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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    JAXXE --- ---
    Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming

    By Maxim Lott, Charles Couger / Published February 01, 2013 FoxNews.com

    The Earth has been getting warmer -- but how much of that heat is due to greenhouse gas emissions and how much is due to natural causes?

    A leaked report by a United Nations’ group dedicated to climate studies says that heat from the sun may play a larger role than previously thought.

    “[Results] do suggest the possibility of a much larger impact of solar variations on the stratosphere than previously thought, and some studies have suggested that this may lead to significant regional impacts on climate,” reads a draft copy of a major, upcoming report from the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

    The man who leaked the report, StopGreenSuicide blogger Alec Rawls, told FoxNews.com that the U.N.’s statements on solar activity were his main motivation for leaking the document.

    'The main premises and conclusions of the IPCC story line have been undercut by the IPCC itself.'

    “The public needs to know now how the main premises and conclusions of the IPCC story line have been undercut by the IPCC itself,” Rawls wrote on his website in December, when he first leaked the report.


    Report shows UN admitting solar activity may play significant role in global warming | Fox News
    JAXXE --- ---
    Islamist rebels for France: Terrorists in Mali, friends in Syria!

    While France finds itself committed to intervene in Mali TO PROTECT THE STATE against the Islamist fighters related to Al-Qaeda (WOW), it considers the same guys, the jihadists who are shouting Allah Akbar and fighting the "infidel regime" in Syria as "rebels for freedom and democracy"! No problem, for France, if they are actually destroying the Syrian state, destroying the infrastructure of electricity power units, fuel pipelines, schools, ATM, police departments and all governmental institutions!

    While France believes it's a duty to send helicopters and air forces to bombard the Islamist militants in Mali, it accuse Syrian army to be "committing a brutal aggression" when it's defending the state on its land!


    Syrian TV - Islamist rebels for France: Terrorists in Mali, friends in Syria!
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Finally, what the hell is going on?

    Why are these myths being spread about Iceland? Why do people think that Iceland is a progressive paradise when in actual fact its a Thatcherite’s wet dream? Why is Iceland being paraded by the occupy movement as an example of how things should be done?

    I don’t know. My theory, born out by the names of those who seem to be the sources of the biggest myths, is that there is a group of Icelanders who are blatantly lying to foreigners.

    Possibly they are doing this to balm their wounded nationalistic pride, have convinced themselves that it’s true and that Iceland really is great and unique. Possibly its because they see profit in lying to gullible foreigners. The latter was a national sport during the banking bubble and has been a standard Icelandic tactic throughout the ages, but I can’t rule out the role of idiotic nationalism in this nonsense.

    I don’t know. The only thing I know is that you are being lied to and that Icelanders are very good at lying to themselves. If they weren’t, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

    What is actually going on in Iceland | Studio Tendra
    PETVAL --- ---
    Toxic Sludge is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry
    "Sure, many of us in this modern world are cynical. The most cynical may even suspect that the news is manipulated and massaged by sponsors, that corporations act in their best interests, that political campaigns are determined not by votes, but by bucks, and that we don't get "all the news that's fit to print" but instead, "all the news that gets the ink". But even the most media-savvy amongst you will be awed by the behind-the-scenes descriptions of the Public Relations industry in action so masterfully described in this book. If you want your eyes to be opened, open them upon the pages of this book. (But remember: there are some very important people counting on you, and they really would prefer that you didn't ever hear about this book, much less buy it.)"

    JAXXE --- ---
    CTC Says Opposition to a New World Order is Terrorist Activity

    By Alex Allen theintelhub.com February 2, 2013

    According to a report from the “Combatting Terrorism Center” at West Point, ‘Anti-Federalists’ who oppose a New World Order as well as members of several other far right wing activist groups are potential terrorist threats.

    West Point is the U.S. Military Academy that trains, educates, and prepares Cadets for their service in the U.S. Army.

    The CTC (Combatting Terrorism Center) at West Point was established following the events on September 11, 2001 because of the belief that strong initiative was needed to prepare Cadets for the new environments they would be headed into upon graduating in the post-9/11 era.

    The CTC provides a unique terrorism-based education and since its creation, the program has received international recognition for its studies, reports, and teachings on terrorism and terrorist threats.

    A new report from the CTC, however, suggests that far right wing political activists, not radical Islamic groups, are the new terrorist threat in America and even goes so far as to say that those who oppose a ‘New World Order’ are potentially violent terrorists.

    One of the groups this report warns of is the modern ‘Anti-Federalist’ group, which the report says contains people who believe the American political system has been hijacked by external forces interested in promoting a ‘New World Order,’ an idea that has even been confirmed by David Rockefeller in his book “Memoirs” [1] and George H.W. Bush in various speeches.

    The CTC report goes on to say that these ‘Anti-Federalists’ believe the federal government has become corrupt and tyrannical because of its intrusion on the civil constitutional rights of the American people and support civil activism, individual freedoms, and self-government.

    According to the report, these people believe that the push for a tyrannical global government would result in disarming the American people and their violence, the report says, may be directed towards the federal government itself and its proxies in law enforcement.

    The FBI and Department of Homeland Security have already released documents which suggest that anyone who has coffee grinders, coffee filters, goggles, and scientific equipment could be involved in creating CBR weapons and should be reported to local authorities.

    They have also stated that photographers should be monitored for potential terrorism and they have released guidelinesfor suspicious activity reporting at hotels.

    This newly released CTC report, which showcases the exploitation of people like Timothy McVeigh and the small wave of violence from right wing groups in the 1990s to suggest that all right-wingers are potentially violent and even loosely associates those who oppose a one world government with skinheads, Neo-Nazis, and the KKK, is only a small example of the growing paranoia over terrorism and the expanding surveillance state in America.

    Why is this all important? Regardless of personal ties to these groups, we must be asking the following question:

    If these people can be classified so easily as terrorists, what would prevent everyone from being a potential terrorist? Because according to American policy, anyone suspected of terrorism can now be indefinitely detained without a trial.

    [1] David Rockefeller, “Memoirs” autobiography (2002, Random House Publishers), page 405

    CTC Says Opposition to a New World Order is Terrorist Activity :
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: nejhorsi na tom je, ze ostatni sedi jako pribiti, kdyby se aspon demonstrativne zvedli a odesli a dali kerrymu najevo, ze tohle je proste neprijatelne. ale oni jen drzi hubu a sed :(
    JAXXE --- ---
    What happens if you ask John Kerry, the new Rothschild Zionist US Secretary of State, about his membership of the super-secret and sinister Skull and Bones Society - Boy George Bush his 'opponent' in the 2004 presidential election is also a member

    Skull and Bones initiates at Yale University pledge to put the demands and interests of the secret society before anything else - including the public and principles that they are supposed to represent in political office.

    The Skull and Bones initiation for those like Bush and Kerry who go on to be presidents, leading politicians, government administrators, judges, etc., includes lying naked in a coffin. Nice.

    Student Tasered After John Kerry Skull & Bones Question - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    HESPELER: no vsak o tom ten text je ;) ten clanek o false flag pouziti chemickych zbrani se objevil v mainstream tisku /viz. ten screenshot/ a pak zahadne zmizel
    HESPELER --- ---
    JAXXE: 404

    tady reuters:

    Insight: Assad chemical weapons plans blocked by Moscow| Reuters
    JAXXE --- ---
    Why has this massive story of global importance been removed from the Daily Mail Website?

    Friday, 01 February 2013 10:55

    It exposes an alleged Problem-Reaction-Solution chemical attack in Syria that would be blamed on President Assad to justify military action against him and his regime.

    Visitors to this website know that this is happening all the time and 9/11 was the most famous example, but here was a British national newspaper publishing the story.

    Now it has gone. Do you think you could explain why Daily Mail? If there was a denial as there would have to be why is that not simply printed with the original story?

    This image of the article was captured by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton who read the story and thought that it may well disappear given the content. She was right.

    This was the original Daily Mail link for the article:


    Syria is not a war caused by 'rebels' within the country just as the Libya 'revolution' was not. They are part of a systematic fake 'Arab Spring' takeover of the whole of Africa and the Middle and Near East by forces working through the United States, Israel and NATO (all the same thing if you go high enough or deep enough). I have been exposing this plan in my books for years and what is now happening in Mali and planned for country after country in Africa orchestrated through the US AFRICOM network is all part of this. Watch out South Africa because they want you, too. They want everything because they are insane.

    They manufacture a different excuse for each new country although with Libya and Syria it was exactly the same. 'Rebels' funded and armed by the US and NATO (via Qatar) start attacking government targets and when the government returns fire the forces behind the 'rebels' scream through their compliant and ignorant media 'Gadhafi/Assad is killing his own people'. They then use this 'humanitarian' excuse to send the boys in to slaughter the innocent and steal oil reserves and other assets.

    They did this in Libya and they have been desperate to do this in Syria but it has not been as easy as they thought and so they planned to covertly arrange a chemical attack so they could say 'we have to send in NATO to stop Assad killing his own people with chemical weapons'.

    No wonder the Daily Mail article has been removed so quickly. When their game is exposed they lose their cover stories.

    General Wesley Clark, NATO's former Supreme Allied Commander Europe, said the following in a television interview in 2007:

    Clark said that he was told immediately after 9/11 of a ‘coup’ being plotted by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and what he called ‘a half dozen other collaborators from the [Neocon/Rothschild Zionist] Project for the New American Century’ which included an invasion of Iraq.

    Six weeks later, Clark said that he saw the same officer, and asked: ‘Why haven’t we attacked Iraq? Are we still going to attack Iraq?’ He said: ‘Sir, it’s worse than that.’ Clarke said the officer told him:

    ‘I just got this memo from the Secretary of Defense’s office. It says we’re going to attack and destroy the governments in seven countries in five years – we’re going to start with Iraq, and then we’re going to move to Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.’

    Clark said the aim of this plot was: ‘They wanted us to destabilize the Middle East, turn it upside down, make it under our control.’

    That is what the fake 'Arab Spring' is all about and the unfolding military conquest of Africa.


    Headlines - David Icke Website
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Collective-Evolution – Another Canadian City Bans Fluoride From Its Water Supply
    KUKIDE --- ---
    The illuminati Exposed By Muammar Gaddafi - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?

    by Vicky Pelaez Global Research, January 31, 2013

    Human rights organizations, as well as political and social ones, are condemning what they are calling a new form of inhumane exploitation in the United States, where they say a prison population of up to 2 million – mostly Black and Hispanic – are working for various industries for a pittance. For the tycoons who have invested in the prison industry, it has been like finding a pot of gold. They don’t have to worry about strikes or paying unemployment insurance, vacations or comp time. All of their workers are full-time, and never arrive late or are absent because of family problems; moreover, if they don’t like the pay of 25 cents an hour and refuse to work, they are locked up in isolation cells.

    There are approximately 2 million inmates in state, federal and private prisons throughout the country. According to California Prison Focus, “no other society in human history has imprisoned so many of its own citizens.” The figures show that the United States has locked up more people than any other country: a half million more than China, which has a population five times greater than the U.S. Statistics reveal that the United States holds 25% of the world’s prison population, but only 5% of the world’s people. From less than 300,000 inmates in 1972, the jail population grew to 2 million by the year 2000. In 1990 it was one million. Ten years ago there were only five private prisons in the country, with a population of 2,000 inmates; now, there are 100, with 62,000 inmates. It is expected that by the coming decade, the number will hit 360,000, according to reports.

    What has happened over the last 10 years? Why are there so many prisoners?

    “The private contracting of prisoners for work fosters incentives to lock people up. Prisons depend on this income. Corporate stockholders who make money off prisoners’ work lobby for longer sentences, in order to expand their workforce. The system feeds itself,” says a study by the Progressive Labor Party, which accuses the prison industry of being “an imitation of Nazi Germany with respect to forced slave labor and concentration camps.”

    The prison industry complex is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States and its investors are on Wall Street. “This multimillion-dollar industry has its own trade exhibitions, conventions, websites, and mail-order/Internet catalogs. It also has direct advertising campaigns, architecture companies, construction companies, investment houses on Wall Street, plumbing supply companies, food supply companies, armed security, and padded cells in a large variety of colors.”

    According to the Left Business Observer, the federal prison industry produces 100% of all military helmets, ammunition belts, bullet-proof vests, ID tags, shirts, pants, tents, bags, and canteens. Along with war supplies, prison workers supply 98% of the entire market for equipment assembly services; 93% of paints and paintbrushes; 92% of stove assembly; 46% of body armor; 36% of home appliances; 30% of headphones/microphones/speakers; and 21% of office furniture. Airplane parts, medical supplies, and much more: prisoners are even raising seeing-eye dogs for blind people.


    The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery? | Global Research
    FAEKAL --- ---
    FAEKAL --- ---
    The Shock Doctrine

    Friedmanova teze, že jen krize vyvolává skutečnou změnu, je podle Naomi Kleinové ideologickým podkladem neoliberální svaté trojice - privatizace, deregulace a snižování sociálních výdajů - vůči níž se vymezuje také ve filmu natočeném podle její knihy o vzestupu katastrofického kapitalismu.(MF Dokumentárních filmů Jihlava)



    SK titulky :

    KUKIDE --- ---
    SKAFF: v tomhle případě doporučuju sledovat Fulforda:
    JAXXE --- ---
    Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings

    GORG --- ---
    Last year a congressional committee directed the PTO to study the possibility of special treatment for patents that potentially affect “economic security.” Congress’ stated purpose was to “ensure that the United States receives the first benefits of innovations conceived within this country, so as to promote domestic development, further innovation and continued economic expansion.”
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