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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    BNT --- ---
    Daniel Estulin na ČT - Bilderberg - české titulky - YouTube
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    “No Fly Zone” Over Syria? U.S. Patriot Missile Batteries, Troops Arrive In Turkey | Global Research
    KUKIDE --- ---
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    Jacob Appelbaum on Resisting the Surveillance State | The Dissenter
    JAXXE --- ---
    Belgian Environmental Study Corroborates Existence and Effects of Weather Modification

    Even as the mainstream media and a television-obsessed American public refuse to admit the existence of chemtrails and government-sponsored weather modification programs, the evidence continues to mount with ever-increasing speed that not only do these programs exist, but they are also effective and widespread.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Fox News: Are SSRI Antidepressants Causing School Shootings? W/ Dr. Peter Breggin - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    'Tsunami bomb' tested off New Zealand coast

    The United States and New Zealand conducted secret tests of a "tsunami bomb" designed to destroy coastal cities by using underwater blasts to trigger massive tidal waves.

    By Jonathan Pearlman, Sydney 2:50PM GMT 01 Jan 2013

    The tests were carried out in waters around New Caledonia and Auckland during the Second World War and showed that the weapon was feasible and a series of 10 large offshore blasts could potentially create a 33-foot tsunami capable of inundating a small city.

    The top secret operation, code-named "Project Seal", tested the doomsday device as a possible rival to the nuclear bomb. About 3,700 bombs were exploded during the tests, first in New Caledonia and later at Whangaparaoa Peninsula, near Auckland.

    The plans came to light during research by a New Zealand author and film-maker, Ray Waru, who examined military files buried in the national archives.

    "Presumably if the atomic bomb had not worked as well as it did, we might have been tsunami-ing people," said Mr Waru.

    "It was absolutely astonishing. First that anyone would come up with the idea of developing a weapon of mass destruction based on a tsunami ... and also that New Zealand seems to have successfully developed it to the degree that it might have worked." The project was launched in June 1944 after a US naval officer, E A Gibson, noticed that blasting operations to clear coral reefs around Pacific islands sometimes produced a large wave, raising the possibility of creating a "tsunami bomb".

    Mr Waru said the initial testing was positive but the project was eventually shelved in early 1945, though New Zealand authorities continued to produce reports on the experiments into the 1950s. Experts concluded that single explosions were not powerful enough and a successful tsunami bomb would require about 2 million kilograms of explosive arrayed in a line about five miles from shore.

    "If you put it in a James Bond movie it would be viewed as fantasy but it was a real thing," he said.

    "I only came across it because they were still vetting the report, so there it was sitting on somebody's desk [in the archives]."

    Forty years after the joint testing, New Zealand faced a dramatic breakdown in its security ties with the US after it banned the entry of nuclear-armed ships from entering its territory during the 1980s. The dispute led to the US downgrading its relationship with New Zealand from an "ally" to a "friend".

    In his new book Secrets and Treasures, Mr Waru reveals other unusual findings from the archives including Defence Department records of thousands of UFO sightings by members of the public, military personnel and commercial pilots.

    Some of the accounts of the moving lights in the sky include drawings of flying saucers, descriptions of aliens wearing "pharaoh masks" and alleged examples of extraterrestrial writing.


    'Tsunami bomb' tested off New Zealand coast - Telegraph
    JAXXE --- ---
    The four business gangs that run the US

    ROSS GITTINS December 31, 2012 / Sydney Morning Herald

    IF YOU'VE ever suspected politics is increasingly being run in the interests of big business, I have news: Jeffrey Sachs, a highly respected economist from Columbia University, agrees with you - at least in respect of the United States.

    In his book, The Price of Civilisation, he says the US economy is caught in a feedback loop. ''Corporate wealth translates into political power through campaign financing, corporate lobbying and the revolving door of jobs between government and industry; and political power translates into further wealth through tax cuts, deregulation and sweetheart contracts between government and industry. Wealth begets power, and power begets wealth,'' he says.

    Sachs says four key sectors of US business exemplify this feedback loop and the takeover of political power in America by the ''corporatocracy''.

    First is the well-known military-industrial complex. ''As [President] Eisenhower famously warned in his farewell address in January 1961, the linkage of the military and private industry created a political power so pervasive that America has been condemned to militarisation, useless wars and fiscal waste on a scale of many tens of trillions of dollars since then,'' he says.

    Second is the Wall Street-Washington complex, which has steered the financial system towards control by a few politically powerful Wall Street firms, notably Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and a handful of other financial firms.

    These days, almost every US Treasury secretary - Republican or Democrat - comes from Wall Street and goes back there when his term ends. The close ties between Wall Street and Washington ''paved the way for the 2008 financial crisis and the mega-bailouts that followed, through reckless deregulation followed by an almost complete lack of oversight by government''.

    Third is the Big Oil-transport-military complex, which has put the US on the trajectory of heavy oil-imports dependence and a deepening military trap in the Middle East, he says.

    ''Since the days of John D. Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Trust a century ago, Big Oil has loomed large in American politics and foreign policy. Big Oil teamed up with the automobile industry to steer America away from mass transit and towards gas-guzzling vehicles driving on a nationally financed highway system.''

    Big Oil has consistently and successfully fought the intrusion of competition from non-oil energy sources, including nuclear, wind and solar power.

    It has been at the side of the Pentagon in making sure that America defends the sea-lanes to the Persian Gulf, in effect ensuring a $US100 billion-plus annual subsidy for a fuel that is otherwise dangerous for national security, Sachs says.

    ''And Big Oil has played a notorious role in the fight to keep climate change off the US agenda. Exxon-Mobil, Koch Industries and others in the sector have underwritten a generation of anti-scientific propaganda to confuse the American people.''

    Fourth is the healthcare industry, America's largest industry, absorbing no less than 17 per cent of US gross domestic product.

    ''The key to understanding this sector is to note that the government partners with industry to reimburse costs with little systematic oversight and control,'' Sachs says. ''Pharmaceutical firms set sky-high prices protected by patent rights; Medicare [for the aged] and Medicaid [for the poor] and private insurers reimburse doctors and hospitals on a cost-plus basis; and the American Medical Association restricts the supply of new doctors through the control of placements at medical schools.

    ''The result of this pseudo-market system is sky-high costs, large profits for the private healthcare sector, and no political will to reform.''

    Now do you see why the industry put so much effort into persuading America's punters that Obamacare was rank socialism? They didn't succeed in blocking it, but the compromised program doesn't do enough to stop the US being the last rich country in the world without universal healthcare.

    It's worth noting that, despite its front-running cost, America's healthcare system doesn't leave Americans with particularly good health - not as good as ours, for instance. This conundrum is easily explained: America has the highest-paid doctors.

    Sachs says the main thing to remember about the corporatocracy is that it looks after its own. ''There is absolutely no economic crisis in corporate America.

    ''Consider the pulse of the corporate sector as opposed to the pulse of the employees working in it: corporate profits in 2010 were at an all-time high, chief executive salaries in 2010 rebounded strongly from the financial crisis, Wall Street compensation in 2010 was at an all-time high, several Wall Street firms paid civil penalties for financial abuses, but no senior banker faced any criminal charges, and there were no adverse regulatory measures that would lead to a loss of profits in finance, health care, military supplies and energy,'' he says.

    The 30-year achievement of the corporatocracy has been the creation of America's rich and super-rich classes, he says. And we can now see their tools of trade.

    ''It began with globalisation, which pushed up capital income while pushing down wages. These changes were magnified by the tax cuts at the top, which left more take-home pay and the ability to accumulate greater wealth through higher net-of-tax returns to saving.''

    Chief executives then helped themselves to their own slice of the corporate sector ownership through outlandish awards of stock options by friendly and often handpicked compensation committees, while the Securities and Exchange Commission looked the other way. It's not all that hard to do when both political parties are standing in line to do your bidding, Sachs concludes.

    Fortunately, things aren't nearly so bad in Australia. But it will require vigilance to stop them sliding further in that direction.


    The four business gangs that run the US | smh.com.au
    PETVAL --- ---

    USA: Na potlačení hnutí Occupy se podílela policie i banky
    RAPAL --- ---
    vždyť oni to ani netají :) asi si začnu kalendář psát znovu tužkou do notesu!!!

    PETVAL --- ---
    NWTRCC • Peace Tax Return
    PETVAL --- ---
    Defend your fredoms online: It's political, stupid! [29C3[preview]] - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy | Naomi Wolf | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

    Revealed: how the FBI coordinated the crackdown on Occupy
    New documents prove what was once dismissed as paranoid fantasy: totally integrated corporate-state repression of dissent
    MTO --- ---
    Zmanipulované zprávy o střelbě ve škole v Connecticutu

    "Řekl jsem té moderátorce, že na počátku 20. století měly Spojené státy při vší své moudrosti zákaz alkoholu, ale alkohol byl všeobecně dostupný. Prohibice se stala zdrojem bohatství zločinných syndikátů. Dnes máme zákaz drog, který platí několik desetiletí. Výsledkem je, že drogy jsou všude a drogové kartely vydělávají miliardy dolarů. V případě zákazu zbraní se to nebude příliš lišit. Anglie má zákaz zbraní, ale zločinci mají zbraně, a kdysi neozbrojená britská policie je teď těžce ozbrojena. Když jsem žil v Anglii, zbraně nebyly zakázány a policie byla ozbrojena pendreky, nikoli střelnými zbraněmi."
    GORG --- ---
    Nová studie: prasečí chřipka zabila 15krát více lidí, než se myslelo - iDNES.cz

    Tým epidemiologů a lékařů pro účely nové studie vytvořil statistický model založený na počtu obyvatel a odhadech počtu nakažených.

    // Takže z počtu obyvatel odhadli počet nakažených a z toho odhadli počet mrtvých? To je geniální :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    on Washington's chronic threat exaggeration, zajimave je, ze tohle pochazi z CFR :)

    Clear and Present Safety
    The United States Is More Secure Than Washington Thinks
    Micah Zenko and Michael A. Cohen
    MICAH ZENKO is a Fellow in the Center for Preventive Action at the Council on Foreign Relations. MICHAEL A. COHEN is a Fellow at the Century Foundation.
    Clear and Present Safety
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    How to start a revolution: Learn from Iceland! - YouTube
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    Jak vymýt mozek celému národu - YouTube

    1/ demoralizace
    2/ destabilizace
    3/ krize
    4/ normalizace
    PETVAL --- ---
    Anonymous @YourAnonNews
    And so it begins... #FBIDocuments #OWS http://on.fb.me/10d9x8q | Was the FBI planning to assassinate 'OWS leadership' with sniper rifles?

    FBI Documents | Page 61: " then formulate a plan to kill the leadership (OWS) via suppressed sniper rifles.
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