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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    JAXXE --- ---
    Savings account seizure plan draws fury in Cyprus

    Cyprus' president is briefing lawmakers ahead of a crucial parliamentary vote on a controversial levy on bank deposits that the cash-strapped country's creditors have demanded in exchange for a euro10 billion ($13 billion) rescue package.

    Political leaders in Cyprus scrambled to devise a new plan that would not be so burdensome for people with less than €100,000 in the bank. The authorities delayed a parliamentary vote on the seizure of €5.8 billion and ordered banks to remain shut until Thursday while they try to modify the deal, which must be approved by other eurozone governments. Once a deal is in place, they will be ready to lend Cyprus €10 billion ($13 billion) in rescue loans.

    A rejection of the package could see the country go bankrupt and possibly drop out of the euro currency — an outcome that would be even more damaging to financial markets' confidence. Even while playing down the chance of fresh market turmoil, experts warned that the surprise move broke an important taboo against making depositors pay for Europe's bailouts. As a result, it may have longer-term consequences for confidence in Europe's banking system — and its ability to end its financial crisis.

    "It's a precedent for all European countries. Their money in every bank is not safe," said lawyer Simos Angelides at an angry protest outside parliament in Cyprus' capital, Nicosia, where people chanted, "Thieves, thieves!"

    Savings account seizure plan draws fury in Cyprus - Markets news


    The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery Shows That No Bank Account, No Retirement Fund And No Stock Portfolio Is Safe

    The global elite have now proven that when the chips are down they are going to go after any big pile of money that they think they can get their hands on. That means that no bank account, no retirement fund and no stock portfolio on earth is safe. Up until now, most people assumed that private bank accounts were untouchable and that deposit insurance actually meant something. Now we see that there is no pile of money that is considered “off limits” by the global elite and deposit insurance means absolutely nothing. The number one thing that any financial system depends on is faith. If people do not have faith in the safety and stability of a financial system, it will not work. Well, the people that rule the world have just taken a sledgehammer to the trust that we all had in the global financial system. They have broken the unwritten social contract that global banking depends on. So now we will see a run on the banks, and this will not just be limited to a few countries in southern Europe. Rather, this will be worldwide in scope. Yoda may have put it this way: “Begun, the global bank run has.” All over the world, frightened people are going to start pulling money out of the banks. A lot of that money will go into gold, silver and other hard assets. And as money starts coming out of the banks, this could cause many of the large banks that have been teetering on the edge of disaster to finally collapse.

    Many of you may not believe that they would ever come after bank accounts, retirement funds or stock portfolios in the United States.

    Many of you may be entirely convinced that the Great Cyprus Bank Robbery could never happen in America.

    Well, where do you think this whole plan was dreamed up?

    It was the IMF that reportedly pushed the hardest for the wealth tax in Cyprus, and the IMF is headquartered right in the heart of Washington D.C.

    Almost every nation on the planet has to deal with the IMF. It is an organization that is dominated by the United States and that is always involved when there is an international debt crisis.

    If the IMF thinks that it is a great idea to steal from bank accounts to solve a financial crisis in Cyprus, why wouldn’t they impose a similar solution in other countries in the future?

    And if bank accounts are no longer safe, are there any truly safe places to put your money?


    The Great Cyprus Bank Robbery Shows That No Bank Account, No Retirement Fund And No Stock Portfolio Is Safe | InvestmentWatch
    JAXXE --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    JAXXE: http://www.disinfo.com/2013/03/graham-hancock-refutes-teds-allegations-defends-reputation/

    // TED to zcenzurovali, ze je to vlastne pseudoveda propagujici drogy :)
    Open for discussion: Graham Hancock, Rupert Sheldrake, TEDxWhitechapel

    In addition, Hancock makes statements about psychotropic drugs that seem both nonscientific and reckless. He states as fact that psychotropic drug use is essential for an “emergence into consciousness,” and that one can use psychotropic plants to connect directly with an ancient mother cultur
    GORG --- ---
    Virginia Rapper To Be Charged With Attempting To Sacrifice Friend To The Illuminati | Disinformation
    JAXXE --- ---
    PETVAL: jeste odpoledne to fungovalo, tak zkus tady:

    Woody Harrelson 'Ethos' - Epic Documentary! - Time to Unslave Humanity - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: Private Video
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    JAXXE --- ---
    Woody Harrelson 'Ethos' -- Epic Documentary

    Presented by twice Oscar nominated actor & activist Woody Harrelson, this powerful new documentary blows the lid off our corrupt system. From criminal conflicts of interest in politics, to unregulated corporate power, to a news media in the hands of multinational conglomerates, to a military industrial complex that effectively owns our government.

    We cannot fix our system until we know how it works. Ethos looks at the systemic issues that work against democracy, the environment, democracy, justice and our own personal liberty.

    However, it is not all bad news. Ethos offers a solution. A simple but powerful way that you can have your voices heard as they have never been heard before. Watch the film, spread the word, change the world.

    Woody Harrelson Presents: Ethos (2011) Director: Pete McGain

    Concentrated info which gives a big picture very fast even if the picture is even more big and way worse.

    Harrelson is a supporter of the 9/11 truth movement and has supported reopening an investigation into the September 11 terrorist attacks. Along with other "truthers," like Martin Sheen and Ed Asner, he will be appearing in a movie, September Morn, that will reflect such concerns.

    Harrelson is also an ethical vegan and raw foodist. Along with not eating meat or dairy, Harrelson also does not eat sugar or flour.

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Tajní zabijáci NATO? Nevinného Itala věznili 22 let | Týden.cz

    Po odvysílání pořadu média ve Spolkové republice téměř nereagovala, třebaže jinak se Lanzovy a jemu podobné pořady v domácích médiích s oblibou a do detailů rozebírají. Tentokrát se ale zdálo, jako by ohledně Gulottovy kauzy existovalo v německých sdělovacích prostředích jakési tabu.

    Přitom jde o jen těžko uvěřitelný skandál týkající se NATO. Odpověď na to, proč italský začal roku 1976 tak tvrdě jít po Gulottovi a dalším třech mladících, je prostá. Šlo fakticky o státní terorismus.

    Oni dva zavraždění karabiníci, Carmino Apuzzo a Salvatore Falceta, objevili osudné noci transport zbraní určený pro "Gladio", (také "Stay-behind-Organisation)")což byla tajná polovojenská organizace NATO, americké CIA a britské MI6 během studené války. Působila v řadě evropských zemí včetně Turecka.

    Gladio (podle "gladius", krátký římský meč) měl oficiálně za úkol provádět gerilové operace a sabotáže v čase možné sovětské invaze do západní Evropy. Proti Rusům měl bojovat z podzemí. Organizace existovala v letech 1950 až 1990. Gladio byl původně jen krycí název italské odnože.

    Ve skutečnosti ale zabijácká komanda NATO a spol. páchala i atentáty proti nepohodlným osobám či kriminálníkům. Nejednou z těchto vražd obviňovali naprosto nezúčastněné. Někde se tímto terorem uměle vytvářela "atmosféra napětí". Hlavně v Itálii.
    XMEDA --- ---
    15.2.2013 - Daniel Solis - Konspirační teorie III - YouTube
    FAEKAL --- ---
    Uvnitř programu CIA pro rakovinové zbraně

    Americké ministerstvo zahraničí, která má do nástroje americké diplomacie hodně daleko, je vařící kotel neo-konzervativní drzosti a arogance nesrovnatelné se dny ministerstva zahraničí německé Třetí říše. Ministerstvo zahraničí nazvalo obvinění vládních, vojenských a politických lídrů z celého světa, že venezuelský prezident Hugo Chávez byl obětí rakovinných zbraní CIA, za “absurdní.”

    Absurdní ale je selektivní používání nedávné americké historie. Historické záznamy ukazují, že CIA pokračovala v držení a vytváření zbraní pro biologickou bitvu, včetně zmenšených zbraní pro politické vraždy, dlouho poté, co Spojené státy podepsaly Konvenci o biologické bitvě z roku 1972, která zakazuje držení a hledání takových zbraní...

    Uvnitř programu CIA pro rakovinové zbraně | Wertyz Report
    SCHIZOGENES --- ---
    nezvládl by někdo přeložit? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL73rHlu6r8
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    Banoosh » » Micro Chip Implant Coming March 23, 2013
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Daniel Solis - Aktuální situace v Sýrii - 5.3.2013

    Dan Solis - Aktuální situace v Sýrii - 5.3.2013 - YouTube

    + videa se zločiny nájemných vrahů v Sýrii

    Daniel Solis - Aktuální situace v Sýrii - 5.3.2013 + videa se zločiny nájemných vrahů v Sýrii
    KUKIDE --- ---
    They Cracked This 250-Year-Old Code, and Found a Secret Society Inside | Danger Room | Wired.com
    CONTINUITY --- ---
    Jedna dobra zprava pro zmenu :)
    GORG --- ---
    heh :)
    GORG --- ---
    High School Student Disarms Gunman…Gets Suspended? | TheBlaze.com

    // omg ,) takze policie casto selze, kdyz ma chranit pred strelci, a kdyz si ho dite samo odzbroji, tak ho potrestaj? :)
    GORG --- ---
    "Jak může držet desítka mužů město s 15 miliony obyvatel v šachu?" ptá se. "To je něco, co by chtěli všichni vědět." Ve svém filmu se snaží objasnit, jak se tak malé skkupině povedlo uskutečnit tak rozsáhlou akci. "Všichni lidé vědí, co se stalo, ale už málokdo ví, jak se to opravdu stalo. Chtěli jsme se zaměřit tedy právě na tato bílá místa. Vyprávíme příběh jedné konkrétní osoby, která byla tehdy při tom," prozradil.

    Jeho postava, která vznikla podle skutečné osoby, do nejmenších podrobností popisuje, jak se smůlou stíhané policejní síly, které útok zastihl naprosto nepřipravené, snaží vyrovnat s tak obrovským úkolem.

    Bollywoodský film objasňuje bílá místa masakru v Bombaji — Kultura — ČT24 — Česká televize
    JAXXE --- ---
    Graham Hancock tells the story of his 24-year relationship with cannabis brought to an abrupt halt in 2011 after an encounter with ayahuasca, the sacred visionary brew of the Amazon. Along the way he explores the mystery of death, the problem of consciousness, and the implications for the human future of a society that wages total war on true cognitive liberty.

    The War on Consciousness: Graham Hancock at TEDxWhitechapel - YouTube
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