of both the festival and the meeting, they could always claim they had only come to attend the film festival, do a short interview on the importance of film in Italian life and their favorite movie, and remain largely ignored in favor of the real celebrities walking about.

    In a cruel twist of irony and outright disdain for the “little people,” and as J.G. Vibes of the Intel Hub writes, Italian newspapers estimate the cost of the Rome meeting to be around 100,000 euros for 80 people in attendance.

    According to Italian website, DagoSpia.com, the attendees list appears as follows:
    Enrico Letta, Enrico Bondi, Mario Monti, Marlieke de Vogel, Corradino Passera, Education Minister Francesco Profumo, Paola Severino, Elsa Fornero, Guiliano Amato, Governor of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi, Lilli Gruber, Chicco Mentana, “Bebe Bernabe”, Flebuccio de Bortoli, Vendeline von Bredow, Mauro Moretti of CGIL, Alberto Nagel the CEO of Mediobanca, Angelo Gimbals the Chairman of Agcom, Federico Ghizzoni of Unicredito, Enrico Teaspoons of Intesa, Fulvio Conti of Enel, Anna Marion Tarantola who is the President of Rai, Rodolfo De Benedetti the President of the CIR, and Ignazio Vis the Governor of the Bank of Italy.

    XMEDA --- ---
    Otazky na telo - Lubomir Hudo 1.cast - YouTube
    LUKK --- ---
    neco ke cteni...........
    JAZZZ --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: vliv na svet, kde se hraje na penize, maji urcite obrovsky. ale vliv na decentralizovany svet slozeny z nezavislych bunek budou mit mizivy :) je zajimave, jak moc se podoba hra Monopoly, ve chvili, kdy jeden hrac ostatni totalne oskubal, stalinistickemu komunismu :)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    "Majetek rodiny Rockefellerů je odhadován na 11 000 miliard dolarů.
    Majetek rodiny Rothschildů je ještě desetkrát vyšší, než majetek Rockefellerů."

    No...od té doby, co získali neskutečné jmění během Napoleónských válek to pěkně rozhojnili!
    Koukám, že tyhle klany mají více peněz než celé státy...jaký může být jejich vliv na politická rozhodnutí řekněme USA a dalších klíčových zemí?
    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL: Rozhovor Jana Rovenského s Janem Kellerem
    Pokud se nezbavíme spekulantů, zbavíme se demokracie
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    PETVAL: Kamos si objednal vsechny tri ty knihy, uz prisly. Zatim jsem mel prilezitost prolistovat jen jednu. Vypada to jako pomerne konzistentni teoreticke pojednani, hezky zpracovany, bez vzorecku v textu. Rikam si pokud scam, pak si s nim dali poradnou piplacku... byla by to hra na trochu vyssim levelu. Ale tim ze se to objevilo na Matrixu to dostava nadech nejake Chvataloviny... tak nevim. Uvidime a nechame se prekvapit jesi do konce roku opravdu vypustej i ten generator.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Jak jsem se nepřepočítal
    PETVAL --- ---
    Why the List of Participants to the BBC CMEP Jan 2006 Seminar is important | Omnologos
    PETVAL --- ---
    konspiracni teoretikove s naducanym rozpoctem? nebo jen vysmahla sekta? :)
    JAZZZ --- ---
    KUKIDE: muzes se pripravit k hodu flintou a zakleknout do startovnich bloku :) misty to vypada, ze by to i mohlo davat smysl, ale problem je prave s tou technickou implementaci. uz jsem videl par videi, kde clovek roztacel kolo s magnetama a mel z toho druhy vanoce, ale rozsvitit tim mesto, to uz je trochu neco jinyho. za ty roky jsme nenasli lepsi zpusob, jak tezit energii z hmoty, nez ohrivat vodu a parou tocit turbinou a tou tocit generatorem a s mizivou ucinnosti vznika stridavy proud.. to je dost zoufaly, a je to jeden z hlavnich problebu uz fungujicich fuznich reaktoru. proste vic zerou, nez davaj a to je myslim i pripad tohoto zarizeni. zakon zachovani energie nevymyslela ropna lobby :)
    KUKIDE --- ---
    JAZZZ: bych to zas tak do žita neházel, taky nikdo nevěřil že něco jako telefon může existovat atd...
    ale je zajímavý jak se to množí všude možně
    a přece se uvidí :)

    PETVAL: podle mě lidi nejsou líný páč dělájí 50% věcí který jsou k ničemu nebo dokonce kontraproduktivní..

    JAZZZ --- ---
    pocitaji tam s vyuzitim plazmatu za pokojove teploty a tlaku, coz je imho blbost. jinak jak pise PETVAL - kdyby misto vymetani konferenci postavil prvni elektrarnu, tak bych tomu uveril :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    a rozkriklo by se to proto, ze clovek je tvor liny a za levnou energii by sel sveta kraj.
    PETVAL --- ---
    KUKIDE: mi z toho vychazi scam. sledoval jsem pripravu k zarijovym prezentacim a odezvu po jejich terminech, a zase dodal jen vymluvy. kde jsou videa s funkcni demonstraci? kde je peer review? kdyby to fungovalo a byl tady jasny tlak na utajeni, tak co mu brani v otevreni te technologie a uvolneni dokumentace. kdyby na tom neco bylo, okamzite by se to rozkriklo a probublalo by to dal, nez na konspiracni weby.
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    DOGITO: jediný co mě napadá, že se chce vyhnout komercionalizaci a monopolizaci a zachovat to pro všechny lidi bez rozdílu. osobně jsem ale skeptický. ne, že bych si to nepřál..
    KUKIDE --- ---
    DOGITO --- ---
    KUKIDE: dik, projdu :) ja nechapu, proc neoslovi nejakyho investora a oslovuje tim rovnou vlady... kdyz je to tak cool, kazdej druhej by se toho prece musel chytnout...
    KUKIDE --- ---
    DOGITO: no přináší do světa novou technologi...

    stálo by za to aby to nějaký fyzici na nyxu pořádně pročetly a řekli jestli to je možný a nebo je to totální blbost a spadá to do nějaké íránské kontrarozvědné práce :)

    Jinak ve zkratce to nabídl všem vládám světa a tyhle technologie demonstroval a předal někde v Siera Leone a dává si schůzky a prezentace po celém světě.

    Stačí ti to takhle? Nebo chceš víc linků, ale myslím si, že když nechceš na stránky Keshe tak ani ty linky co bych ti poslal by byli pro tebe nedůvěryhodný :D
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam