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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    Actor Steven Seagal Calls For Obama Impeachment | XRepublic
    ARMADILLO --- ---
    Obama's Next Assassination Target | XRepublic
    GORG --- ---
    MR. RHODES'S IDEAL OF ANGLO-SAXON GREATNESS - Statement of His Aims, Written for W.T. Stead In 1890. He Believed a Wealthy Secret Society Should Work to Secure the World's Peace and a British-American Federation. - View Article - NYTimes.com

    Mr Rhodes added: "The only thing feasible to carry out this idea is a secret society gradually absorbing all wealth of the world, to be devoted to such subject."
    PETVAL --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Glenn Greenwald ‏@ggreenwald
    Regarding GCHQ/NSA collection of sex chat photos, remember they plot to use online sex activity to harm reputations http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/26/nsa-porn-muslims_n_4346128.html
    PETVAL --- ---
    Dirty Wars

    Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars.

    Dirty Wars follows investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill, author of the international bestseller Blackwater, into the hidden world of America's covert wars, from Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia, and beyond. Part action film and part detective story, Dirty Wars is a gripping journey into one of the most important and underreported stories of our time. What begins as a report on a deadly U.S. night raid in a remote corner of Afghanistan quickly turns into a global investigation of the secretive and powerful Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). As Scahill digs deeper into the activities of JSOC, he is pulled into a world of covert operations unknown to the public and carried out across the globe by men who do not exist on paper and will never appear before Congress. In military jargon, JSOC teams "find, fix, and finish" their targets, who are selected through a secret process. No target is off limits for the "kill list," including U.S. citizens.

    Dirty Wars (2013) - IMDb
    Dirty Wars (2013) | ČSFD.cz
    The Skunk at the Oscar Party - The Daily Beast
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Skandály spojené s rozsáhlým sledováním důvěrné internetové komunikace milionů lidí mají další kapitolu. Britský deník The Guardian zveřejnil dokumenty, které dokazují, že britská špionážní organizace GCHQ automaticky ukládala data z webových kamer milionů uživatelů služeb společnosti Yahoo.

    Na získaných obrázcích testovala schopnosti svého softwaru na rozpoznávání tváří.

    Britští špioni sledovali přes obrázky z webových kamer stovky tisíc uživatelů služeb Yahoo | tech.ihned.cz - Geekosféra
    KUKIDE --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: ještě teď mě to sere když to vidím... jsem tam měl 2GB svejch dat a používal to na stream vlastních videí do různých stránek
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    Kim Dotcom wants to encrypt half of the Internet to end government surveillance (RT INTERVIEW)
    MTO --- ---
    kulturni vlozka :-)

    Embargo - K.O. System (official)

    "Hele vole kámo, tohle je ten Nový svetový řád?
    Ano, ano, toto je ten Nový svetový poriadok,hm?
    Ty vole má to ještě cenu?
    Nemá, napijem sa? "
    GORG --- ---
    Robert Anton Wilson & Operation Mindfuck - disinformation
    PETVAL --- ---
    George Carlin o válce a americké politice - VideaČesky.cz z kategorie Ostatní
    MOTTE --- ---
    Simvas existuje nejaky korektni a objektivni medium vyjma bakalanovi atd?
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Šejkové sní o svém dolaru | Česká pozice
    GORG --- ---
    Chicago PD's Big Data: using pseudoscience to justify racial profiling - Boing Boing

    The Chicago Police Department has ramped up the use of its "predictive analysis" system to identify people it believes are likely to commit crimes. These people, who are placed on a "heat list," are visited by police officers who tell them that they are considered pre-criminals by CPD, and are warned that if they do commit any crimes, they are likely to be caught.

    The CPD defends the practice, and its technical champion, Miles Wernick from the Illinois Institute of Technology, characterizes it as a neutral, data-driven system for preventing crime in a city that has struggled with street violence and other forms of crime. Wernick's approach involves seeking through the data for "abnormal" patterns that correlate with crime. He compares it with epidemiological approaches, stating that people whose social networks have violence within them are also likely to commit violence.

    The CPD refuses to share the names of the people on its secret watchlist, nor will it disclose the algorithm that put it there.


    In an earlier era, we would have called this discrimination -- or even witchhunting -- because the attribution of guilt (or any other trait) through secret and unaccountable systems is a superstitious, pre-rational way of approaching any problem.

    The minority report: Chicago's new police computer predicts crimes, but is it racist? | The Verge

    When the Chicago Police Department sent one of its commanders to Robert McDaniel’s home last summer, the 22-year-old high school dropout was surprised. Though he lived in a neighborhood well-known for bloodshed on its streets, he hadn’t committed a crime or interacted with a police officer recently. And he didn’t have a violent criminal record, nor any gun violations. In August, he incredulously told the Chicago Tribune, "I haven't done nothing that the next kid growing up hadn't done.” Yet, there stood the female police commander at his front door with a stern message: if you commit any crimes, there will be major consequences. We’re watching you.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Air Force Bugbot Nano Drone Technology
    GORG --- ---
    Mě dost zaujalo "Stop deals / ruin bussiness relationships"

    To je přesně důvod, proč jsem se zdráhal účastnit nějak zvlášť sítí jako je Facebook, kde lze potenciálně zjistit, jestli by v osobnim zivote nemohli cloveka odriznout od penez.

    "Using online techniques to create events in the real and cyber world " je taky fajn
    PETVAL --- ---
    napiste, ktere vas zaujaly nejvic, me "Constructing evidence in mind of targets which should be accepted so they don't realise it." a "Repetition reduces vigilance"
    PETVAL --- ---
    uz jen cist si nazvy tech bodu tyve. kolik tech picovin tady asi pochazi od nich, aby rozredili to podstatne?

    Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. Here is one illustrative list of tactics from the latest GCHQ document we’re publishing today.
    Critically, the “targets” for this deceit and reputation-destruction extend far beyond the customary roster of normal spycraft: hostile nations and their leaders, military agencies, and intelligence services. In fact, the discussion of many of these techniques occurs in the context of using them in lieu of “traditional law enforcement” against people suspected (but not charged or convicted) of ordinary crimes or, more broadly still, “hacktivism”, meaning those who use online protest activity for political ends.

    The title page of one of these documents reflects the agency’s own awareness that it is “pushing the boundaries” by using “cyber offensive” techniques against people who have nothing to do with terrorism or national security threats, and indeed, centrally involves law enforcement agents who investigate ordinary crimes:
    The broader point is that, far beyond hacktivists, these surveillance agencies have vested themselves with the power to deliberately ruin people’s reputations and disrupt their online political activity even though they’ve been charged with no crimes, and even though their actions have no conceivable connection to terrorism or even national security threats.
    Government plans to monitor and influence internet communications, and covertly infiltrate online communities in order to sow dissension and disseminate false information, have long been the source of speculation. Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, a close Obama adviser and the White House’s former head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, wrote a controversial paper in 2008 proposing that the US government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-”independent” advocates to “cognitively infiltrate” online groups and websites, as well as other activist groups.

    Sunstein also proposed sending covert agents into “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups” which spread what he views as false and damaging “conspiracy theories” about the government. Ironically, the very same Sunstein was recently named by Obama to serve as a member of the NSA review panel created by the White House, one that – while disputing key NSA claims – proceeded to propose many cosmetic reforms to the agency’s powers (most of which were ignored by the President who appointed them).

    But these GCHQ documents are the first to prove that a major western government is using some of the most controversial techniques to disseminate deception online and harm the reputations of targets. Under the tactics they use, the state is deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself calls “false flag operations” and emails to people’s families and friends. Who would possibly trust a government to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtually no oversight, and outside of any cognizable legal framework?

    Then there is the use of psychology and other social sciences to not only understand, but shape and control, how online activism and discourse unfolds. Today’s newly published document touts the work of GCHQ’s “Human Science Operations Cell”, devoted to “online human intelligence” and “strategic influence and disruption”:
    Whatever else is true, no government should be able to engage in these tactics: what justification is there for having government agencies target people – who have been charged with no crime – for reputation-destruction, infiltrate online political communities, and develop techniques for manipulating online discourse? But to allow those actions with no public knowledge or accountability is particularly unjustifiable.

    VÍCE: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/
    The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations - The Intercept
    PETVAL --- ---
    Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald
    For so long, people thought anyone who believed this stuff was happening were wild conspiracy theorists

    The Intercept - How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

    One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.
    vice https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/

    full document
    The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations
    The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations - The Intercept
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