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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    KUKIDE --- ---
    The Earth Changes Conspiracy – Why the Elite want you confused on the subject | Conspiracy HQ
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Special ops soldier caught on tape wearing top secret stealth INVISIBILITY suit! MUST SEE!!. - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    A blurry shaky video of some planes that don't seem to have any markings is going to be all the "proof" the US needs to invade Syria. This is clearly a repeat of the "Saddam's WMDs" whopper used to trick Americans into war against Iraq, and now that the hired mercenary army has been bogged down for 18 months, the US Government is going to dust off that same lie to trick Americans into war with Syria, in the hopes Iran will get dragged into the conflict via the Syria-Iran mutual defense pact. But this may well backfire as the moment the US or Israel stages a false-flag chemical attack to blame on Syria, a political door opens to allow Iran to break that treaty over first use of chemical weapons, and stay at home.

    CNN: Syria Combining Chemicals To Make Sarin Gas - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    Newly Released Drone Records Reveal Extensive Military Flights in US

    Black Hawk flies, lands and avoids threats - all without pilots at the helm (With Video) | al.com
    LOVE_DALI --- ---
    MTO --- ---
    Henry Kissinger "chtěl svrhnout západoněmeckou sociálnědemokratickou vládu"

    "Kissinger se stal kontaktem pro tajnou špionážní síť, která se skládala ze starých nacistů a německých aristokratů, kteří chtěli ochromit plány vlády Willyho Brandta.

    Koncem sedmdesátých let Kissinger poskytoval této německé síti rady ohledně toho, jak naložit se sociálnědemokratickou vládou Willyho Brandta. Tajná síť se jmenovala "Službička" a utvořila ji konzervativní strana CDU a bavorští křesťanská sociální unie.

    Jeden agent citoval, že Kissinger řekl: "Svrhnout současnou vládu by mělo být možné, ale je nutno zjistit, zda by to bylo riskantní pro strany CDU a CSU."

    Kissinger byl odpovědný za katastrofální kobercové bombardování Kambodže ve vietnamské válce, které vedlo k tomu, že se v Kambodži zmocnil vlády vražedný genocidní režim Rudých khmérů, připomíná britský list Daily Mail. "

    Revealed: Henry Kissinger discussed overthrowing West German government with secret spy network of old Nazis and aristocrats | Mail Online
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Je znepokojivé, že konference má konspirační charakter. Přípravné práce jsou neprůhledné,“ shrnuje hlas kritiků spisovatel Ondřej Neff.

    Středeční LN: Konference o internetu: znepokojivá a neprůhledná | Média | www.lidovky.cz
    JAXXE --- ---
    slusna propaganda...

    BREAKING NEWS Bashar al-Assad Deploys Chemical Weapons across Syria - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    New From: SKRU (05.12.12 13:11:22) --- @, Reply
    František Koukolík: Jak si zamilovat systém a být spokojený - iDNES.cz
    „Spojenectví mezi nepatrnou skupinkou na vrcholu pyramidy a hemžícími se masami lidí, kteří žijí z ruky do úst a tvoří její základnu, nebylo nikdy pevnější. Vzájemně si rozumíme – oni a my. Pomáhají nám zůstat bohatými, my jim na oplátku pomáháme, aby zůstali chudí. Bez ohledu na to, co si mohou myslet negativisté, systém funguje.“
    JAXXE --- ---
    Arson Seen in Attack on Ex-Israeli Spy

    By Robert Parry Global Research, December 04, 2012

    Ex-Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe says he narrowly survived a possible assassination attempt Sunday night when his upscale home in Montreal was set ablaze in what Canadian authorities are describing as suspected arson. Police cited how quickly the house was ravaged and noted that a suspicious person was seen fleeing the scene shortly after the fire began.

    In a phone call with me on Monday, Ben-Menashe said that when he detected the fire, he alerted a woman staying in the house to flee and then was able to escape through a back door. But he said everything inside was destroyed, including his passport, personal papers and his clothing. “Everything is gone,” Ben-Menashe said.


    Ben-Menashe said he believed the fire was set with “a Molotov cocktail” but he had no clear idea who might have tried to kill him. He did acknowledge that he has a number of enemies around the world resulting from his past as an Israeli intelligence officer and his more recent work as an international consultant often working in global hotspots.

    Among Ben-Menashe’s enemies are some of his former Israeli superiors who consider him a traitor for exposing sensitive Israeli secrets and powerful Republicans, including former President George H.W. Bush whom Ben-Menashe fingered as involved in national security scandals in the 1980s.


    Perhaps Ben-Menashe’s most controversial claim was that he and other Israeli intelligence officers assisted the Republicans in brokering a deal with Iran’s Islamic regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1980 to hold 52 American hostages until after the U.S. election to ensure President Jimmy Carter’s defeat. As a result of this so-called October Surprise caper, the hostages were not released until Jan. 20, 1981, immediately after Ronald Reagan was sworn in as U.S. President, Ben-Menashe said.

    After leveling his October Surprise accusations in 1990-1991 – and providing investigative journalist Seymour Hersh information about Israel’s nuclear program for his book The Samson Option – Ben-Menashe was essentially a man on the run from both the Israeli government and the U.S. administration of George H.W. Bush.



    Arson Seen in Attack on Ex-Israeli Spy | Global Research
    JAXXE --- ---
    UN tells Israel to let in nuclear inspectors

    As nuclear peace talks are cancelled, overwhelming vote by general assembly calls for Israel to join nonproliferation treaty

    Associated Press guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 4 December 2012 05.58 GMT

    A vote by the United Nations has called on Israel to open its nuclear programme to inspectors

    The UN general assembly has overwhelmingly approved a resolution calling on Israel to open its nuclear programme for inspection.

    The resolution, approved by a vote of 174 to six with six abstentions, calls on Israel to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) "without further delay" and open its nuclear facilities to inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Those voting against were Israel, the US, Canada, Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau.

    Resolutions adopted by the 193-member general assembly are not legally binding but they do reflect world opinion and carry moral and political weight. And the resolution adds to pressure on Israel as it faces criticism over plans to increase settlement in the West Bank, a move seen as retaliation for the assembly recognising Palestinian statehood.

    Israel refuses to confirm or deny possessing nuclear bombs though it is widely believed to have them. It has refused to join the non-proliferation treaty along with three nuclear weapon states: India, Pakistan and North Korea.

    Israel insists there must first be a Middle East peace agreement before the establishment of a proposed regional zone free of weapons of mass destruction. Its rivals in the region argue that Israel's undeclared nuclear arsenal presents the greatest threat to peace in the region.


    The vote came as a sequel to the cancellation of a high-level conference aimed at banning nuclear weapons from the Middle East. All the Arab nations and Iran had planned to attend the summit in mid-December in Helsinki, Finland, but the US announced on 23 November that it would not take place, citing political turmoil in the region and Iran's defiant stance on non-proliferation. Iran and some Arab nations countered that the real reason for the cancellation was Israel's refusal to attend.

    Just before Monday's vote, the Iranian diplomat Khodadad Seifi told the assembly "the truth is that the Israeli regime is the only party which rejected to conditions for a conference". He called for "strong pressure on that regime to participate in the conference without any preconditions".


    UN tells Israel to let in nuclear inspectors | World news | guardian.co.uk
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    "The Texas Medical Board and the Western medical establishment had been targeting Dr. Burzynski for years and the media was fully willing to document the case against him and chastise his work, prior to the case being dismissed and despite his incredible success record. Strangely, as if the event never occurred, there's been nothing by the media since."

    Cancer curing Dr. Burzynski case dismissed - National Holistic Health | Examiner.com
    JAXXE --- ---
    Spoluvězeň o Jamesi Holmesovi: K zabíjení byl naprogramován terapeutem

    Spoluvězeň o Jamesi Holmesovi: K zabíjení byl naprogramován terapeutem

    Kontrola mysli a Nový světový řád

    Kontrola mysli a Nový světový řád
    PETVAL --- ---
    must read

    Změna nevzejde od mocenských elit
    S Noamem Chomským o vzpourách a změně myšlení

    Když jsme se s Noamem Chomským loni v lednu setkali, právě začínal rok, který se nesl ve znamení celosvětových protestů, jež začaly odkrývat bezprecedentní ráz naší epochy. Letos jsme dostali druhou příležitost a zkusili zhodnotit posun, který od té doby nastal.
    Změna nevzejde od mocenských elit | č. 24 | 2012 | archiv - A2 – zvíře nikdy nespí
    JAXXE --- ---
    A recent Discovery Channel documentary proved that individuals can be mind controlled into carrying out murder, proving the so-called 'conspiracy theory' that it is possible to create brainwashed assassins.

    The documentary, part of the Discovery Channel Curiosity series, is particularly relevant given the recent claim by an alleged inmate of shooter James Holmes who contends that Holmes told him he was programmed to carry out the Aurora theater massacre by an 'evil psychotherapist.




    Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Assassin (Full) - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Anonymous - Government Controlled Opposition Psyop - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    OFFICIAL: Goldman Sachs role in eurozone debt fraud to be kept secret

    Just fancy that

    The European Central Bank has won a ruling to refuse access to secret files showing how Greece used derivatives to hide its debt. They were guided in this scam by Goldman Sachs.

    “Disclosure of those documents would have undermined the protection of the public interest so far as concerns the economic policy of the EU and Greece,” the European Union general court in Luxembourg said, rejecting a challenge by Bloomberg News brought under the EU’s freedom of information rules.

    The ECB is of course headed by a former Goldman banker, Mario Draghi. Although comment about this was sparse, the new Bank of England Governor Mark Carney is also ex Goldman Sachs. The Prime Minister of Italy Mario Monti is ex Goldman Sachs. Hank Paulson – architect of the 2009 US bailout – was ex Goldman Sachs. Greece’s interim technocrat government in 2011 was headed by Lucas Papademos – also ex Goldman Sachs.

    The privatisation of public money in the West is thus more or less complete.

    German chancellor Angela Merkel said in February 2010: “It’d be a scandal if it turned out that the same banks that brought us to the brink of the abyss helped to fake the statistics.”

    But she isn’t showing any signs of concern about two european central bankers and one PM being graduates of that very same bank.

    Anyway, bent EU Court finds in favour of depraved Wall Street bank, and against freedom of the press. Protection of the public interest, nothing to see here, move along please….that means you too, Mr Leveson…

    OFFICIAL: Goldman Sachs role in eurozone debt fraud to be kept secret | A diary of deception and distortion
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Propaganda by Edward Bernays (1928)
    PETVAL --- ---
    #EFSA big fail: GM crops risk assessment or the art of not finding undesired evidence

    How EFSA dealt with French GM study: which lessons ?

    The biotech industry has launched an extensive offensive to discredit the study published last September by a team of French researchers suggesting serious concerns about the long term health impact of Monsanto's NK603 maize and the Round-up herbicide it has been genetically engineered to tolerate. As a result, it has been difficult to sort legitimate criticism of the study from industry spin.
    Methodological debates on GM crops risk assessment: the art of not finding undesired evidence
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