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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Mass Media Conspiracy Lies, Hoaxes & Manipulation (Full documentary) - YouTube

    trocha o pozadí medií...
    KUKIDE --- ---
    tak jedna konspirace už není konspirací
    Důkaz toho jak radary mohou manipulovat počasím... takže už bysme mohli HAARP přeložit z říše konspirací do říše reality že :-/

    Radio and Laser Frequency and Harmonic Test Ranges for the Lucy and HAARP Experiments and their Application to Atmospheric Methane Destruction | The ResoNation
    KUKIDE --- ---
    tohle asi taky není konspirace, ale spíše důsledek...
    Umírání v hojnosti - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Kniha z roku 1991 predpovedá streľbu na školách

    Vypadá to povedome? Úryvok z knihy Miltona Williama Coopera “Behold a Pale Horse”

    (Hľa bledý kôň):

    Vláda povzbudí výrobu a dovoz strelných zbraní pre zločinecké použitie. Toto bude podporovať pocit neistoty, čo povedie k tomu, že sa americký ľud dobrovoľne odzbrojí zavedením zákonov proti strelným zbraniam. Použitím drog a hypnózy na duševne chorých pacientoch v procesu zvanom Orion CIA vštiepia do týchto jedincov túžbu k zahájeniu paľby na školách a vyhrotia tak loby proti zbraniam. Tento plán je v plnom prúde a funguje perfektne. Stredná trieda bude prosiť vládu, aby skoncovala s druhým dodatkom ústavy

    Kompletná prednáška Coopera o tajnej vláde je k dispozícii (tu).

    William Cooper lecture 'Behold a pale horse' (full) - YouTube

    Kniha z roku 1991 predpovedá streľbu na školách | VoxVictims.com
    JAZZZ --- ---
    JAXXE: to neni konspirace. to je proste jenom na bliti ..
    KUKIDE --- ---
    JAXXE: teda to ej síla ...
    Prague Twenty | O nás

    občan se stává osobou, kterou někdo hýbe...
    JAXXE --- ---
    motto z jejich webu:

    "Finančníci, politici, myslitelé, co hýbou světem – to je Prague Twenty."

    Prague Twenty | Domovská stránka

    Prague Twenty | O nás

    a zajimave "zednarske" logo

    PETVAL --- ---
    //z trochu mene paranoidniho koutku

    Proč šílení střelci řádí v USA, a ne v Česku? Rozdíl může být ve zdravotním pojištění

    A League of Our Own: gun culture in Israel and Switzerland isn’t anything like it is in the United States.

    Kontrola zbraní po Newtownu

    Hypocrisy of Gun Control in a Land Where War and Violence Are Sexy
    Solving problems with violence is as American as apple pie
    PETVAL --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    nebo tohle z Aurory , ten projev (ucastnici takovych tragediich bych spis cekal, ze budou v soku bez zajmu o media, tady naopak si sami moderuji svuj rozhovor az skoro)

    Colorado 'Dark Knight' Shooting Witness: 'I Saw A Guy Right Next To Me Getting Shot' - YouTube

    dokonce by to mohlo byt natocene na greenscreenu v pozadi nekde ve studiu (v jednu chvili tam do zaberu vpadne ta bila plocha, kterou ve filmu resi lepsi osvetleni hercu)

    A jak tam povida, ze sestru strhnul spolu k zemi, a pak povida "honestly for the record there was only one guy". Ma az prilisny zajem o to, co si pomysli divaci, na to ze udajne zastrelili cloveka sediciho vedle nej. I kdyz zejo nevim, jak bych reagoval ja, precejen jsem to nezazil neco takoveho, ale...
    GORG --- ---
    JAXXE: Mne nedavno asi stacilo, kdyz jsem videl video, kde udajne otec mrtveho ditete je herec (hned prvni v tom videu nize). Je tomu obtizny verit, jestli tam vubec doslo k nejakym vystrelum a neni to jen iluze na obrazovkach. Ostatni pozustali se taky chovaji podivne.. jakoby je vic tesila moznost se dostat do zprav.

    The Sandy Hook Actors PART 1 - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---

    Jimmy Savile raped a 12-year-old girl

    Sunday January 13,2013 By James Fielding

    JIMMY SAVILE beat and raped a 12-year-old girl during a secret satanic ritual in a hospital.

    The perverted star wore a hooded robe and mask as he abused the terrifi ed victim in a candle-lit basement.

    He also chanted “Hail Satan” in Latin as other paedophile devil worshippers joined in and assaulted the girl at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire. The attack, which happened in 1975, shines a sinister new light on the former DJ’s 54-year reign of terror.

    Savile, who died aged 84 in October 2011, is now Britain’s worst sex offender after police revealed he preyed on at least 450 victims aged eight to 47.

    The girl kept her torment hidden for nearly 20 years before finally opening up to therapist Valerie Sinason.

    Dr Sinason told the Sunday Express she first spoke to the victim in 1992. “She had been a patient at Stoke Mandeville in 1975 when Savile was a regular visitor.

    “She recalled being led into a room that was filled with candles on the lowest level of the hospital, somewhere that was not regularly used by staff. Several adults were there, including Jimmy Savile who, like the others, was wearing a robe and a mask.

    “She recognised him because of his distinctive voice and the fact that his blond hair was protruding from the side of the mask. He was not the leader but he was seen as important because of his fame.

    “She was molested, raped and beaten and heard words that sounded like ‘Ave Satanas’, a Latin­ised version of ‘Hail Satan’, being chanted. There was no mention of any other child being there and she cannot remember how long the attack lasted but she was left extremely frightened and shaken.”

    Savile was a volunteer porter and fundraiser at the hospital between 1965 and 1988 and had his own quarters there.

    Five years after the hospital attack, he abused a second victim during another black mass ceremony held at a house in a wealthy London street.

    The woman was 21 at the time and was made to attend an orgy, which later took on a darker twist.

    Dr Sinason, director of the Clinic for Dissociative Studies in London, said: “A second victim approached me in 1993. She said she had been ‘lent out’ as a supposedly consenting prostituted woman at a party in a London house in 1980.

    “The first part of the evening started off with an orgy but half-way through some of the participants left.

    “Along with other young women, the victim was shepherded to wait in another room before being brought back to find Savile in a master of ceremonies kind of role with a group wearing robes and masks. She too heard Latin chanting and instantly recognised satanist regalia. Although the girl was a young adult, who was above the age of consent, she had suffered a history of sexual abuse and was extremely vulnerable.”

    Both victims contacted Dr Sinason, who is president of the Institute of Psychotherapy and Disability, while she was involved in a Department of Health-funded study into sexual abuse committed during rituals and religious ceremonies. She said: “Both these witnesses did speak to police at the time but were vulnerable witnesses and on encountering any surprise or shock did not dare to give all the details.”

    The police took no action.


    Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring | UK | Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express
    JAXXE --- ---
    Sandy Hook was a blatantly staged event with endless inconsistences and countless contradictions and now we have the classic false flag calling card - an 'active-shooter' drill was happening at a nearby school at the same time

    Sunday, 13 January 2013 12:29 Posted by David Icke

    'Training drills' that mirrored the real events at the time they were happening or immediately before were the case with 9/11, the 7/7 London bombings, the Madrid train bombing, the Oslo bomb ... on and on it goes.

    These 'drills' are used as a cover for rogue elements within the military, intelligence and law enforcement to carry out killings and terrorist attacks that are blamed on a target enemy to bring about fundamental change in society.

    It is the technique that I dubbed long ago Problem-Reaction-Solution (PRS). Create the problem, get people to demand that 'something must be done' and then offer the solutions - which are changes in society that advance your agenda for mass human control.

    Look at how the world has been fundamentally changed by 9/11 and the 'enemy' thus created of 'Islamic terrorists'. In the case of Sandy Hook and other staged killings like Columbine, Aurora and Wisconsin the enemy is gun-ownership because before tyrannies make their final play through armed suppression they must disarm the population - this is what the Nazis did before rounding up the Jews who had been banned from owning guns or ammunition.

    So as a result of Sandy Hook we have this coordinated and hysterical campaign for gun laws - they kill children in schools to create the biggest possible emotional reaction. It is after all Problem-Reaction-Solution. The laws they are pressing for now will only be the start because their plan is to take all guns.

    Monumentally ignorant and arrogant buffoons like Michael Moore and CNN's Piers Morgan are leading these calls while lacking the brain power, research and expansion of perception to see they are being played like a stringed instrument. Or at least I hope that ignorance is the reason in Moore's case. With Morgan it goes without saying.

    I wish there were no guns in the world, but there are and we have to deal with the world as it is and not as we would like it to be. We have the crystal clear evidence in Australia of what happens when the population is disarmed while the criminals can always get guns whether legal or otherwise (they are criminals after all).

    Crime including gun crime and 'home invasions' have absolutely soared since Australia imposed gun laws and their false flag mass shootings like Port Arthur were used to justify it.

    The lessons of history are there to see - disarming the population is followed by enslaving the population. American law enforcement is now armed - and more so every day - like the military. Hi-tech weaponry, armoured vehicles and even tanks are being transferred by the Pentagon to the police who are now a military operation in all but name. Will they be giving up their 'guns' and their tanks? Yeah, right.



    Sandy Hook was a blatantly staged event with endless inconsistences and countless contradictions and now we have the classic false flag calling card - an 'active-shooter' drill was happening at a nearby school at the same time - David Icke Website
    MTO --- ---
    Heavy Illuminati Symbolism In Australian Ad " For The Love of Music" - The Vigilant Citizen
    XMEDA --- ---

    Uloupené Kosovo (zakázaný dokument ČT) - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
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    KUKIDE --- ---
    Eye Witness to Murder at Bohemian Grove. Papa Ratzinger Named as participant in child sacrifice - YouTube
    XMEDA --- ---
    tu je jeste varianta se zajimavym koncem

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