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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    Why is the BBC Banging the War Drum on Syria? Just Look Who Runs It | Scriptonite Daily
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling licence To Dick Cheney-Linked Company | Business Insider Australia
    LEXONE --- ---
    Anonymous’ Secret Presence In The U.S. Army

    Anonymous' Secret Presence In The U.S. Army

    An active-duty Army captain and member of Anonymous describes how the organization operates, his own involvement in the Arab Spring, how the crackdown on Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden has affected soldiers, and how more leaks are on the way. He has agreed to speak with BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity.
    MTO --- ---
    KONTROLA MYSLE A TECHNIKY POUŽÍVANÉ V MASMÉDIÁCH | Dôležite.sk - dôležité informácie, denné správy, aktuálne spravodajstvo
    JAXXE --- ---
    The web site of the United States Marine Corps was hacked this morning by the Syrian Army.

    The site home page has since been restored, but not before the Syrian Army posted the following message which, among other things, claimed that President Obama is a traitor and that neither Obama or their commanding officers have any qualms about sending marines to die.

    ARMADILLO --- ---
    It also won't hurt to call the President's comment line to tell him not to invade Syria. You can reach it directly w/o having to go through an operator at 202-456-1111. Call M-F between 9 and 5 ET. The white house number is 202-456-1414.
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Troodos Conundrum

    by craig on August 31, 2013 8:43 am in Uncategorized

    The GCHQ listening post on Mount Troodos in Cyprus is arguably the most valued asset which the UK contributes to UK/US intelligence cooperation. The communications intercept agencies, GCHQ in the UK and NSA in the US, share all their intelligence reports (as do the CIA and MI6). Troodos is valued enormously by the NSA. It monitors all radio, satellite and microwave traffic across the Middle East, ranging from Egypt and Eastern Libya right through to the Caucasus. Even almost all landline telephone communication in this region is routed through microwave links at some stage, picked up on Troodos.

    Troodos is highly effective – the jewel in the crown of British intelligence.
    Its capacity and efficiency, as well as its reach, is staggering. The US do not have their own comparable facility for the Middle East. I should state that I have actually been inside all of this facility and been fully briefed on its operations and capabilities, while I was head of the FCO Cyprus Section in the early 1990s. This is fact, not speculation.

    It is therefore very strange, to say the least, that John Kerry claims to have access to communications intercepts of Syrian military and officials organising chemical weapons attacks, which intercepts were not available to the British Joint Intelligence Committee.

    On one level the explanation is simple. The intercept evidence was provided to the USA by Mossad, according to my own well placed source in the Washington intelligence community. Intelligence provided by a third party is not automatically shared with the UK, and indeed Israel specifies it should not be.

    But the inescapable question is this. Mossad have nothing comparable to the Troodos operation. The reported content of the conversations fits exactly with key tasking for Troodos, and would have tripped all the triggers. How can Troodos have missed this if Mossad got it? The only remote possibility is that all the conversations went on a purely landline route, on which Mossad have a physical wire tap, but that is very unlikely in a number of ways - not least nowadays the purely landline route.

    Israel has repeatedly been involved in the Syrian civil war, carrying out a number of illegal bombings and missile strikes over many months. This absolutely illegal activity by Israel- which has killed a great many civilians, including children - has brought no condemnation at all from the West. Israel has now provided “intelligence” to the United States designed to allow the United States to join in with Israel’s bombing and missile campaign.

    The answer to the Troodos Conundrum is simple. Troodos did not pick up the intercepts because they do not exist. Mossad fabricated them. John Kerry’s “evidence” is the shabbiest of tricks. More children may now be blown to pieces by massive American missile blasts. It is nothing to do with humanitarian intervention. It is, yet again, the USA acting at the behest of Israel.

    Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Troodos Conundrum
    HESPELER --- ---
    trochu na odlehceni..

    Calling NSA - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Kerry's Cozy Past with Assad, 'He's a Very Generous Man'

    Secretary of State John Kerry is calling for the overthrow and murder of his friend, Syria's president Assad, claiming definitively that he used chemical weapons against his own people. John Kerry was a frequent visitor of Assad's over the last few years. Perhaps no one in U.S. politics knows him better than Kerry who was complimentary of Assad as short as 2 years ago when he referred to him as a "very generous man".

    Power couples dine together in 2009 Kerry (America) has not provided the world with any proof other than grainy videos allegedly taken during the event and a declassified report which is probably as reliable as Bush's Iraq 45 minutes to nuclear launch reports. Assad has emphatically denied the accusations, and no independent source has yet confirmed America's claims. "Well, I personally believe that -- I mean, this is my belief, okay? But President Assad has been very generous with me in terms of the discussions we have had. And when I last went to -- the last several trips to Syria -- I asked President Assad to do certain things to build the relationship with the United States and sort of show the good faith that would help us to move the process forward," Kerry said in 2011. It's hard to believe the notion that Assad would be so foolish.

    The strategic idiocy in launching chemical attacks, not on the rebel fighters but on civilian loyalists near Damascus, knowing full well that it would invite Western intervention makes very little sense. We are supposed to believe that Assad, who speaks perfect English, is stupid and evil. Not likely. In fact, Assad was actually a strong ally in fighting Al Qaeda until America teamed up with Al Qaeda to destroy him and his country.


    Activist Post: Kerry's Cozy Past with Assad, 'He's a Very Generous Man'
    JAXXE --- ---

    GOP CONGRESSMAN: Military Members Keep Telling Me To Vote No On Syria

    GOP CONGRESSMAN: Military Members Keep Telling Me To Vote No On Syria - Business Insider
    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. intelligence agencies involved in chemical attack in Syria

    The situation in Syria is still in the focus of world media. Experts predict another U.S. aggression for “human rights”. Washington regularly declares its readiness to attack Syria. The official version – to punish al-Assad and Syrian army for the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population.

    Meanwhile, the media has spread new proofs of the U.S. intelligence involvement to chemical attack near Damascus. Hacker got access to U.S. intelligence correspondence and published U.S. Army Col. ANTHONY J. MACDONALD’s mail. Macdonald is General Staff Director, Operations and Plans Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence the Army Staff. It’s about chemical attack in Syria.

    In the message August 22 Eugene Furst congratulates Col. on successful operation and refers him to Wasington Post publication about chemical attack in Syria. From the Anthony’s wife dialog with her friend it’s clear the video with the children killed in the chemical attack near Damascus was staged by U.S. Intelligence.

    Published data indicate Washington is willing to do anything to achieve its goals in the Middle East. Support for the Syrian opposition with political means and weapons hasn’t brought the expected results.

    Under the circumstances the U.S. is ready once again to violate international law and attack Syria without UN Security Council approval. The world’s still the same – if policy doesn’t work, the aircraft carriers start acting!

    U.S. intelligence agencies involved in chemical attack in Syria – DebatableOpinion - My Telegraph


    EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon may be involved in chemical attack in Syria, US intelligence colonel hacked mail reflect



    hacknute maily:

    Pentagon staged chemical attack in Syria - Pastebin.com
    JAXXE --- ---
    9 times US and partners used chemical weapons and WMDs —and got away with it

    9 times US and partners used chemical weapons and WMDs —and got away with it
    JAXXE --- ---
    Daniel Solis: Vrtěti psem v Sýrii

    Vytvořeno 2. 9. 2013 8:47

    Šedá eminence nadnárodního korporátního fašismu, "kníže" Bandár bin Sultan, šéf tajné služby saudské absolutistické monarchie, byl před měsícem - 31. července přijat prezidentem Ruské federace, Vladimírem Putinem, aby si, s plnou podporou Spojených států amerických, koupil ruskou náklonnost ve více než dvouletém útoku na syrskou suverenitu, kterého finálním motivem pro Saúdy může být jen ovládnutí ropných nalezišť v oblasti a vyšachování svého největšího konkurenta, Íránu, ze hry (1).

    Společně s Katarem soupeří Saúdové na život a na smrt o zásluhy na zničení Sýrie ve prospěch surovinových ambicí nadnárodních naftařských a plynařských firem ovládajících z velké části expanzionistickou politiku mnoha vyspělých zemí včetně jejich kukaččího vajíčka v regionu - Izraele.

    Po pádu Sýrie totiž nebude nic bránit útoku "mezinárodního společenství" na Írán, pod dalšími vykonstruovanými záminkami, jak to bývá již tradičně nechvalným zvykem imperiální zahraniční politiky zacílené na kontrolu nerostného bohatství, tranzitních území a námořních cest. Írán je na jedné straně trnem v oku Izraele, díky ambicím obou kontrahentů stát se dominantním hráčem v celém regionu a na straně druhé faktorem čínského hospodářského růstu, coby významný leč neovladatelný dodavatel ropy a zemního plynu.

    Bandár byl Vladimírem Putinem vypoklonkován. Rusko se zjevně nehodlá nenechat v táhnout do špinavých zpravodajských her knížete Bandára a jeho kontrolorů zpoza Atlantiku, kterým svého času padl za oběť Irák, když na vřelé doporučení diplomacie SSA obsadil severní Kuvajt (2) a poskytl tak vhodnou příležitost k definitivnímu vykostění svého nerostného bohatství neokolonialistickou koalicí, takzvaně "odhodlaných" (Coalition of the willing).

    Ve svém diplomatickém úsilí Bandár údajně neopomenul vyhrožovat Rusům útoky na zimní olympijské hry v Soči, které mají provádět hordy čečenských teroristů financovaných a vyzbrojovaných právě saudskou tajnou služnou z peněz získaných prodejem saudské ropy. Bandár není prvním, kdo jakoby mimoděk vyhrožuje možnými útoky na zimní olympiádu (3). Podobné narážky již byly zaznamenány při setkání Putin - Netanyahu 14. května 2013 a Putin - Obama, 17. června 2013.

    I současná snaha o vyvolání napětí na blízkém východě výhružkami chirurgického útoku raketami s plochou dráhou letu na "vybrané vojenské cíle v Sýrii" z úst dalšího exponenta surovinové loby, prezidenta SSA, Baraka Husajna Obami, již nyní splnila kýžený cíl, nehledě na to, zda bude, či nebude realizována. Cena ropy (WTI) se 30. června pohybovala na 102,8 USD. Po návštěvě Bandára byl přerušen sestupný trend, cena se již pátého srpna vyhoupla na 108,5 USD ale jen aby se po týdnu vrátila na původní marku 102,7 USD. Pokusy o oživení ceny se od té doby moc nedařil až do okamžiku, kdy Obama vyhlásil hrozbu bombardování Sýrie a uvedl vchod válečnou mašinérii SSA (5).

    Cena se 28. srpna vyhoupla za jeden den ze 105,9 na 111,6. Nyní je opět na ústupu... nicméně jeden takový skok, jedno zavrtění psem, znamená pro mnohé obchodníky ropou značný nárůst příjmů z prodeje (6).

    Saudská Arábie produkuje denně 10 milionů barelů (7). Zjednodušeně lze říci, že za jeden takový úspěšný obchodní den utrží místo 1,059 miliard petrodolarů celých 1,116 miliard petrodolarů, tedy o nezanedbatelných 57 milionů více - v českých korunách je to více než jedna miliarda korun denního zisku. To je tedy celkem výhodný obchod se strachem a se zkázou.

    Pech pro atlantického hegemona představuje ale fakt, že ze stejných manévrů má prospěch i Ruská federace, která produkuje denně zhruba stejné množství jako Saúdové (8).

    Ultima ratio lze tedy konstatovat, že cenu za agresi proti Sýrii opět ponesou obyčejní lidé celého světa, kteří se chtě nechtě stali rukojmími uhlovodíkového hospodářství.

    Jak dalece hodlá Obama a spol. vrtěti psem a bubnovat na válečné bubny je otázkou. Světové společenství se tentokrát, poučeno chybami z minulosti, raději se drží zpět.

    Zoufalá situace SSA nevěští nic dobrého, nicméně žít na úkor životů nevinný lidí na druhém konci světa by nemělo být mravně akceptovatelným východiskem pro moderní civilizaci. Cicero se kdysi dávno zpytoval usvědčeného zrádce takto: "Dokdy budeš, Catilino, zneužívat naší trpělivosti? Jak dlouho se nám ještě bude tato tvá zuřivost vysmívat? Kam až se bude roztahovat tvá bezuzdná opovážlivost? Ani noční hlídky na Palatinu, ani stráže ve městě, ani strach lidu, ani shluk všech dobrých občanů, ani toto převelice střežené místo zasedání senátu, ani výrazy tváří těchto mužů zde, nic z toho tebou nijak nepohnulo? To necítíš, že tvé úmysly jsou odhaleny, nevidíš, že tvé spiknutí už je drženo v poutech povědomím všech těchto mužů? Co jsi dělal minulé, co předminulé noci, kde jsi byl, koho jsi svolal, jaké úmysly jsi pojal – o kom z nás si myslíš, že to neví? Ó časy, ó mravy!"(9).

    Daniel Solis

    AC24.cz - Daniel Solis: Vrtěti psem v Sýrii
    JAXXE --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Bývalý zaměstnanec britského ministerstva zahraničí Craig Murray upozorňuje, že britská výzvědná instalace na kyperské hoře Troodos odposlouchává prakticky veškerou elektronickou komunikaci na Blízkém východě - rádiovou, satelitní i mikrovlnnou. Pokud by tedy byla pravda, že syrská armáda vydala rozkaz k chemickému útoku v Gútě, Britové by o tom měli mít nezvratné důkazy. Nevěděli by to totiž jedině v případě, že veškerá tato komunikace probíhala čistě pozemní telefonní linkou - což je v dnešní době již velmi nepravděpodobné, neboť i tyto hovory jsou v nějaké fázi přenášeny mikrovlnně.

    Avšak Britové tyto důkazy nemají, a Američané nemají zase žádné vlastní výzvědné kapacity pro Blízký východ srovnatelné s jejich. Proto je zřejmě jediným vysvětlením skutečnost, že údajné důkazy pocházejí od třetí strany, nejpravděpodobněji od Izraele. Neexistuje totiž dohoda o sdílení takových materiálů, a Izraelci často předávají zpravodajské informace pod podmínkou, že nebudou dále sdíleny.

    Zdá se, že Izraelci předali Američanům informace, jimiž Britové navzdory instalaci na Troodosu nedisponují - a to zřejmě proto, že jsou tyto důkazy zfalšované.

    - See more at: http://www.blisty.cz/art/69915.html#sthash.jvYUjlYl.dpuf
    Craig Murray » Blog Archive » The Troodos Conundrum
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    Putin to (Nobel Prize winner) Obama: 'Think about future Syria victims' (FULL VIDEO) - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Revealed: Britain sold nerve gas chemicals to Syria 10 months after war began

    1 Sep 2013 07:21

    FURIOUS politicians have demanded Prime Minister David Cameron explain why chemical export licences were granted to firms last January – 10 months after the Syrian uprising began.

    BRITAIN allowed firms to sell chemicals to Syria capable of being used to make nerve gas, the Sunday Mail can reveal today.

    Export licences for potassium fluoride and sodium fluoride were granted months after the bloody civil war in the Middle East began.

    The chemical is capable of being used to make weapons such as sarin, thought to be the nerve gas used in the attack on a rebel-held Damascus suburb which killed nearly 1500 people, including 426 children, 10 days ago.

    President Bashar Assad’s forces have been blamed for the attack, leading to calls for an armed response from the West.

    British MPs voted against joining America in a strike. But last night, President Barack Obama said he will seek the approval of Congress to take military action.

    The chemical export licences were granted by Business Secretary Vince Cable’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills last January – 10 months after the Syrian uprising began.

    They were only revoked six months later, when the European Union imposed tough sanctions on Assad’s regime.

    Yesterday, politicians and anti-arms trade campaigners urged Prime Minister David Cameron to explain why the licences were granted.

    Dunfermline and West Fife Labour MP Thomas Docherty, who sits on the House of Commons’ Committees on Arms Export Controls, plans to lodge Parliamentary questions tomorrow and write to Cable.

    He said: “At best it has been negligent and at worst reckless to export material that could have been used to create chemical weapons.

    “MPs will be horrified and furious that the UK Government has been allowing the sale of these ingredients to Syria.

    “What the hell were they doing granting a licence in the first place?

    “I would like to know what investigations have been carried out to establish if any of this
    material exported to Syria was subsequently used in the attacks on its own people.”

    The SNP’s leader at Westminster, Angus Robertson MP, said: “I will be raising this in Parliament as soon as possible to find out what examination the UK Government made of where these chemicals were going and what they were to be used for.

    “Approving the sale of chemicals which can be converted into lethal weapons during a civil war is a very serious issue.

    “We need to know who these chemicals were sold to, why they were sold, and whether the UK Government were aware that the chemicals could potentially be used for chemical weapons.

    “The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria makes a full explanation around these shady deals even more important.”


    Britain sold nerve gas chemicals to Syria 10 months after war began - Daily Record
    JAXXE --- ---
    Ron Paul Chemical Weapons In Syria A False Flag 8 29 13 - YouTube
    HESPELER --- ---
    JAXXE: "..moral reason.." uff
    Black Budget: Snowden reveals US spends $52bn on secret programs - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Jadrové zbrane Izraela - YouTube
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