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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    777PLAY --- ---
    Vláda USA "těží" data přímo ze serverů internetových společností — Svět — ČT24 — Česká televize

    no ale to není UŽ konspirace, ale pravdivý fakt....
    JUNIPETRUS --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    Kid Destroys Monsanto In TED Talk!
    Tuesday, June 4, 2013 11 comments

    Birke Baehr is eleven years old, and gave an eye-opening inspirational talk at TED that’s so good, we’re sure that if Monsanto and the Koch brothers could – they would ban it. "What’s Wrong With Our Food System? And How Can We Make A Difference?”

    Kid Destroys Monsanto In TED Talk!

    What's Wrong With Our Food System: Birke Baehr at TEDxNextGenerationAsheville - YouTube
    PETVAL --- ---
    They're not spying on us to prevent crimes, they're spying on us to retroactively convict us of crimes once we've pissed them off.

    Former NSA employee William Binney tells AP that he estimates the agency collects records on 3 billion phone calls each day.

    In light of everything that's come out today, I hope that everyone who has a problem with 'the paranoid' Julian Assange reconsiders…

    The government charging Bradley Manning with "aiding the enemy" makes a lot more sense when you realize their enemy actually is Americans

    With #PRISM, suddenly Googles decision to drop XMPP/Jabber support (especially the federation part) makes sense in a very alarming way.
    PETVAL --- ---
    NSA taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others, secret files reveal

    Why The Tech Company ‘Denials’ Don’t Necessarily Mean They Weren’t Cooperating With NSA Spying

    U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program

    Debunking The Dangerous “If You Have Nothing To Hide, You Have Nothing To Fear”

    Told You So: If You Have Been Using A Centralized Comms Service, You Were Wiretapped
    It’s already a matter of life and death in many places on the planet. Also, do note that it may not be the laws today you have to worry about: Everything is recorded and stored, and your innocent words today may come back to haunt you 30 years down the line under a different administration.

    Privacy is your responsibility. You can trust no one.

    Metadata matters: how phone records and obsolete laws harm privacy and the free press

    Everything you need to know about the NSA’s phone records scandal
    PETVAL --- ---
    GORG: Protiustavni je to v USA leda tak pro komunikace obcanu USA, my ostatni jsme bezpravni trash.

    Fakt nechapu, proc je z toho takove halo az ted, whistleblowingu uz bylo nekolik - Mark Klein z AT&T v roce 2006, bylo jasne, ze kdyz porusili zakony v jedne oblasti (telefonie), tak v dalsich oblastech (internet) se neda cekat nic jineho, coz potvrdili pred rokem Binney a Wiebe z NSA. Oboji medii probehlo.

    Zaujalo me, ze na seznamu neni Twitter. Z davneho Google kreda "Do no evil" si muzeme vsichni delat srandu. Ocekavam novy mem :)

    GORG --- ---
    Sběr podobných informací je velmi důležitým nástrojem při ochraně obyvatel před teroristickými útoky proti Spojeným státům, řekl podle agentury Reuters vysoký vládní představitel, který si přál zůstat v anonymitě.

    :) kurva tak proč neřekne svoje jméno ani,]

    Zpráva přišla poté, co se Bílý dům stal minulý měsíc terčem kritiky za to, že v rámci vyšetřování jisté teroristické hrozby v zemi nechal shromažďovat informace o telefonátech redaktorů agentury AP s cílem zjistit jejich zdroje. Podobný postup vládních úřadů ale v USA není podle všeho protizákonný.

    "podle všeho" ? Podle zákonů, ústavy nebo médií? Já myslel, že si dost lidí myslí, že je to protiústavní.

    Ale je dobře, že si toho už všimli. Vzpomínám si ale teda, že v 2009 bylo v médiích, že NSA ty telefony přímo odposlouchává pomocí kompu šmírujícího klíčová hesla. Onehdá tam byl na inteview nějaký agent NSA, co tam tohle tvrdil.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    USA přiznaly šmírování. Tajná NSA sbírá soukromá data z celého světa - iDNES.cz
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Setkání nejmocnějších lidí je tu. "Čechy nezvou. Po smrti Havla je nezajímáme" | Týden.cz
    JAXXE --- ---
    Chossudovsky: John Kerry Supports Al Qaeda in Syria, Violating US Anti-Terrorism Laws - YouTube
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Tajný soudní příkaz umožňuje sledovat telefonáty Američanů | Týden.cz
    JAXXE --- ---
    Basilej III: Jak BIS pomůže zbořit globální ekonomiku

    Basilej III: Jak BIS pomůže zbořit globální ekonomiku
    PETVAL --- ---
    How Bitcoin Can Bring Down The United States Of America
    How Bitcoin Can Bring Down The United States Of America - Falkvinge on Infopolicy
    777PLAY --- ---
    Zbraň hromadného presviedčania - kontrola mysle - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    'Taxation is legalized form of robbery' - YouTube
    TEBION --- ---
    Bilderberg 2013 - They think they rule us / Myslí si, že nám vládnou (CZ) - YouTube
    TEBION --- ---
    Kdo jste neměl ve dnech minulých možnost zůčastnit se diskuzí s britskými
    novináři, zde jsou odkazy na videa:

    Nathan Allonby a Brian Gerrish v Praze - tisková konference - 23.5.2013 - úvod + diskuze


    Brian Gerrish + Nathan Allonby přednáška a diskuze o Common Purpose - 25.5.2013


    Nathan Allonby - Systém elektronického sledování v UK a EU - Brno 26.5.2013


    Další info též zde:

    Common Purpose je politická charita využívají Modifikaci chování


    Při akci v Libni ve čtvrtek 23.5. se nezdařil úplně pořídit záznam, pokud
    někdo disponujete zvukovým záznamem z této akce, prosím, dejte vědět a
    nějak jej pošlete.


    We are the People of the Cyber-space. We respect Us !A!H_O_Y!
    TEBION --- ---
    AC24.cz - Monsanto najalo nechvalně známou firmu Blackwater, aby sledovala aktivisty
    JAXXE --- ---
    The week ahead: Bilderberg 2013 comes to … the Grove hotel, Watford

    The Bilderberg group's meeting will receive greater scrutiny than usual as journalists and bloggers converge on Watford


    On Thursday afternoon, a heady mix of politicians, bank bosses, billionaires, chief executives and European royalty will swoop up the elegant drive of the Grove hotel, north of Watford, to begin the annual Bilderberg conference.

    It's a remarkable spectacle – one of nature's wonders – and the most exciting thing to happen to Watford since that roundabout on the A412 got traffic lights. The area round the hotel is in lockdown: locals are having to show their passports to get to their homes. It's exciting too for the delegates. The CEO of Royal Dutch Shell will hop from his limo, delighted to be spending three solid days in policy talks with the head of HSBC, the president of Dow Chemical, his favourite European finance ministers and US intelligence chiefs. The conference is the highlight of every plutocrat's year and has been since 1954. The only time Bilderberg skipped a year was 1976, after the group's founding chairman, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, was caught taking bribes from Lockheed Martin.

    It may seem odd, as our own lobbying scandal unfolds, amid calls for a statutory register of lobbyists, that a bunch of our senior politicians will be holed up for three days in luxurious privacy with the chairmen and CEOs of hedge funds, tech corporations and vast multinational holding companies, with zero press oversight. "It runs contrary to [George] Osborne's public commitment in 2010 to 'the most radical transparency agenda the country has ever seen'," says Michael Meacher MP. Meacher describes the conference as "an anti-democratic cabal of the leaders of western market capitalism meeting in private to maintain their own power and influence outside the reach of public scrutiny".


    This year, there will be a great deal more "public scrutiny" of Bilderberg. Pressure from journalists and activists has won concessions from the venue: for the first time in 59 years there will be an unofficial press office, staffed by volunteers, on the grounds. Several thousand activists and bloggers are expected, along with photographers and journalists from around the world.


    If you've been wondering who picks up the tab for this gigantic conference and security operation, the answer arrived last week, on a pdf file sent round by Anonymous. It showed that the Bilderberg conference is paid for, in the UK, by an officially registered charity: the Bilderberg Association (charity number 272706).

    According to its Charity Commission accounts, the association meets the "considerable costs" of the conference when it is held in the UK, which include hospitality costs and the travel costs of some delegates. Presumably the charity is also covering the massive G4S security contract. Fortunately, the charity receives regular five-figure sums from two kindly supporters of its benevolent aims: Goldman Sachs and BP. The most recent documentary proof of this is from 2008 (pdf), since when the charity has omitted its donors' names (pdf) from its accounts.

    The charity's goal is "public education". And how does it go about educating the public?



    The week ahead: Bilderberg 2013 comes to … the Grove hotel, Watford | World news | The Guardian
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