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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    Report: Google's NSA dealings not as bad as you thought – THEY WERE WORSE • The Register
    US Government Begins Rollout Of Its 'Driver's License For The Internet' | Techdirt
    PETVAL --- ---
    meanwhile in russia, doporucuju precist ty dlouhe texty od Dugina, to je tak velké wtf, asi jako svého času křesťanští magoři kolem Bushe

    CyberSpace .cz | Discussion | Události na Ukrajině - Co se děje a jak se k tomu postavit?
    PETVAL --- ---
    must read

    Bída českého rusofilství
    Jan Urban - Názory Aktuálně

    Nevíra ve vlastní hodnotové ukotvení potřebuje mýtus jako náhražku reálného světa a zodpovědnosti. Potřeba mýtu sebou totiž nevyhnutelně nese stejně silnou a stejně iracionální potřebu nepřítele.

    Dokud myšlení nenadřadí vládu práva nad moc, a fandění či nasazování psích hlav tomu kterému z momentálních politických vůdců, dotud bude potřebovat bránit svoji nejistotu s pomocí mýtů
    PETVAL --- ---
    MTO: taky zakázal svobodu sexuální identity, internetu, nepřímo i nezávislá média, očerňování historie armády za 2. sv. války a Stalina (!)
    PETVAL --- ---
    Pikettyho kouzlo | Ost-blog - Respekt.iHNed.cz
    FAEKAL --- ---
    ROGER_WILCO: To se moc nedivim, vzdyt to vypada jak naborovy video do hitlerjugendu.
    navic ten seznam zidu co ted produkuje, wtf .Ted si muze jeste podat ruce s Vandasem a bude konecne jasno.
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    ČT odmítla odvysílat volební spot strany Ne Bruselu – Novinky.cz
    ROGER_WILCO --- ---
    už se těším na Nové Ruské Osvobození..
    MTO --- ---
    Několik faktů o Putinovi

    Putin za 12 let své vlády zvýšil rozpočet Ruska 12krát, rozpočet na armádu 30krát, hrubý domácí produkt 12krát.
    Rusko se probojovalo z 36. místa ve světě v žebříčku HDP na 6. místo.
    Zlaté státní rezervy zvětšil 48krát.

    "Protože dnes je trend pomlouvat Putina co se do něj vejde, napadlo mě se podívat, co v Rusku za jeho vlády zrušili či zakázali. Je to moc zajímavé.

    Zakázali agenturám práce zaměstnávat. Mohou jen práci zprostředkovávat.
    Zakázali vrcholným představitelům státu a funkcionářům (včetně soudců, úředníků...) vlastnit účty v cizině a cenné papíry v cizině.
    Vypakovali ze země všechny "neziskovky", napojené na cizí zdroje (třeba Sorose).
    Zakázali mise OBSE. Posvítili si na cizí "lidskoprávní" organizace.
    Zakázali geneticky upravené potraviny.
    Zakázali všechny herny v celém Rusku a hazard (tím v Rusku zavřeli kohouty gruzínské mafii).
    Zakázali oligarchům vměšovat se do politiky.
    Zakázali adopci ruských dětí americkým párům (po zkušenostech).
    Zakázali vyvražďování tuleních mláďat a nato i obchod s tuleními kožešinami."
    GORG --- ---
    UKRAJINA- Kdo nám soustavně lže ???

    Moc jsem to tehdy nesledoval, ale čím víc se to s Ukrajinou teď hrotí mě víc zajímalo, co se tam dělo, a z téhle kompilace zpráv jsem pochopil, že v Majdanu došlo k násilnostem ze strany demonstrantů, protože chtěli prosadit nějaké politické body (ekonomické - EU, jazykové, změnu ústavy, odstoupení Janukoviče), a když 21.ledna došlo k dohodě všech stran, tak demonstranti prohlásili, že dohodu se rozhodli porušit a chtějí násilím donutit Janukoviče odstoupit okamžitě? ... A od té doby se to takhle vyhrotilo? S rozpadem Ukrajiny, pripojovanim k Rusku atd.?
    MTO --- ---
    uz sem psal vedle tam kde je logo OSF, nebrat :-)

    Muž, který prodal svět: Soros – motor puče na Ukrajině? Nejmocnější magnát východní Evropy a přítel Václava Havla. A také vývěsní štít Rotschildů a Bilderbergu | PROTIPROUD
    GORG --- ---
    Večera s Havranom - RTVS.sk

    Večera s Havranom: Sú konšpirácie nebezpečné?
    Moderátor: Michal Havran, hostia: Karel Hvížďala, Juraj Mesík a Gustáv Murín.
    JAXXE --- ---
    The End of the New World Order

    DENVER – Russia’s annexation of Crimea and ongoing intimidation of Ukraine appears to mean the end of a 25-year period whose hallmark was an effort to bring Russia into greater alignment with Euro-Atlantic goals and traditions. Now the question is: What comes next?

    As the weeks pass, it is increasingly clear that the challenge is not so much Ukraine – which will continue to lurch from one crisis to the next, as it has since independence 23 years ago – as it is Russia and its regression, recidivism, and revanchism.

    Exactly 25 years ago, in the spring of 1989, Poland and other countries of what was then known as the “Eastern Bloc” took the first steps to break free from their forced alliance with the Soviet Union. Indeed, these countries’ relationship with the Soviet Union was no true alliance at all; rather, they were accurately described as “satellites” – states with limited sovereignty, whose main role was to serve Soviet interests.

    As subjugating and ahistorical as those relationships were, much of the world accepted the binding of “Eastern Europe” to the Soviet Union as a logical state of affairs, one in keeping with the world order that emerged at the close of WWII. But what seemed like a permanent division of the world into competing spheres of interest suddenly ended in 1989, when the Eastern Bloc left the Soviet orbit, soon followed by the republics of the Soviet Union itself.

    Russia emerged not as a renamed Soviet Union, but rather as a state with its own history and symbols, a member of the international state system that had been absent for some time, but had suddenly returned. And the reborn Russia seemed to be dedicated, in its own way, to the same goals as its post-Soviet neighbors: membership in Western institutions, a market economy, and a multi-party parliamentary democracy, albeit with a Russian face.

    This new world order held for almost 25 years. Except for Russia’s brief war with Georgia in August 2008 (a conflict generally seen as instigated by reckless Georgian leadership), Russia’s acquiescence and commitment to the “new world order,” however problematic, was one of the great accomplishments of the post-Cold War era. Even Russia’s reluctance to support concerted Western action, such as in Bosnia and Kosovo in the 1990’s, was based on arguments that could be heard in other European countries. Russian democracy certainly had its share of flaws, but that hardly made it unique among post-communist countries.

    Russia’s historical relationship with Ukraine is far more complex and nuanced than many Western pundits suggest. It is difficult to talk about Russian civilization without talking about Ukraine. But, whatever the complexities, Russia’s recent behavior toward its smaller neighbor is not rooted in the legacy of their shared history.

    It is rooted in a different legacy – that of a Russian Empire whose habits did not die during the Soviet period. Ukraine did not – and perhaps could not – develop its sovereignty in the way that Poland and others have succeeded in doing since 1989; nonetheless, it is entitled to chart its own future. Russia’s challenge to Ukraine’s status as an independent state is thus a challenge to the entire world, which is why the crisis has risen to the top of the global agenda.

    In the United States, the media often point out that most Americans would be hard pressed to find Ukraine on a map. They don’t need to. But Americans do need to understand the challenge they are facing from a Russia that no longer seems interested in what the West has been offering for the last 25 years: special status with NATO, a privileged relationship with the European Union, and partnership in international diplomatic endeavors. All of these seem to be off the table for now.

    hSo what should the West do? An approach based on sanctions that target the Russian economy (and therefore its people) is the preferred alternative of those with the least at stake (US politicians). But sanctions are unlikely to bring about the internal changes that Russia needs, because those changes need to be accomplished by the Russian people.

    For the West, the real issue should be shoring up security structures and being prepared for the long haul. NATO has taken an important step in reassuring its eastern members. This is not to say that Russia, having annexed Crimea and intimidated Ukraine, will seek to make similar trouble among former Soviet “allies.” But historical memories die hard.

    Poles are well aware that, 75 years ago this year, France and Britain were parties to security agreements that compelled them to declare war on Germany if it invaded Poland. In September 1939, when Germany invaded, both countries dutifully declared war, but neither fired a shot or helped Poland in any tangible way. Poland disappeared from the map of Europe for five years.

    The Ukraine crisis is really a Russian crisis. Ukraine – whatever is eventually left of it – will increasingly become a Western country. Russia is showing no sign that it will follow suit.

    Instead, Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to be settling in for a long diplomatic winter. The US needs to prepare for it, especially in shoring up partners and allies, and ensuring as best it can that Ukraine is Russia’s last victim, not its first.


    Christopher R. Hill

    Christopher R. Hill, former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia, was US Ambassador to Iraq, South Korea, Macedonia, and Poland, a US special envoy for Kosovo, a negotiator of the Dayton Peace Accords, and the chief US negotiator with North Korea from 2005-2009. He is currently Dean of the Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver.

    Christopher R. Hill calls on the West to prepare for a long struggle with a revanchist Russia. - Project Syndicate
    GORG --- ---
    PETVAL: Jo ted to myslim prislo na pretres v clanku "ČR prosí USA, aby jim prodávalo plyn", protože ho nechtěj od Ruska, protože Rusové jsou Hitler, takže se bude plyn v USA zkapalňovat a několikanásobně dráž kupovat z USA prý asi :) A rovnou aspoň důvod na obchodní únii prý či tak něco.
    PETVAL --- ---
    treba je MH370 diverze, ktera ma odvest pozornost od neceho mnohem podstatnejsiho. treba TTIP ;)
    GORG --- ---
    can you at BI please keep your stories straight? earlyer on you had a story about how difficult it would be for a pilot to disable some of these systems, backed up by saying information came from pilots.
    "Cutting the datalink would not have been easy. Instructions are not in the Flight Crew Operating Manual, one pilot said.
    Whoever did so may have had to climb through a trap door in full view of cabin crew, people familiar with the jet say.
    Circuit-breakers used to disable the system are in a bay reached through a hatch in the floor next to the lefthand front exit, close to a galley used to prepare meals. Most pilots said it would be impossible to turn off ACARS from inside the cockpit, though two people did not rule it out.Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/...ed-had-aircraft-knowledge-and-nerves-of-steel-2014-3#ixzz2wJvtk569"

    and this story here. "A pilot can shut the whole thing down by disconnecting a circuit breaker, and the plane's manual would tell him how to do it.Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/why-plane-tracking-systems-can-be-turned-off-2014-3#ixzz2wJyn0AG5

    and that's not even the story i was thinking of. but now it's easy to do? now it's in the pilot's manual, but before it is NOT in the manual? and they would need to gain access by going through the floor outside the cockpit, and not easy to do?

    Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/why-plane-tracking-systems-can-be-turned-off-2014-3#ixzz30DKj9p2D

    // no viz nize v te reportazi CNN, jak tam nakonci rika, ze nechape, proc je mozne ty transpondery vypnout. Tadyten clanek se snazi vysvetlit, ze je to z duvody pripadneho debugovani problemu s letadlem, pripadne aby transponder nedelal na obloze nebo letisti moc velkou paseku zmeti signalu, tak aby se to v pripade potreby mohlo vypnout. Tadyten komentar si vsiml, ze jejich predchozi clanek zas vypnout ten transpoder neni v manualu a je to jen pro nejakeho zrucneho odvazneho profika a v jinym clanku zas tvrdej, ze je to vlastne skoro rutina ho vypinat. Spousta verzi, ktery se uplne rozchazej :)
    Jakoze nepotrebuju k zivotu konspirace, ale jakoze ... kdyz uz to cely tydny resej... a pritom skoro vubec neni ani pripustena moznost, ze to letadlo nekdo unesl?! :))
    GORG --- ---
    CNN Covers Flight 370 Conspiracy Theories From UFOs To Diego Garcia To Richard Quest With The Pilot!
    PETVAL --- ---
    Vedeme zápas o svět. Rozhovor s Naďou Johanisovou.
    25.4.2014 SPOLEČNOST

    V rozhovoru s ekologickou ekonomkou Naďou Johanisovou jsme se zaměřili na otazníky, které visí nad transatlantickou smlouvou USA-EU. „Místo abychom měli Evropu, která naslouchá hlasům občanů-voličů, budeme mít Evropu, která poslouchá evropské a americké firemní lobbisty – a má to navíc úředně posvěceno,” říká.
    MTO --- ---
    Pátrání skončilo, zapomeňte: Stojí za zmizením malajského letadla chystaná provokace, nebo snaha získat vzácný čip? Záhada, nebo připravená „pohádka bez konce“? | PROTIPROUD

    "Jedno je však už dnes jisté: Letadlo se nemohlo ztratit způsobem, jaký je nám vnucován. Je prakticky vyloučeno, aby desítky satelitů, které bez přestání sledují veškerý letecký provoz nad planetou, náhle všechny společně selhaly. V okamžiku, kdy se jakýkoli stroj ve vzduchu odchýlí od dané trasy, navíc vypne komunikační systémy a dále se nehlásí, je vyhlášen poplach. Pokud navíc na palubě byly intenzivně sledované osoby, pak dvojnásob. Pravdu proto měli ti, kdo od počátku tvrdili, že stroj nebude nikdy nalezen. A mohutná pátrací operace v místech, kam by obrátil trasu jen naprostý blázen, spíše ukazuje na to, že šlo jen o to, „nakrmit“ vzrušenou veřejnost.

    Co je za tím, se můžeme pouze dohadovat a spekulovat. Určitě bychom však neměli zapomenout. A právě to se nyní se vší pravděpodobností stane. "
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam