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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    JAXXE --- ---
    Microsoft's new Xbox will track EVERYTHING you watch on TV - but will reward you for watching the ads

    Application submitted to the US Patent and Trademark office shows Microsoft's plans for tracking viewing habits of Xbox owners

    The company plans to reward viewers who watch adverts or shows with credits and achievements

    The new Kinect sensor can follow eye movements, track your reaction to shows using heart-rate monitors and see you in the dark

    Microsoft has submitted a patent that could see the company track every TV show and advert watched via its Xbox One console and other devices.

    The application called 'Awards and Achievements Across TV Ecosystem' was submitted to the US Patent and Trademark office earlier this month.

    It details plans for Microsoft to reward viewers for watching adverts, TV shows or series, with virtual scores, or physical awards such as coupons and products - although it is expected the plans will be opt-in, and not turned on by default.

    Scroll down for video

    Xbox One will track EVERYTHING you watch on TV - but will reward you for watching ads | Mail Online
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Russia Warns Obama: Monsanto | The Top Information Post
    MTO --- ---
    "Tato kniha se zabývá organizací, známou jako Ilumináti. Poprvé jsem o této skupině slyšel v roce 1978, kdy se mi do rukou dostala magnetofonová kazeta, která byla namluvena na Open Door Church in Chambersburg, PA. Hostující mluvčí, jménem John Todd, se označil jako bývalý člen, odhalil existenci tohoto tajného řádu elity, který více než 200 let kontroloval světové události, a jehož konečným cílem bylo nastolení světové vlády. Po vyslechnutí této kazety jsem byl šokován. Bylo to tak neuvěřitelné, tak nepředstavitelné, že to nemohla být pravda; ale nemohl jsem to pustit z hlavy. Abych ukojil svou zvědavost, rozhodl jsem se zahájit vlastní pátrání."

    David Allen Rivera - POSLEDNI VAROVANI - Dejiny Noveho svetoveho radu.pdf | Ulož.to
    PETVAL --- ---
    Scientists Discover Bt Toxins Found In Monsanto Crops Damage Red Blood Cells
    May 11, 2013 by Arjun

    red blood cells

    Studies are showing that Bt toxins found in Monsanto crops are harmful to mammalian blood by damaging red blood cells and more. RBC’s are responsible for delivering oxygen to the body tissues through blood flow.

    Bacillus thuringensis (Bt) is a bacterium commonly used as a biological pesticide. It is a microorganism that produces toxic chemicals. It occurs naturally in the environment, and is usually isolated from soil, insects and plant surfaces. Prior to this study, Bt was thought to be toxic only to insects, but recent studies are proving otherwise.

    Dr. Mezzomo and his team of Scientists from the Department of Genetics and Morphology and the Institute of Biological Sciences, at University of Brasilia recently published a study that involved Bacillus thuringensis (Bt toxin) and its effects on mammalian blood. According to the study, the “Cry” toxins that are found in Monsanto’s GMO crops like corn and soy, are much more toxic to mammals than previously thought. The study was published in the Journal of Hematology and Thromboembolic Diseases(1).

    Scientists Discover Bt Toxins Found In Monsanto Crops Damage Red Blood Cells | Collective-Evolution

    a samotná studie, spousta odkazů na další GMO related články
    JAXXE --- ---
    Man Who Informed BBC of MI5 Connection with London Attack is Arrested Directly After Interview (Video)

    Abu Nusaybah is arrested after informing the BBC that the recent attacker in London was offered a job by the MI5 just months ago, after he was physically and sexually assaulted during a detainment. He was arrested on BBC property directly following the interview.

    In the days since the brutal knife attack on a soldier in London a man has come forward with credible information about how one of the suspects was offered a job by MI5, following a detainment overseas.

    Information has also came to light that the suspect was assaulted and sexually abused while in custody, which could shed some light on the specifics of this case, as well as a more tangible motive.

    The Australian reported that:

    Abu Nusaybah told BBC television overnight that Adebolajo was asked by the MI5 domestic intelligence agency if he wanted to work for them. He said Adebolajo had snubbed their approach. The BBC said Abu Nusaybah was promptly arrested on their premises after giving the interview.

    Scotland Yard police headquarters said today that counter-terror officers had arrested a 31-year-old man in London on suspicion of the “commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism”. It is understood the arrest was not directly linked to the brutal murder of soldier Lee Rigby, who was hacked to death in the street Wednesday outside the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, southeast London.

    Abu Nusaybah said after Adebolajo returned from Kenya, MI5 agents repeatedly called at his home. Adebolajo was “basically being harassed by MI5, this is something that he specifically mentioned to me.

    “His wording was ‘they are bugging me — they won’t leave me alone’,” Mr Nusaybah said. “He mentioned initially they wanted to ask him whether he knew certain individuals. But after him saying that he didn’t know these individuals and so forth, what he said is they asked him whether he would be interested in working for them.







    JAXXE --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    //proc podchytit radikala, o kterem vime, kdyz nam to pomuze ziskat vetsi moc...

    Londýnský mačetový útok hýbe Británií, vláda vytáhla do boje s radikály
    26. května 2013 20:51
    Středeční brutální útok, při kterém zemřel armádní bubeník Lee Rigby, začíná hýbat s přístupem britské vlády k prevenci teroristických útoků. Úřady již plánují zintenzivnění boje s radikálními muslimskými kazateli, zelenou pak možná dostane i dlouho odkládaný zákon o sledování internetové komunikace.

    Zdroj: http://zpravy.idnes.cz/...-muslimskym-radikalum-f6l-/zahranicni.aspx?c=A130526_180819_zahranicni_ert
    777PLAY --- ---
    OrgoNet: GM bavlna od Monsanta má na svědomí řadu "záhadných" onemocnění v Alabamě
    777PLAY --- ---
    OrgoNet: Radary Nexrad vytvořily extrémní tornáda v USA
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Avoid Monsanto Products With A New App | Food Rant | Food | KCET
    MTO --- ---
    Alcuin and Flutterby: European bloodlines face end-time vortex of exposure
    GAISAKA --- ---
    DOOMBRINGER: Dekuju, ja radsi prejmu, neb ve fyzice a matematice plavu naprosto - proto od zacatku jen rikam, ze me zaujalo ze to rika spousta chytrych lidi - JA NETVRDIM NIC a nehodlam si nic pocitat. Mel bys s tim porozumnim textu fakt neco delat, je to docela tragicky s tebou komunikovat.)
    KERRAY: Diky, na to sem zapomnel, docela podstatny detail.
    DSTEPZ --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---
    potential connections
    DOOMBRINGER --- ---
    GAISAKA: Ty kognitivni vedo, kdyz pouziju jen informace ze tvych "zdroju", tak mi vychazi ze lidsky mozek ma 100mld neuronu a kazda a kazdy ma 1000-10000 synapsi. Jednoduchym vypoctem zjistis, ze vysledne cislo se odhadovanemu poctu atomu ve vesmiru (10^78 az 10^82) ani na desitky radu neblizi.

    Pokud te toto tema zajima vic a chces si to spocitat presneji, muzes tak udelat na zaklade techto informaci: http://cercor.oxfordjournals.org/content/9/7/722.full

    Pokud bys ale na zacatku udelal to co jsem ti doporucil, jednoduchym selskym rozumem bys prisel na to, ze to co tvrdis je naprosta hloupost. :) Zkus o tom chvili premyslet a ne jen prejimat to, co si nekde prectes. :)
    GAISAKA --- ---
    DOOMBRINGER: Ehm... tak znovu. Mne to taky prijde jako prestreleny, ale jak rikam, slysel sem to rikat minimalne dva lidi ktery tomu rozumi mnohem vic nez ja. Thats all.
    A to mám mgr. z jedné z kognitivnich ved. Co mas ty, bobecku?,)

    Jen tak pro priklad letmy google:

    Rita Carter does have it as:

    "The brain has around 100 billion neurons. There are more potential connections between neurons than there are atoms in the universe." (The Human Brain Book, pg 39 (top right box); DK; 2009)

    It may still be very, very premature in nature, as pointed out just above. However, I do like the way Dr. Ramachandran put it within context in his 1998 work, Phantoms in the Brain (p. 8):

    ...neurons make contacts with other neurons, at points called synapses. Each neuron makes anywhere from a thousand to ten thousand synapses with other neurons. A piece of your brain the size of a grain of sand would contain one hundred thousand neurons, two million axions, and one billion synapses . . . Given these figures, it's been calculated that the number of possible brain states--the number of permutations and combinations of activity that are theoretically possible--exceeds the number of elementary particles in the universe."
    DOOMBRINGER --- ---
    GAISAKA: Co se mi nezda? Kdybys nebyl hloupej, tak si alespon otevres stranku wikipedie (pokud si to nepamatujes ze skoly) a podivas se, co to znamena slovo "atom", co to znamena slovo "synapse" a po analyze techto informaci se pak v tichosti zacervenas a smazes.
    GAISAKA --- ---
    DOOMBRINGER: Co se ti nezda?,) Ja jen pisu ze jsem TO SLYSEL Z DUVERYHODNEHO ZDROJE, nerikam/netroufam si tvrdit ze JE TO PRAVDA. Dela ti problem chapani psaneho textu?,)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam