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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---

    Vytiskni a vystřel. Američan vyzkoušel zbraň z 3D tiskárny - iDNES.cz
    FAEKAL --- ---
    Zasvěcený muž vypovídá: Mocní mají velký plán. Už je nikdo nezastaví

    JINÝMA OČIMA Nový světový řád, o kterém se stále častěji vzhledem k vývoji světových události hovoří, nemusí představovat nic špatného. Může dokonce prý pracovat i ve prospěch lidstva, což je jeho úkolem. I tak se dá dívat na něco, co nikdo oficiálně nepotvrdil, ale o čem se píše a mluví v různých sférách celého světa. Jedno riziko totiž v něm zahlédnout lze: A to, že jde o snahu o jakýsi druh otroctví, který dělá z lidí nesoběstačné jedince neschopné žít přirozeně.

    Stále častěji se objevují někdy už dokonce i v televizích, ale spíše na serveru YouTube, různé filmy a dokumenty o nebezpečí číhající z nastolení Nového světového řádu. Ať už si o tom jedinec myslí cokoli, pravdou je, že si k tomu v současné době lze přečíst i poměrně rozsáhlou řadu literatury. Jedna z knih, která v posledních dnech na toto téma vyšla, pochází z nakladatelství ANCH Books, jmenuje se Tajné společnosti – válka svobodných zednářů. A jak název napovídá, odhaluje roušku tajemství zednářů a dalších organizací při cestě k Novému světovému řádu.

    Nejde však o fantazii, ale údajně o rozhovor autora se zednářem vysokého stupně zasvěcení. Ukazuje čtenářům myšlení, okultní praktiky a plány jednoho z největších tajných spolků dějin. Janu von Helsingovi se tak podařilo dostat do kontaktu s aktivním, vysoce postaveným svobodným zednářem. A ten zasvěceně informuje o působení celosvětového tajného společenství tak, že je u knihy avizováno: Není určena slabých náturám.

    Zprávy | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran

    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel Grants Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild

    by craig on February 21, 2013 2:24 pm in Uncategorized

    Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy. Major shareholders of Genie Energy – which also has interests in shale gas in the United States and shale oil in Israel – include Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild. This from a 2010 Genie Energy press release:

    Claude Pupkin, CEO of Genie Oil and Gas, commented, “Genie’s success will ultimately depend, in part, on access to the expertise of the oil and gas industry and to the financial markets. Jacob Rothschild and Rupert Murdoch are extremely well regarded by and connected to leaders in these sectors. Their guidance and participation will prove invaluable.”

    “I am grateful to Howard Jonas and IDT for the opportunity to invest in this important initiative,” Lord Rothschild said. “Rupert Murdoch’s extraordinary achievements speak for themselves and we are very pleased he has agreed to be our partner. Genie Energy is making good technological progress to tap the world’s substantial oil shale deposits which could transform the future prospects of Israel, the Middle East and our allies around the world.”

    For Israel to seek to exploit mineral reserves in the occupied Golan Heights is plainly illegal in international law. Japan was succesfully sued by Singapore before the International Court of Justice for exploitation of Singapore’s oil resources during the second world war. The argument has been made in international law that an occupying power is entitled to opeate oil wells which were previously functioning and operated by the sovereign power, in whose position the occupying power now stands. But there is absolutely no disagreement in the authorities and case law that the drilling of new wells – let alone fracking – by an occupying power is illegal.

    Israel tried to make the same move twenty years ago but was forced to back down after a strong reaction from the Syrian government, which gained diplomatic support from the United States. Israel is now seeking to take advantage of the weakened Syrian state; this move perhaps casts a new light on recent Israeli bombings in Syria.

    In a rational world, the involvement of Rothschild and Murdoch in this international criminal activity would show them not to be fit and proper persons to hold major commercial interests elsewhere, and action would be taken. Naturally, nothing of the kind will happen.


    Craig Murray » Blog Archive » Israel Grants Oil Rights in Syria to Murdoch and Rothschild


    Israel gives OK for oil drilling in Golan Heights

    Feb. 21 6:40 AM EST

    JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel says it has given the go-ahead for a gas exploration project in the Golan Heights, a strategic plateau it captured from Syria in the 1967 war.

    Israel's Energy and Water Resources Ministry said Wednesday it has issued a permit for the American-Israeli company Genie Energy to drill for oil on the plateau. The company is headed by Effi Eitam, a hawkish former Israeli Cabinet minister.

    Israel annexed the Golan Heights in 1981 but the world still considers it occupied territory.

    Oil permits for the area were stopped 20 years ago during Israel-Syria talks, which were to include a potential return of the Golan. The talks never produced a peace deal.

    The drilling permit raises concerns it could draw international condemnation, especially ahead of President Barack Obama's visit to Israel.


    Israel gives OK for oil drilling in Golan Heights
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: ony se ty organismy bez zakona reprodukovat neumi? :) udelaji z nezamestnanych inspektory, kteri budou chodit po lesech a polich a vypisovat rostlinam pokuty za neopravnene vysemenovani? way to go, europe, way to go!
    JAXXE --- ---
    European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government

    A new law proposed by the European Commission would make it illegal to “grow, reproduce or trade” any vegetable seeds that have not been “tested, approved and accepted” by a new EU bureaucracy named the “EU Plant Variety Agency.”

    It’s called the Plant Reproductive Material Law, and it attempts to put the government in charge of virtually all plants and seeds. Home gardeners who grow their own plants from non-regulated seeds would be considered criminals under this law.


    Nearly all varieties of heirloom vegetable seeds will be criminalized under this proposed EU law. This means the act of saving seeds from one generation to the next — a cornerstone of sustainable living — will become a criminal act.


    Mark my words: Seeds are about to become contraband. Anyone who grows their own food is about to be targeted as a criminal. The governments of the world, conspiring with corporations like Monsanto, do not want any individual to be able to grow their own food.

    This is about total domination of the food supply and the criminalizing of gardeners. And this is what big government always does after centralizing sufficient power. All governments inherently seek total control over the lives of everyone, and if you don’t set boundaries and limits for government (i.e. the Bill of Rights), it eventually runs roughshod over all freedoms and liberties, including the freedom to grow your own food.


    European Commission to criminalize nearly all seeds and plants not registered with government



    On the production and making available on the market of plant reproductive material

    (plant reproductive material law)

    JAXXE --- ---
    Syria: Attack on military facility was a 'declaration of war' by Israel


    Syria’s Iranian and Russian Allies may Openly Intervene if Crisis Escalates


    Unprovoked Attack on Syria: US-backed Israel Commits Egregious International Crime


    Bush Official: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack Could Be “Israeli False Flag Operation”

    JAXXE --- ---
    byvaly kanadsky ministr obrany a clen parlamanetu mluvi nejen o ETs, ale hlavne o Bilderbergu, TC, CFR, PNAC, Rockefellerech, UN a bankerich...

    2 Living ETs Working with US Government - Citizen Hearing on Disclosure - Paul Hellyer - CHD - YouTube
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    Pokud bylo dejte aspon 2 minusy a mazu.
    CIA WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything! "Extreme Prejudice" - YouTube
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    FAEKAL --- ---
    Po nedávném bombovém atentátu při maratonu v Bostonu opět zesílily diskuse o bezpečnostních kamerách - nejen v USA.
    Z řady velkých amerických měst se ozývá, že tento typ monitorovacích systémů ještě rozšíří.
    Souběžně s tím postupují i plány na využití dronů, bezpilotních letounů. New York vybuduje na jihu Manhattanu hustou síť inteligentních kamer.

    USA: Budeme vás sledovat více kamerami. Námitky marné | Týden.cz
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    Occupy Love | Occupy Movement | FoundLove.com | Occupy Love Film
    JAXXE --- ---
    Report: U.S. Government and NATO Worked with Bin Laden and His Top Lieutenant 3 Months AFTER 9/11

    FBI Translator Alleges that Bin Laden and His Number 2 Worked as Part of Operation Gladio

    Report: U.S. Government and NATO Worked with Bin Laden and His Top Lieutenant 3 Months AFTER 9/11 | Washington's Blog
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    MATT: jako vždy, C je správně;)
    MATT --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Former FBI Chief ADMITS Government is Involved in Most 'Terrorist' Attacks! - YouTube
    MATT --- ---
    hehe, k tem konspiracim ohledne bostonu je dobry tohle:
    Amputee actors train soldiers for combat - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
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