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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    MTO --- ---
    Edward Snowden’s Christmas message - Hadas Gold - POLITICO.com

    "NSA leaker Edward Snowden is offering an “alternative” Christmas Message, saying a child born today will “never know what it means to have a private moment.”
    “Recently, we learned our governments working on concert have created a system of world-wide mass surveillance, watching every thing we do,” Snowden said a video for the British Channel 4.
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    Snowden said “1984” author George Orwell had warned us of such surveillance.

    “The types of collection in the book – microphones and video cameras, TVs that watch us - are nothing compared to what we have available today,” Snowden says on Channel 4 which has been broadcast alternative Christmas messages for many years. “We have sensors in our pockets that track us everywhere we go. Think about what this means for the privacy of the average person.”
    Clad in a black blazer and pink button down shirt, Snowden continued, saying that a child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy.
    “They’ll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought,” Snowden said. !"

    [ GUSTAVTUTRE @ 3. světová válka aneb kam náš svět směřuje? Téma: Al-Amerikajda versus Syrie ]
    PETVAL --- ---
    Governments from around the world admit they carry out false flag terror:
    Governments Admit They Carry Out False Flag Terror | The Big Picture
    KUKIDE --- ---
    The U.S. protecting opium fields in Afghanistan - YouTube

    nwo Soldiers Help Grow And Protect Poppy Fields for heroin production.flv - YouTube
    KUKIDE --- ---
    MTO --- ---
    JAMILLOS: skoda, tak to byli rychly teda. ja se na to chystal a rano to slo...

    anyway zdroje jsou :-)

    nejsem u svyho kompu, pak bych to dal pripadne jinam...
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    MTO: This video contains content from Fremantle International, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.
    MTO --- ---
    s tim prijel v lete do Varu...

    Oliver Stone - Neznámá historie USA - 1. část - YouTube
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    9-11 Hijackers Passports were issued by the CIA - US Consulate Whistleblower Michael Springmann | Minds
    MTO --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    “He felt the US should not get involved in other people’s affairs and should stick to its own business,” said Larking. “He did not like the country’s involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq at all.”

    As their relationship grew closer, Tamerlan confided in Larking his troubling secret about the voice inside his head. Tamerlan told him that he had been hearing the voice for some time, and that he had a theory of what might be afflicting him.

    “He believed in majestic mind control, which is a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must coexist,” explained Larking. “You can give a signal, a phrase or a gesture, and bring out the alternate personality and make them do things. Tamerlan thought someone might have done that to him.”

    The person inside him, as Tamerlan described it to Larking, “was someone who wanted to control him to make him do something.”




    But Unruh insists the sporadic conversation continued even after Holmes was moved to another cell in the area. He says that Holmes told him "he felt like he was in a video game" during the shooting, that "he wasn't on his meds" and "nobody would help him." He says Holmes also mentioned NLP -- presumably, neuro-linguistic programming, a much-scorned and outmoded approach to psychotherapy -- and claimed to have been "programmed" to kill by an evil therapist.



    // Stále ten samý příběh? Nebylo by to až tak překvapivé, když oficiálně zveřejněné dokiumenty mkultra proces vymývání mozku na zabíjení spuštěním slovního hesla (trigger keyword) se skutečně zabývali. Trochu s podivem, že takové podezření dnes přesto vyzní tak fantasmagoricky, že by stát něco takového dělal.. tehdy byla Studená válka, takže to samozřejmě dnes už by se stát nemohlo.
    MTO --- ---

    Hidden Hand of the Men of Jahbuhlun...
    GORG --- ---
    Google acquires Boston Dynamics, makers of robots as cool as they are terrifying - Boing Boing
    FESTER --- ---
    Inside the Saudi 9/11 coverup | New York Post
    JAXXE --- ---
    News Anchors Shocked When Presented With 9/11 Truth - YouTube
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    Uf, uf,...the time is nigh. Snad se to sem tematicky vejde. ;)

    "This is how it starts, people. First we get our chatbots to sound and act realistic — and then we get them to convince everyone they’re actually human. Listen to this crazy conversation between Time‘s Michael Scherer and a telemarketing robot who refuses to admit her true artificial nature."

    Freakishly realistic telemarketing robots are denying they're robots - The Mind Unleashed
    AC24.cz - [FOTO, VIDEO] Masové protesty po celé Itálii, které mainstreamová média ignorují
    PETVAL --- ---
    US industry lobbyist Stuart Eizenstat says #TTIP talks must tackle EU's "too high" food safety standards (German TV)
    Geheimoperation transatlantisches Freihandelsabkommen | report München-Blog
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    "Aniž by byla jedinou zprávou v tuzemských i většině zahraničních médiích zmíněna, začala dnes po půlnoci třídenní masivní akce, kterou Italové nenazývají nijak méně než revoluce."

    „Probuďte se!“ Itálie plápolá revolucí bez povšimnutí médií. Blog - Jakub Slunečko (blog.iDNES.cz)
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    “According to our best estimates, more than half of all U.S. government records are classified. For an archivist seeking to preserve and understand our history, that means most of our history is kept secret from us, think about that for a moment ”

    Right Beneath Your Feet: The Hidden Reality of Deep Underground Military Bases | Collective-Evolution
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