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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    JAXXE --- ---
    A Plea for Caution From Russia

    What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria


    Published: September 11, 2013 2630 Comments

    MOSCOW — RECENT events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders. It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies.

    Relations between us have passed through different stages. We stood against each other during the cold war. But we were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together. The universal international organization — the United Nations — was then established to prevent such devastation from ever happening again.

    The United Nations’ founders understood that decisions affecting war and peace should happen only by consensus, and with America’s consent the veto by Security Council permanent members was enshrined in the United Nations Charter. The profound wisdom of this has underpinned the stability of international relations for decades.

    No one wants the United Nations to suffer the fate of the League of Nations, which collapsed because it lacked real leverage. This is possible if influential countries bypass the United Nations and take military action without Security Council authorization.

    The potential strike by the United States against Syria, despite strong opposition from many countries and major political and religious leaders, including the pope, will result in more innocent victims and escalation, potentially spreading the conflict far beyond Syria’s borders. A strike would increase violence and unleash a new wave of terrorism. It could undermine multilateral efforts to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and further destabilize the Middle East and North Africa. It could throw the entire system of international law and order out of balance.

    Syria is not witnessing a battle for democracy, but an armed conflict between government and opposition in a multireligious country. There are few champions of democracy in Syria. But there are more than enough Qaeda fighters and extremists of all stripes battling the government. The United States State Department has designated Al Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, fighting with the opposition, as terrorist organizations. This internal conflict, fueled by foreign weapons supplied to the opposition, is one of the bloodiest in the world.

    Mercenaries from Arab countries fighting there, and hundreds of militants from Western countries and even Russia, are an issue of our deep concern. Might they not return to our countries with experience acquired in Syria? After all, after fighting in Libya, extremists moved on to Mali. This threatens us all.

    From the outset, Russia has advocated peaceful dialogue enabling Syrians to develop a compromise plan for their own future. We are not protecting the Syrian government, but international law. We need to use the United Nations Security Council and believe that preserving law and order in today’s complex and turbulent world is one of the few ways to keep international relations from sliding into chaos. The law is still the law, and we must follow it whether we like it or not. Under current international law, force is permitted only in self-defense or by the decision of the Security Council. Anything else is unacceptable under the United Nations Charter and would constitute an act of aggression.

    No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria. But there is every reason to believe it was used not by the Syrian Army, but by opposition forces, to provoke intervention by their powerful foreign patrons, who would be siding with the fundamentalists. Reports that militants are preparing another attack — this time against Israel — cannot be ignored.

    It is alarming that military intervention in internal conflicts in foreign countries has become commonplace for the United States. Is it in America’s long-term interest? I doubt it. Millions around the world increasingly see America not as a model of democracy but as relying solely on brute force, cobbling coalitions together under the slogan “you’re either with us or against us.”

    But force has proved ineffective and pointless. Afghanistan is reeling, and no one can say what will happen after international forces withdraw. Libya is divided into tribes and clans. In Iraq the civil war continues, with dozens killed each day. In the United States, many draw an analogy between Iraq and Syria, and ask why their government would want to repeat recent mistakes.

    No matter how targeted the strikes or how sophisticated the weapons, civilian casualties are inevitable, including the elderly and children, whom the strikes are meant to protect.

    The world reacts by asking: if you cannot count on international law, then you must find other ways to ensure your security. Thus a growing number of countries seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction. This is logical: if you have the bomb, no one will touch you. We are left with talk of the need to strengthen nonproliferation, when in reality this is being eroded.

    We must stop using the language of force and return to the path of civilized diplomatic and political settlement.

    A new opportunity to avoid military action has emerged in the past few days. The United States, Russia and all members of the international community must take advantage of the Syrian government’s willingness to place its chemical arsenal under international control for subsequent destruction. Judging by the statements of President Obama, the United States sees this as an alternative to military action.

    I welcome the president’s interest in continuing the dialogue with Russia on Syria. We must work together to keep this hope alive, as we agreed to at the Group of 8 meeting in Lough Erne in Northern Ireland in June, and steer the discussion back toward negotiations.

    If we can avoid force against Syria, this will improve the atmosphere in international affairs and strengthen mutual trust. It will be our shared success and open the door to cooperation on other critical issues.

    My working and personal relationship with President Obama is marked by growing trust. I appreciate this. I carefully studied his address to the nation on Tuesday. And I would rather disagree with a case he made on American exceptionalism, stating that the United States’ policy is “what makes America different. It’s what makes us exceptional.” It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. Their policies differ, too. We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.

    Vladimir V. Putin is the president of Russia.

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Útok na transatlantické kabely. Britská tajná služba Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) systematicky monitoruje v rámci operace Tempora internetovou a telefonickou komunikaci. Dokládají to dokumenty, ke kterým získal prostřednictvím whistleblowera Edwarda Snowdena přístup německý list Süddeutsche Zeitung.

    Kauza Snowden: Britové odposlouchávají také českou komunikaci | Česká pozice
    JAXXE --- ---
    FRANCIMOR: imho je ta budova ve skutecnosti pred letadlem, ne za nim...

    WTC2 Hit - south-battery park - YouTube
    JAXXE --- ---
    Recruited by Al-Qaeda: Foreign fighters in Damascus jail tell their stories - YouTube
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    Russia Today Declares 9/11 Was An Inside Job! - YouTube
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    AMERICKÁ VLÁDA STOJÍ PŘED SVĚTEM ODHALENA JAKO SBÍRKA VÁLEČNÝCH ZLOČINCŮ A LHÁŘŮ | Dôležite.sk - dôležité informácie, denné správy, aktuálne spravodajstvo
    HESPELER --- ---
    GORG: Počet respondentů: 666 :D
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    John McCain Formally Accused of Accepting Bribes From The Rothschilds - | Intellihub News
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    ‘I’m in the shit, Vlad, I am going to lose the vote over Syria and that will be the end of me – what the fuck do I do?’

    ‘Well, Mr Obomber, why don’t I suggest that Syria hand over its chemical weapons to the UN?’

    ‘How would that work, sir?’

    ‘You get that lying jerk Kerry to say in London that the only way to avoid an attack would be if Assad gave up his chemical weapons within a week.’

    ‘Yeah, then?’

    ‘We announce the same day that we are asking Syria to hand its chemical weapons to the international community and Syria immediately agrees in principle.’

    ‘Go on …’

    ”Then you say on American television before your vote that if Assad did this it would change your plans to attack.’

    ‘So then I say that because of the new development there is no need for a vote yet and so I avoid a humiliating defeat?’

    ‘Yes, Mr Obomber, you are understanding the plan – but still say that you will attack if it doesn’t happen to make it look as if you are still resolute and not backing down when that is exactly what you are doing.’

    ‘Deal, Mr Obomber?’

    ‘Deal, Vlad. But what do I say to Mr Rothschild?’

    ‘Oh dear, Mr Obomber, that is your biggest problem – I hear Mr Cameron is speaking with a much higher voice these days.’

    The Liar Lies To Avoid Defeat In Congress Over Syria – Vote Dropped After Putin Initiative » David Icke
    GORG --- ---

    Exkluzivní průzkum pro ČT: Za 11. září stála al-Káida, míní Češi — Domácí — ČT24 — Česká televize
    JAXXE --- ---
    Kidnapped Teacher: Rebels Said Assad Not Behind Chemical Weapons Attack

    “It is a moral duty to say this”

    Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com September 9, 2013

    A Belgian teacher who was kidnapped by rebels in Syria said he overheard the militants acknowledging that President Bashar Al-Assad was not responsible for last month’s chemical weapons attack.

    Speaking French, Piccinin tells RTL that he overheard rebels acknowledging that Assad was not behind the chemical weapons attack.

    Ce n'est pas le gouvernement Assad qui a utilisé le gaz sarin - YouTube

    Pierre Piccinin da Prata was kidnapped along with Italian war journalist Domenico Quirico back in April near Damascus. According to Quirico, the two were subjected to torture, humiliation and mock executions by the western-backed rebels. They were freed yesterday and flown to Rome after the Italian Foreign Ministry managed to secure their release.

    According to Quirico, the rebels who held him and Piccinin as prisoners set about on a “terrifying odyssey across Syria.”

    “We were moved around a lot…it was not always the same group that held us, there were very violent groups, very anti-West and some anti-Christian,” he told AFP, adding that when the two escaped they were tracked down by rebels within 48 hours and “seriously punished.”

    Piccinin told Italy’s RTL radio that he heard a conversation during which members of the Abu Ammar rebel brigade admitted that Assad was not behind the attack in Ghouta that the Obama administration has cited in building a case for military intervention.

    “It is a moral duty to say this. The government of Bashar al-Assad did not use Sarin gas or other types of gas in the outskirts of Damascus,” said Piccinin.


    Prison Planet.com » Kidnapped Teacher: Rebels Said Assad Not Behind Chemical Weapons Attack


    Assad did not order Syria chemical weapons attack, says German press

    Bild am Sonntag cites high-level German surveillance source suggesting Syrian president was not personally behind attacks

    Simon Tisdall and Josie Le Blond in Berlin / The Guardian, Monday 9 September 2013

    President Bashar al-Assad did not personally order last month's chemical weapons attack near Damascus that has triggered calls for US military intervention, and blocked numerous requests from his military commanders to use chemical weapons against regime opponents in recent months, a German newspaper has reported , citing unidentified, high-level national security sources.

    The intelligence findings were based on phone calls intercepted by a German surveillance ship operated by the BND, the German intelligence service, and deployed off the Syrian coast, Bild am Sonntag said. The intercepted communications suggested Assad, who is accused of war crimes by the west, including foreign secretary William Hague, was not himself involved in last month's attack or in other instances when government forces have allegedly used chemical weapons.


    Assad did not order Syria chemical weapons attack, says German press | World news | The Guardian
    JAXXE --- ---
    Assad responds to allegations and asks Kerry to do what he refuses to do from the start – show us the evidence

    Syria: Syrian President Bashar al Assad Charlie Rose Interview September 9, 2013 - YouTube
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    GORG: a taky je konecne videt, ze kdyby v roce 2004 byl byval vyhral Kerry, bylo by to uplne jedno :)
    GORG --- ---
    Rusové mají plán. Sýrie ho vítá, Američané jsou skeptičtí — Svět — ČT24 — Česká televize

    // zvláštní, trochu to vypadá, že se fakt Kerry neštastně prokecl, a teď kvůli tomu nebudou moct mít tu válku...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Syria, Russia, and Iran to provide alternative for war.

    posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 08:31 PM

    This is good news. Russia, Iran, and Syria are writing up a counter proposal to provide a more diplomatic solution to a US attack. This may include Assad stepping down (not being involved in new elections), and an agreement to remove chemical weapons from Syria - sending them to Russia instead.

    It appears even the opposition doesn't want the US to interfere. They would prefer Assad to be removed with Russia's assistance. That appears to be all they want, and it may be Assad will agree to this. Iran's fear is a need to stand by Syria if its attacked. They are asking to not be put into this position it seems. They believe Assad would step away. In fact, its my understamding he has agreed to do so.

    If they are bringing this to the table it's far more than the US could hope for. No more Assad. No more chemical weapons. A few other weapons taken to Russia. Elections with a new president. We can't get all of that with a shot across the bow. What will Obama do with this one? Lets hope reason prevails.

    Syria, Russia, and Iran to provide alternative for war. , page 1

    Diplomatic compromise? || Syria, Iran and Russia working on counter-proposal to U.S. strike

    The plan, which will be discussed by Putin and the Iranian FM on Monday, moots democratic transition in stages and expedited elections without Assad.

    By Zvi Bar'el | 06:00 09.09.13 | 15

    While United States President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State John Kerry continue their never-ending efforts to convince the Congress and America's allies to support an attack on Syria, Iran and Russia are promoting a proposal for a diplomatic compromise that could prevent such an attack.

    Syria, Iran and Russia working on counter-proposal to U.S. strike - Middle East Israel News Broadcast | Haaretz
    JAXXE --- ---
    Russia Today News Declares 9/11 An Inside Job False Flag Attack! - YouTube
    GORG --- ---
    AC24.cz - Členové Kongresu, kteří viděli tajné důkazy o Sýrii, tvrdí, že nic nedokazují

    Kongresman Justin Amash minulý týden řekl:

    Po návštěvě další tajné instruktáže o Sýrii, a po shlédnutí dodatečných materiálů, jsem teď ještě skeptičtější než kdy před tím. Nemohu uvěřit, že prezident to tlačí do války.

    JAXXE --- ---
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