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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    MTO --- ---
    Mazaní oligarchové

    "Současným drábem Rothschildů je George Sörös, který v uplynulých 20ti letech kromě známého útoku na libru v roce 1992, postavil řízenými útoky na finanční systémy do latě např. takzvané asijské tygry dříve, než by přerostli přes hlavu a začali si vyskakovat (Indonésie, Jižní Korea, Taiwan, Malajsie, Thajsko a Hong Kong) a taky zosnoval krizi v Mexiku v roce 1995, aby tamějším politikům vysvětlil, že plánovat stavbu konkurenta Panamskému průplavu není správný postoj, což jaksi konzultačně nechtěli pochopit. Ten, kdo byl po těchto akcích vláčen tiskem, byl Sörös, který, jakkoli je v balíku a vysoko, není členem nejvyšší oligarchické špičky. O Rothschildech nepadlo ani slovo. Sörös je takovým zazobaným nástrojem na špinavou práci."

    "Takto vytvořený osamělý jedinec (se stovkami „přátel“ na sociálních sítích) má velmi omezené možnosti se bránit proti jakékoli zvůli, jakémukoli ohrožení, protože nemá nikoho, kdo by se za něj postavil, kdo by jej podržel, nemá koho požádat o pomoc. Natož aby se zorganizoval v odporu proti těm, kdo jej systematicky ožebračují a zotročují. Navíc ve stavu permanentního zabavení pitomostmi produkovanými médii, zábavním průmyslem, profesionálním sportem a zmiňovanými sociálními sítěmi, člověk už nemá kapacitu přemýšlet o důležitých věcech, takže průměrného jedince ani nenapadne, že se světem něco není v pořádku. Škola a společenský tlak jej vychovaly jako poslušnou pracovní sílu, která bude makat a platit daně. A pokud pro něj není práce a žije na sociálních dávkách, tak je dostatečně zabaven sledováním výsledků svého fotbalového klubu a nespočtem tupých seriálů a reality show."
    GORG --- ---
    BBC finally covers the Bilderberg group - YouTube
    GORG --- ---
    Google: NSA surveillance secrecy violates First Amendment - Jun. 18, 2013
    Google filed a court petition Tuesday demanding it be allowed to share information about government surveillance programs with the public.
    JAXXE --- ---
    A New Financial Scandal - Bigger Than LIBOR?

    Last Monday, our Malcolm Massey, Neil Foster and Mark Anderson took a post-Bilderberg walk around the Grove Hotel to see what they could see. What they found was a meeting room with a Thomson Reuters display panel.

    Article | June 13, 2013 - 4:20pm | By Mike Robinson

    The display panel with Thomson Reuters logo clearly marked was entitled "unleashing the power of our unified platform on financial markets".

    A Bilderberg Agenda Item?

    Why would Thomson Reuters advertise to Bilderberg Attendees? It is easy to see that Reuters would do so at a financial event for City of London traders or casino bank managers, but politicians and industrialists? How likely is it that the attending bankers were not already aware of the implications of Reuters trading platforms?

    Was this just an advertisement, or were Reuters running some kind of presentation? Those who saw the room first hand certainly left with the opinion Reuters had given a presentation of some kind.

    If that is the case, then the question becomes what is meant by "unleashing the power ... on financial markets?

    Perhaps some news released by Bloomberg yesterday gives a clue what happens when Reuters trading platform is unleashed on financial markets, for we seem to have yet another global manipulation scandal on our hands, possibly even more significant than LIBOR.

    Bloomberg reported yesterday that five whistleblowers who have been working as foreign exchange traders have stated that the $5 trillion foreign exchange market is rigged. They allege that the world's biggest banks have been systematically manipulating the foreign exchange rates used to set the value of trillions of dollars of investments and derivatives. The main target of this has been pension funds all over the world.

    Not surprisingly the centre of this activity has been the City of London, just as with LIBOR.

    The traders told Bloomberg that the banks were actively trading against their clients by making use of a 60 second window in which trading is supposed to be paused. The traders told Bloomberg that, "dealers colluded with counterparties to boost chances of moving the rates."

    The Financial Conduct Authority, one of the bodies set up to replace the Financial Services Authority, says it is investigating and is speaking to the relevant parties.

    Which platform is used to distribute the Foreign Exchange rates? None other than Thompson Reuters, as with LIBOR. The same Thompson Reuters which took part in Bilderberg.


    A New Financial Scandal - Bigger Than LIBOR? | UK Column
    JAXXE --- ---
    UK planned war on Syria before unrest began: French ex-foreign minister

    Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:13AM

    A former French foreign minister says Britain had been planning a war against Syria some two years before to the unrest broke out in the Arab country.

    The statement by Roland Dumas came during a recent interview with French Parliamentary TV network, LCP.

    “I’m going to tell you something. I was in England two years before the violence in Syria on other business. I met with top British officials, who confessed to me that they were preparing something in Syria,” said Dumas.

    He continued by saying, “This was in Britain not in America. Britain was organizing an invasion of rebels into Syria. They even asked me, although I was no longer minister for foreign affairs, if I would like to participate.”

    Responding to a question on the motive behind inciting violence in Syria, Dumas said, "Very simple! With the very simple aim! To overthrow the Syrian government, because in the region, it's important to understand, that the Syrian regime makes anti-Israeli talk,” said Dumas

    The former foreign minister added that he had been told by an Israeli prime minister a long time ago that Tel Aviv would seek to “destroy” any country that did not “get along” with it in the region.

    Turmoil has gripped Syria since March 2011, and many people, including large numbers of Syrian security forces, have been killed in the unrest.

    Damascus says the United States and its allies are seeking to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad by supporting armed terrorist groups operating in Syria.

    In May, under pressure from Britain and France, the European Union lifted an arms embargo on the militants in Syria, while maintaining other sanctions on the Syrian government.

    PressTV - UK planned war on Syria before unrest began: French ex-foreign minister
    JAXXE --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    Podľa amerického ministerstva obrany bol motiváciou špehovacieho rogramu NSA Prism strach z protivládneho aktivizmu
    Pentagon bracing for public dissent over climate and energy shocks| Nafeez Ahmed | Environment | guardian.co.uk

    Chronológia pokusov americkej vlády o zásahy do digitálneho súkromia a odpočúvanie:
    Legal Struggles Over Interception Rules in the United States

    NSA analyst William Binney explains what They know about you | The Daily Caller
    PETVAL --- ---
    Biden in 2006 schools Obama in 2013 over NSA spying program - YouTube

    Candidate Obama debates President Obama on Government Surveillance - YouTube
    MTO --- ---
    The Most Famous American Journalist Exposes the Zionist Conspiracy - YouTube

    „Já si ale myslím, že by vás někteří obvinili z toho, že trpíte Syndromem bushovské pomatenosti, když se podle vás jednalo o ohromné spiknutí neokonzervativců, a vy jste řekl židovských neokonzervativců, že šli do války pod vylhanou záminkou.“

    „Bylo by mnohem horší, kdy by to řekl Jižní baptista.“

    „Byla to nesmyslná válka, která nás srazila ekonomicky i morálně.“

    „Šli jsme do války proti muži, který neměl nic společného s 11. zářím. Byla to jen záminka! Je to neospravedlnitelné a mohou za to Bush, Cheeney a židovští neokonzervativci, kteří chtěli přetvořit svět. Možná tak můžu mluvit, protože jsem žid.“
    JAXXE --- ---
    PETVAL: kouknu na to, diky ;)

    PETVAL: napodobne ;D
    PETVAL --- ---
    prosim vas vysvetlete mi nekdo logiku se kterou nyx dosazuje titulky odkazu. kdyz to tam dam sam, tak to prida taky a naopak a nebo taky ne :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: slusna paralela je serial o spolupraci IBM a nacistu na Rootu. dalsi pripad nejpokrocilejsi technologie sve doby pro zpracovani dat ve sluzbach zvracene ideologie.


    posledni 2 dily stoji za precteni cele



    JAXXE --- ---
    Tony Blair calls for west to intervene in Syria conflict

    Former PM says regime change inevitable and international community should consider installing no-fly zones

    Conal Urquhart and agencies / guardian.co.uk, Saturday 15 June 2013 10.42 BST

    Britain should arm the Syrian rebels and consider imposing a no-fly zone over Syria to prevent "catastrophic consequences", Tony Blair has said.

    The former prime minister said the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government and the involvement of Iran in the civil war meant intervention was necessary.

    "You've got the intervention of Hezbollah, at the instigation of Iran. The other big change is the use of chemical weapons. Once you allow that to happen – and this will be the first time since Saddam used them in the 1980s – you run the risk of it then becoming an acceptable form of warfare, for both sides," he told the Times.

    This week the US said it would arm Syrian rebels after claiming to have evidence that the regime of Bashar al-Assad had used chemical weapons – although it did not reveal its evidence or say when and where the weapons were used.

    Discussions are under way between the US and key foreign allies over options for further intervention in the conflict, including a no-fly zone, and are likely to come to a head during the G8 summit in Northern Ireland, when Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin are scheduled to hold bilateral discussions.

    Britain has urged the European Union to lift an arms embargo on the Syrian rebels but has not yet decided to transport arms.

    Blair said the conflict was no longer a civil war. "We should be taking a more interventionist line. You don't have to send in troops, but the international community should think about installing no-fly zones," he said. "You've got to create the circumstances in which Assad is not able to change the balance of power within the struggle by the use of outside forces."

    Blair suggested that regime change in Syria was inevitable. "People are no longer going to accept that a minority ruled the country without the say of the majority. It's exactly the arguments we went through over Iraq," he said.

    He also reiterated his criticism of Iran, claiming that the transition across the Middle East was being complicated by the policies of the Islamic republic.

    "It's not just trying to acquire nuclear weapons, it's trying to export an ideology and an extremism around the region. They continue to meddle in Iraq. It's a hugely destabilising force. I would be 100% more optimistic about the speed with which the region could change if that Iranian regime weren't there."

    Tony Blair calls for west to intervene in Syria conflict | World news | guardian.co.uk
    JAXXE --- ---
    RINF Alternative News looks at the reality of the global surveillance network and explains how PRISM is just a small part in a decades-long agenda to monitor citizens.

    PRISM barely scratches the surface... 50 years of global surveillance - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Skynet to Launch October, 2013

    Jack Mullen / Activist Post

    Business Insider published an article about the NSA data center being constructed in Bluffdale, Utah. The facility, being roughly 1 million square feet, will house a computing and data harvesting and long term data storage facility to be operational by October 2013. (Source)

    The stated purpose of the facility is to "listen and decode all foreign communications of interest to the security of the United States." But in light of the recent revelations of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the data center under construction in Utah is far more likely a tool of the United States Government (and its global masters) to collect unimaginable amounts of data on Americans and eventually every human on earth.

    In fact, as far back as the mid nineteen eighties, the NSA and other intelligences agencies created and controlled a secret computer monitoring operation in New Zealand and elsewhere called project ECHELON.

    Designed and coordinated by NSA, the ECHELON system is used to intercept ordinary e-mail, fax, telex, and telephone communications carried over the world's telecommunications networks. Unlike many of the electronic spy systems developed during the Cold War, ECHELON is designed primarily for non-military targets: governments, organizations, businesses, and individuals in virtually every country. It potentially affects every person communicating between (and sometimes within) countries anywhere in the world.[*]

    With this so-called leak from Snowden, the public is now aware of something that has been going on for decades and, by now, would have already compiled billions of records about hundreds of millions of people in the America and the world.

    In fact this ‘leak’ really doesn’t provide a lot of new information, since we already knew “The ECHELON system is not designed to eavesdrop on a particular individual's e-mail or fax link. Rather, the system works by indiscriminately intercepting very large quantities of communications and using computers to identify and extract messages of interest from the mass of unwanted ones. A chain of secret interception facilities has been established around the world to tap into all the major components of the international telecommunications networks.


    “Cyberdyne Systems” 2013

    At the center of the data center will be one of the world's most powerful computers ever built (at least as far as we art told). The so-called, and named with a wink to triangle-worshipping cults, ‘Titan Supercomputer’ will come alive and for the first time operate at the speed necessary and with the memory required to become conscious.

    According to Ray Kurzweil, the geek poster boy of transhumanism, in his 1999 prophecy and transhumanistic bible entitled When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence: The Age of Spiritual Machines, the above average human brain operates or process approximately 20 million billion calculations per second, in other words 20,000 trillion calculations per second.

    In the article linked below, the NSA Supercomputer Titan, coincidentally is advertised to operate at 20,000 trillion calculations per second. Furthermore, Kurzweil explains that in addition to computing power, a human-like sentient computer would also have to have at least as much memory as the current state-of-the-art human being, which he calculates to be about 1 million billion bits or a 1000 trillion bits: and since a byte is 8 bits and kilobyte is 1024 bytes, that works out to approximately 122 terabytes or 122,000 gigabytes.

    According to the article above, the memory available to Titan is on the order of at least 5 Zettabytes or 5 trillion gigabytes, which is enough memory to incorporate 41 MILLION HUMAN BRAINS.

    According to the original Terminator movie timeline, Skynet’s technology was built and began deployment in 1994 (no doubt an Orwell wink, as a Terminator robot is sent back to 1984 to stop the birth of JC - not Jesus Christ, but John Connor), and on August 4, 1997 the machine went online. Learning geometrically, the machine became sentient at 2:14 AM, 25 days later on August 29, 1997.

    The new real-life NSA supercomputer, called Titan, is named after a race of gods created from descendants of Earth and Uranus, hybrids, immortal, of great strength of body and mind and rulers of Earth; it was the Titan Prometheus who created man from clay and theft of fire.

    The Titan Supercomputer, with enough computing power and infallible memory to become sentient, will come online in October, 2013 and, like “Skynet”, will it begin to learn? With the brain capacity of 41 million human minds and all of the data and information about billions of human beings - this "machine" could become quite powerful very quickly. With connections to satellites and every major power and command center on earth and the knowledge base of nearly every human mind in the written history of mankind - all written knowledge: we can only imagine the possibilities.



    Activist Post: Skynet to Launch October, 2013
    JAXXE --- ---
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    Čínská rozvědka odhalila 36 miliardový projekt pro vyobrazení Asadova pádu
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