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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    MTO --- ---
    BIO23: co ti mam na to odpovedet? bud to tam citis nebo ne.

    me v tom rozhovoru zaujala, jedna vec. kdyz mluvili o tom, ze ti co se zajimaji o tato temata s tim maji cosi spolecneho. v ruznych rovinach...asi se to dost tezko vysvetluje, ale doufam, ze ti co to videli mi rozumi. :-)
    BIO23: tak celkove project camelot neni moc duveryhodny zdroj informaci.
    BIO23 --- ---
    MTO: já jsem teda otevřenej vůči všem možnostem, ale tohle mi přijde jako celkem zmatené blábolení korunované Ch.Mansonem a jeho vrahy na závěr
    LUKK --- ---
    Project Camelot | Interviews and Reports
    GORG --- ---
    Abby Martin on Breaking The Set and Her Work at RT
    MTO --- ---
    LUKK: jeste se preklada. taky cekam :-)
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    "Conspiracy pages that post controversial content which fuels debate are allowed. Anti-Illuminatti pages are allowed. Vulgar pages are allowed. Sex pages posting nude pictures are allowed. So why are they targeting our pages? I believe it is because our pages actually fuel real positive change. They create peace for people. Make people want to help one another. They make us want to spend less money on crap we don’t need and more money on soul food and on helping our fellow man. This of course is detrimental to a capitalistic “you get yours, I’ll get mine” system, which thrives off of the spending habits of people who are buried head deep in their own egos."

    Fascistbook: What Every Facebook User Needs To Know | Spirit Science and Metaphysics
    LUKK --- ---
    MTO: nemuzu dohledat 6\6 ????
    MTO --- ---
    Project Camelot / Supervojaci / Michael Prince a Max Spears 1/6

    - slovenske titulky.

    Tento rozhovor možná nebude pro všechny. Obsahuje několik dosti šokujících upřímných sdělení supervojáků, kteří volně přiznávají, že jsou ve službách Čtvrté říše a že pracují jako vrahové.

    Není pochyb, že toto sdělení je jakýmsi sdělením jedné frakce kabaly, které je určeno frakci Rotschildů a zbytku světa. Myslím, že mohu bezpečně říci, že se na světě dosud nikdy neodehrálo a nebylo zveřejněno podobné necenzurované interview.

    To naznačuje změnu v taktice kabaly. Dalo by se říci, že sundavají rukavičky …
    MTO --- ---
    Creepy New Disney RFID Bracelet to Allow Park Mascots to Greet Your Child By Name

    Frankly, Disney creeps me out, and my research affirms that those feelings are not at all misplaced. When I saw that one of the new capabilities of Disney's ever-so-magical RFID bracelet program was to allow the middle-aged guy with no background check who dresses like Goofy and wonders the park greeting kids all day to know people's children *by name*, I thought this definitely requires a report.

    So remember kids, don't talk to strangers (even if they know your name and are dressed like a giant smiling mouse)...at Disneyworld.
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    TEBIONINDAMIX: jjo vyborny "I was gang bangin' since I was 3 ;D" , fakt obdivuju jak script, tak provedeni a jak dokazou vystihnout vsechny mozny cliche danyho zanru a neserou se s tim, Conspire radio fakt skvelej priklad :)

    abych nebyl uplne OT:

    Snowden to ask for Russian police protection after U.S. threats

    “We are concerned over potential and implicit threats that we hear more frequently lately. There are open calls for physical violence against Edward,” said lawyer Anatoly Kucherena who represents Mr Snowden’s interests in Russia.

    The U.S. popular website BuzzFeed last week quoted a Pentagon official and an intelligence officer as saying they wanted to kill Mr Snowden personally.

    “In a world where I would not be restricted from killing an American, I personally would go and kill him myself,” a current NSA analyst told BuzzFeed.

    “I would love to put a bullet in his head,” said an unnamed Pentagon official, a former special forces officer.

    Snowden to ask for Russian police protection after U.S. threats - The Hindu
    GTA SA Radio Station - WCTR (Full) HQ
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    GTA TBoGT: The show "Conspire", on the "WKTT" radio station
    JAXXE --- ---
    In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to U.S air force whistleblower Kristen Meghan about her conclusions and observations regarding the U.S military connection with chemtrails. The issue of chemtrails has been widely debated among many circles and is regarded in popular culture as a "conspiracy theory". But with whistleblowers like Kristen Meghan coming forward can it really be regarded a conspiracy theory anymore?

    Chemtrails finally proven by whistleblower?
    KUKIDE --- ---
    JAXXE: stou CO2 si pořád lidi nedají pokoj ach jo grrr... ať se podívají kolik procent ho ve skutečnosti v atmosféře je a jak je to opravdu malé procento
    "The common name given to the atmospheric gases used in breathing and photosynthesis is air. By volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen,[1] 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases."
    a přidají si ktomu
    "Oxid uhličitý se podílí na vzniku skleníkového efektu. Celkově má však na skleníkovém efektu nižší vliv než vodní pára[1][2], která se na něm podílí z více než 60 procent."
    JAXXE --- ---
    "The world today has 6.8 billion people... now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that (number) by perhaps 10 or 15%." "Vaccines are something I love."

    Now, please correlate this information with the last year's 'shocking' report stating that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet convinced 30 billionaires to donate half their wealth to 'Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation' that is currently (among others) developing new vaccines.

    Human depopulation at its finest...

    Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation!
    TLUSTOUTLON --- ---
    Holger Strohm o jadrovej energii, Fukušime a záhube ľudstva
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Revealed: UK and US spied on text messages of Brits - Channel 4 News
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