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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    JAXXE --- ---
    Sandy Hook was a blatantly staged event with endless inconsistences and countless contradictions and now we have the classic false flag calling card - an 'active-shooter' drill was happening at a nearby school at the same time

    Sunday, 13 January 2013 12:29 Posted by David Icke

    'Training drills' that mirrored the real events at the time they were happening or immediately before were the case with 9/11, the 7/7 London bombings, the Madrid train bombing, the Oslo bomb ... on and on it goes.

    These 'drills' are used as a cover for rogue elements within the military, intelligence and law enforcement to carry out killings and terrorist attacks that are blamed on a target enemy to bring about fundamental change in society.

    It is the technique that I dubbed long ago Problem-Reaction-Solution (PRS). Create the problem, get people to demand that 'something must be done' and then offer the solutions - which are changes in society that advance your agenda for mass human control.

    Look at how the world has been fundamentally changed by 9/11 and the 'enemy' thus created of 'Islamic terrorists'. In the case of Sandy Hook and other staged killings like Columbine, Aurora and Wisconsin the enemy is gun-ownership because before tyrannies make their final play through armed suppression they must disarm the population - this is what the Nazis did before rounding up the Jews who had been banned from owning guns or ammunition.

    So as a result of Sandy Hook we have this coordinated and hysterical campaign for gun laws - they kill children in schools to create the biggest possible emotional reaction. It is after all Problem-Reaction-Solution. The laws they are pressing for now will only be the start because their plan is to take all guns.

    Monumentally ignorant and arrogant buffoons like Michael Moore and CNN's Piers Morgan are leading these calls while lacking the brain power, research and expansion of perception to see they are being played like a stringed instrument. Or at least I hope that ignorance is the reason in Moore's case. With Morgan it goes without saying.

    I wish there were no guns in the world, but there are and we have to deal with the world as it is and not as we would like it to be. We have the crystal clear evidence in Australia of what happens when the population is disarmed while the criminals can always get guns whether legal or otherwise (they are criminals after all).

    Crime including gun crime and 'home invasions' have absolutely soared since Australia imposed gun laws and their false flag mass shootings like Port Arthur were used to justify it.

    The lessons of history are there to see - disarming the population is followed by enslaving the population. American law enforcement is now armed - and more so every day - like the military. Hi-tech weaponry, armoured vehicles and even tanks are being transferred by the Pentagon to the police who are now a military operation in all but name. Will they be giving up their 'guns' and their tanks? Yeah, right.



    Sandy Hook was a blatantly staged event with endless inconsistences and countless contradictions and now we have the classic false flag calling card - an 'active-shooter' drill was happening at a nearby school at the same time - David Icke Website
    MTO --- ---
    Heavy Illuminati Symbolism In Australian Ad " For The Love of Music" - The Vigilant Citizen
    XMEDA --- ---

    Uloupené Kosovo (zakázaný dokument ČT) - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    Promotion of a book by Madeleine Albright at The Neoluxor Palace, Prague, Czech Republic, 23.10.2012 - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Eye Witness to Murder at Bohemian Grove. Papa Ratzinger Named as participant in child sacrifice - YouTube
    XMEDA --- ---
    tu je jeste varianta se zajimavym koncem

    Alternative as an answer - Peter Staněk - YouTube
    XMEDA --- ---
    Peter Staněk: Globální krize a kontrolovaná společnost
    KUKIDE --- ---
    tohle vlastně není konspirace že

    FrackNation - Why and how it's being made - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE --- ---
    trochu bulvární a možná ne konspirace ale vlastně to na nich leží
    Reagan Warned Us About Obama - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    America’s Biggest Killers: The Chart Anti-Gunners Don’t Want You To See

    Mac Slavo January 5th, 2013 SHTFplan.com

    What we are hearing from bloviating gun control advocates in America is nothing short of emotionally driven irrationality.

    According to statistics assembled from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Center for Disease Control and the Federal Government, firearms related homicides are minuscule in comparison to other the other “big killers” in the United States.

    If we look at homicide statistics in the United States it’s clear that more murders are committed with knives, bats, hammers and poisons than with firearms. As Kurt Nimmo recently noted, “ the number of murders committed annually with hammers and clubs far outpaces the number of murders committed with a rifle.”

    The facts, not the drivel being spewed by the anti-gun propaganda machine, leave us wondering why some State and Federal lawmakers are so adamant about restricting the sale and ownership of handguns and rifles, especially since the majority of gun owners – close to 99% – have never committed a violent crime in their lives, let alone used a gun to do so.

    Here is the chart they never want you to see:

    poorrichard's blog: America’s Biggest Killers: The Chart Anti-Gunners Don’t Want You To See
    JAXXE --- ---
    KUKIDE: bylo a nekolikrat ;) ale urcite to nekteri jeste nevideli, takze no problem

    [ JAXXE @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :) ]
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE: video z linku je fakt hezký za zlášní místo nebylo tu náhodou už?
    C.I.A. no al-qaeda ever existed - BBC documentary the power of nightmares - YouTube

    KUKIDE --- ---
    FREE PLANET: Corbett Report - Rings Within Rings - How Secret Societies Direct World Politics
    KUKIDE --- ---
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    JAXXE: tak to je WTF dne :(
    JAXXE --- ---
    For hundreds of years an elite group of oligarchs have ruled the land, fueled by a legacy of sex, money, power and greed….

    ….in the last 60 years their power has become more consolidated as they have become more organized.

    Their own white papers and other documents show the diabolic plans they have in store for the population.

    Coming February 15, 2013

    SHADE the Motion Picture Trailer 3 (Official Version) HD - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    European Union Set to Ban Cash Transactions Over 500 Euros

    By JG Vibes theintelhub.com January 9, 2013

    Right in the middle of the holidays when mainstream media organizations were distracted and short staffed, the finance ministry for the European Union announced that cash transactions over 500 euros would soon be banned.

    Ekathimerini News reported that:

    “Any transaction in excess of 500 euros will soon only be allowed via credit or debit card or by check, according to a plan by the Finance Ministry aimed at combating tax evasion. The ceiling for cash transactions is to be lowered from 1,500 euros today to 500 euros and could be reduced further over in the course of 2013. Ministry sources say that in the first quarter of the new year all companies and certain self-employed individuals will have to obtain the POS (point-of-sale) terminals that provide for card transactions.”

    “The changes we are planning for 2013 include incentives to encourage citizens to use means of electronic payment in order to attain greater transparency in transactions and to combat tax evasion that is facilitated by the use of cash,” Deputy Finance Minister Giorgos Mavraganis told Kathimerini.

    “As you know, transactions in excess of 1,500 euros are currently not allowed to be conducted in cash. We will have to review this limit and generally we must see how we can make it easier for Greeks to change their years-long habit of paying for goods and services in cash and instead use other means of payment. This is a problematic situation in our country that has to change, albeit without upsetting social cohesion,” the deputy minister added.

    In other words, they have already taken a significant amount of your privacy and ability to trade freely, so this tiny bit extra step shouldn’t matter. The finance minister also pulled no punches in stating that this was a measure to gather more information on citizens to ensure that they pay their extortion fees to the state.

    The bureaucrat also explained that legislation would be coming very soon, but gave no details into the specifics of the legislation. When asked of the details his only reply was that:

    “Rewards to citizens who use electronic means of payment as a rule are in other countries provided through gifts or money. We still have to examine certain issues pertaining to European Union legislation and we will have to think very hard about how forms of bonuses in transactions have worked in other countries”

    Since the EU is a testing ground of sorts for the international bankers and think tanks, it is likely that these policies will spread to other countries.

    It has long been known that a globally monopolized, intangible currency has been a primary goal of the elite, and unfortunately it seems that this part of the plan is unfolding successfully for them.

    European Union Set to Ban Cash Transactions Over 500 Euros :
    MTO --- ---
    Podle Wikipedia, Carroll Quigley (9.11.1910 - 3.1.1977) - je americký historik a profesor na universitě Georgetown od 1941 do 1976. Přednáší rovněž na Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, kde udělá velký dojem na jednoho žáka, Billa Clintona. Ten jej zapojí do své volební kampaně a po zvolení prezidentem využije jeho znalostí - mimo jiné při psaní Democratic National Convention r. 1992.

    Dr. Quigley je též vlivným členem CFR, poradce pro různé instituce, pro U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Navy, astronautický výzkum a NASA. Roku 1966 ve vydavatelství Macmillan v N. Yorku vyšla jeho kniha „Tragedy and Hope” (Tragedie a naděje), kde tvrdí, že velikou roli ve vývoji současné společnosti sehrály tajné spolky. Podobně jako "libri prohibiti", vyšla bez velké reklamy, pro úzký kruh čtenářů.

    Avšak roku 1970 W. Cléon Skousen vydal vlastním nákladem svou knihu „The naked capitalist”, v které bohatě přebírá kapitoly z knihy Tragedie a naděje, vyvrací některá tvrzení, jiná doplňuje svým komentářem. Podle něho, Quigley pokládá všechny popsané tajné spolky za součást celosvětového plánu. To vyvolalo o Quigleye zájem, od té doby je mnohými řazen mezi otce „teorie komplotu”.

    TNIT-2011: Carroll Quigley : Tragedie a naděje
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