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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    PETVAL --- ---
    K pozadí konfliktu v Mali
    MTO --- ---
    Hacknuté e-maily odhalují „Washingtonem schválený“ plán na zinscenování útoku chemickými zbraněmi v Sýrii
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    Ian56: Obama's Catalog of Civil Rights Abuses and preparations for massive civil unrest Updated 01/27
    PETVAL --- ---
    Obama to Top Brass: Will you fire on American Citizens? - YouTube

    The Obama administration is openly escalating its campaign against private gun ownership, and shaking up the top ranks of the military command structure -- but is it also preparing to make war on the American population? According to a person identified as a former senior military official, the answer to that shocking question is yes.

    World-renowned educator and human rights activist Jim Garrow says that the source, man regarded as "one of America's foremost military heroes," told him that President Obama is using a new litmus test for "determining who will stay and who must go" among top-ranked military leaders. That test is whether they will fire on US citizens or not. Garrow says that his source made the disclosure in order to "sound the alarm" over the administration's plans.

    While Garrow will not yet reveal the identity of the source, it's important to note that Garrow himself is a man of considerable accomplishment. He is the founder of the Bethune Institute, which has established hundreds of schools throughout China. Three years ago, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work though a group called Pink Pagoda, which combat "gendercide" in China -- that is, the practice of rescuing baby girls who had been abandoned or targeted for infanticide because of the government's one-child policy. He was personally involved in helping to save the lives of more than 50,000 Chinese girls. He joins Gary Franchi on WHDT World News to discuss this new "Litmus Test."

    Next News Network's WHDT World News Program airs daily at 6pm and 11pm Eastern on Comcast, DirecTV and Over-the-Air and Online at http://usmediavault.com/WHDT.html

    WHDT World News is available to 6 million viewers from South Beach to Sebastian, Florida and to 2 million viewers in Boston, Massachusetts via WHDN.

    WHDT broadcasts on RF channel 44 (virtual channel 9) from Palm City and is carried on cable TV channels 44 (SD) and 1044 (HD) by AT&T, on cable channels 17 (SD) and 438 (HD) in West Palm Beach by Comcast, on satellite channel 44 (SD) in West Palm Beach by DIRECTV, and on WHDN-Boston which broadcasts on RF channel 38 (virtual channel 6) from the Government Center district in downtown Boston.

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    JAXXE --- ---
    "Why do we consider banks to be like holy churches?" is the rhetorical question that Iceland's President Olafur Ragnar Grimson asks (and answers) in this truly epic three minutes of truthiness from the farce that is the World Economic Forum in Davos. Amid a week of back-slapping and self-congratulatory party-outdoing, as John Aziz notes, the Icelandic President explains why his nation is growing strongly, why unemployment is negligible, and how they moved from the world's poster-child for banking crisis 5 years ago to a thriving nation once again.'

    Olafur Ragnar Grimsson Iceland president 'Let banks go bankrupt' - YouTube
    GORG --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    Taranis: Britain's deadly superdrone that even picks its own targets | Mail Online
    FAEKAL --- ---
    Tělesné skenery z amerických letišť zmizí na jaře – Novinky.cz
    GORG --- ---
    Man With 4th Amendment Written on Chest Wins Trial Over Airport Arrest | Threat Level | Wired.com
    APIN --- ---
    EU pozměňuje minulost aneb 1984 v praxi. Blog - Petr Mach (blog.iDNES.cz)
    JAXXE --- ---
    POWERFUL: Belgian MP Exposes War on Terror Lie and 9/11 False Flag

    Activist Post / January 25, 2012

    On January the 17th, 32-year-old Belgium MP Laurent Louis, considered one of the most controversial and demonized national political figures, delivered the most powerful truth ever told in a political arena.

    First, he explained why he voted against the Belgian support to war in Mali, that it was based on lies and rooted in neo-colonialism.

    Then he expressed his disgust and wrath against the criminal foreign policies of the Western elite and its submission to foreign financial and interests groups, before scolding his colleagues who voted for interventionist war with “fuck you’s”.

    Finally, he says that the war on terror is a lie and that 9/11 was a false flag to justify aggressive military action in the Muslim world.

    Click on the “Captions” icon to get the English subtitles. You won’t be disappointed.

    Belgian MP LAURENT LOUIS stands against war in Mali and exposes the international neo-colonial plot - YouTube
    FAEKAL --- ---
    Nový Světový Řád: Plán šílenců - Alex Jones - INFOWARS.COM - 1.3.2012 CZ tit. - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    Na jaře roku 2003 byla u moci Schröderova koalice SPD a zelených a optimisté věštili NPD, proti které stál jednotně parlament i vláda, brzký konec. Během projednávání kauzy u ústavního soudu v Karlsruhe se však ukázalo, že je vedení problematické strany prošpikováno spolupracovníky tajné služby. Pochybnosti o tom, do jaké míry tito lidé ovlivňovali samotný chod NPD a její tvář, stačily třem rozhodujícím soudcům ke smetení návrhu ze stolu. Údajná protiústavnost strany se dále neřešila. Trvalo dlouhých deset let, než se německé státní orgány rozhodly podat nový podnět k jejímu zákazu.
    Německý pokus číslo dvě: Zakažme neonacisty! | Česká pozice
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    KUKIDE: Ha, kéž by.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    co říkáte tomuhle???
    KUKIDE --- ---
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    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Berlusconi Admits Libya's Revolution was Manufactured & Driven by Sarkozy's Desire for Oil & Gas - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    Akademické sledování
    Josef Novák

    Kdo plní zakázky od Velkého bratra

    Osekávání naší osobní svobody a stále zřetelnější snaha o dozor nad co největším počtem lidí se často děje ve jménu ochrany před nejrůznějšími rozkolníky a teroristy. To už vědí všichni. Méně se mluví o tom, jak se na těchto sledovacích projektech podílejí naše akademické instituce a k čemu všemu mohou v budoucnu jejich výstupy sloužit.
    Akademické sledování | č. 2 | 2013 | archiv - A2 – zvíře nikdy nespí
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