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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    28.8.2013 Údajný důkaz o tom, že chemický útok v Gútě spáchala syrská armáda, tvoří izraelské odposlechy Libanonci však již dříve konstatovali, že izraelské technologie umožňují fabrikovat fiktivní elektronickou komunikaci Karel Dolejší Údajný neotřesitelný důkaz o tom, že chemický útok na damašském předměstí Gúta spáchaly Asadovy jednotky, tvoří izraelské odposlechy komunikace syrské armády, konkrétně materiály z dílny Jednotky 8200 Direktorátu vojenského zpravodajství (Amam). Potíž je ovšem v tom, že šéf libanonského telekomunikačního úřadu Imád Hoballáh už v roce 2010 na konferenci Mezinárodní telekomunikační unie v Mexico City v rámci oficiální stížnosti obvinil Izrael, že prostřednictvím důkladné penetrace libanonských komunikačních sítí dokáže například i fabrikovat komunikaci, k níž ve skutečnosti nikdy nedošlo. - See more at: http://www.blisty.cz/wholeissue.rb#sthash.S4nxEn24.dpuf
    JAXXE --- ---
    Sýrie žádá, aby OSN okamžitě vyšetřilo tři nové ‚chemické útoky‘ rebelů


    Syrské úřady poskytly důkazy OSN, že s chemickým útokem nemají nic společného


    Saúdové hrozí Rusku teroristickým útokem na olympiádu, pokud nepřestanou s podporou Sýrie


    Seznamte se s Bandarem bin Sultanem: Loutkářem za válkou v Sýrii

    JAXXE --- ---
    Kucinich says US war on Syria could become WWIII

    Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:49PM

    According to Kucinich, President Obama would be violating the Constitution if he does not get congressional approval before taking military action in Syria.

    Former outspoken Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich has warned that a US military attack against Syria could become “World War Three.”

    He lashed out at the administration of President Barack Obama for “rushing” into a war based on questionable evidence.

    The Syrian opposition accused the government of President Bashar al-Assad of launching a chemical attack on militant strongholds in the suburbs of Damascus last week, an allegation that many say has turned into a “casus belli” for US military intervention.

    “This is being used as a pretext,” Kucinich said in an interview with The Hill. “The verdict is in before the facts have been gathered. What does that tell you?”

    UN inspectors are in Syria to determine whether chemical weapons were used in the attack but have yet to release their report.

    Kucinich, who voted against the Iraq war, also argued that airstrikes on Syria would turn the US military into “al-Qaeda's air force.”

    “So what, we're about to become al-Qaeda's air force now?” Kucinich said. “This is a very, very serious matter that has broad implications internationally. And to try to minimize it by saying we're just going to have a 'targeted strike' - that's an act of war. It's not anything to be trifled with.”

    PressTV - Kucinich says US war on Syria could become WWIII
    JAXXE --- ---
    ‘War on chemical weapons’: Obama traps himself into Syrian combat

    Published time: August 28, 2013 20:18

    Only a few days before the 12th anniversary of 9/11, Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama might be fighting side by side with… al-Qaeda, as he was foolish enough to be trapped by his own rhetoric on Syria.

    The dogs of war bark and the caravan… is Tomahawked. Amid out-of-control hysteria, the proverbial “unnamed US officials” spin like demented centrifuges.

    Obama’s “kinetic operation” on Syria will fall out of the sky “in the next few days.” It will be “limited,” lasting only “three days,” or “no more than two days.” It will “send a message,” a “short, sharp attack” against less than 50 sites on a list of targets.

    But then long-range bombers may “possibly” join the Tomahawk barrage, and all bets are off.

    A proverbial, anonymous “senior administration official” even stressed the “desire to get it done before the president leaves for Russia next week.”

    That’s it; we bomb a country like dialing a pizza delivery, and then we go to a G20 summit with the world’s emerging powers hosted by no less than Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin. Just because we need to prove that the president of the United States meant what he said: chemical weapons are a red line. And to hell who’s responsible for deploying them.

    I’m not making this up. This is the core of White House spokesman Jay Carney’s message, when he said, in faultless Newspeak: “The options that are being considered do not contain within them a regime change focus.”

    So the administration of “constitutional lawyer” Barack Obama is mulling how to attack Syria, bypassing the UN Security Council – which will veto, via Russia and China, the new resolution proposed by the UK; bypassing always-docile NATO; and with 91 percent of Americans against it, just to send an (explosive) political message.

    ‘War on chemical weapons’: Obama traps himself into Syrian combat — RT Op-Edge
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    Za chemickými útoky stojí syrští povstalci, tvrdí Del Ponteová – Novinky.cz
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    Rozhovor syrského prezidenta Assada pro deník Izvestia
    JAXXE --- ---
    fotky a videa...

    Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies
    PETVAL --- ---
    Lež jako ornament
    Lubomír Brožek

    Lži se za příznivých okolností stávají legendami.
    Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

    Stalo se, čeho se všichni obávali. V Sýrii došlo k hromadnému použití chemických zbraní. Mrtví nevinní civilisté se počítají na stovky. Bizarní na celé věci je, že zemřeli krátce poté, co do země dorazili inspektoři, kteří měli takovouto hrozbu prošetřit.

    Neumím si představit, že by nějaká vláda byla tak neuvěřitelně pitomá, aby poté, co pozve inspekci, předvedla takový masakr. Zvláště když ví, že by tím spustila lavinu, které by nebyla schopna čelit. Kde je pravda…- a kdo ji dohledá. Kdo ji chce dohledat… Koho zajímá, proč ti lidé museli tak hnusně zemřít. Rubikon byl překročen a vše nasvědčuje tomu, že vojenskou intervenci už nikdo nezastaví.

    Vzpomínám si na zbrojního inspektora Scotta Rittera, který začal svou kariéru dvanáctiletou službou u amerického námořnictva, zúčastnil se i první irácké války a v letech 1991 až 1998, coby inspektor OSN, pátral v Iráku po zbraních hromadného ničení. Poté cestoval po světě a všude vykládal, že žádné takové zbraně nenašel a s největší pravděpodobností ani neexistují. Na své pouti navštívil i Prahu, kde vystoupil v České televizi a uspořádal tiskovou konferenci. Nikdo ho neposlouchal, nikdo ho nechtěl slyšet. Už bylo rozhodnuto. Scénář byl připraven - a štáby, včetně televizních, čekaly až skončí odpočítávání. Tak jako pravda čeká na vítěze, neboť, jak kdysi pravil Publius Syrus: „I lež je pravdou, pokud rozkazuje mocněji.“

    Pikantní je, že autorem citátu je dramatik a filozof, který se narodil počátkem 1. stol. př. n. l. v syrské oblasti Antiochia. A zdá se, že byl realitě blíže než Masaryk, když říkal, že „že představa o nutnosti chytrácké diplomacie se přežila, lidé počínají chápat, že lež je hloupá a zbytečně komplikuje a zdržuje jednání“. TGM byl toho názoru, že „pravda je ve všem, i v politice, nejpraktičtější“. Zní to hezky, že…Tak proč to, k čertu, nefunguje?!

    Proč mají většinou přednost zprávy tak neuvěřitelné, že se z nich prostému rozumu dělají mžitky před očima. Jistě, jsou takové pravdy, za které lidé neváhali položit život. Ale umírat za lež? To přece nedává smysl…Leda v blázinci. Co dává smysl, je pravdu hledat. Hledat důkazy a jasné argumenty, že toto je pravda a toto lež. To dává smysl. Už pro ty nevinné životy. Upřímně řečeno, já nevím, kde je pravda v tomto případě. Možná je skutečně neuvěřitelná. Tím spíše by nikdo neměl rezignovat na její věrohodné potvrzení, dříve než překročí Rubikon.

    Problém je, že přijmout lež bývá tak pohodlné. Především není třeba namáhat hlavu. Stačí se ztotožnit. Mít pocit sounáležitosti, který tak miluje instinktivní zvíře davu.
    Jenom ti, kteří nemilují dav a nenechají se zahnat do stáda, se nesmíří se lží. Ať už je jakákoliv. Malá, větší, lež jako věž. Rafinovaná i průhledná, avšak vždy utilitární. Lež coby prázdný ornament umírajícího času…

    Lež jako ornament
    PETVAL --- ---
    "Důležité je, aby inspektoři OSN měli přístup k místu určení. Podle mých informací se tam ještě ani nedostali," řekl v České televizi profesor Jiří Patočka z katedry radiologie, toxikologie a ochrany obyvatelstva Jihočeské univerzity. "To je v přímém rozporu s informacemi světových agentur, které tvrdí, že inspektoři "již odebrali vzorky," dodal.

    Zdroj: http://zpravy.idnes.cz/vojensky-uder-v-syrii-0uq-/zahranicni.aspx?c=A130827_142238_zahranicni_hro
    PETVAL --- ---
    Sýrie: Na pravdě o chemickém útoku přestalo záležet. Jde už jen o záminku k intervenci
    Karel Dolejší

    V dubnu letošního roku došlo nedaleko syrského Aleppa a Idlíbu k údajným chemickým útokům. Fotografie na místě pořízené ovšem vyvolávají značné pochybnosti jak o tom, zda šlo o skutečný chemický útok, tak o tom, zda se ho dopustily síly loajální k prezidentu Asadovi. Vyšetřovatelka OSN Carla del Ponteová na základě šetření mezi syrskými uprchlíky v zahraničí dospěla k závěru, že útok zřejmě spáchali povstalci, nikoliv syrská vláda. Aby mohlo být s konečnou platností určeno, o jaký útok šlo a kdo ho provedl, bylo však třeba, aby proběhlo šetření přímo na místě. Vyslání inspekční mise OSN po dlouhé měsíce obstrukcemi blokovaly Británie a Francie, které spolu s Katarem, Saúdskou Arábií a Tureckem patří k nejradikálnějším příznivcům syrské opozice a otevřené západní intervence v Sýrii. Inspektoři OSN nakonec v závěru srpna dorazili do Damašku. Jen několik hodin na to byl na předměstí ovládaném povstalci hlášen další rozsáhlý útok chemickými zbraněmi.

    Sýrie oznámila, že souhlasí s vyšetřením i tohoto útoku inspektory OSN. Tím se míč ocitl na opoziční straně hřiště, poněvadž jen na opozici teď záleží, zda se inspektoři dostanou do Gúty, budou moci odebrat vzorky a s pomocí spektrometrů zjistit, jaká látka zde byla použita, v jaké kvalitě a jakým způsobem. (Připomeňme útok sekty Óm šinrikjó provedený v roce 1995 podomácku vyrobeným nekvalitním sarinem v tokijském metru.) Jenže než vůbec mohlo být cokoliv vyšetřeno, americká vláda má "jasno", souhlas syrské vlády s inspekcemi ji nezajímá, "ví", že útok spáchal režim, nikoliv povstalci. Ještě ostřeji se vyjadřují vlády britská a francouzská. K syrským břehům se stahují americká válečná plavidla a rozhodně se nečeká na to, co zde inspektoři případně zjistí.

    Jako bývalý lidskoprávní aktivista nemám syrský režim ani trochu v oblibě. Je hanebný, krutý a cynický, vládne dlouhá léta prostřednictvím teroru, mučíren a tajných služeb. Dokážu si představit leccos, čeho by byl schopen. Ale nikdy neuvěřím, že se dlouho snažil docílit příjezdu inspektorů OSN za účelem vyšetření údajného chemického útoku, aby vzápětí na to masivní chemický útok nařídil - a v době, kdy se válečné štěstí začalo obracet na jeho stranu, tak poskytl nepřátelům záminku k intervenci. To by totiž nebylo ani otrlé, ani cynické, ani kruté - bylo by to opravdu neobyčejně pitomé. A ať si o režimu v Damašku myslím cokoliv, za bandu naprostých idiotů ho považovat rozhodně nemohu.

    Kdyby se před deseti lety George W. Bush snažil přesvědčit svět, že irácký diktátor Saddám Husajn nařídil provést chemický útok krátce po příjezdu inspektorů OSN zkoumajících stav jeho programů vývoje zbraní hromadného ničení, jsem hluboce přesvědčen, že by takové absurdní konstrukci veřejnost v žádném případě neuvěřila, jen by si ťukala na čelo. Tehdy bylo třeba podstatně sofistikovanějších manipulací a podvržených důkazů, aby byl získán souhlas k vojenskému zásahu. Tehdy toho ještě bylo třeba, veřejnost se bouřila. Dnes už je to jedno.

    Jak v internetové diskusi poznamenal jeden americký důstojník z bývalého Hnutí za vojenskou reformu, veřejné mínění je v závěsu novinářů mainstreamových médií, kteří ani po mnoha letech nepřetržitého válčení nerozeznají automat AK-47 od karabiny M4, natožpak aby se obtěžovali nastudovat metody a motivace jednotlivých válčících stran. Za takových okolností novináři prostě bez otázek konzumují vše, co jim vládní propaganda naservíruje, a posílají to jednoduše dál.

    Je tedy důsledně vzato v této chvíli už jedno, jak to bylo s chemickým útokem v Sýrii, protože ti kdo připravují intervenci se zjevně nechtějí nechat omezovat fakty. Americká, britská, francouzská vláda vyvolávají do světa, že jsou si jisty, že Asad pozval inspektory OSN jenom a jenom proto, aby jim doslova před nosem předvedl chemický útok.

    Těch, kdo se cítí věšením takových levných bulíků na nos přinejmenším uraženi - nemluvě vůbec o těch, kdo si uvědomují, jaké rozsáhlé geopolitické důsledky může západní intervence v Sýrii mít a kam až může eskalovat - je ovšem zoufale pomálu a téměř nejsou slyšet.

    Vlak s cílovou stanicí katastrofa se dal do pohybu a do výchozího bodu, jemuž se narůstající rychlostí vzdaluje, se již nevrátí.

    Sýrie: Na pravdě o chemickém útoku přestalo záležet. Jde už jen o záminku k intervenci
    JAXXE --- ---
    Syria chemical attack 'undeniable' - John Kerry

    Tuesday, 27 August 2013 15:25 Posted by David Icke

    These genetic liars are so desperate to bomb the Assad regime into history because the global plan to subvert and conquer the Middle and Near East has had its timetable scuppered by the Syrian government refusing to fall in the wake of a civil war orchestrated through psychopathic mercenaries by the hidden forces behind NATO and Israel that are now planning to bomb Syria via their political puppets who dare not refuse to take orders - not that this lot need much encouragement.

    They are planning to kill and maim still more people with brown faces on the way to controlling the whole of the vast region known as Eurasia and the plan was for them to have invaded Lebanon and Iran by now so they are seeking to bomb away the blockage and stalemate in Syria where the NATO armed-and-funded 'rebels' have been losing ground to the Assad military.

    To do so, they are claiming with no evidence that Assad ordered a chemical attack on his own people. They have tried this before without success when it became clear that the alleged 'Assad' chemical attacks were instigated by the very 'rebels' that NATO controls to manufacture an excuse for NATO to invade.

    Now, in pathetic desperation, they are doing the same again and this time refusing to take no for an answer or produce any credible evidence (they can't) because their masters' timetable demands that Assad be removed now – just as it did with Gaddafi in Libya.

    And the global corporate media is playing its usual part in repeating the lies as fact and in doing so the blood will be on their hands, too, as it has been throughout corporate media history and yet they are so stupid, so uninformed, so moronic, that they can't see that they and their families are going to be subject to the same Orwellian fascist society that they are providing the daily propaganda to justify.



    Kerry Prepares WMD Pretext Ahead of Syria Attack

    'During his remarks today at the State Department, Secretary Kerry exploited the shock value of the chemical attack last week in Syria but did not provide a shred of verifiable evidence that the attack was the work of Bashar al-Assad and his military. Kerry said Syria destroyed any evidence by shelling the Jobar neighborhood outside of Damascus where the attack allegedly occurred.

    He failed to mention, however, that the government of Syria is involved in ongoing hostilities with so-called “rebels” who are CIA mercenaries consisting primarily of al-Nusra and al-Qaeda terrorists and shelling enemy positions is normal activity during war.'



    And where did the 'facts' come from about an Assad chemical attack? From Saudi Intelligence Chief Prince Bandar, one of the most corrupt people on Planet Earth who has featured in my books since the 1990s

    Syria, the Saudi connection: The Prince with close ties to Washington at the heart of the push for war

    'He has been gone from the capital for eight years, but Prince Bandar bin Sultan, who as Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Washington wielded influence over no fewer than five different US presidents, has re-emerged as a pivotal figure in the struggle by America and its allies to tilt the battlefield balance against the regime in Syria.

    Appointed by the Saudi king, his uncle, last year as the head of the Saudi General Intelligence Agency, Prince Bandar has reportedly for months been focused exclusively on garnering international support, including arms and training, for Syrian rebel factions in pursuit of the eventual toppling of President Bashar al-Assad.'



    Where were 'rebel' stockpile of chemical weapon constituents found in Syria made? Saudi Arabia

    'A video shot by RT’s sister channel Russia Al Youm shows an old, partly ruined building which was set up as a laboratory. After entering the building, Syrian Army officers found scores of canisters and bags laid on the floor and tables. According to a warning sign on the bags, the “corrosive” substance was made in Saudi Arabia.

    On July 7, the Syrian army confiscated “281 barrels filled with dangerous, hazardous chemical materials” that they found at a cache belonging to rebels in the city of Banias. The chemicals included monoethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol.

    Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari said that the chemicals were “capable of destroying a whole city, if not the whole country."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Former Jabhat al-Nusrah Member admits Chemical Weapons Use

    Christof Lehmann (nsnbc)

    Abdola Al-Jaledi, a former high-ranking member of the Jabhat al-Nusrah front has revealed on his Twitter account @abo_almonthir, that his Jabhat al-Nusrah colleagues are in possession of chemical weapons, reports the independent Syrian Dampress Online Journal.

    A former member of the al-Qaeda associated, foreign-backed Jabhat al-Nusrah front which is fighting the Syrian Armed Forces in an attempt to oust the Syrian government to establish an Islamic Sharia state, has admitted that Jabhat al-Nusrah is in possession of chemical weapons, to be used in attacks in Syria.

    Imagen activaThe Syrian Dampress Online Journal reports, that the Saudi Arabian terrorist, Abdola al-Jaledi has recently revealed on his Twitter account, @abo_almonthir, that his colleagues are storing toxic agents.

    Al-Jaledi, who is a former, high-ranking member of the Jabhat al-Nusrah has reportedly left the al-Nusrah to continue fighting with another, also al-Qaeda associated brigade.

    On his Twitter account, Al-Jaledi apparently said: “If it was not for confidentiality on this matter, I would reveal who was the fighter who made the said chemical bombs”.

    Thursday, Syrian television released two intercepted telephone conversations among members of the so-called “Shuhada al-Bayada Battalion” and their Saudi Arabian liaison, the Egypt based financier Adulbasit, in which the terrorists were admitting that the group had used chemical weapons in Deir Balba, in the countryside of Homs.

    The revelations occur as an international campaign, led primarily by the USA, UK and France, in the attempt to justify an illegal military aggression against Syria intensifies.

    The government of the Syrian Arab Republic is rejecting the claims that the Syrian Armed Forces should have used chemical weapons and is fully cooperating with the team of UN Inspectors which are currently in Syria on invitation of the Syrian government.

    Russian diplomatic sources describe the alleged chemical weapons attack as “provocative act”, alleging that any such attack, whether it really happened or it was staged, is an expected, provocative act.

    After receiving credible information from a Palestinian intelligence source, nsnbc international published a report on 7 July, warning that the foreign-backed political and military opposition as well as the international alliance of nations supporting them, were planning a renewed political and military campaign against Syria in August and September, and that large scale chemical weapons use should justify renewed calls for a no-fly-zone, humanitarian corridors and a military intervention.

    Yesterday, the Syrian Armed Forces seized chemicals, atropine antidotes and other military equipment for chemical weapons attacks in a tunnel used by the insurgents near Damascus.

    Former Jabhat al-Nusrah Member admits Chemical Weapons Use | nsnbc international
    JAXXE --- ---
    US, UK, back false-flag chemical attack in Syria

    It has been published already 7 months ago. But most people forgot the leaked emails that have allegedly proved that the White House gave the green light to a chemical weapons attack in Syria that could be blamed on Assad’s regime and in turn, spur international military action in the devastated country.

    The article has been suppressed from dailymail.co.uk of course, however a copy can be found in the following link:

    JAXXE --- ---
    Armed Opponents in Syria Admit Use of Chemical Weapons PDF Imprimir E-Mail

    Members of mercenary and radical Muslim groups fighting in Syria to topple the government, aided by foreign powers, admitted to be in possession of chemical weapons to be used in their attacks.
    According to on-line Dampress journal, Saudi terrorist Abdola al-Jaledi revealed recently on his Twitter account @abo_almonthir that his colleages develop and store toxic agents.

    If it were not for confidentiality of this matter, I would reveal who was the fighter who made the said chemical bombs, wrote Al-Jaledi on his Twitter account.

    Abdola Al-Jaledi was a high ranking member of the Al-Nusra Front, but he left it and joined another group also linked to Al-Qaeda terrorist network, said the journal.

    Last Thursday, state-run television in Syria released two conversations among members of rebel groups who shared information about the lethal substances in their hands to attack civilians and the Syrian Arab Army.

    The revelations occur as an international campaign intensifies to blame the Syrian government for the alleged use chemical weapons against the civilian population, currently under investigation by a UN team invited by the government since Aug.18.

    Prensa Latina News Agency - Armed Opponents in Syria Admit Use of Chemical Weapons
    HESPELER --- ---
    Syria chemical weapons - Sarin gas attack near Damascus? - Truthloader - YouTube
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    State of Mind the Psychology of Control [FULL FILM] [NO COMMENTARY] - YouTube
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Americká Národní agentura pro bezpečnost (NSA) při své špionážní činnosti odposlouchávala rovněž ústředí Organizace spojených národů v New Yorku. Informoval o tom německý list Spiegel s odvoláním na dokumenty z počítačů NSA, které vyzradil bývalý technik amerických tajných služeb Edward Snowden. Podle listu se agentuře v létě 2012 podařilo proniknout do interního systému OSN pro pořádání videokonferencí a rozluštit jeho zašifrování.

    Američtí špioni špehovali i ústředí OSN, upozornil Snowden | Týden.cz
    PETVAL --- ---
    Julian Assange, August 24th, 2013
    Google and the NSA: Who’s holding the ‘shit-bag’ now? | The Stringer
    PETVAL --- ---
    must read 3/3
    Chomsky: The U.S. behaves nothing like a democracy

    Then came very tense weeks as you know. They culminated on October 26th. At that time, B-52s armed with nuclear weapons were ready to attack Moscow. The military instructions permitted crews to launch nuclear war without central control. It was decentralized command. Kennedy himself was leaning towards military action to eliminate the missiles from Cuba. His own, subjective estimate of the probability of nuclear war was between a third and a half. That would essentially have wiped out the Northern Hemisphere, according to President Eisenhower.

    At that point, on October 26th, the letter came from Khrushchev to Kennedy offering to end the crisis. How? By withdrawal of Russian missiles from Cuba in return for withdrawal of U.S. missiles from Turkey. Kennedy in fact didn’t even know there were missiles in Turkey. But he was informed of that by his advisors. One of the reasons he didn’t know is that they were obsolete and they were being withdrawn anyway. They were being replaced with far more lethal invulnerable Polaris submarines. So that was the offer: the Russians withdraw missiles from Cuba; the U.S. publicly withdraw obsolete missiles that it’s already withdrawing from Turkey, which of course are a much greater threat to Russia than the missiles were in Cuba.

    Kennedy refused. That’s probably the most horrendous decision in human history, in my opinion. He was taking a huge risk of destroying the world in order to establish a principle: the principle is that we have the right to threaten anyone with destruction anyway we like, but it’s a unilateral right. And no one may threaten us, even to try to deter a planned invasion. Much worse than this is the lesson that has been taken away – that Kennedy is praised for his cool courage under pressure. That’s the standard version today.

    The threats continued. Ten years later, Henry Kissinger called a nuclear alert. 1973. The purpose was to warn the Russians not to intervene in the Israel-Arab conflict. What had happened was that Russia and the United States had agreed to institute a ceasefire. But Kissinger had privately informed Israel that they didn’t have to pay any attention to it; they could keep going. Kissinger didn’t want the Russians to interfere so he called a nuclear alert.

    Going on ten years, Ronald Reagan’s in office. His administration decided to probe Russian defenses by simulating air and naval attacks – air attacks into Russia and naval attacks on its border. Naturally this caused considerable alarm in Russia, which unlike the United States is quite vulnerable and had repeatedly been invaded and virtually destroyed. That led to a major war scare in 1983. We have newly released archives that tell us how dangerous it was – much more dangerous than historians had assumed. There’s a current CIA study that just came out. It’s entitled “The War Scare Was for Real”. It was close to nuclear war. It concludes that U.S. intelligence underestimated the threat of a Russian preventative strike, nuclear strike, fearing that the U.S. was attacking them. The most recent issue of The Journal of Strategic Studies – one of the main journals – writes that this almost became a prelude to a preventative nuclear strike. And it continues. I won’t go through details, but the Bin Laden assassination is a recent one.

    There are now three new threats. I’ll try to be brief, but let me mention three cases that are on the front pages right now. North Korea, Iran, China. They’re worth looking at. North Korea has been issuing wild, dangerous threats. That’s attributed to the lunacy of their leaders. It could be argued that it’s the most dangerous, craziest government in the world, and the worst government. It’s probably true. But if we want to reduce the threats instead of march blindly in unison, there are a few things to consider. One of them is that the current crisis began with U.S.-South Korean war games, which included for the first time ever a simulation of a preemptive attack in an all-out war scenario against North Korea. Part of these exercises were simulated nuclear bombings on the borders of North Korea. That brings up some memories for the North Korean leadership. For example, they can remember that 60 years ago there was a superpower that virtually leveled the entire country and when there was nothing left to bomb, the United States turned to bombing dams. Some of you may recall that you could get the death penalty for that at Nuremberg. It’s a war crime. Even if Western intellectuals and the media choose to ignore the documents, the North Korean leadership can read public documents, the official Air Force reports of the time, which are worth reading. I encourage you to read them. They exulted over the glorious sight of massive floods “that scooped clear 27 miles of valley below”, devastated 75% of the controlled water supply for North Korea’s rice production, sent the commissars scurrying to the press and radio centers to blare to the world the most severe, hate-filled harangues to come from the Communist propaganda mill in the three years of warfare. To the communists, the smashing of the dams meant primarily the destruction of their chief sustenance: rice. Westerners can little conceive the awesome meaning which the loss of this staple food commodity has for Asians: starvation and slow death. Hence the show of rage, the flare of violent tempers and the threats of reprisals when bombs fell on five irrigation dams. Mostly quotes. Like other potential targets, the crazed North Korean leaders can also read high-level documents which are public, declassified, which outline U.S. strategic doctrine. One of the most important is a study by Clinton’s strategic command, STRATCOM. It’s about the role of nuclear weapons in the post-Cold War era. Its central conclusions are: U.S. must retain the right of first strike, even against non-nuclear states; furthermore, nuclear weapons must always be available, at the ready, because they “cast a shadow over any crisis or conflict”. They frighten adversaries. So they’re constantly being used, just as if you’re using a gun, going into a store pointing a gun at the store owner. You don’t fire it, but you’re using the gun. STRATCOM goes on to say planners should not be too rational in determining what the opponent values the most. All of it has to be targeted. “It hurts to portray ourselves as too fully rational and cool-headed. That the United States may become irrational and vindictive if its vital interests are attacked should be part of the national persona that we project.” It’s beneficial for our strategic posture “if some elements appear to be potentially out-of-control”. That’s not Richard Nixon or George W. Bush; it’s Bill Clinton.

    Again, Western intellectuals and media choose not to look, but potential targets don’t have that luxury. There’s also a recent history that the North Korean leaders know quite well. I’m not going to review it because of lack of time. But it’s very revealing. I’ll just quote mainstream U.S. scholarship. North Korea has been playing tit for tat – reciprocating whenever Washington cooperates, retaliating whenever Washington reneges. Undoubtedly it’s a horrible place. But the record does suggest directions that would reduce the threat of war if that were the intention, certainly not military maneuvers and simulated nuclear bombing.

    Let me turn to the “gravest threat to world peace” – those are Obama’s words, dutifully repeated in the press: Iran’s nuclear program. It raises a couple of questions: Who thinks it’s the gravest threat? What is the threat? How can you deal with it, whatever it is?

    ‘Who thinks it’s a threat?’ is easy to answer. It’s a Western obsession. The U.S. and its allies say it’s the gravest threat and not the rest of the world, not the non-aligned countries, not the Arab states. The Arab populations don’t like Iran but they don’t regard it as much of a threat. They regard the U.S. as the threat. In Iraq and Egypt, for example, the U.S. is regarded as the major threat they face. It’s not hard to understand why.

    What is the threat? We know the answer from the highest level: the U.S. intelligence and the Pentagon provide estimates to Congress every year. You can read them. The Global Security Analysis – they of course review this. And they say the main threat of a Iranian nuclear program – if they’re developing weapons, they don’t know. But they say if they’re developing weapons, they would be part of their deterrent strategy. The U.S. can’t accept that. A state that claims the right to use force and violence anywhere and whenever it wants, cannot accept a deterrent. So they’re a threat. That’s the threat.

    So how do you deal with the threat, whatever it is? Actually, there are ways. I’m short of time so I won’t go through details but there’s one very striking one: We’ve just passed an opportunity last December. There was to be an international conference under the auspices of the non-proliferation treaty, UN auspices, in Helsinki to deal with moves to establish a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East. That has overwhelming international support – non-aligned countries; it’s been led by the Arab states, Egypt particularly, for decades. Overwhelming support. If it could be carried forward it would certainly mitigate the threat. It might eliminate it. Everyone was waiting to see whether Iran would agree to attend.

    In early November, Iran agreed to attend. A couple of days later, Obama canceled the conference. No conference. The European Parliament passed a resolution calling for it to continue. The Arab states said they were going to proceed anyway, but it can’t be done. So we have to live with the gravest threat to world peace
    . And we possibly have to march on to war which in fact is being predicted.

    The population could do something about it if they knew anything about it. But here, the free press enters. In the United States there has literally not been a single word about this anywhere near the mainstream. You can tell me about Europe.

    The last potential confrontation is China. It’s an interesting one, but time is short so I won’t go on.

    The last comment I’d like to make goes in a somewhat different direction. I mentioned the Magna Carta. That’s the foundations of modern law. We will soon be commemorating the 800th anniversary. We won’t be celebrating it – more likely interring what little is left of its bones after the flesh has been picked off by Bush and Obama and their colleagues in Europe. And Europe is involved clearly.

    But there is another part of Magna Carta which has been forgotten. It had two components. The one is the Charter of Liberties which is being dismantled. The other was called the Charter of the Forests. That called for protection of the commons from the depredations of authority
    . This is England of course. The commons were the traditional source of sustenance, of food and fuel and welfare as well. They were nurtured and sustained for centuries by traditional societies collectively. They have been steadily dismantled under the capitalist principle that everything has to be privately owned, which brought with it the perverse doctrine of – what is called the tragedy of the commons – a doctrine which holds that collective possessions will be despoiled so therefore everything has to be privately owned. The merest glance at the world shows that the opposite is true. It’s privatization that is destroying the commons. That’s why the indigenous populations of the world are in the lead in trying to save Magna Carta from final destruction by its inheritors. And they’re joined by others. Take say the demonstrators in Gezi Park in trying to block the bulldozers in Taksim Square. They’re trying to save the last part of the commons in Istanbul from the wrecking ball of commercial destruction. This is a kind of a microcosm of the general defense of the commons. It’s one part of a global uprising against the violent neo-liberal assault on the population of the world. Europe is suffering severely from it right now. The uprisings have registered some major successes. The most dramatic are Latin America. In this millennium it has largely freed itself from the lethal grip of Western domination for the first time in 500 years. Other things are happening too. The general picture is pretty grim, I think. But there are shafts of light. As always through history, there are two trajectories. One leads towards oppression and destruction. The other leads towards freedom and justice. And as always – to adapt Martin Luther King’s famous phrase – there are ways to bend the arc of the moral universe towards justice and freedom – and by now even towards survival.
    Chomsky: The U.S. behaves nothing like a democracy - Salon.com
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    Chomsky: The U.S. behaves nothing like a democracy

    What about the productive economy under RECD? Here there’s a mantra too. The mantra is based on entrepreneurial initiative and consumer choice in a free market. There are agreements established called free-trade agreements, which are based on the mantra. That’s all mythology.

    The reality is that there is massive state intervention in the productive economy and the free-trade agreements are anything but free-trade agreements
    . That should be obvious. Just to take one example: The information technology (IT) revolution, which is driving the economy, that was based on decades of work in effectively the state sector – hard, costly, creative work substantially in the state sector, no consumer choice at all, there was entrepreneurial initiative but it was largely limited to getting government grants or bailouts or procurement. Except by some economists, that’s underestimated but a very significant factor in corporate profit. If you can’t sell something, hand it over the government. They’ll buy it.

    After a long period – decades in fact – of hard, creative work, the primary research and development, the results are handed over to private enterprise for commercialization and profit. That’s Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and so on. It’s not quite that simple of course. But that’s a core part of the picture. The system goes way back to the origins of industrial economies, but it’s dramatically true since WWII that this ought to be the core of the study of the productive economy.

    Another central aspect of RECD is concentration of capital. In just the past 20 years in the United States, the share of profits of the two hundred largest enterprises has very sharply risen, probably the impact of the Internet, it seems. These tendencies towards oligopoly also undermine the mantra, of course. Interesting topics but I won’t pursue them any further.

    Instead, I’d like to turn to another question. What are the prospects for the future under RECD? There’s an answer. They’re pretty grim. It’s no secret that there are a number of dark shadows that hover over every topic that we discuss and there are two that are particularly ominous, so I’ll keep to those, though there are others. One is environmental catastrophe. The other is nuclear war. Both of which of course threaten the prospects for decent survival and not in the remote future.

    I won’t say very much about the first, environmental catastrophe. That should be obvious. Certainly the scale of the danger should be obvious to anyone with eyes open, anyone who is literate, particularly those who read scientific journals. Every issue of a technical journal virtually has more dire warnings than the last one.

    There are various reactions to this around the world. There are some who seek to act decisively to prevent possible catastrophe. At the other extreme, major efforts are underway to accelerate the danger. Leading the effort to intensify the likely disaster is the richest and most powerful country in world history, with incomparable advantages and the most prominent example of RECD – the one that others are striving towards.

    Leading the efforts to preserve conditions in which our immediate descendants might have a decent life, are the so-called “primitive” societies: First Nations in Canada, Aboriginal societies in Australia, tribal societies and others like them. The countries that have large and influential indigenous populations are well in the lead in the effort to “defend the Earth”. That’s their phrase. The countries that have driven indigenous populations to extinction or extreme marginalization are racing forward enthusiastically towards destruction. This is one of the major features of contemporary history. One of those things that ought to be on front pages. So take Ecuador, which has a large indigenous population. It’s seeking aid from the rich countries to allow it to keep its substantial hydrocarbon reserves underground, which is where they ought to be. Now meanwhile, the U.S. and Canada are enthusiastically seeking to burn every drop of fossil fuel, including the most dangerous kind – Canadian tar sands – and to do so as quickly and fully as possible – without a side glance on what the world might look like after this extravagant commitment to self-destruction. Actually, every issue of the daily papers suffices to illustrate this lunacy. And lunacy is the right word for it. It’s exactly the opposite of what rationality would demand, unless it’s the skewed rationality of RECD.

    Well, there have been massive corporate campaigns to implant and safeguard the lunacy. But despite them, there’s still a real problem in American society. The public is still too committed to scientific rationality. One of the many divergences between policy and opinion is that the American public is close to the global norm in concern about the environment and calling for actions to prevent the catastrophe and that’s a pretty high level. Meanwhile, bipartisan policy is dedicated to ‘bringing it on’, in a phrase that George W. Bush made famous in the case of Iraq. Fortunately, the corporate sector is riding to the rescue to deal with this problem. There is a corporate funded organization – the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). It designs legislation for states. No need to comment on what kind of legislation. They’ve got a lot of clout and money behind them. So the programs tend to get instituted. Right now they’re instituting a new program to try to overcome the excessive rationality of the public. It’s a program of instruction for K-12 (kindergarten to 12th grade in schools). Its publicity says that the idea is to improve critical faculties – I’d certainly be in favor of that – by balanced teaching. ‘Balanced teaching’ means that if a sixth grade class learned something about what’s happening to the climate, they have to be presented with material on climate change denial so that they have balanced teaching and can develop their critical faculties. Maybe that’ll help overcome the failure of massive corporate propaganda campaigns to make the population ignorant and irrational enough to safeguard short-term profit for the rich. It’s pointedly the goal and several states have already accepted it.

    Well, it’s worth remembering, without pursuing it that these are deep-seated institutional properties of RECD. They’re not easy to uproot. All of this is apart from the institutional necessity to maximize short-term profit while ignoring an externality that’s vastly more serious even than systemic risk. For systemic risk, the market failure – the culprits – can run to the powerful nanny state that they foster with cap in hand and they’ll be bailed out, as we’ve just observed again and will in the future. In the case of destruction of the environment, the conditions for decent existence, there’s no guardian angel around – nobody to run to with cap in hand. For that reason alone, the prospects for decent survival under RECD are quite dim.

    Let’s turn to the other shadow: nuclear war. It’s a threat that’s been with us for 70 years. It still is. In some ways it’s growing. One of the reasons for it is that under RECD, the rights and needs of the general population are a minor matter. That extends to security. There is another prevailing mantra, particularly in the academic professions, claiming that governments seek to protect national security. Anyone who has studied international relations theory has heard that. That’s mostly mythology. The governments seek to extend power and domination and to benefit their primary domestic constituencies – in the U.S., primarily the corporate sector. The consequence is that security does not have a high priority. We see that all the time. Right now in fact. Take say Obama’s operation to murder Osama Bin Laden, prime suspect for the 9/11 attack. Obama made an important speech on national security last May 23rd. It was widely covered. There was one crucial paragraph in the speech that was ignored in the coverage.
    There’s a lot more to say about that operation and its immense cost to Pakistan, but instead of that let’s look more closely at the concern for security more generally. Beginning with security from terror, and then turning to the much more important question of security from instant destruction by nuclear weapons.

    As I mentioned, Obama’s now conducting the world’s greatest international terrorist campaign – the drones and special forces campaign. It’s also a terror-generating campaign. The common understanding at the highest level [is] that these actions generate potential terrorists. I’ll quote General Stanley McChrystal, Petraeus’ predecessor. He says that “for every innocent person you kill”, and there are plenty of them, “you create ten new enemies”.
    One of the striking examples was the invasion of Iraq. U.S. and British intelligence agencies informed their governments that the invasion of Iraq was likely to lead to an increase in terrorism. They didn’t care. In fact, it did. Terrorism increased by a factor of seven the first year after the Iraqi invasion, according to government statistics. Right now the government is defending the massive surveillance operation. That’s on the front pages. The defense is on grounds that we have to do it to apprehend terrorists.

    If there were a free press – an authentic free press – the headlines would be ridiculing this claim on the grounds that policy is designed in such a way that it amplifies the terrorist risk. But you can’t find that, which is one of innumerable indications of how far we are from anything that might be called a free press.

    Let’s turn to the more serious problem: instant destruction by nuclear weapons. That’s never been a high concern for state authorities. There are many striking examples. Actually, we know a lot about it because the United States is an unusually free and open society and there’s plenty of internal documents that are released. So we can find out about it if we like.

    Let’s go back to 1950. In 1950, U.S. security was just overwhelming. There’d never been anything like it in human history. There was one potential danger: ICBMs with hydrogen bomb warheads. They didn’t exist, but they were going to exist sooner or later. The Russians knew that they were way behind in military technology. They offered the U.S. a treaty to ban the development of ICBMs with hydrogen bomb warheads. That would have been a terrific contribution to U.S. security. There is one major history of nuclear weapons policy written by McGeorge Bundy, National Security Advisor for Kennedy and Johnson. In his study he has a couple of casual sentences on this. He said that he was unable to find even a staff paper discussing this. Here’s a possibility to save the country from total disaster and there wasn’t even a paper discussing it. No one cared. Forget it, we’ll go on to the important things.

    A couple of years later, in 1952, Stalin made a public offer, which was pretty remarkable, to permit unification of Germany with internationally supervised free elections, in which the Communists would certainly lose, on one condition – that Germany be demilitarized. That’s hardly a minor issue for the Russians. Germany alone had practically destroyed them several times in the century. Germany militarized and part of a hostile Western alliance is a major threat. That was the offer.

    The offer was public. It also of course would have led to an end to the official reason for NATO. It was dismissed with ridicule. Couldn’t be true. There were a few people who took it seriously – James Warburg, a respected international commentator, but he was just dismissed with ridicule. Today, scholars are looking back at it, especially with the Russian archives opening up. And they’re discovering that in fact it was apparently serious. But nobody could pay attention to it because it didn’t accord with policy imperatives – vast production of threat of war.

    Let’s go on a couple of years to the late ’50s, when Khrushchev took over. He realized that Russia was way behind economically and that it could not compete with the United States in military technology and hope to carry out economic development, which he was hoping to do. So he offered a sharp mutual cutback in offensive weapons. The Eisenhower administration kind of dismissed it. The Kennedy administration listened. They considered the possibility and they rejected it. Khrushchev went on to introduce a sharp unilateral reduction of offensive weapons. The Kennedy administration observed that and decided to expand offensive military capacity – not just reject it, but expand it. It was already way ahead.

    That was one reason why Khrushchev placed missiles in Cuba in 1962 to try to redress the balance slightly. That led to what historian Arthur Schlesinger – Kennedy’s advisor – called “the most dangerous moment in world history” – the Cuban missile crisis. Actually there was another reason for it: the Kennedy administration was carrying out a major terrorist operation against Cuba. Massive terrorism. It’s the kind of terrorism that the West doesn’t care about because somebody else is the victim. So it didn’t get reported, but it was large-scale. Furthermore, the terror operation – it was called Operation Mongoose – had a plan. It was to culminate in an American invasion in October 1962. The Russians and the Cubans may not have known all the details, but it’s likely that they knew this much. That was another reason for placing defensive missiles in Cuba.
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